MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1221 Jinxiu Heshan, the door to the big ratio (recommended)

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Chapter 1221 Jinxiu Heshan, the door to the big ratio (recommended)

Chapter 1221

For several days in a row, Zhongyuan Wulin, countless rivers and lakes, still relished relevant information about the forbidden-level mission 'Longmen Inn', and wanted to know the first burgeoning 'forbidden land' - the mysterious treasure of the desert palace It falls into the hands of someone.

After being defeated by the East, the majority of the martial arts people who rushed to the desert were washed away on the spot, and they were frightened!

Since then, the whereabouts of the tiger cubs are unknown!

The people including the Fengfeng Building were also ambushed by the army at that time, and they withdrew from the stage of vying for the tigers and soldiers.

After that, there were several gossips in the rivers and lakes!

It is said that the tiger squad is still undefeated in the East, and some people say that the wild wolf organization has hundreds of top experts to land in the desert, perhaps has won the East unbeaten, won the tiger squad, the latter said the third trail The news has a bit of credibility - the wolf organization won the tiger squad, and in the Yanzhen town on the border, the king of the embroidered river, the two sides killed the dark, and finally the tiger squad fell into the hands of happiness.

However, because these people can't get rep to confirm, the final result is still unknown, and all the news stays at the stage of rumor speculation.

However, the news of happy appearance in the desert and entering the desert palace has caused the madness of countless people. It is also the fact that countless martial arts people in the Central Plains hope that the power of the tiger squad has been confirmed and falls into the hands of the wolf organization. In the hands of happiness, at least the wolf organization could not use the power of the tiger scorpion to disturb the Central Plains again.

However, this news has made the reputation of the beautiful and beautiful mountains and the prestige of happiness happy again!

Deeply forbidden to the ground, in the case of heavenly masters, in the case of a group of tigers and tigers, the ability to take the tiger and the sacred soldiers, this great wisdom and brave ability, is enough to convince countless martial arts people.

In the past few days, the rivers and lakes have been madly passing:

The wind-fighting building and the splendid rivers and mountains have successively heard the news. The wolves organized hundreds of top players to lose more than half, and the remaining wolves escaped from the Central Plains!

The Central Plains warriors all clap their hands and say fast.

The gang of Jinxiu Heshan has added more than one hundred sets of broken top soldiers and dozens of materials to create the top soldiers, dozens of pieces of magic!

The excitement of cutting-edge materials and top-quality soldiers has made the members of Jinxiu Heshan completely crazy, waiting to receive gang missions every day, and contributing to the best equipment for exchange;

The news came out that many master-class blacksmiths in the Central Plains couldn't sit still - the best materials could not be met, even if they were not found in the mine, but Jinxiu Heshan got so much in one breath, if all can eat It is not impossible to advance to a gods.

For a time, the rivers and lakes vibrate, the martial arts look!

At this time, Jinxiu Heshan ushered in the most popular event since the establishment of the gang!

Big than! !

Wulin Conference!

Once limited to the martial arts conference inside the Jinxiu Heshan gang.

Although it is only a gang of martial arts conferences, and it is a test of the two masters of happiness and one emperor, but the popularity of Dabi is not low, but it is extremely hot.

Three days in advance, Jinxiu Heshan sent a heroic post to the major gangs of the Central Plains, inviting the gang leaders of the major gangs to attend the ceremony.

Some of the gang leaders who did not receive the heroic posts and the dragon phoenix list, the masters on the celebrity list, took the initiative to fly pigeons to express their wish to come to the ceremony.

On the last day, the capital market was extremely hot, and the streets and alleys were crowded with masters from all over the world.

The restaurants are full of people!

Many Beijing-born players stand on the balcony of the restaurant, and they can clearly feel that the flow of people in the streets of the city is much denser than usual. Most of them come and go are strange faces.

"If the capital can have such popularity every day, why can't the old goods at the bottom of the box be sold?"

"Ha ha..."

"That's right."

"I heard that most people went to the Jintan Grand Palace. If all came over, the market could always be discharged outside the city..." In a restaurant, a martial arts person with a window by the window was very touched.

Suddenly a word came out of the man’s mouth with a scribe:

"It’s strange to say it. This time it’s just a test of the ordinary disciples of Jinxiu Heshan. Happy host, one emperor, the protagonist doesn’t sing, how can there be so many people coming in?”

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the table shook his head and laughed:

"Do you know who is participating in the Splendid River and Mountain?"

"Besides being happy, an emperor, who else is worth seeing?" The scribe's shirt 啪 啪 opened the paper fan with a sullen expression:

"Who is strong and weak inside Jinxiuheshan, what do you do with us? It is not strong enough to go anywhere. At most, there is a lucky one, and you get the shackles of the knives and songs. In addition to this, there is really nothing to attract. I."

Everyone laughs again!

"You know, happy to announce that the first place in Dabi will get the knives of the knives and songs, how many people have joined the Jinxiu River?" The opposite man took a piece of broad beans from the plate and threw it into his mouth.嘎嘣嘎嘣" chewing.


The scribes are slightly glimpsed.

"A full 700,000!"

The plain tone, the shocking number, the literary shirt finally could not help but move.

Because the number of gangs is generally difficult to get news, especially this gang has just developed, the number of people changes very frequently.

"When the Splendid River and the Mountain are driving out the wild wolf, there are only over 1.3 million in the door... but now there are more than two million people!"

"...It seems that the appeal to the wolf is relatively large." The scribes shouted after hearing the number.

A group of people on the table showed a funny and speechless expression.

The literary shirt finally noticed that he seemed to be ignorant. It seems that everyone in the room is very clear about everything in the beautiful mountains and rivers. His own statement is somewhat ill-conceived and slightly converged with the expression of arrogance.

"You know, more than 1.3 million people are rushing to go, and 700,000 people are rushing to go?"

In the face of the enquiries from the companions, the scribes did not care much at first, taking it for granted:

"One hundred and three hundred thousand people are naturally to deal with the wolf organization... and that 700,000 people are rushing..." Speaking of it suddenly stunned! Gradually revealing the shocking expression, as if to realize what, arrogantly raised the voice: "You mean that these 700,000 people are all running in the sky and the Songs are missing clothes!!"

Looking at the expression of the literary shirt gradually condensed, a group of people smiled and knew that the latter had realized the difference between 700,000 and 1.3 million.

No one answered, the scribe shirt got the answer from the expression of a group of people! The face is getting more and more dignified!

One hundred and three hundred thousand people, the martial arts masters who came forward to protect the Central Plains, have different strengths, but they must compete for the shackles of the slashing swords. They must have certain strength and must be the leader of the current Central Plains martial arts...


Thinking of the depths, the gentleman's shirt took a breath of air.

"Not so exaggerated?!"

"Even if the seven hundred thousand people are not all gone, but the remaining number is terrible."

"Our Xuan Ling Men is not a small gang in Beijing. You know, when you are happy to announce that you will be able to reward the top of the Jinxiu Heshan, how many people have we retired in three days?" The only woman in red is opening.

The literati shirt was immediately attracted attention.


"..." The literati shirt has not yet had time to show the color of disapproval. The woman in red is full of bitter smiles: "When this group of people left, Xuan Lingmen smashed into a small gang in the fourth day of the Beijing..."


This time, not only the scribes, but even the rest of the audience were exposed to the shocking color.

"Sixty-three people, including two deputy heads, thirteen elders, most of the church owners, all of whom are masters of our Xuan Lingmen's unique side... Yesterday, Jinxiu Heshan is preparing to add a hundred pieces of magic, one Hundreds of life and death dreams, 10 billion gold as the reward of the top 100, our masters and the remaining masters are preparing to disband the sects and invest in the beautiful mountains and rivers."

In front of the desktop, a group of people changed.

"This news, I have never heard of..."

The man who licked the broad bean stopped his hand and did not dare to set the channel.

The woman in red smiles:

"How can you get the news, this news is the order of our door, and strive to ***", as for the group of people who left the sect, they have to hurry and practice every day, and they are not showing up outside, how can outsiders know.

The frowning man's frown opening:

"I only heard that there are many masters who joined Jinxiu Heshan, and those people on the dragon and phoenix list? There is a small gang organization behind them, but almost all the lone rangers have joined the Jinxiu River... Moreover, there are more than a dozen gangs who have joined the Jinxiu River Mountain directly from the gang. Now Jinxiu Heshan is the gang with the most famous masters on the Dragon and Phoenix charts and celebrities..."

"In addition to our Xuan Ling Men, there are still many influential gangs in the Central Plains who have not retained some of their masters..."

"That is of course, the happy handwriting is too big, the knives are lacking in the clothes, this is equivalent to a top-level peerless martial arts cheats. The people who own it will inevitably be the peerless powers who dominate the party, even reaching one emperor. The strength is also uncertain. If you change any of the ambitious people, you will want to try your luck."

"I heard that the third leader of the Dragon List and the first master of Fengbang, Mo Feng, also joined the Jinxiu River. Mo Feng has been taking the solitary route since the collapse of the Chivalry Gate. This time, he joined the Jinxiu River and was a little re-emerged. The determination of Jianghu to re-enter the stage! Directly find a happy name, the name of the sky, the sword, and the lack of clothing!"

"In addition to Mo Feng, there is also the first snake of the evil squad to join the Jinxiu River. It is puzzling that the happiness has actually passed the application of this person..."

"The big snake pill I know, this has been arrogant in the past, no choice, but after joining the Jinxiu Heshan, I heard that there is a lot of convergence, I dare not arbitrarily provoke right and wrong, may be happy to give him a warning."

"I am afraid that only happy can keep this snake..."

Listening to the dialogue between the broad bean men and the red women, the face of the literati shirt changed continuously and completely silenced. Only then did he know that he had not retired for a month, and the current martial arts had become completely invisible to him.