MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1215 Cultivation (recommended)

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Chapter 1215 Cultivation (recommended)

Chapter 1215

Boom! !

In the tornado, the roar is constant, and the fierce battle between happy and wolf continues!

In the past, the two men won't win or lose.

Although the strength is far better than the wolf, the power of the tigers in the peak state is far more than the incomplete Tianjing soldiers. The various incidental abilities not only disintegrate the fierce offensives, but also the moves themselves. Consuming the internal force of the wolf, the tiger-shaped knives are swaying, and the heavens and the earth are changing, so it is not arrogant.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Every time I defeated the happy offensive, the smugness of the wolf's heart deepened a lot, and the laughter continued, as if I was already the best in the world, so arrogant:


"Come on!!" The tornado also covers the wolf's confident and smirk...

Happy to ignore the madness of the wolf, still step by step, continue to maintain the most aggressive offensive state.

"Zhen Jianyu" after the Tianjing Shenbing started the Tianjing sword, the power increased a lot, the broken property can even easily tear the defense of the heavenly master; with the "One Yangzhi", the center of the entire tornado is almost alleged The wind and the sword are full of enthusiasm, and the 'wind full of sky' will be displayed whenever there is a chance. It is completely a brainless trick.

"Useless! Hahahaha... useless! useless!"

People in the air, screaming in the wolf's mouth, the offensive is also very horrible, the tiger-shaped knives sweeping, far and easy to defeat the sword and finger;

Occasionally, the wind and the sky are full of the knives, and the blood and the floating body come out. The rich blood and light body does not even shake, and the attack full of the sky is completely caught!

Although it is difficult to counterattack in the amazing offensive, but with the help of the tigers and soldiers, it is more than enough.


"Ha ha ha ha ... not reconciled, you must be very reconciled, thousands of calculations, not counting into your hands, the Tianjing Shenbing actually suppressed the suffocation of the tiger squad, let me thoroughly master this world A magic weapon!" The wolf shot while not forgetting the psychological offensive.


Happy to say nothing.

Feeling the silence of happiness, the smile on the wolf's face is more prosperous, more smug, and frequently stimulated:

"Thank you for speaking."

"Without you, our wolves can't completely grasp the tigers and gods..."

"You can rest assured that when I finally master all the secrets of the Tigers and the soldiers, when I return to the Central Plains, I must be the first person to take care of your beautiful rivers and mountains!"

"... there are so many nonsense."

The wolf finally excitedly opened his mouth.

The latter's tone is cold, word by word, as if it is coming out of the hail, it makes people feel chilly.

"You don't have to worry too much."

"When our heads of "Dao Xin Devil" are cultivated to the great perfection, the wolf organization will re-enter the Central Plains. As long as you surrender, the door of our wolf organization will always be open to you."

The words of the wolf are getting more and more arrogant!

The tiger cub is in the hand, as if the whole Central Plains, the whole world is the object of the wolf's bag, and the arrogant words are spit out from the wolf's mouth.

Happy to hear a brow!

"court death!"

The dragon swings its tail.

It seems to be said that the sensitive point, under the horror of the wolf, the happiness suddenly disappeared from the tiger-shaped knife...

The eyes are bright:

The opportunity is coming!

Taking a step back without thinking, the tigers in the hands of the gods are bloody:

Roar! ! ! ! !

The happy figure just flashed from the void, and the white tiger's cockroaches shook the figure in the air very accurately, forcing it.

Waiting for this opportunity, the wolf has been waiting for a long time!

in fact……

Has been suppressed by happiness, even with infinite power, the wolf is also very unconfident.

Because this is the Central Plains!

He must find an appropriate opportunity to change the situation, turn defeat into victory, and get out of trouble.


The strength of happiness is there, and the wolf must use all the energy to cope with it. Naturally, it only hopes to stimulate the words.


Happy finally can't help but use the dragon to sway, this wolf organization once studied the killer for a long time.

A group of people basically understand the attributes and attack trajectories of the dragon's tail.

The attack intensity of the dragon's tail is exactly the same as that of the enemy's attack. The attack angle is the side above and the gaze is dead.

The wolf was originally not capable of countering happiness, but the tiger scorpion soldier also shared the will of the tiger and the evil spirit while giving various tactical abilities, and could easily detect everything around him, the wind and the grass, and any slight changes.


When the dragon swings to the end, the wolf quickly locks the target, and the tiger cubs! !

"Catch you!!"

The evil spirits in the deep tiger cubs are roaring;

The wolf is proud of it!

Hey! !

The red light flashed, and the knives that were more than 100 meters long tore a hole from the tornado!

The tiger cubs are stunned, and the happy and sluggish figure happens to be under the blade...

Golden body Lohan!

Really angry!

Dragon plate!

After all, the pleasure of having 3 will is not the kind of person who can be shocked at will, wakes up from the moment of disappointment, does not hesitate to start triple protection, and then a small dragon shape, trying to flash a dazzling knife.

But unfortunately...

The knife is still sucking on the body.

Even if it started the triple protection, the moment it was drawn, the body still had a hot pain, and the whole person vacated.

As soon as I saw it, the wolf eyes were shining.

Which is willing to stop?

I finally got the chance...

"Roll!!" Just ready to chase, a cold and screaming screaming mixed with the sound of dragons and screams!

The body trembled a little, and the wolf completely lost the opportunity to pursue. He watched the happy body fly dozens of meters away, a strong backflip, and settled down in the sand.


Looking at the happy body is only a slight relief of the real element of the field, the wolf's eyes flashed a touch of regret:

Although a hit just hit, but the damage is minimal, and did not weaken the strength of happiness; and he knows that it is almost impossible to lose the opportunity to pursue this, and then threaten to be happy...

However, the wolf did not find it. At the moment of happy landing, the corner of the mouth facing the ground was slightly pulled, and a very secret arc was bent.

Smile a little!

The smile disappeared instantly, and when he looked up, the heavy and vigilant expression appeared in front of the wolf.

"Come back!"


The wolf is unusually unhappy, and continues to suffer a happy attack.


As time goes by, the black tornado remains the same;

Inside the tornado, the knife, the sword, the wind and the wind are intertwined, and the battle is in full swing. It seems to be more intense than before.


"Inside... What happened in the end?"

"This is not a general tornado. It is close to the internal force, and people are tossed to death if they have not arrived inside. I am afraid it is a hidden plot mission."

"The system definitely doesn't want us to intervene..."

The silver fox and a group of martial arts people stood in Yanzhen and looked at the unusual sky in front of them. Even if they were standing in the town, they could be beaten by some scattered sands. Hit the body of the madness weakened, the internal force mad, no one relies on the town to take a half step - even the most powerful people who are practicing Kung Fu, can not touch the tornado, let alone go in and see what!

Therefore, even if there are all kinds of doubts in the heart, a group of people can only stay in the town far away, guess the situation inside the tornado, and wait for the result quietly.


"Is the wolf actually recognized by the tigers?"

Beyond the ocean, in the dark house, the evil emperor and Kayson face each other, they are very incredible...

I have already given up the tiger squad!

I didn't expect the situation of the peak circuit to turn around, let the two people's minds live again.


"If the wolf can be a little faster, just a little, use that trick, maybe you will be happy!" Kason is very emotional.

The evil emperor stared at the crystal ball and Kaysen:

"What happened?"

"Happy to be flying by the wolf, if you use that trick to settle happy, expand the results... Hey, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him to miss."

"That trick? That trick takes time to prepare. With the strength of happiness, it is impossible to give the opportunity to the wolf." Wrinkled, the evil emperor roughly guessed what Kaiser was going to say, and made a conclusion: "For me, I am a wolf. Even if I have a powerful power that I am not familiar with, I will not be able to play with my head... Happy this kid, what are you planning?"

"..." Kayson looked at the evil emperor with a puzzled look. Although he did not want to admit that happiness is the absolute advantage, but the inexplicable indiscriminate bombing is indeed very embarrassing and unpredictable.

Over time……

Kayson still continues to tell the situation in the crystal ball without the evil emperor, happy and the wolf's one move, the state changes, very detailed, no omissions!

But the process is very boring.

Always a happy main attack, no tactical attack, except for occasional one or two unnecessary adventures...

From the evening, kill to the night!

"I'm not right..."

The evil emperor listened and listened, and his brows were tightly huddled together. Even Kaysen, who was responsible for commenting and did not have much practical ability, also saw that the atmosphere was wrong and hesitated:

"Hey, how do I feel like I am happy and have been delaying time?"

"Do you feel it too?"

The evil emperor has a slight gaze.

Kaiser nodded:

"Whether you are fighting with the head, or with the evil king Shi Zhixuan, you are very happy to play... His success in martial arts is a lot of learning, all kinds of auxiliary moves are coherent, and it is no small threat to the masters of heaven... but with The wolf is fighting, he almost does not have to coherently move, looks disorganized, and now, afraid that only the wolf in the game can not see."


After listening to Kason’s words, the evil emperor took a deep breath: “In fact, I have been guessing the purpose of happiness... but the idea is ridiculous...”

"...what is it?"

"Happy to play like this makes me think... He regards this battle as cultivation, more than a mission." The evil emperor has a strange color.