MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1188 Jin Yiwei Army

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Chapter 1188, Jin Yiwei Army

Chapter 1188

The battle of the desert palace, the fierce confrontation between the eight heavenly masters, and the ominous reappearance of the tiger cub, existed in the desert of hundreds of meters deep. Apart from being happy, no player knows, naturally no one knows what is going on under the ground. .

However, in the peripheral area of ​​the black storm, a group of ragged martial arts people are escorting two dolls and rushing in the desert.

Step on the tread...

A group of men and women are over 100, and each one is not weak. Stepping on the soft sand dunes leaves only a shallow layer of footprints, which is like a fly.

Such a group of people, even the most powerful horse thief group in the desert, do not dare to easily provoke!

But this group of people is like a dog of a family, dying in the back of the desert, looking from time to time in the direction of the body, full of anxiety, restlessness.

Among the crowd, the Silver Fox is also among them.

The peers also have the phantom shadow of the wind building, the main door of the door.

All the martial arts people surrounded by more than a dozen black trousers dressed in black trousers, and the owner of the Longmen Inn, Jin Jianyu.

A group of people have similar looks on their faces, very embarrassed and exhausted.

After the start of the story mission of Longmen Inn, they were not relaxed. The people of Jinyiwei repeatedly chased and ambushed, and more and more people died. They almost did not dare to relax a little along the way, for fear of being careless and protected. Two dolls were killed, or Zhou Huai'an and Mo Yan were killed.

Zhou Huai'an, Mo Yan and others are also the cultivation of mythology. However, under the endangered assassination of Jinyiwei, the physical strength is also very serious.

Today, the two, each carrying a child, ran at the forefront.


"They are catching up!"

"What to do? Or, just go out and fight with the imperial eagle dog!!" The crowd suddenly sounded a few rough and heroic voices, mixed with the savage atmosphere of the rivers and lakes.

Zhou Huai'an frowned back:

"do not stop!"

"You can see the town again after turning over a few sand dunes. There are our strongholds that can avoid the chasing of the imperial eagle dog!"


A group of martial arts people in the team heard Zhou Huai'an calm instructions, took a hard shot of the skull and continued to run.

Not a long time...

The faint hooves came from behind.


Bang! ! ! !

The promotion is getting stronger and stronger!

A group of martial arts people changed their face slightly. Zhou Huai'an and Mo Yan were rare and didn't say anything. The speed of a group of people continued to fly on the sand dunes.

Phantom and other players are not quiet...

The sound of horseshoes coming from behind is getting denser and more intense, and it seems that the entire desert is not trembled.

"Go and see what happens."

The phantom can't hold back.

Since being driven out of the Longmen Inn by the Black Storm, a group of people have not stopped after a hundred miles away from the underground passage. In the middle of the road, people have been smashed in the middle of the road, and even the wind building has been damaged. No.

"I go."

A person around Wu Kuo received a glimpse of the smoke from the team and ran towards the heights.

At the same time, Niu Qiang also faintly felt that the number of chasing soldiers in the back may have increased a lot, and he could not help but also let a man run to a high place to check the enemy.

Not looking good, I was shocked.

Bang! ! ! ! !

The dense iron hoof rolled up in the sand and danced to the side, like a black dragon, could not see the side.

The two roughly estimated that the pursuit of soldiers has accumulated to at least thousands of people!

This can be all armed with Jin Yiwei soldiers! !

The two men took a breath of air and swept around, only to see that the person behind the back was less than three hundred meters away. As long as they had crossed the sand dunes, they could catch up behind the buttocks;

There are also Jinyiwei people on the left and right sides. The iron hoof is stretched like a pocket and has a tendency to surround a group of people.

The situation is in jeopardy!

Seeing this, the two did not dare to hesitate for a while, and at the same time, they ran back to the battlefield, bringing this loss to the Phantom and the cattle.

The phantom color changes on the spot...

The trend of the plot is obviously beyond what they think!

In the desert, everyone's body and strength have been suppressed a little, plus the two descendants who want to disperse the protection of Zhou Huai'an and Yu Qian, scruples more, facing the arrow of Jin Yiwei can not escape... ...

Before, I was able to compete with one or two to make a big break because the number of Jinyiwei was not much.

But now...

Thousands of Jinyiwei! !

Once the people of Jinyiwei are formed, they will be the ending of the whole army. In the pursuit of Jinyiwei, there is a character with a super master.


"If you take people away, we will stay here to stop one or two, and delay the time for you." The people who attacked the wind building, headed by Wu Kui, opened their mouths and prepared to abandon themselves, trying to help Zhou Huai'an and others to get out.

Phantom of the face is ugly:

"It’s too late to say that it’s too late. With the children, we’ve always run away from the people of Jinyiwei. It’s a matter of time to catch up...”

"Now what?"

"Abandoning the mission?" Listening to the sound of the roaring iron hoofs on both sides of the body, many people are anxious to see each other: "I just want to give up the task, this task is too abnormal, it is impossible to complete."

"Abandoning the task is to destroy the trust, clear all the values ​​of the heroes and reputations, and the previous tasks and established reputation will be completely emptied."

The phantom blocked a word behind everyone.

The story mission of Longmen Inn is a special task, because with a group of martial arts people to participate in the task of protecting the Qianqian people, all their voice appearance has been seen by Jin Yiwei, even if they give up the task, their news will spread throughout the world. At that time, the cost of destroying the promise and deviating from the right path is not small.

A group of people suddenly entangled!

Nowadays, Jinyiwei’s army is surrounded by three roads. There is no hiding place in the desert. It’s the sky without a road to the ground. Is it the eye of the Jinyiwei army to catch up?

Bang! !


As time went by, Jin Yiwei’s people finally turned over from behind the dunes and entered the field of vision of a group of people.

The sound of the iron hoof of the tremors of the desert rolled up the sky and the yellow sand, and the black clouds swept over a group of people!

at the same time.

There are also iron hooves on both sides, like a huge pocket that has been stretched, and rushed over to a group of people who fled!

A group of people will be engulfed by the army.

"These **** court hawks!"

Zhou Huai'an brows tightly, and Mo Yan also handed the children in his hands to the people around him. He sipped in the mouth: "He brothers took them one step ahead! I will stop them! Don't be afraid to die with me!!"

"Silver Fox Big Brother?"

"This time, is there any choice?" The silver fox frowned slightly at the inquisition of the three knives: "Come up, stop, and we will only protect ourselves..."

"it is good!"

The four are the kind of people who come to the water from the fire. Even if they face the real bullets, they don’t frown, let alone the scenes in the game.

The four people took the lead in responding to Zhou Huai'an's call, and at the same time turned around and followed the direction of Zhou Huai'an and Mo Yanchao Jinyiwei.

At the same time, the phantom, the martial arts, and the cow vigorously made a decision at the same time:


"Put it with them!!"

At this time, Lucy lost not only his own face, but also the face of the gang.

Driven by the four silver foxes, hundreds of martial arts people turned around. In addition to a dozen players who continued to **** Yu Qian’s dolls, most people chose to fight for the sake of Yu Qian’s children.


Whizzing! !

Under the recoil, Jin Yiwei, who was flying fast, quickly saw the intention of a group of people, and they grabbed strong bows on horseback...

For a time, the sound of breaking the air continued, and the arrows flew!

Countless black spots fell into the head and shot into the crowd.

"Beware of the dog's barb arrow!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed!

The silver foxes had a tight face and took a single arrow to each other.

In fact, it’s not difficult to deal with Jin Yiwei, who has no cultivation.

What is difficult to deal with is that these Jinyiweis who came out of the customs were all armed and did not say that they also wore the various magical arrows of the imperial court--the mad bee that can shoot a poisonous needle in the air, which can be inserted into the body and destroyed. The fangs of the barbed arrow, as well as the phoenix arrow that is not difficult to guard against.

The former is ok.

Although the mad bee arrow has a wide coverage, but the lethality is not a fear, as long as the body has a poison, the problem is not big;

However, the dog's barb arrow is very sinister, not only with the effect of breaking the shackles. Once inserted into the body, the arrow body triggers the organ, and it is stuck in the depths of the human body. The Chinese are not dead or injured, and directly lose the fighting ability;

As for the Fengweijian, only a few stalls are qualified, so it is an arrow that can set the direction at will, even the mythical peak master is difficult to guard against.

It is by relying on these magical arrows that these Jinyiweis have swept all the hundreds of people who have not been weakened, and they have been hunted all the way.


Hey! !


"Bastard! This is another poison arrow!"

The dense arrows plunged into the crowd, and the screams were heard.

The various magical arrows doped in the ordinary arrows put down a group of people on the spot. More than a dozen people rolled over and fell into the yellow sand. The body was quickly nailed up by the arrows and could not die any more.

There are also a few unlucky eggs, the organ triggers, the canine barb arrow stretches out from the body, and it is **** and painful for a long time. It has been blocked for a while, and eventually it is an arrow in the desert...

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of martial arts people have lost more than half!

In addition to the phantom, silver fox and other strong followers in front of Zhou Huai'an, Mo Yan, Jin Jianyu behind the Jinyiwei army, other people are stumbling under several rounds of arrow rain! The scene is extremely fierce!

Hey! ! ! ! ! !

Seeing dozens of martial arts people forcibly collided into the Jinyiwei army, suddenly a high slanting horn sounded from the left side of the high slope.

The Jinyiwei army seemed to receive some kind of instruction, and the army striker rushed to the ten meters away from Zhou Huai'an and others, and suddenly separated from each other!

Rumbled ............

Under the guise of a group of people, Wanma galloped and fluttered in the yellow sand. A group of people were quickly drowned in the center by the yellow sand splashing around.

As if in the midst of the storm, one by one gathered together.

Read Genius Summoner
FantasyRomanceJoseiMartial Arts