MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 464 I just want to see couples get married

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Everyone was shocked.

【Fuck! ! ! I forgot all about this! ! 】

【What is the date you set last time? Has anyone turned it over? 】

[I found it, Sister Yang said it will be a month later. Isn't that two days later? ! 】

【Fuck! Are they ready for the wedding? in such a hurry? What if the show doesn't end in two days! 】

[Should not do it while filming, hahahaha]

[Don't say it upstairs, I personally don't think they can't do it]

Su Yangyang took people out of the Colosseum.

She glanced around and put the searcher directly into Tian Tian's hand.

"Clean up," she said.

Tian Tian's eyes suddenly became fierce and firm, "Yes!"

[This girl, after all, has changed]

[Tian Tian: Sister Yang, I will become you when I grow up]

[From the time she knifed a wolf, I have been optimistic about this girl! 】

Tian Tian reported the mission and led people to run wildly throughout the journey.

Fixed-point strikes, precise thieves.

Within a day, the cat group members were almost cleaned up.

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, only one "1" remained on the screen.

"There's only one person left!" Xiao He stepped forward, "Just checked, it's Cheng Mie!"

"That kid doesn't know where to hide!"

Tian Tian gave the searcher to Su Yangyang.

Su Yangyang opened.

"I checked it just now." Tian Tian whispered in her ear, "I don't know why, but I couldn't find Cheng Mo."

Su Yangyang took a look.

Can't find it.

But she was not surprised.

Since this character was created and the people behind her knew what cards she had, it was normal to avoid it.

However, Su Yangyang was not in a hurry.

"What should I do now?" Xiao He and the others asked, all looking at Su Yangyang, waiting for her answer.

[Oh, I can't find anyone]

[The last Cheng Mie is left, if he keeps hiding, wouldn't this be a problem? 】

[Cheng Mo didn't know about Sister Yang's wedding, so he kept hiding? 】

【Deliberate delay? Such a scheming dog? ? 】

[Sister Yang took someone away, did you find someone to go? 】

On the screen, Su Yangyang brought a group of people to the helicopter.

"Go up," she said.

go up?

Xiao He: "Sister Yang, this..."

"Go straight to the next location."

Everyone was shocked and immediately understood.

Bo Silin was the first to laugh out loud, unbearable.

- They've already clocked in.

At this moment, Cheng Mie is probably hiding in a corner to watch them.

Anyway, Cheng Mo will be going to the last stop sooner or later, so it's better for them to go and stay at the check-in place.

Or, Cheng Mie has been hiding. He has no ID card and no money in China, just relying on the supplies sent by the program team at the beginning, how many days can Cheng Mie survive?

It will appear sooner or later.

And the last stop is...

Su Yangyang looked down at the map on the bracelet.

The map twists and turns.

Two places have been lit up.

They are the "Su-style Garden" in the first place and the "Spring City Colosseum" in the second place.

After punching in, the third spot lights up.

At the moment, the drone gave a close-up.

- Dayan Island.

Three words shocked the whole family of netizens.

[I am grass, beef is broken]

[Is Qiu Ye dancing as a prophet? Did you already know that Cheng Mie finally had a hand? That's why the location was arranged on Dayan Island. Is this to let Sister Yang get married first and then arrest someone? 】

【Are we going to participate in the wedding live broadcast! ! 】

[My mother, I will become a member now, follow the member, follow the member! 】

【Su Boer! ! 】

The barrage is crazy.

Hot searches are also crazy.

When the helicopter was about to arrive, Su Yangyang looked down from above, and his body suddenly froze.

Right below her, it turned out to be a palace.

If you look closely, it's still what her palace looks like!

Su Yangyang immediately turned his head and looked at Bo Silin.

Bo Silin was laughing, "You have drawn pictures for me, and you have also asked some people to help you with the specific design."

In front of the screen, Gu Sheng was trembling with anger.

He helped so much!

Restored so many details!

Go to the site to supervise!

I just hope that Bo Silin can talk about it!

In the end, the fuck, "some people's help" was directly taken? ? ?

That's it? ? ! !

Su Yangyang quickly understood who "some people" were.

"Go back and raise Qiu Ye's salary." She said to Bo Si sternly.

"Okay." Bo Si pursed his lips, "I'll listen to you."

Qiu Ye: "…"

I thank you.

The helicopter lands.

The crowd suddenly exclaimed!

They are like a group of people who have traveled to ancient times.

It seems out of place here.

Dayan Island has been completed, and it is the epitome of the entire Dayan.

Su Yangyang walked down a street.

Not only baozi shop, 2 o'clock, and ugly group takeaway.

There are also training grounds, casinos...even brothels.

Everything you need.

She is exactly the Dayan in her impression.

Su Yangyang's eyes were reluctant to blink.

One shop after another looked over.

The place she once thought she could only go back to in a dream is now in it.

It's so real!

She reached out and touched the wooden plaque, her eyes reddened.

Bo Silin said behind him: "Block the island and guard it at every landing place. There is an observation deck here, and you can light the beacon on the stage as a signal. Once you see a helicopter or fishing boat coming in, you will be notified immediately."


After Bo Silin finished explaining, he immediately took Su Yangyang's hand.

"Let's go for a walk?"

"Okay." Su Yangyang nodded.

Bo Sirin accompanies her in the whole street.

When the time was approaching evening, the two sat on the edge of the island and shared the milk tea they just bought with each other.

The sea was sparkling in the setting sun.

Although the traces of the past are not recognized here. UU reading

But there are also coconut trees standing in rows.

Standing here, the images that flashed in my mind were the scene of Su Yangyang rushing to the tree to chop coconuts, and then the scene of Gu Sheng being inserted at the top of the coconut tree, two shiny shells standing against the wind...

Bo Si Rin cool.

Boslin enjoyed it very much.

Bo Silin nodded frequently.


The memories of this island are very good.

The drone is shooting from a distance, and the barrage is in the screenshot.

【I announce that I will use this wallpaper in the next year! ! 】

【It must be 99! ! 】

[Tomorrow is the date of the wedding! Can it be done? ! Didn't Cheng Mo catch it yet? 】

【Retire directly! Faces don't matter, I just want to see young couples get married! 】

"Yangyang." Bo Silin suddenly got up and pulled Su Yangyang forward.

"where to?"

"It's here."

Bosrin pointed to a tree by the beach.

The crooked heart is still painted on the tree.

She suddenly thought of when Bo Si Rin disappeared, and when there was love on the tree, she was sure of the day Bo Si Rin was alive.

Now the love has been hollowed out.

There is a sleeve arrow inserted outside, and it is a mechanism at first glance.

What does this agency do?

Su Yangyang raised his eyebrows and stepped forward, directly pulling out the sleeve arrow.

Bo Silin: "…"

He took her hand and put it back.

"It's not like this." He pressed the arrow down, "It's like this."

"Oh." Su Yangyang nodded.

Almost destroyed an institution.

Fortunately, it can barely be felt inside.

The moment the sleeve arrow was pressed down.


With a sound, the marbles inside immediately bounced onto the coconut tree opposite.

The next second, the sound will be heard in unison!

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion