MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 434 She has changed, she has really changed

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Bo Sirin took the person out of the car, "Go and treat the wound first."

When he came out of the hospital again, Su Yangyang grabbed Bo Silin.

She said: "I thought about it. If the other party can kill me directly, there is no need for so many steps. Therefore, my role as the protagonist here is also a guarantee of immortality."

"That person can't move me, but he can control other people. And these frequent actions started when I got the system and planned to repair the world."

"That is, the faster the world repairs, the more panicked that person will be."

Su Yangyang hooked her lips, and finally gave the answer—

"The premise of panic is that it is too late."

No matter who is on the other side, one thing is for sure, that person is chasing time and trying to stop her progress in repairing the world.

That's why I'm so anxious and show my feet.

"So, don't be afraid."

Su Yangyang calmed down, stretched out his hand, and slowly touched Bo Silin's face.

"As long as you live, even if the opposite is a god..." She narrowed her eyes, "He has to die too."

Bo Silin frowned slightly.

After a while, he smiled.

"Okay, with you here, I'm not afraid."

He took Su Yangyang's hand, but he was thinking about another thing.

is a guess.

Perhaps... it would be the closest guess to the truth.

Back to Bo's house.

Before stepping in, I heard cheers from inside.

"Successful registration!" Xiao He said loudly.

There are eight computers rushing to sign up in front of them.

The battle royale program is temporarily announced, online registration tonight!

Fortunately, they were well prepared and did not miss this time!

Those who have successfully signed up will start the competition screening tomorrow, and 248 players will be selected from the 20,000 people to participate in the next round of competition.

"Whether we can fight side by side with Sister Yang this time is up to us!" Tian Tian said excitedly.

"It's definitely possible." Qiao Hefeng snorted, "I'll kill them!"

"Su Ling, are you ready?" Shen Ruoqing asked suddenly.

In terms of force value, Su Ling, who joined last, was definitely the weakest.

Su Ling turned around and said, "Ready, who do you underestimate?"

"For the sake of fairness, the game will also be broadcast live." Shen Ruoqing said, "Sister Yang may watch it."

Hearing this, Su Ling's hand suddenly clenched into a fist.

"I'll do my best!"

Shen Ruoqing opened her mouth.

She wanted to say that if she felt ashamed, forget it.

After all, I was afraid that Su Ling was so delicate and frail that it would be bad if he went out to compete with those big and rough people.

As a result, Su Ling's fighting spirit was aroused instead?



Su Ling turned around and ran out, "I went out and ran at night!"

Everyone: "…"

As soon as the door opened, she ran into Su Yangyang head-on.

Immediately, his ears turned red.

"Sister." She called out obediently.

Su Yangyang: "..."

No matter how many times you can't get used to it.

She stepped aside and made a "please" gesture.

Su Ling ran out immediately.

Su Yangyang noticed that her footsteps were extra heavy, and when she looked down, she saw the sandbags tied to her feet.

She turned her head back again.

When he turned around, he saw everyone's eyes lit up, looking at Su Yangyang.

Su Yangyang paused in his footsteps.

"Come on," she said.

The whole yard was suddenly filled with cheers.


"We must win!"

"Wait, Sister Yang, if we don't get the top ten, we'll be nothing!"

Su Yangyang laughed.

I didn't take it to heart.

When she went upstairs, Qiao Hefeng also stuck his head out and asked.

"You have to remember to watch our show on time tomorrow!"

Su Yangyang's phone vibrated.

She took a look.

It was a WeChat sent by Qiu Ye.

At the same time, news of Qiu Ye came.

Qiu Ye: [This is your big fan. She has been on the set for a long time and has been building momentum for you. You should have seen it, right? My name is Yu Xi, and Bo Silin also knows it]

Su Yangyang took a look and added a friend.

The opposite side immediately sent an exclamation mark of 99+.

Su Yangyang: "..."

Yu Xi: [Sister Yang! You have an interview show tomorrow, right! I'll be watching on time at the door! You don't need to reply me, Director Qiu has already told me! Don't worry, I'll leave the publicity to me! 】

All she needs now is to expand her profile.

It would be great to have someone to help.

Su Yangyang edited the message: [Thank you. After tomorrow is over, come home for dinner. 】

Yu Xi: [! ! ! 】

Su Yangyang turned to give Bo Silin a look, "Do you know this person?"

"I know." Bo Silin said, "I used to be a fan of mine."

The two looked at each other.

Su Yangyang coughed lightly, "Is she this character before?"

"Probably, what is it?" Bo Silin paused, "What's the matter? Doubtful?"

Su Yangyang shook his head, "There is none for now. After all, it is better to be cautious with people who want to be in close contact with each other."

As she said, she checked Yu Xi's profile.

No doubts, I was relieved.

game day.

The Bo family was quiet early in the morning.

Mr. Bo is practicing Tai Chi in the yard.

While typing, there was a mobile phone in front of him.

Above is the live screen.

Su Yangyang and Bo Silin rarely slept until they woke up naturally. When Bo Silin opened the door, he leaned against the door and looked sideways at Su Yangyang.

The two eyes met.

The old man Bo's roar sounded in his ears—

"Get ready to watch the live broadcast!"

live streaming?

It was only then that Su Yangyang remembered that the cubs were playing today.

She walked downstairs, and when she passed Bo Sirin, she glanced at his neckline.

Delicious food.

"very beautiful."

Su Yangyang said something lightly.

Bo Sirin suddenly inhaled.

Last night, in order to prevent Su Yangyang from attacking him again, he slept directly in his room.

However, in the middle of the night, someone was still under the bed.

He just waited until Su Yangyang fell asleep before taking her back.

He couldn't sleep all night again, and he almost couldn't control it a few times in the middle. Su Yangyang also left a few marks on his neck, which was very eye-catching.

Bo Silin closed his eyes, trembling.

She has changed.

She has really changed!

But he has changed too!

Bo Silin lowered his eyes and stared at Xiao Rinlin's direction.

"You, don't live up to your expectations."

People left, leaving only this painful sigh.

Here, Su Yangyang entered the kitchen.

The corners of her lips twitched and she took a bite of the bun.

She lowered her head and began to read the strategy Su Ling sent her.

As expected of Su Ling, who has 80 love experiences.

This time, reliable.

"Come on! Tian Tian is here!"

Mr. Bo suddenly stopped Tai Chi and shouted at the courtyard!


In all directions, countless figures suddenly emerged!

Some are wearing pajamas, some are having breakfast, and some... are brushing their dentures.

Mr. Bo's eyes were fixed on Mr. Qiu in pajamas.

"Why are you at our house?!"

"I heard that some of their children signed up for the competition last night, so why don't you come and see?" Mr. Qiu glanced at him, "Why, I'm not welcome?"

"Can I welcome you?" Mr. Bo yelled, "See off the guest! Butler, see off the guest!"


Mr. Qiu immediately jumped up and avoided the housekeeper's broom.

"Bo Tie Niu! You can accept it as soon as you see it! Didn't I just bring your ex-grandson-in-law over here, so you need to hold grudges like this?! You've already passed your 80th birthday, why don't you? sensible!"


A cold voice sounded, Bo Silin came over with a tooth cup, and accidentally splashed the water on Mr. Qiu's body.

Mr. Qiu: "..."

"You you you!"

"Grandpa Qiu, what did you say about the ex-grandson's daughter-in-law?" Bo Silin smiled, "Don't spread such rumors in the future. I'm a family man now."

Mr. Qiu: "...Okay, okay, I'm the one who talked nonsense!"

Bo Silin nodded, "Speaking of this, is Grandma Xiaomei okay? Would you like to take her over to watch the live broadcast?"

He said, turned his head and called: "Qiu Ye, take grandma over, the family is lively!"

Qiu Ye also stuck his head out from the third Mr. Bo: ?

Is their home a shelter?

Watch a live match, like the World Cup?

"Grandma's busy." Qiu Ye's face darkened, "I'm busy looking at the gift bag you sent Bo Silin to her."

"What spree?" Mr. Qiu asked.

Qiu Ye sighed, "Grandpa, go back quickly. Our home is about to disperse."

Mr. Qiu: ? ? ? ! !

Could it be... a stupid thing he did when he was young?

"Yes." Qiu Ye said, "She already knows about your relationship with Li Rongrong, the one she hates the most."

(End of this chapter)


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