MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 432 you're just a fake rubbish

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Su Ling shook.

What is this? !

Is that person inside her? ! Is it really her? !

She staggered, turned around and ran!


Su Yangyang didn't eat breakfast and went out directly.

She plans to go to the company in person to see the situation in the bathroom.

A car drove up in front of her.


The car window was lowered, and inside was Bo Silin's smiling face.

"Get in the car, I'll take you to the crew."

Su Yangyang paused for a while, and finally got into the car.

"Breakfast." Bo Silin put the cakes and grain pulp made in the kitchen into her hands.

is warm.

Obviously, this was the preparation he made when he got up just now.

"It was originally for you for lunch, but I saw that you didn't eat just now, was Su Ling disturbed?" Bo Silin asked sideways.

Su Yangyang stared at him, "No, I never eat breakfast, have you forgotten?"

Bo Silin was stunned.

"Don't you eat every day?"

Su Yangyang smiled, "Just kidding."

Bo Silin frowned.

"You don't like to joke." He stared at her face seriously. "What happened?"

Su Yangyang nodded: "Well, there is something."

Bo Silin raised his eyebrows.

"you say."

"I thought you were fake," she said.

Bo Silin froze for a moment.

Then he twitched his lips.

"Fake?" he asked. "Why do you say that?"

"The world is collapsing now, anything can happen." Su Yangyang said, "your eating habits and state were not right yesterday, so I thought you were lost. I even called last night to check that you were alone. what happened."

She paused and smiled.

"Fortunately, I think too much."

Bo Sirin then laughed along with him.

He reached out and touched Su Yangyang's hair.

"If I didn't accompany you to the end, how could I be willing to do anything."

Su Yangyang smiled, "Don't talk nonsense and drive."

Bo Silin: "…"

The car drove and entered the crew.

Today's scene is simple.

Only Su Yangyang and Wang Ya's confrontation.

After the last fight scene, Director Sun stared at the screen and was going crazy.

"It's so handsome! The Son of Heaven's Chosen!" Director Sun stepped forward and grabbed Su Yangyang excitedly, "You promise me okay, I beg you! You must sign for me for the next play! "

Bo Sirin stood by and watched, pursing his lips, his face full of pride.

Wang Ya also stepped forward, looking at Su Yangyang's eyes also glowing.

She asked the assistant to bring the phone.

"After the last scene is over, you're done." Wang Ya said, "You can add your contact information. If you encounter any problems with the performance in the future, feel free to contact me."

This is a great kindness to Su Yangyang.

The surrounding people suddenly cast envious glances.

Teacher Wang Ya's WeChat!

How many of them have been filming with Teacher Wang Ya for two months, but they have not gotten it!

Teacher Wang Ya gave it to Su Yangyang casually? !

Originally, I thought that Su Yangyang was a variety show artist, and it was impossible to transform into acting.

But with the resources of Wang Ya, coupled with the appreciation of Sun Dao, backed by the Bo family.

What else is impossible? !

"Okay, thank you teacher." Su Yangyang raised the phone with both hands and scanned the code.

This sentence instantly softened Wang Ya's heart.

What a nice girl!

Who in the end described her as vicious!

"I have a romance exchange salon on the weekend, do you want to come?" Wang Ya sent an invitation.

Su Yangyang was stunned.

Then he said, "Of course."

Wang Ya smiled, "Okay, I'll send you an invitation letter when you come, and you can still hear what other teachers have to say!"

Everyone on the side was so jealous that their eyes were red.

The scene was filmed at night.

When Su Yangyang came out, Bo Silin had already been called away by Qiu Ye.

She lowered her head, glanced at the time quickly, and then waved to stop the car on the side of the road.

"Go to the Bo Group."

Su Yangyang pressed the brim of his hat.

The car is moving fast.

Arrived quickly.

She got out of the car and got into the elevator, staring at the numbers as they climbed.

"System." Su Yangyang asked, "Is there any props that can make the scene go back?"

The system said: "No, but the scene can be seen to see if there are any traces of modification. For example, Master, you suspect that Bo Silin was attacked in the bathroom, but there are no traces in the bathroom. If it is a fight, there will definitely be traces, if not, Most likely it has been altered. You can extract the description of the scene and see if there are any changes.”

Su Yangyang nodded and got out of the elevator.

Lights are on in the bathroom.

She knocked on the door and walked in.

A man just came out of the pit.

"Fuck!" he shouted, staring at Su Yangyang while stepping back.

"Go out." Su Yangyang said.

"you you you…"

"That's right," she said.

The man was startled.



Women's clothing boss?

He ran away!

Only Su Yangyang was left.

She stood there, looked around, and let the system extract the description of the scene.

system extracted.

[Bo Silin looks down at his transparent legs, squinting.

He reached out for the water, washed his face hastily, and then raised his head.

In the mirror, the facial features are sharp and angular, as before, there is no difference.

He stood up and was about to leave when he suddenly stopped...]


A low voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Su Yangyang suddenly raised his head.

I saw Bo Silin standing by the door, with amber eyes staring at her.

Seeing her look over, Bo Silin pursed his lips and stepped forward with a gentle voice.

"I saw you as soon as I left Qiu Ye's office, I thought I was dazzled..."

He paused, "Why are you here?"

Su Yangyang raised his head: "Don't worry, let's take a look."

Bo Silin laughed.

"Or what you told me this morning?"

He paused for a moment, then stepped forward, stretched out his arms to wrap her arms around her waist, and approached him.

"Actually, I want to know if it's me. It's very simple."

He lowered his eyes and approached slowly.

"The body doesn't lie."

Then, he lowered his head and kissed directly.

The breath is close, intertwined.

In the next second, the man froze all over!

His pupils shrank, and he suddenly bowed his head!

A sharp knife was inserted into his body.

Su Yangyang held the handle of the knife and used strength to push back against him.

Cold eyes stared straight at his face.

"Yangyang?" Bo Si said coldly.

Su Yangyang slowly spit out two words: "What about him?"

"Yangyang, you..."

"I ask you, what about others?"

He didn't speak, just repeated Su Yangyang's name.

Su Yangyang also knows that the set cannon fodder is just, how could he have the authority to know this?

She froze.

"This knife is because you used this face."

Su Yangyang approached, "Bo Si Rin is Bo Si Rin, and if you pretend, it's just a fake rubbish!"

She pulled out the knife, and in the next second, inserted it directly into his heart!

"If you don't say it, just get out of here!"

Like the masked man in the birch forest.

With this knife, his body disintegrated instantly and scattered in front of him.

Su Yangyang took a step back and closed his eyes.

She gasped.

His fingers clenched into fists by his side.

The next second, directly hit the mirror!


The mirror shattered.

Bloodstains appeared on the white fingers instantly.

"Oh shit!"

Su Yangyang gritted his teeth and cursed.

Angry, worried, at a loss... There was even a hint of panic. This was the first time she felt so much emotion.

This person is not Bo Silin.

The surveillance showed that Bo Silin did not come out of the bathroom.

What about the real Boslin?

Disappeared? How did it disappear?

How did the people behind it do it? Why can the characters be made to look exactly the same as Bo Silin? !

After a long while, she straightened up, her eyes were soaked with cold light, and she took a deep breath.

Here is her world.

She is the one who has the final want to get her people away from her, dream!

"System, Chabo Silin's status."

"Master, Bo Silin's character setting has not been completed yet! He is still alive!" the system said.

The voice fell.

A hand suddenly stretched out from behind.

Hold her wrist.

Su Yangyang suddenly raised his head and looked at the broken mirror—

A familiar figure was already standing behind him.

Her eyes are bright!

(End of this chapter)


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