MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 392 The chance to live is left to them, I leave it to you

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Bo Silin: ?

Salary card?

He closed his eyes, and this time he will answer quickly: "Qiao Hefeng taught, right?"

She shook her head.

"Bo Xi said it," she said. "On the day of the banquet, she drank and said that she was working hard outside. When she got home, she didn't know who to give her salary card to. She was very lonely."

Bo Silin: "..."

"You spent a lot of money to buy the island a while ago." Su Yangyang said, "You keep this, and next time, I will come back with a big one to subsidize the family."

Bo Sirin paused for a moment and smiled.

To subsidize the household... take a big one and come back...

He pulled Su Yangyang's hand over.

The card was placed in her palm and rolled back.

"Don't rob me about handing in the salary card." He said, "Most of the property in my name has been changed to your name. Before going abroad, I also asked a lawyer to come back to represent you."

"Mine is yours," he said finally.

Su Yangyang hooked his lips, reached out and tapped the back of his hand, "Then show me this."

The system just told her that the shock value has exceeded 2 million.

Today's shot worked well, and Lin Yan and the others suffered a dumb loss.

Just now, even if they were so angry, they didn't dare to leave them behind, and could only let them go. Now it is estimated that a large group of people are battered, thinking about how to deal with her next time.

With such a large shock value change, it's time to test Bo Silin's guess.

Bo Sirin took off his gloves, "Experiments have shown that it should be related to the degree of restoration of the world."

Su Yangyang followed his movements.

Both his hands were transparent.

She lowered her head and checked her body, but there was no trace.

Heart sank suddenly.

"It doesn't matter, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain." Bo Silin put on gloves, his tone was flat, "Now at least one thing can be confirmed, the system value increases, the progress of repairing the world is accelerated, and the progress of my disappearance will also be accelerated. "

Su Yangyang stared at his face.

Glancing across his delicate features, he stopped at the pair of amber pupils.

It's hard to imagine what would happen if these pupils disappeared.

Repair the world and he disappears.

If not repaired, more people will disappear...

"Bo Silin, what will happen to you if I choose an answer that doesn't suit your mind?" Su Yangyang asked.

Bo Silin laughed: "Yangyang hasn't chosen yet, how do you know it doesn't suit me?"

She paused.

His eyes fell on his hand again.

The hand lifted up and embraced her.

"There is only one option that suits my heart..."

He whispered in her ear: "It's the option Yangyang wants."

She looked up to see him.

But he was hugged even tighter by Bo Silin.

Bo Silin turned his hand and took her to his lap.

"You have a wider world in your heart, and I don't want to be your weakness."

Su Yangyang's heart trembled.

This is the first time that Bo Silin has spoken words that directly hit her heart.


Bo Sirin spoke again, and after two seconds of seriousness, he began to sniff.

"Can Yangyang promise me one thing?"

"you say."

"You can't remarry within a year, and I'll talk about it when I'm dead."

In case one is not completely cold, there is still a ray of heroic soul left in this world?

After a year is safe, he can't see anymore, then...

No, thinking about it is still angry.

Grit your teeth!

Otherwise, kill a few before you go, right?

For example, Gu Sheng, this is a big hidden danger, how good is it to take it away together? Save him shaking in front of Yangyang.

At this time, jealousy makes a man beyond recognition.

A hand suddenly reached his face.

Su Yangyang seriously wiped away his tears.

Bo Silin's movements were stagnant, and he looked up at her.

She said, "According to your speculation, I don't belong to this world, and my ending is likely to be the same as yours."

"Even if it's not the same, I'll go with you."

"The chance to live is left to them, me, to you."

This is an understatement.

But after shaking Bo Silin for several hours, he did not recover.

When the plane stopped, it was already dark.

There was a helicopter at the airport quickly to pick up Su Yangyang.

The person who came was Xiao He.

"Hurry up! I can catch up now when I go back!" Xiao He was excited, "Qicheng has already arrived! I'm in the Genting Restaurant now, and I'm having dinner with Sister Xi!"

"Let's go at this time just in time for this trip, Sister Yang, you can eat to your heart's content!"

"Very good." Su Yangyang nodded.

The helicopter landed directly on the top floor of Genting Restaurant.

However, before the three of them approached, they heard screams from below.


Su Yangyang immediately quickened his pace.

After arriving at the restaurant, they only saw Tian Tian and others standing in the same place.

And Bo Xi with a livid face.

Bo Xi did not speak, and there was no one on the other side.

The red wine was sprinkled all over the ground, and the air was filled with a scent of floral fragrance.

It is not commonly used by Bo Xi.

Su Yangyang smelled it, and smelled several plant aromas, as well as the smell of smoke.

She looked at Tian Tian.

Tian Tian came over immediately and whispered: "The atmosphere was good just now, but a woman came to look for Qi Shao halfway, and Qi Shao followed, and then..."

Tian Tian pointed at the red wine glass.

Su Yangyang glanced at the trajectory and understood.

Then Bo Xi took the red wine glass and poured it on Qicheng.

And hit someone with a pillow.

It seems that he also kicked a foot in the lower position of the human body.

Bo Xi stood up, the end of his eyes were red, obviously holding his breath.

"Go back and rest." Bo Xi's voice trembled, "Don't worry about me."

She said she was leaving.

Before starting, the wrist was caught.

"What did you say today?" Su Yangyang asked.

The crowd behind them took a deep breath.

In this case, only Su Yangyang dared to ask this question.

Bo Xi pursed his lips, "I didn't say anything."

"Don't say anything?"

"It's over before it even started." She sneered, "A man who claimed to be his fiancee came to him crying... In short, this man is dead in the future. Don't mention it to me!"

Bo Xi picked up the phone and operated it around the frame, his hands trembling so much that he couldn't press a button accurately.

The next second, he threw the phone directly to Bo Silin.

"Go and order a duck for me, I'm not going home tonight."

Bo Silin: "Do you still have this channel?"

People behind: ! ! ! ! ! !

Xiao He coughed wildly, trying to bring back everyone's sanity.

Su Yangyang said, "Let people leave without saying anything. Wasn't the show you did a few days ago in vain?"

She thought for a while, "It's not worth it - Xiao He, give me the car key!"


Xiao He immediately found the key and handed it over.

Su Yangyang raised his legs and left, no one behind him could stop him.

She got into the car directly.

"System, positioning."

2 million shock value, what can't be exchanged in the mall?

The system directly and intelligently screened her for her, and the pride spent 100,000 to get an advanced positioning and speed-up.


Qi Cheng sat in the car.

It's quiet inside the car.

"The money has been transferred to your account."

The woman took a breath and glanced at the account balance, "Hey, Shao Qi has made a lot of money! Next time you have this kind of acting opportunity, remember to call me again. It's not impossible to do a fake show..."



Before he finished speaking, the car braked suddenly!

The two people in the back seat slammed into the chair!

"Ah!" the woman exclaimed.

When I looked up again, I saw the front door opened.

A figure came down and walked straight over.

Qi Cheng's pupils shrank.

The window was knocked open.

Su Yangyang's face appeared in the window, and when he spoke, there was still a cold air coming out of his mouth.

She kicked the wheel.

"You two, what's the matter?"

driver:! ! ! !

What I knew was that the young grandmother of the Bo family came to check the post for I didn't know, I thought it was a prostitution sweep.

The woman quickly laughed, "What does my sister think we are related to? Of course it's a relationship between a bed and a quilt."

She said, leaning on Qi Cheng's shoulder, laughing wildly.

"Really." Su Yangyang nodded, "Kiss one, I'll take a look."

The laughter stopped abruptly.

The whole car was silent.


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