MTL - Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points-Chapter 1277

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At this time, there was a ghost audience, who said that he could be called Grandpa Niu.

When Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were eating, the calf started drinking milk again.

The female zebu also regained some energy, ate some grass and drank some water.

Xiaohanhan was very curious and looked at the calf in front of him.

The eldest girl even came over and stuck out her tongue to help lick the calf's body.

The female zebu is not only not nervous, but trusts the eldest girl very much, and looks at the eldest girl with gratitude in her eyes.

This scene fell into the eyes of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, and they were both moved.

"Big girl and it are really like sisters."

"To be honest, it's not impossible to be called Er Niu'er!"

Ye Han took a bite of the sweet potato and said.

Su Xiaoqi continued to roll her eyes.

But this time it wasn't an unsatisfactory look.


"The first name I said was Er Niu'er, you still dislike it!"

Su Xiaoqi said proudly.

In the end, why don't you have to use her name?

At this point, the names of the two new members have been completely determined.

Two girls, lightning.

The dust has settled!

After lunch, it was almost time to pack up and head back.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi realized a problem.

That is, although the two of them have already named their names, but whether people are happy to go with them or not, that is a different matter!

There are also viewers in the live broadcast room who are speculating about this issue.

Will this zebu mother and son be willing to follow Ye Han?