MTL - Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points-Chapter 1252

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On the ground, in addition to the corpse of the rabbit, there are also many corpses of ants!

And these ants are the main culprit in causing the death of rabbits!

Some ants are even alive, and are crawling and gnawing on the rabbit's corpse!

This scene once again made all the audience lose their voices.

Xiao Liang, who was visiting the gold medal team, ran to Ye Han's live broadcast room as quickly as possible.

"It's army ants!"

"There are still army ants on the island!"

Xiao Liang's eyes widened, panting and shouting.

Army ants? !

Many viewers immediately opened their mouths when they heard the name.

Although I haven't seen it before, I have heard of the name of this thing!

"Army ants, also known as army ants, have been on the move since birth. They don't build nests, but move in groups to find and eat prey!"

"Usually a colony of army ants is one million to two million, and it is a very scary creature!"

Xiaoliang gritted his teeth and said.

He also saw the tragic state of Ye Han's hometown, and frowned.

This time Ye Han really suffered a big loss!

If only some rabbits died, Ye Han wouldn't be so angry.

But there are other losses besides rabbits!

Not to mention the meat stored in the kitchen, it was almost eaten up.

The most difficult thing for Ye Han to accept is the death of the chicken and the lamb!

He has three chicks, well cared for and fed by big, fat earthworms.

But now, two of the three chicks have died, and the remaining one has no spirit and seems to be unable to survive.

Then came the lamb. When Ye Han captured the pregnant ewe, the ewe gave birth to three lambs.

During this period, Ye Han ate two lambs, and there was only one lamb left. He planned to kill the last lamb to celebrate Xiao Qi's birthday when he had his birthday.

As a result, the last lamb is also dead.

Forcibly eaten by army ants!

The ewes are not dead, but their mental state is relatively poor.


Ye Han couldn't help but scolded and stamped his feet.

You can see how angry he is.

And there is another very important point, that is, there is no revenge.

If it was a tiger, a leopard or something that came over and stole Ye Han's animals, then Ye Han could still find a way to get revenge because he had a gun.

But now the army ants committing crimes!

One million, two million, it is basically impossible to kill them all.

Besides, the marching ants came and stole a wave and ran away long ago. Where can Ye Han go?

This time it is destined to only be a dumb loser!

The whole network exploded!

This is the biggest loss Ye Han has ever suffered since the start of the competition!

Other than that, Ye Han has basically never suffered a loss!

"Don't worry everyone, after Ye Han suffers a loss, he can usually find his way back soon!"

"Don't think about it, it's impossible this time. It's the army ants who did it. I guess it happened last night or the day before yesterday. Now the army ants don't know where to go."

"Even if Ye Han finds the army ants and kills all one million army ants, it can only be regarded as revenge, but it cannot make up for the loss."

"I'm so uncomfortable watching it, I'm so **** off!"

"This is a natural disaster. There is really no way. I can't think of a way to make up for this loss."

"The animals Ye Han has worked so hard to breed for so long are dead!"

"No, his potato field has also suffered. The ground part has been eaten up. He can only dig out the ground and eat it, or else it will be broken."

"Damn army ants, **** it!"


A large number of the audience were filled with righteous indignation and rage.

It is said that some popular ones went to the hospital!

This thing is really frustrating.

At the same time, some people are doubting the authenticity of this incident and feel that it is a bit fake.

Xiaoliang also gave an answer to this.

"It's normal to have such doubts."

"Generally speaking, the food of army ants are relatively small things, such as spiders, millipedes, centipedes and the like."

"The size is there, the speed of movement is also there, and they can't eat the bigger ones."

"But Ye Han's situation is special. His animals are all farmed, so he can't escape!"

Xiao Liang said sadly.

Ye Han's animals were all closed, and the army ants came, and they couldn't find a place to run if they wanted to.

Take the rabbit as an example. Under normal circumstances, the rabbit would jump and run away when it saw these things, but now that it is locked, where can it run?

And there is one more thing that Xiao Liang concealed.

That is, these marching ants in the live broadcast screen, some of them are still very small, he even saw one, almost five centimeters in size!

He also knew something about the radiation on the island.

But these things, there are regulations above, not to tell the audience for the time being, so he can't say.

Therefore, the animals are locked up and cannot escape, and the army ants are larger and more aggressive.

This led to the tragedy of Ye Han's hometown.

Fortunately, Ye Han is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. After all, he has died once, so what are the other things?

Although the loss this time is not small, it will not hurt him!

Ye Han quickly adjusted his mentality and began to comfort Xiao Qi.

"OK OK."

"At the breeding rate of rabbits, the numbers can be recovered very quickly."

"And then there are chickens and lambs, it's nothing!"

Ye Han patted Xiao Qi's back and said.


Su Xiaoqi nodded and wiped her tears again.

"Even if the three chicks are all grown up, the meat they can eat is not as good as if we went out and caught a thunderbird!"

"We have so much meat that we can't finish it, what are you afraid of!"


Ye Han kissed Su Xiaoqi.

This trick really works.

Su Xiaoqi's face suddenly turned red, and she buried her head in Ye Han's arms, embarrassed.

Next, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi began to deal with the endgame.

Things have already happened, we must do a good job in the aftermath, otherwise the loss will only be greater!

Chapter 1430 The situation of the Datang team

The matter of dealing with these animal carcasses was taken over by Ye Han.

He asked Su Xiaoqi to clean up the kitchen and the bamboo building.

The situation in the bamboo building was okay, but the kitchen was not good, and was thoroughly baptized once.

Both of them started to get busy, and they were not in the mood to eat.

There is one caveat though, as army ants are also venomous.

Therefore, in the process of cleaning up, we must pay attention not to be bitten by the army ants.

The army of army ants had indeed left here, and they ran away after stealing, but there were still some left behind.

Ye Han has already trampled to death a lot, and he can trample several to death with one step!

The animals were placed by Ye Han by the stream, and they were not allowed to approach.

Especially rhubarb.

Although Rhubarb was more curious, considering Ye Han's majesty, it still did not dare to approach.

The most important thing is that Ye Han's face is ugly now, and his mood is very bad. Rhubarb can feel it, and it dare not touch this mold.

As mentioned earlier, many pets can perceive the emotions of their owners.

Da Huang was so spiritual, of course he could sense that Ye Han and Xiao Qi were both in a bad mood.


Some of the dead animals were eaten up, leaving only the skeleton and fur, while others were intact.

Ye Han deduced that some of them were bitten and died after the army ants left.

As for whether the toxins of army ants can poison these animals?

Again, it depends on the dosage.

You can't die if you take a bite, but if you don't know how many bites you've been bitten, it's hard not to die!

As the saying goes, more ants kill elephants. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it also makes sense.

"Oh, I feel really uncomfortable looking at it, and I can't eat anymore."

"Ye Han and Xiao Qi don't eat lunch anymore, and I don't want to eat either. I don't want to."

"I think of the frontier soldiers of our Shenzhou Kingdom again. The environment they live in is also quite harsh. When they are on duty, their faces must be covered with a gauze cover, otherwise they will be attacked by a large number of mosquitoes!"

"I didn't believe it at all before, but until I swiped a video once, the police dogs raised by the frontier soldiers were all bitten to death by mosquitoes!"

"I also saw that video, so don't underestimate these small animals. When the number reaches a certain level, they can threaten human life!"

"I still don't believe it! Don't ask me why, I just don't believe it! Those army ants will definitely be in bad luck!"

"Yes! Well said! In this world, nothing can harm Ye Han's interests and then retreat completely. I would like to call it Ye Han's fifth law!"


The audience kept talking, and some even wanted to propose Ye Han's fifth law!

So far, the audience has summed up four laws.

Tried and tested.

If this time, the army ants are also unlucky, then the fifth law is about to be established!

But, can this fifth law really hold true?

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