MTL - Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points-Chapter 1248

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Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

After six shots were fired, the tiger's head was almost smashed, and it fell into a pool of blood on the spot.

Even when it dies, it doesn't understand, what is going on?

"Target is dead!"

"Check the player status immediately!"

After reporting the news of the target's death, the superior's order was issued again.

In fact, there was no need to wait for an order at all. When the tiger died, the six medical staff had already been divided into two groups to check the status of Di Tian and Xue Liang.

The audience was nervous again.

They desperately wanted to know what happened to the two players.

"Di Tian's life is not in danger!"

"Xue Liang too!"

Good news soon came.

Neither player was life-threatening.

At this point, the hanging hearts of the audience can finally be put down.

After watching the two players perform a series of operations such as hemostasis, disinfection and oxygen inhalation, they were carried into the helicopter.

The barrage in the live broadcast room completely exploded.

"I didn't dare to breathe the whole time, I was so nervous!"

"It's alright, it's alright, you can rest assured, the two players are not in danger!"

"Wow, the whole rescue process was neat and tidy, it looked so cool!"

"Wait, what about Brother Flathead?"

"Yes, look at Brother Pingtou, how is it?"

"There is also the body of the tiger, so take it away too. This is a male, with a tiger whip!"

"What? Tiger whip? Floating giant ecstasy!"


After confirming that the two players were all right, the audience thought of Brother Pingtou and the body of the tiger.

What they can think of, the program team will not forget it.

Of course, the highest priority must be the two players, then Brother Flathead, and finally the body of the tiger.

After sending the two contestants to the helicopter, rescuers found the dying brother Pingtou in the rubble of the wooden house.

"Not dead yet."

A rescuer spoke up.

These two words for the time being are very spiritual.

The medical staff present checked the status of Brother Pingtou.

It's just that they all treat people, not animals.

This occasion requires a veterinarian.

And this also reminded the program team that it may be necessary to recruit a few veterinarians to work in the program team.

The one who was injured today is Brother Pingtou. I'm not sure that the next time it might be Huzi, Xiao Mimi, and those animals that Ye Han raised.

These are all issues that need to be considered in advance.

"Take it back first, and then quickly ask the program team to arrange a veterinarian for Brother Pingtou to see."

"Now only the body of the tiger is left. It is too troublesome to carry on the plane, so I just hang it."

said one of the leading rescuers.

Then the audience all saw that there were several strong steel cables hanging down from the helicopter, and there was a container!

I have never used such a function before, so the audience never thought that there is such a device!

Soon, the tiger's body was put into the container, hung with steel cables, and hung in the air.

Everyone got on the helicopter, the hatch closed, and the helicopter began to fly away from the island.

In order to meet the requirements of the audience, the live broadcast bracelets of the two players have not been turned off, but continued to broadcast the whole process.

"My good fellow, I'm afraid this tiger will never imagine that he can go to the sky after he dies!"

"Why are Di Tian and Xue Liang still in a coma? Is there any problem?"

"Don't worry, everyone said that there is no danger to life. If you pour a basin of cold water at this time, you will surely wake up."

"Please be a human being, this is not some ancient torture, and it's even pouring cold water."

"Severely tortured, beaten into a coma, and then splashed with cold water. This operation is not only used in ancient times, but also in modern times. I was tricked into Yaozi Kingdom, and I experienced such a thing. It's terrible!"

"Don't interrupt, Brother Flathead is the most dangerous right now. I saw a big bite on his body!"

"This tiger was definitely brought in by Brother Pingtou. It almost killed Di Tian and Xue Liang. This is really a disaster. It caused us to lose two more players in China!"

"Yeah, two people were reduced, and now there are only 11 people left!"

"This is the only thing left. It's very spiritual. The audiences of Pretty Country, Neon Country, and Plastic Surgery Country are probably going to jump with anger, right?"

"Piss them off!"


Massive barrage swept through, and more and more audiences participated in the discussion.

The entire network is full of news reports, and the top three hot searches are all directly from the Datang team.

The Datang team was attacked by tigers at night!

The program team rushed to the rescue, and the two contestants survived!

Brother Pingtou was seriously injured, and his life and death are unknown!

This is the content of the top three hot searches.

Of course, in the eighth position of the hot search, it is a rather strange news.

"The Floating Giant May Get a Tiger Whip".

Very good, now Floating Giant is about to be broken by netizens.

Finally, in the midst of a lot of discussion, the helicopter took the two players to the hospital, and there were already two veterinarians waiting in the hospital!

Chapter 1425 The situation of Brother Flathead

The live broadcast screen is also interrupted here, and the next treatment process may be a bit bloody, which is not suitable for broadcasting.

And this live broadcast room was quickly closed.

Because this is the rule, when a group of players is eliminated, their live room will also be closed.

Of course, viewers can still view previous live videos, all of which are recorded.

Next, is the more difficult waiting process.

Although the program team has already informed that they will notify everyone as soon as there is news, but who knows how long it will take?

Although the two players are not life-threatening, what is the specific situation?

Will their injuries leave any aftereffects?

This is all unknown!

At this time in Zou Ming's home.

Zou Ming, Zou Ming's wife, Zhang Yun, Zhu Chuan, and Zhu Chuan's mother are all there.

Originally, they were all asleep, but Zhu Chuan got up in the middle of the night to pee and found out about it.

He quickly notified everyone, and everyone watched together.

"The Tang team, Di Tian and Xue Liang, actually encountered a fierce tiger in its heyday."

"Being able to survive such a thing without any preparation is actually pretty awesome."

"By the way, Zhang Yun, how do you feel about their injuries?"

Zou Ming commented.

Then he asked Zhang Yun again.

Don't forget that Zhang Yun is a doctor and a very good Chinese medicine practitioner.

"It's really hard to say."

"Both their arms were bitten, which should hurt the meridian bones, which may affect their normal life."

"And then when they got thrown by the tiger, they should have been injured too, but it wasn't a big problem."

"I'll be treated in the hospital first, and I can go to see it later."

Zhang Yun made an inference based on the live broadcast he saw.

In fact, there are many doctors on the Internet now expressing their inferences.

Just to attract a wave of traffic.

There are also some veterinarians who have posted their views on Brother Flathead's injury online.

There are even people who directly broadcast live broadcasts to tell you that there are still a lot of audiences, and some people are giving gifts.

"Brother Flathead was obviously bitten by a tiger!"

"The specific situation should be that Brother Pingtou went out to play, but he encountered a tiger. He didn't beat him before. He fled, and the tiger chased after him, causing this tragedy."

"Let's get down to business, I personally think that Brother Pingtou's injury is not serious, so don't worry about it!"

A person who claimed to be a veterinarian was chatting in the live broadcast room.

As soon as the audience heard it, Brother Pingtou had no problem, they were very happy, and immediately began to give him gifts.

But at this time, someone took a closer look and found clues.

"This person doesn't seem to be a veterinarian?"

What? !

The audience immediately began to look carefully, and finally found out that this was actually a fake veterinarian!

This person is actually a dentist, and now he is lying to everyone that he is a veterinarian, and deliberately broadcasts live broadcasts to attract traffic!

In just such a short time, he has earned thousands of dollars in reward money!

"Fuck you, liar!"

"Gan, how come everyone has it, and I laughed at the grandfather in the middle of the night!"

"This is already a scam. I called the police."

"So it's not a big problem for Brother Pingtou, and it's a lie, which makes me happy!"

"Oh, let's wait for the news from the program team!"

"I do have a friend who is a real veterinarian. I asked him and he said he couldn't tell, alas!"


There was a lot of buzz all over the internet, and everyone was talking about this.

And now the flat head brother is more concerned.

After all, for the two players, it is already certain that there is no danger to their lives, so they don't need to worry so much.

Read The Duke's Passion