MTL - Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points-Chapter 1224

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"Yo Xi, Missi Missi! It's delicious!"


The current live broadcast has no content, and it all depends on the audience to live.

Time passed, and the day was about to pass.

Ye Han took a look and saw that the concrete floor in the house was finally completely dry.

Although the temperature on the island is high, the humidity is also high!

What's more, it's not too far from where the waterfall is. Otherwise, the cement floor in the house would have dried up long ago.

Next, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi put some of the supplies they brought into the supplies, then closed the door and rushed to the rubber tree together.

The audience was all excited, Ye Han was about to start tapping!

In fact, the first person on the island to tap rubber was not Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

It's Bill of Pretty Country.

At the same time, in a hospital ward, Bill was watching Ye Han's live broadcast.

Beside him is Master Bei.

During this time, Lord Bei and Lord De were both on vacation to relax their bodies and minds.

Lord De went on a trip and lived a very happy life.

On the other hand, Lord Bei has basically stayed in the hospital all the time, accompanying his apprentice.

This moved Bill's heart very much.

However, as time went on, Bill became more and more pessimistic, and he thought that he would never be able to stand up again.

If any viewers see him now, they will definitely be shocked.

Because this is completely different from Bill in the original live broadcast!

Chapter 1398 Ye Han Tapping New Guests

At the beginning of the game, Bill was in very good spirits.

Because he is going for the championship, his mental outlook is very positive.

And now, with a series of blows, he described it as withered, with deep sunken eye sockets and thick dark circles.

To put it mildly, he seems to have rewarded himself too much, and he looks like he is in short supply.

Of course, with his lower body completely paralyzed, his desire to reward himself became wishful thinking.

More than miserable, simply miserable!

Bei Ye's face is also not good-looking.

He was on vacation to relax his mind, but now his mind is heavy.

After trying a new drug for Bill, there was still no improvement.

He even felt the will to die in Bill's body.

Indeed, for people like them, being paralyzed is indeed more difficult to accept than death!

Or, in fact, for most people this is the case!

Who can accept that he has been paralyzed for the rest of his life when he is young and middle-aged?

If this continues, Bill will probably die in his hospital bed.

"Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are going to tap rubber."

Bill began, his voice tired and weak.

The whole person seems to be drained.


Bei Ye nodded.

The atmosphere in the ward was very solemn.

Touching the scene!

Bill thought of the scene when he tapped the rubber.

He was the first person to use rubber trees on the island, and the first person to get rubber.

Although it is a pirated inferior rubber, at least it can be used.

Like later, Leng Feng and Li Guang also started to make this kind of rubber, but they were just imitating him.

"Ye Han has sulfur in his hand, and the rubber he makes will be better."

"This player is really amazing!"

Bill said, in a very envious tone.

He now sees a person who can walk normally, even if that person is a lunatic, demented, mentally ill, he is envious!

Like Sean.

He also saw news about Sean on a TV report last time.

Everyone is a player from a beautiful country. Although Sean is crazy and locked in a mental hospital, at least Sean can walk and his body is sound.

Bill was very envious of Sean.

He wants to stand up, he wants to walk, he wants to run!

He is willing to pay any price for this!


After a long time, Master Bei let out a long sigh.

The atmosphere was so depressing, and it was almost time for him to go, because he was going back to interpreting work tomorrow.

During the time he was away, the traffic in the official live broadcast room decreased.

"Bill, I understand how you feel right now..."

Bei Ye pondered for a while and said.

"No! You don't understand!"

"It's not you who is paralyzed, how can you understand me!"

"There is no empathy in this world at all, you will never understand!"

Only halfway through Mr. Bei's words, Bill began to roar and his eyes widened.


Master Bei was not used to him either, and just punched him in the face.

This punch blinded Bill.

When Pei Ye taught him how to survive in the wilderness, he was strict, but he never beat him.

And this time, Lord Bei actually beat him!

"You're right, I can't understand how you're feeling right now."

"But I hope you can cheer up, instead of the ghostly resentment you are now!"

"What if he's paralyzed? There is a writer in China State called Shi Tiesheng. He was ill when he was young and middle-aged. From then on, he could only sit in a wheelchair. His mother didn't dare to say words like running and walking in front of him! "

"But he came out and became a famous writer!"

"Think Hawking! His body is stuck in a wheelchair, but his mind is out of the universe!"

"It's hard to give up, I can help you jump off the building now! If you want to die, there are too many ways!"

"But I hope you can cheer up, even if you can't stand up again, you can do many other things, think about it for yourself, don't let me see you wrong!"

After speaking, Master Bei turned around and walked out of the ward, and left the hospital without looking back.

In the ward, Bill burst into tears.

Of course he knew all these cases.

But he really wanted to stand up!

Is there really no hope at all?

It's not that he doesn't want to cheer up, he just hasn't fully accepted the fact!


At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already done the rubber tapping.

In fact, tapping is the easiest step.

Ye Han cut the bark with a Swiss Army knife and inserted a small piece of bamboo on the trunk to guide the natural latex to flow into the pot.

Of course, it looks simple, but there are some doorways and tricks.

It's not just a random cut, but the husk and bast of the rubber tree.

In terms of shape, it should also be inclined, and there should be a certain area.

Seeing the natural latex dripping down the bamboo pieces and dripping into the pot, Ye Han nodded and clapped his hands.

"All right!"

"Actually, the best time to tap rubber is at four o'clock in the morning, when the most natural latex is produced."

"But I don't feel slow now, hahaha!"

Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi and turned to leave here and returned to the waterfall view room.

It's almost time to start getting some supper, and it's the end of the day.

Today, Ye Han has completely finished the decoration and occupancy of the waterfall view room, and has also done the work of tapping rubber.

Then Leng Feng decided to eat up the little wild boar and stop raising pigs, because he yearned for the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas.

Zhang Haoran was heading towards Leng Feng and Li Guang, which made the audience look forward to it.

But there is no real drastic thing.

Audiences want to see intense and exciting things, but how can such things happen every day?

And just when Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were having dinner, another piece of news was announced by Shenzhou Kingdom.

The program team issued a notice that a guest will come to the live broadcast room tomorrow, and also prepared generous benefits for everyone!

This immediately made the audience who were originally lacking in interest excited.

Good thing!

In the past few days, no big brother has come to the live broadcast room to send money, and many people are eagerly waiting!

"Which boss is it, what are you giving?"

"Speak quickly, the show crew don't hang their appetites!"

"Let me guess, is it Alanonyi?"

"Alah, he still owes a lot to eat, and I don't ask too much. He just eats the tractor."

"The main reason is that there are too many bosses, and I can't guess who it is."

"It doesn't matter who he is, as long as you give me the money anyway, let me call Dad!"

"Hey, dear son!"


A large number of viewers are constantly discussing and sending barrage.

At this time, in a research base in China, Chu Yiju was packing his things, putting them in a backpack, and leaving the base.

He hasn't left this base for a long time.

Read The Duke's Passion