MTL - Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points-Chapter 1219

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Each has its own life, very stable.

This also makes many viewers feel that there should be more than one group of players who can last for three hundred and sixty-five days in the end.

If this is the case, then I am afraid that there will be a playoff!

Of course, that's all in the future, and no one can say for sure.

The picture came to the scenery cp group here.

Recently, their lives have been very stable, and the cold wind is at most just strolling around, not running around.

Everyday life is to tease tigers and feed pigs.

Now, the cold wind is catching fish by the lake, fishing with homemade nets, and catching a lot of fish every time.

But now the cold wind is tired of eating this stuff.

Freshwater fish is of course delicious, but it also depends on how you cook it.

As far as Li Guang's craftsmanship is concerned, it certainly cannot be compared with Su Xiaoqi.

So it will have a fishy smell.

Recently, Leng Feng has been thinking about whether to kill a little wild boar?

But I'm not too willing, I want to raise more fat.

And he also has an idea, that is to sterilize the little wild boar.

When people raise pigs, they will be sterilized.

This produces better pork.

It's just that Leng Feng and Li Guang pondered for a long time and didn't know what to do.

Li Guang said that one size fits all, which is very cruel.

The cold wind said, it seems that there is no need to cut across the egg, just cut the egg.

The two have different opinions.

Then don't forget there are sows, it's even harder to neuter.

In the end, the two had to give up and give up the idea.

At this moment, Huzi, the divine beast of the ring, was lying in front of the pigsty, staring at the piglets in the pigsty.

As you can see, it's kind of boring.

At present, most of the audience are also watching Huzi.

Because Li Guang was fishing and preparing breakfast.

Cold wind is punching not far away.

"Huzi, mother is here!"

"It's so cute, I really want to touch it!"

"If I have a chance to go to the island, I won't go to Ye Han's side, I will come to see Huzi!"

"Small, the layout is small, if I have a chance to go to the island, I will watch all the players of our Shenzhou Kingdom!"

"Keep dreaming, don't stop!"

"If I give a reward of 100 million, can you let me go to the island?"

"First of all, you have to have 100 million, brother, move the bricks well, and you will be successful!"

"If you don't die, you will come forward! Let's work hard together and work hard for the capitalists!"


The audience chatted in the live room and said everything.

After a while, Hu Zi lay there and fell asleep.

At this time, Leng Feng and Li Guang also started to eat breakfast. After breakfast, they sat under the tree to enjoy the shade, watching the piglets in the pigsty and the tigers outside the pigsty.

Life is peaceful and beautiful.

"Aguang, how do you feel about your life recently?"

Cold air asked.


Hearing this, Li Guang's heart skipped a beat.


Leng Feng said that, it must be boring, and he wants to go out and do things!

"Brother Feng, I think life is very good now. We still have pigs to raise. Brother Feng, who is inseparable from people, let's not talk about my sudden stomach pain!"

Li Guang said a lot in one breath.

There is no pause in the middle!

Then he ran away quickly, away from the cold wind, and did not give the cold wind a chance to continue to speak.

Seeing this, Leng Feng shook his head and laughed.


Then go on like this and wait a while.

But this time, Li Guang was very vigilant.

After confirming that he had turned off the live broadcast, he squatted down.

Saying that the stomach hurts is an excuse, but he really wants to go to the toilet now.

The audience were all laughing and laughing, looking at what the cold wind forced Li Guang to look like!

Then, the screen moved to the other side.

Zhang Haoran and Sirius are here.

Recently, Zhang Haoran has been dormant.

Every day I live in the big house of the scenery cp group, eat and sleep, sleep and eat.

You don't even need to hunt by yourself, Sirius will go out to hunt and bring the prey back.

The audience was very anxious because they wanted to see Zhang Haoran looking for trouble.

As the big devil on the island, if you want to speed up the retirement or death of other players, you can only rely on Zhang Haoran!

At this time, Zhang Haoran really wanted to go out for a walk.

Although he liked this big house very much and there was a tree in the yard, Zhang Haoran still felt that he had to go out for a walk.

Just go!

This is also what many people envy Zhang Haoran the most. They also want to go on a trip, but they still have to go to work and school!

Next, the audience saw that Zhang Haoran started to pack up!

The news spread quickly!

Chapter 1393 The so-called mysterious gift

Immediately, a large number of viewers poured into Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room.

Massive barrages are also constantly scrolling.

Watching Zhang Haoran start to pack up, the audience understood that he was going into a runaway state!

As we all know, Zhang Haoran has two states.

One is the dormant state, and the other is the runaway state.

And once he starts to run wild, it means that someone is going to be unlucky!

I don't know which group of lucky players will meet Zhang Haoran this time?

Everyone was looking forward to it, and kept guessing.

"Pretty Country, Plastic Surgery Country, and Neon Country have all been wiped out! It's a little bit less interesting to not be able to meet players from these three countries."

"This time he may not be able to meet foreign players. I think it is very likely that he will meet Chinese players!"

"You mean the scenery CP group? It is indeed possible!"

"Yeah, this is the hometown of the Fengguang CP group. If Zhang Haoran goes in the opposite direction, there is a real possibility that he will meet Brother Feng and Mother Guang!"

"Lifetime series! Until now, there has been no encounter between Chinese players!"

"Looking forward, looking forward to it!"


In the barrage of the audience, Zhang Haoran had already packed up his things.

Next, he took Sirius, walked out of the fence, closed the door, and embarked on a new journey.

Picking a random direction, he began to move forward.

The audience immediately began to look in this direction, wanting to see if it was the current direction of the scenery CP group.

It's just a little bit difficult for the audience.

Only a cat detective can see it at a glance.

If the audience can't see it, they will ask the program team, but whether this kind of thing can be announced or not depends on the willingness of the program team.

Generally speaking, the program group will not announce it so quickly.

It's sure to whet the appetite of the audience.

So, everyone began to fall into torment again.

"So can Zhang Haoran meet the Fengguang CP group?"

"Curious, I'm so curious, I'm scratching my head, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to the show team to ask!"

"I work in the show team, and I'm the security guard at the gate of the show team. I also want to know, if they don't tell me, I won't let the car in, and I won't open the railing!"

"Brother, you are a ruthless person. I look at you as if you don't want to do it anymore?"

"After the program team learned the news, they quickly fired him!"

"Our Shenzhou country program group is not like the official program group. This matter only involves our two groups of Shenzhou country players. There is nothing that can't be said!"

"Aite Shenzhouguo program group, come out and talk about it!"

The audience was discussing and urging.

And this time, the show team of Shenzhou Kingdom also played a routine and did not tell the audience the answer.

"Dear viewers and friends, whether Zhang Haoran can meet the scenery CP group is still unknown, so the program group can't tell."

"But the program team specially launched a voting event, and will also send a mysterious gift!"

The Shenzhouguo program group issued such a notice.

But the audience didn't buy it.

"What kind of voting activity is there? I haven't won a lottery once so far!"

"Yes, I haven't won the lottery either. I said it all, and I'll never participate in voting activities again. It's similar to buying a lottery ticket!"

"It's also a mysterious gift, I don't care about it, I don't want it for nothing!"

"That's right, can you let me go to the island? It's not a big gift if you can't go to the island!"

"I just want to go to the island now, don't think about taking some money or gifts to fool people, I don't eat this!"

"Shenzhouguo program group disappointed me too much, alas!"


Such remarks abound.

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