MTL - Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points-Chapter 1196

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But that's what it should be!

This would have been a fair result!

But Abigail's crimes were covered up!

What is the accidental discovery of Ye Han's residence?

A fool can see that Abigail had a plan!


The audience's dissatisfaction with the program group reached its peak.

"Silly Beep show crew, don't do it if you can't do it!"

"Grass, a kind of plant! Usually even the weather forecast is inaccurate. For such a big thing, your **** is sitting so crooked?"

"Who sent this announcement? Who wrote it? Don't let Lao Tzu know, or they will be killed!"

"I set a fire in the program group and burned this group of pigs to death!"

"I'm from a beautiful country, and I apologize for this. I'm a fan of Ye Han. I apologize to everyone for the actions of my country and my country's players!"

"Uninstalled, I will never watch this live broadcast again!"

"I've already called the police! The show crew killed me!"

"I'm a small lawyer, but I also have a law firm of my own. Now I have sued the show team and want to sue them!"


Everyone's reaction was overwhelming!

This also made the official program team panic completely.

Yes, Abigail, this is clearly a premeditated action, everyone can see it.

In order for the game to continue, even if the beautiful country pointed a gun at them, they would not dare to continue talking nonsense.

Soon, another apology notice appeared.

The general meaning is that the person who issued the announcement just now is an intern!

The intern is all responsible, and now that he has been fired, the program team apologizes to everyone!

Ha ha.

When something goes wrong, an unwarranted intern will always take the blame. These people's faces are really similar.

But then, the program team clarified the incident again, saying that Abigail planned to murder Ye Han on purpose!

This made the audience a little satisfied.

Of course, the scolding is still there.

In the words of the audience, this show group is itchy.

If you don't get scolded, you will feel uncomfortable!

The staff on this side of the program group all have words of suffering, and there is a feeling that the whole family has been scolded.

But in fact, the real decision is always made by the small group of people above. They are just the executors, who are working for others.

For example, a game is very poorly done, and various bugs emerge in an endless stream, but the game official doesn't care, and just wants to make skins and sell them for money.

Netizens sometimes scolded all the staff of this game, which actually wronged many people.

Seeing that the netizens were still scolding, they immediately started to blast the network, and the official website of the program group was also attacked by a large number of hackers, which was directly paralyzed. The program group was extremely uncomfortable.

Just at this time, Shenzhou Kingdom took the opportunity to propose that it should send a psychological counselor and a psychiatrist to the island to provide psychological counseling to Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

The official program group immediately started discussions here, this is a good opportunity!

In fact, even if you agree, it will not affect the game!

Because it's very simple, Ye Han is doing very well now, what help can Ye Han bring to Ye Han when someone comes to the island?

He has no shortage of food, no shortage of drinks, no shortage of places to live, invincible luck, and a very strong ability to protect himself!

As for psychological counseling, in fact, this is also a statement.

In fact, the agreement signed before the start of the game is written on it. If the players are not at fault, if they need some psychological counseling, it is completely possible!

This wave of Ye Han is definitely not wrong, he is the victim.

These days, there is a saying called victim guilt.

For example, who made her wear so little, she deserves to be followed!

Who made his family so rich, he deserves to be robbed!

He's so rich, what's wrong with stealing a little?

This statement is used by many network keyboard warriors and professional trolls.

But in the matter of Ye Han, no one really dared to say that.

Ye Han's fans, his fighting power is obvious to all.

Several people said that Ye Han had been so good, that Abigail felt hatred in his heart, and that was what Ye Han asked for!

People who say such things will be given meat by netizens directly.

I can only say that this kind of person is just two words, deserve it!

Soon, the matter of letting the psychiatrist go to the island was finalized.

The official program team has passed this matter and announced it.

This calmed the anger of netizens!

And now, the whole night is almost over.

As for Ye Han's side, this night was actually not a good one.

After the program crew took away Abigail's body, both Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had no appetite.

Especially Su Xiaoqi, who vomited once later.

If this was before, someone would have joked that Xiao Qi was pregnant.

But no one jokes like that these days.

Everyone can see that the two of them are not very good.

Even Su Xiaoqi didn't dare to enter that wooden house to sleep.

There's nothing wrong with that, the one who died in that house is already a haunted house!

These days, there are actually fewer and fewer people who still believe this.

Older people believe more, but young people don’t believe this much, but it is related to a house where they will live for a long time, and even young people feel bad about it.

Who wants to live in a house where someone has died?

How unlucky!

Ye Han was not very comfortable in his heart and felt unlucky, while Su Xiaoqi was more afraid.

She just glanced at it, but now all the images of Abigail's death were in her mind.

The blood hole between the eyebrows, gurgling blood out, closing your eyes is such a picture.

The little girl obviously couldn't take it anymore, and basically kept shrinking in Ye Han's arms.

Ye Han started a fire outside the house and coaxed Su Xiaoqi all night.

Da Huang also saw that something was wrong, so he deliberately came to dance in front of Su Xiaoqi, trying to please Su Xiaoqi.

"Xiao Qi, look at Da Huang."

"It's actually a practice of opening the altar, jumping to the gods, and driving away Abigail's soul." . .

"So don't be afraid!"

Ye Han said.

Seeing Da Huang's funny look, Su Xiaoqi couldn't help but laugh.

"Rhubarb pleases me just for the sake of stuttering, I've already seen it through!"

This is true.

"Okay, okay, even Jiutian has come to comfort you, don't be afraid, darling."

Ye Han continued to coax Su Xiaoqi.

Indeed, even nine days have come.

This guy is different from Rhubarb. Rhubarb is a licking dog, but Jiutian is very cold.

That is, recently, Jiu Tian was willing to answer Su Xiaoqi. Before that, he always ignored it.

Now Jiutian has also come over and arched Su Xiaoqi with his head.

Animals are indeed more sensitive to human emotions.

Many people's pet cats and pet dogs can feel the owner's emotions.

Someone was wronged outside, and when they came home, they sat there crying, and the family dog ​​kept coming over to coax them.

If you are a cat owner, you are usually urged to shovel the feces and feed the food. It is best to open a can like this...

In the end, Su Xiaoqi lay in Ye Han's arms and gradually fell asleep.

Ye Han hugged her and slowly fell asleep until dawn.

Early in the morning, netizens were still immersed in yesterday's big event, unable to extricate themselves, and continued to discuss.

Ye Han shot and killed Abigail, and the entire beautiful country was wiped out. It was indeed a major event that shocked the world. The major headlines have been completely occupied, and the thunder can't be shaken.

At this time, on the side of the Shenzhouguo program group, two major events appeared again, which attracted the attention of the whole world!

Chapter 1367 My Girl Fragrant Pig Has the Capital of Qingbei

Two big things!

The Shenzhouguo program group has won the true biography of the UC shock department, and this title directly attracted the interest of a large number of audiences.

Everyone clicked to see the details.

If it can be called a big event, it will definitely be more exciting!

Sure enough, the first major event was announced.

That is, today the Floating Giant will come to the program group as a guest and give away a Maserati on the spot!

In addition, he also prepared a lot of meal coupons for Hanqi Hotpot Restaurant for everyone!

There were audiences who shouted on the Internet before, saying that the Floating Giant only gave a Maserati, and only one person could win the award.

Don't other viewers have no benefits?

So they feel dissatisfied!

But now, Fu Sheng Ju has blocked the mouths of these people with practical actions.

Not only to send Maserati, but also to send hot pot meal coupons!

You know, when Tian Ai Xiangzhu came to the live broadcast room, she only gave away a hot pot meal coupon!

In contrast, Fusheng Ju sends more and is more valuable.

And for many people, a Maserati is a life-changing experience!

If the requirements of life are not too high, sell the car directly, then deposit the money in the bank, and then you can lie flat.

The audience who saw the news were all excited.

I don't think about Maserati, so I should be able to get a hot pot meal coupon, right?

What if you get lucky and get Martha?

Go straight to the sky!