MTL - Supreme Martial Dao-Chapter 306 Survival

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"The name is in vain? Yes! It is only a matter of time before it is destroyed!"

When I heard the purple orchid, I looked at the purple orchids, and Liu Xinyan nodded.

"Starry night, what do you think?"

Looking at the starry night in the silence, Liu Xinyan showed a smile.

This Xiao Nizi, since he had a relationship with Wang Chending, has changed a lot since he came to the Wang family this time.

Especially seeing Zilan today, this little Nizi is a rare stern, revealing awkward and shy side.

After all, how does Zilan say, and also the name of Wang Chen's fiancee, in the future, she must be with Wang Chen! No?

Is this perhaps a place where the stars and nights are cautious? How to say, Starry Night is also a latecomer. At the very least, she thinks so.

This situation is not suitable for maintenance.

"I? There is no opinion! A group of ugly people. The roots of the sacred mountains have already rotten. Even in the past millennium, their prosperity is only appearance. Now, the wall is pushed down by people, and the big things are crashing, it is not enough! There is only some threat from the Lord!"

When I heard Liu Xinyan’s words, Starry Night sank and said.

Then she frowned. "I feel that the life of the Lord seems to have fallen to a low point last night. I thought he had an accident. But, tonight, why do I feel that his life suddenly thrives? Get up. Like the flames of burning, skyrocketing? What did he encounter in the Shura community?"

The Lord, this is what Starry Night is worried about.

This is Wang Chen’s biggest enemy and is destined to be the biggest enemy of the Starry Night.

For this enemy, the starry night is always of concern.

The Xingyue family, a star-shaped vein, has a unique ability to make the starry night clearly feel that the lord's numerology seems to have undergone some changes.

"The Lord?"

When I heard the starry night, Liu Xinyan, Zilan and Keer were all attracted.

For the ability of the starry night, the three people naturally do not have the slightest doubt.

Has the Lord's body changed dramatically? This……

"What else have you felt?"

Liu Xinyan asked, Shen Sheng.

"Is coming back soon? Recently, the astrological scenes of the highest battlefield have changed a lot. Many of the secrets have been disrupted. In the past few days, I have felt a huge crisis. The high-ranking battlefield seems to have encountered huge troubles. But suddenly Between them, there seems to be a strong atmosphere, forcing the reversal of the chaos! This shows that a powerful force was born, will reverse the crisis. I am afraid that this person is Wang Chen brother is right.

However, the breath of the Lord... seems to be returning. Moreover, this time, he must have been the original Lord! ”

Xingyue frowns and sinks.

"Returned? It seems that the army of Shura is coming soon. A big battle is inevitable!"

When I heard the starry night, Liu Xinyan said with a deep sigh.

Since Stars said so, I don’t think there will be too many problems.

Thinking of this, Liu Xinyan's look became dignified.

"The wind, it's up, the rainstorm, maybe it will come soon!"

Liu Xinyan muttered to himself.


Just as Liu Xinyan felt and sighed, there was a low voice outside the door of the hospital.

"Black robe predecessors!"

Looking towards the door, I saw a figure standing on the other side. Liu Xinyan put away a dignified look and revealed a smile: "Is there a message?"

The black robe appeared here, and Liu Xinyan was not surprised.

This is what she confessed.

No matter how late, news came to tell myself the first time.

If it is tonight, if the black robe does not appear, it is a strange and shocking thing.

"Well, there is news coming!"

When I heard Liu Xinyan, the black robe went into the courtyard.

After seeing everyone in the room, the black robe took a deep breath and showed a little smile: "The holy mountain has been closed. Unless the strongest of the Lord's level comes, otherwise the seal of the holy mountain is afraid of being inseparable." As for the outside action, it has already begun.

Hong Tiancheng and Shenwu City have taken the lead in the news.

Within Hongtiancheng, the Guardian began to act and has removed all personnel associated with the Holy Mountain.

Shenwu City has been cleared.

Four big families, four holy places, the demon, the orcs also started to act!

As for the rest of the major forces and families, under the news of the secret Guardian, they began to act.

Did not encounter any obstacles! I believe that before dawn, it should be able to settle the dust! ”

No nonsense, the black robe directly told the news.

“Has there been a result?”

When I heard the black robe, Liu Xin’s mouth was slightly raised.


"Dawn? Is it fast?"

Look at the sky, Liu Xinyan muttered.

After dawn, what kind of world will it be?

The holy mountain, the sacred place of the inheritors for thousands of years, all their traces will be erased.

"In addition, according to what you and Wang Yan mean, we have already informed all parties. Before dawn, all the news of the Holy Mountain will be transmitted. No accident, the situation will be completely reversed!"

The black robe continued.

"I know!"

When I heard the black robe, Liu Xinyan nodded thoughtfully.

"It's over!"

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xinyan said in a complicated way.

How many years?

To this day, it is coming to an end.

The stalemate between the Wang family and the holy mountain, and the sacred mountain control of this piece of heaven and earth, should come to an end.

"Greedy, this is the most deadly. Knowing that it is poisonous, how many people can stay away?"

Looking at the distance, Liu Xinyan looked like a complicated mutter.

The holy mountain, a great holy place, has fallen to the point of today, and in the final analysis, nothing more than greed.

The Lord is greedy, he is greedy for the world!

The holy mountain is greedy, and greed is fame and fortune.

And what about the Wang family?

Liu Xinyan smiled.

Wang family, perhaps also greedy! Who is not greedy?

Just, how to control this desire? This is the hardest topic.

It is a pity that the holy mountain has gone the wrong way.

Standing in the cool breeze, Liu Xinyan was filled with emotion.

Greed, desire, hope, this is really the most difficult thing to explain and explain in this world.


The dawn of the dawn, expelled the darkness of the night.

Gradually the sky is blooming with a ray of light, completely tearing all the darkness.

Throughout the high battlefield, in the cool breeze of the dawn, there seems to be a suffocating **** atmosphere.

Under the night, I don’t know how many lives were buried?

When the morning fell completely, the entire high battlefield fell into a shock.

"What happened last night?"

Many people walked out of the house and could not help but reveal a puzzled expression.

Shouting and killing, the battle is everywhere.

Last night, the highest battlefield was lively.

This makes many people, even closed doors, afraid to go out.

Until dawn, the movement completely fell, and the entire highest battlefield returned to calm!

It was also until this time that people came out of their homes in the early morning.

"The people outside the holy mountain have been completely degraded!"

"The king's family, the four great families, the four great holy places... all acted!"

"You still don't know? All the forces of the entire high-altitude battlefield acted yesterday, and launched a thunderous attack on the holy mountain!"

"God? The whole high battlefield! What is going on here? Why do you want to start with the holy mountain?"

Gradually, when the news spreads, people are even more stunned.

In the high battlefield, I experienced a blood and fire wash last night.

The holy mountain has become the target of being encircled.

At this time, people only know that the original holy mountain, on the periphery, actually hides so many people.

There may not be many strong people, but this power is not afraid of anyone.

At this time, people are shocked.

You know, just yesterday, the Holy Mountain was still highly respected. Because the holy mountain has already turned away from the true God, perhaps they have already discovered the conspiracy of the true God.

Yesterday, the Wang family and the warrior were pushed to the cusp. Because, some people began to doubt whether the Wang family and the warrior, under the leadership of Wang Chen, continued the conspiracy of the true God?

Who can think of it, just on this topic, it has been rumored, and there is no sign of calming down. Under the night, what happened to such a **** thing?

Not only is the Wang family acting.

Countless forces have acted throughout the supreme battlefield.

Eight out of the door, Tianya Zong...

These sects also sent a sword to the holy mountain!

What happened again?

Shocked, wrong, unbelievable...

Too much emotion, for a moment, flooded everyone's heart.

"God, look, this is..."

"This is the announcement issued by Tianya Zong!"

"There is also the announcement of the Eight Wastes!"

"There is this side... there is also here!"

And just when people are still surprised, unbelievable, very quickly, some people have discovered it, as if it was a notice that appeared overnight.

Before the city gate, above the city wall, the number of notices made people stunned.

"The holy mountain is actually... colluding with Shura?"

"The Lord has entered the Shura community and tried to lead Shura to the world!"

"This... how could this be happening! The holy mountain turned out to be the biggest conspirators!"

"The conspiracy of the true God was actually destroyed by Wang Chen?"

"How could this be!"

"No wonder, it is no wonder that yesterday, all the forces within the high battlefield will be alliances. It is no wonder that Wang Chen will be the leader, and the Wang family and the warriors will be the mainstay!"

"Oh... the holy mountain, it’s really a good show! We’re almost blinded!”

"This holy mountain is really evil. If we really believe in them, I am afraid that when the disaster comes, I don't know how to die?"

Looking at the content that appeared on the announcement, the entire high battlefield was lost.

In this case, every city has emerged and spread to every corner.

No one will doubt the authenticity of this announcement.

Four great families, four holy places, a royal family, a warrior... These people may lie. But is it that the Eight Doors will lie?

Is it that Tianya Zong will lie?

Are so many forces lying?

No wonder the return of the phoenix fantasy dance yesterday.

It seems that this thing is also known as the Phoenix Fantasy Dance.

After clearing this point, people suddenly realized in shock.

No wonder that such a big thing happened last night.

It is no wonder that everyone will act on the holy mountain.

Endless embarrassment, filled with this morning.

Just yesterday, the holy mountain was still in full swing. However, who can think of it, just one day later, this holy mountain has completely fallen from the altar to the abyss.

From heaven to hell, maybe it’s just that?