MTL - Supreme Demon-Chapter 3455 emperor!

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Zun on the first day.

The first supreme.

The first **** emperor! Ling Feng is not only in a decisive battle, but also showing the limits of martial arts.

Tianzun belongs to the realm of the sky, and only Tianzun is qualified to enter the realm of the sky, and the end point is Wuxian.

There are five realms: Tianzun, Supreme, God Emperor, Guxian, and Wuxian.

But what did Ling Feng do now?

He used Tianzun as a comprehensive "explanation" of the limits of martial arts.

Even the most enchanting Tianjiao in history can only be invincible in one realm, while Ling Feng is invincible in three realms.

What kind of evil is this?

Today's Ling Feng can be called the first evildoer in history.


Is this the limit?

People always feel that this is not the end of Ling Feng, and now he is advancing to the rank of Gu Xian with an invincible posture, who dares to underestimate?

Who would dare to say that after many years, Ling Feng could not become the first ancient wise man in history?

Or even the first Wuxian in history?

Since ancient times, no one can really knock out the realm of Immortal Dao, but people have seen hope in Ling Feng.

If Ling Feng can really be invincible in the five realms, it is not without hope.

"Ling Di is too strong, this rhythm has broadened our horizons!"

"Does Ling Di take off the reputation of being the first ancient wise man in history?"

"Ling Di, you let us see the limits of mankind!"

People cheered and excited.

This time can be called magnificent.

They are honored to witness the birth of the first **** emperor in history.

Although people haven't seen Ling Feng as the first Tianzun, but with people's IQ, it's hard not to know it, right?

Although some of the other forces did not know Ling Feng's record in advance, they also knew it at this moment.

At the beginning, the violent scene of the sky domain should be full of Ling Feng.

To know.

The first day, the first supreme, and the first **** emperor are different from the domain list. It is not that the domain list can be opened before it can bloom, but it is in full bloom.

Xiliang can see this piece of God's heaven.

The Southern Territory God Tianyu is visible.

The North Desert God Tianyu is visible.

Even the top ancient domains and fairy domains can be seen.

It is estimated that the Seven Gods Domain is exploded now, right?

The West Liang Shentianyu is because people know that Lingfeng is the first **** emperor, but other gods don’t know it. People have always classified it as the ancient realm, immortal realm, and Tao realm. Only in the Heavenly Territory of Extraordinary God can these characters be born.

But some characters are really short-sighted.

Who said that the barren Xiliang could not give birth to the first **** emperor in history?

of course.

If it is only the first **** emperor in history, I am afraid it will be difficult to create such a sensation. Since ancient times, are there few short-lived "firsts"?

The real sensation is the three history! Even the ten great divine realms and the six immortal mountains have doubted whether the "First Heavenly Sovereign" and "First Supreme Sovereign" are the same person, let alone other divine realms.

What if all three of them belonged to the same person in history?

Will other gods be scared to death?

People feel happy just thinking about it.

Once the ultimate domain list is opened, how magnificent will Ling Feng and others descend on the three strongest gods in an invincible posture?

They really want to see the aggrieved expressions of the three most extraordinary characters in the universe.

I have to say that this Xiliang God Realm is really strong, and it is unthinkable that Ling Feng, Zhulong and others have been promoted to Gu Xian in just a few years.

In the last session, it would take 180 years.

Hum! A light holding a box appeared in front of Ling Feng, this was the reward of the first **** emperor in history.

The same as the previous two boxes, Ling Feng felt the same as the gods inside.

He didn't open it, but threw it directly into the Dantian.

"I said before, don't single it out, isn't it fragrant to play it together?"

Ling Feng looked directly at Zhu Yan and others, sneered.

"..." At this moment, the Tongtian Pavilion Tianjiao couldn't maintain a normal mind.

The first **** emperor in history has all been picked off, so is the next step to be the first ancient sage in history?

How dare they let Ling Feng live?

This is simply a nightmare.

Punish Gu Xian! The **** emperor can cast such myths, how strong is Ling Feng's strength now?

"Hmph, do you want to suppress us with the realm of God Emperor?"

At this moment, an orange-clothed youth walked out from behind Zhu Yan. He smiled sternly, staring coldly at Ling Feng and said, "Then it depends on your qualifications!"


He blasted towards Ling Feng, the orange order appeared, and it turned into a **** beast, appeared in the form of basalt, lightning appeared on top of Ling Feng's head, and he slammed on Ling Feng's chest.

Order Tao Yun is like a sharp sword, piercing straight.

Attack on both sides! Didn't Ling Feng have such a leaf?

He wanted to see how Ling Feng managed to punish Gu Xian.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Ling Feng's strength. Who said Ling Feng had only one leaf?

bass! A leaf soared into the sky, turned into a star, collapsed into the world, and then pierced the basalt on the spot, disintegrating order and collapsed.


Ling Feng flicked his fingers again, a leaf carrying the sky full of light, suddenly came out and rushed towards the orange-clothed youth.

At this moment, Ling Feng didn't hide it, popping out the emptiness, making it show the supreme mighty heaven.


The orange-clothed ancient wise screamed sorrowfully and died on the spot.

It's just because the land of nothingness is too terrifying, and the majesty of the sky is endless, and it cannot be resisted.

It's not that he didn't work hard, but he still has no solution after working hard.

The endless heavenly might erupted from the emptiness, completely materialized, and directly penetrated the soul sea of ​​the orange-clothed youth, annihilating all his Taoist souls.

dead! There is no fluke! It is not the virtual body that died, but the real body.

If Tsutenkaku wants to deal with him, how can there be no successor?

What's the point of killing him with a virtual body?

Definitely want to get rid of Ling Feng's whole person.

Therefore, Ling Feng did not show mercy to the figures of the Tongtian Pavilion.

"Let's go together!"

Ling Feng said helplessly: "Don't waste my time."

Obviously, he felt that Zhu Yan and others were wasting his time.

"Ling Feng, don't be too arrogant!"

The ancient sages of Tongtian Pavilion looked embarrassed, how could they think that Ling Fengqiang became like this?

How do they say they are arrogant.

But the other party actually slaughtered them easily with the strength of the **** emperor.

At the fingertips! It's that simple.

Their hearts were beating wildly, and their faces turned pale, they really didn't know what Ling Feng would look like.

"My brother Ling makes a move, and you can be punishable with just a click!"

"Soil, shudder!"

"If you let you kneel, you have to kneel!"

... People don't have a good impression of the Tianjiao of the Tongtian Pavilion, and they are very happy to comment on this scene, but Wu Yun and others can't help clenching their fists.

It's so awesome.

Many female martial arts Xiu's eyes were burning with flames, as if they were conquered by Ling Feng.

"White wish, you three go on!"

Zhu Yan spoke, although she didn't want to, but Ling Feng was really too strong.


The three of Bai Yuan flew out and blasted towards Ling Feng without saying a word.

The Three Orders filled the void and detonated the Pure Land, not to mention people, even Wu Yun and other ancient sages changed their colors.

That's too strong.


Ling Feng just raised his eyes faintly, three leaves flew out, punishing Gu Xian with his fingers.

thump! When Bai Yuan's body fell from the void, people couldn't help frowning, because Bai Yuan didn't come in with a virtual body, but a real body.

The other two people drifted apart.

This meant that Ling Feng had killed three ancient sages with his fingers.

How strong is this?

There are a total of six ancient sages.

People were stunned by Ling Feng and Tianwei.

Many universes are crazy.

Like Lingshen Tianyu, they currently only have two ancient sages, Wu Yun and Ling Feng. This is because of Ling Feng, otherwise there is no ancient sage in Lingshen Tianyu.

But now Ling Feng has killed six people.

What is the difference between this and the suppression of the six heavens?

What's more, Ling Feng suppressed Gu Xian in an invincible posture.

"Is this your strength?"

Ling Feng glanced at Zhu Yan and said, "Let's go together, although your desperate spirit is commendable, it's dull."

"..." People laughed.

Ling Feng ridiculed people for being so poisonous.

The mental courage to desperately die is commendable, but then it is dull.

It shows that he has no interest in other Gu Xian, and wants to end this duel as soon as possible.

"Tian Shan, come on!"

Zhu Yan's face was dark and black and hatred. Ling Feng slapped him in the face in front of so many people. How could a character like Zhu Yan endure it?

"it is good!"

Tian Shan shouted and rushed directly to Ling Feng.

Five ancient sages flew out with him.

These are exactly six ancient sages.

This is the rhythm to knock Ling Feng to the end.

bass! A leaf flew out.

bass! The second leaf flew out! Huh... Today people are destined to witness a miracle, because Ling Feng used four leaves.

The first three leaves were extraordinary. Three ancient sages were slaughtered on the spot, but when the fourth leaf was born, the entire pure land was hazy and rained. It anchored the three ancient sages such as Tian Shan, and then turned into Sharp knife, slaughter it directly.

One Leaf Tu Sanxian! Simple and domineering! Completely subverted people's perception of Lingfeng's strength.

Who dare to imagine?

Who can imagine?

Boom! At this moment, the sky changed again, and ray of light rain fell from the void.

emperor! The two characters weighed more than ten thousand catties, shining from the sky, igniting people's eyes.

This is Skyland's recognition of Ling Feng's strength.

After succumbing to two ancient sages, Ling Feng gained the reputation of being the first **** emperor in history, and now Ling Feng has slaughtered ten ancient sages to gain the reputation of emperor.

What is an emperor?

Is the emperor of a country on earth?

Obviously not, but the King of God Emperor! The faces of Zhu Yan and others were ugly to death, they tried hard to kill Ling Feng, but they did not expect it to complete Ling Feng.

In the past, Ling Feng only fought for leapfrogs in the realm of Tianzun and Supreme, but there were not many battles, but this time it was different. More than 20 ancient sages came strongly, which really gave him a chance.

Let him complete the "Ten People Massacre", and then he has the reputation of emperor.

There is no doubt that this is another sensational event in the Seven Gods Domain.

at the same time.

A box flew down from the void and landed in Ling Feng's hands. This was the reward of the Sky Realm to Ling Feng.

"Can it be like this?"

Ling Feng was dumbfounded, and he didn't expect that the first divine emperor in history could still achieve such a reputation as an emperor.

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