MTL - Superstar Aspirations-Chapter 93

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After the official blog of "The Lost City" crew issued this promotional microblog, it was immediately forwarded by many people.

Yuan Dao, Bai Xiwen, Ren Shuzhen, Ma Qi... The crew members naturally forwarded the propaganda for the first time. Even Luo Wei was logged in to Rong Rong’s account and helped him forward it.

In general, most of the star's accounts are not allowed to be managed by themselves. For example, some endorsements promote Weibo, and some works promote Weibo, which can be directly handled by their own assistants, brokers, and even professional public relations teams.

Rong Rong also likes to log in to Weibo, interact with fans, send self-portraits and chat. This is already very good. Many stars don't care about their own Weibo, and they are handed over to the public relations team. There is a public relations team, there will be no wrong speech, you can also help him build a person, sucking powder and hot search. As for what they are in private, the fans are completely ignorant.

When Rong Rong woke up, the number of reposts of "The Lost City" official microblog has broken 10,000, and the fans are eager to speak.

[Uncle of the 40th and my work, six broken hands can not eat. We have to look at the tolerance and look at the tolerance! The 30-second trailer is simply not enough! ! ! Knocking bowls and other landlords to send food! ! ! 】

[Ha ha ha ha, so the official blog of the style of the air, is really unprecedented before the arrival of the ancients. Say good and serious, say good integrity, Xiaobian quickly buckled chicken legs! But add 1000...000 chicken legs to the stylist! Wuli is too handsome~ handsome to no friends! 】

[嗷嗷嗷 The trailer shows that I am full of blood. This time it seems that Rong Rong and Bai Xiwen have joined forces to catch the bad guys together? Is it the modern version of Fuhua? I feel good with a sense of sensation. The shape of Rong Rong is so mature. I am the one who has eaten this kind of gentleman and gentleman. 】

With the forwarding of celebrity artists, the marketing number has also been commented on, and this microblog quickly gained a lot of exposure.

In commenting and forwarding, the easiest thing to see is the popularity of the actors.

Fans of Rong Rong occupied half of the comments and forwarded. First of all, in the microblog number with the highest forwarding volume, in addition to a few stars, it is the official account of Rong Rong's National Support Association. Secondly, at noon that day, #容栩迷城# This tag is on the sixth place in the topic list, and is the only one in the "Mime" series.

After seeing this situation, Yuan Dao also smiled and closed his mouth. In the beginning, he chose Rong Rong. In addition to conformity and performance, the value of the weight is of course. For him, the commercial film director, of course, to make a movie is to make money, who does not make money to go to the film.

Rong Rong has the lowest qualifications in the crew, but now he is the most popular. He is there, and the Lost City is not lacking in exposure.

So in the first wave of propaganda, Yuan Dao gave a ten-second shot in the 30-second trailer, and Bai Xiwen was eight seconds. Few fans may deliberately count their own male gods for a few seconds, but they will see the male gods appear particularly handsome, they will be more happy to discuss and forward.

This is the case of the trailer. As for the first wave of official posters, the deeper inner monologue style is used.

All the actors just stood in front of a pure white background, fixedly looking at the camera, using a close-up frame, only revealing the part of each actor's shoulder.

Under such a lens, the actor is more likely to express the inner play of the character, and also has high requirements for acting.

For example, when you see Ren Shuzhen's poster, you only think that her eyes are angry, but I don't understand other things. But when you see Bai Xiwen's poster, you can see a trace of arrogance from his persevering face, and you can see that his righteousness is unyielding. At first glance, he is a real man who can bite his teeth and suffer.

This is the difference in acting, allowing the audience to see more things.

The first photo released by Guanbo is a poster of Rong Rong.

In this pure white background, a handsome and elegant man wears a pair of silver glasses, slightly sideways, and looks at the camera calmly. His left hand was lifted up, and one finger was used to hold the edge of the glasses. The clear light-colored scorpion seemed to reflect a lake of water, quiet and peaceful. But it is because it is too quiet, but people feel that there is some deserted, deserted to almost indifferent.

There is no expression on Rong's face, unlike any of Shu Shu's teeth, and it doesn't wrinkle like Bai Xiwen. But when he looked at you with a scorpion and a cold lens, anyone felt cold in the soles of his feet, and somehow it was cold.

Of course, for the fans, the most important thing is -

[Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, it’s so cute! Good tolerance! Elite is also so handsome! ! ! 】

When the propaganda of "The Lost City" was further fermented, Rong Rong had already reached the "Makeup of Flowers" crew and signed the contract personally. The amendments proposed by Luo Zhentao were all adopted. Considering the fact that they had to go to film in two weeks, the crew will start shooting the scenes of Rong Rong from today, and will finish his plays.

Without further ado, after signing the contract, Rong Rong went to change costumes and make up.

When he finished the makeup, the old bones of the emperor also changed their style. The old man was like a kind and kind, and was made by the makeup artist's skill. His face was immediately more ill, and he looked slim and ill.

Yesterday, the old actor returned to the hotel too early, and did not see Rong Rong, now the two just met, Liu Lao immediately introduced the two.

However, it is also a coincidence that Rong Rong just extended his hands and politely said hello. The old actor even smiled softly, and also held the hand of Rong Rong with both hands, saying: "I just heard Jianwen said last week. He appreciates you very much. After the Golden Bell Award, he said that your temper is very good, and I will praise you in front of me."

Rong Wei was surprised and looked up at this old man.

Zhou Jianwen is a famous old actor in the circle. He only had one intersection with Rong Rong. When he was the Golden Bell Award in the previous period, the old man personally presented Rong Hao with the best supporting actor. At that time, the old predecessors praised a few words on the stage. Rong Rong only had a good impression on the other side, but did not expect that the other party would actually tell his own things and old friends.

But in any case, the two sides are familiar with each other.

Liu Lao said with a smile: "Since Lao Chen knows Rong Rong, I don't have much to introduce with you. You have the most opponents between the two, you have time to play more pairs. People have two Zhou is about to leave the crew, and now he is rushing to shoot his play and fight for it once."

Rong Rong smiled and daggered, and the old actor smiled and promised.

So when the prop group prepared the scene, Rong Rong has been playing against the seniors.

Not far away, Qin Cheng: "..."

Xu Jingang chatted with the producer and suddenly saw Qin's dark face. He looked around the man's line of sight and saw the scene where Rong Rong and Chen Feng talked.

Who is Xu Jin? Being shrewd, I understand the truth of the matter at a glance.

He laughed and sat down in the chair next to him. He said, "Is this not normal? You and Rong’s opponents have played a few games. Whenever the princes appear, they are not governing the political affairs, or they are waiting for him. He is seriously ill. He doesn't play against Chen Feng. Is it still against you?"

Qin presented slowly lifted his throat, and his eyes glanced at Xu Jin.

The body suddenly shook, and the smile on Xu Jin’s face immediately froze, and the hair was erected. He quickly coughed and made up for himself: "But... but this is nothing. I know that you have a crush on others. It is better than nothing. At least now there is a crew. You can go and talk, close and close."

Qin Cheng did not tell Xu Jin about the relationship between the two. Similarly, Rong Rong did not tell Luo Zhentao.

Qin Cheng did not think about this for a while. Rong Rong considered many factors and felt that if Luo Zhentao was told, there might be other things happening. For example, he still remembers that when Luo Zhentao knew that he had a good relationship with Qin, he thought about whether or not to borrow the reputation of Qin Cheng and paving the way for Rong.

In terms of profit, Luo Zhentao is more like a qualified businessman. His relationship with Rong Rong is very good, but the way they do things is different.

All in all, in a short time, Rong Rong did not intend to tell Luo Zhentao.

Not far away, Rong Rong and Chen Lao are facing the play, and laughter continues. Here, Qin Cheng has been silently watching his own script, and occasionally being taught by martial arts to teach some movement skills, and occasionally other actors come to talk to him and play.

In "Makeup Flowers", the male protagonist Kong Chao played by Qin Cheng, is the commander of Jin Yiwei; the heroine is a female of the sinner, named Sheng Xiangjun, played by the famous Chinese shadow Huang Lei.

The singularly dying brothers of the Jinyiwei are going to perform a task of escorting the sinners, and after the end of the mission, they die one by one. The sinner committed the crime of treason against the enemy, and the secret of Jin Yiwei was escorted back to Beijing from Fujian. In the end, the sinner was executed in a late manner, and all his family members were beheaded to show the public.

Sheng Xiangjun was the last blood of the family. She was sent to the brothel in advance by her family, and she escaped. No one will believe that Wenchen will be hidden in a brothel after his name. This brothel old man was previously blessed by the old man, and this time he killed his life and hid Sheng Xiangjun.

Sheng Xiangjun certainly does not believe that his father will be treason, her father is a great Confucian. The three generations of the Sheng family, Zhongliang, the two dynasty, the father, and the present sanctuary or the feelings of growing up from a young age, how can the enemy treason?

So when Sheng Xiangjun found out that someone was checking his father's case, she was smart and slowly found Kong Chao.

Why did those Jin Yiwei participate in the old case of Shengge, but in the end they died one by one?

Why are the loyal and cherished old cabinets for decades, suddenly trespassing the country?

The whole film revolves around this unsolved case, and Huang Ying is the most played by Qin.

Huang Lei is 35 years old this year. She is eight years older than Qin Cheng. She has already married her life and can’t make any anecdote. But when she and Qin were on the show today, they were surprised to find that the other party had lost several times.

Afterwards, Huang Lei said to her assistant indiscriminately: "What happened to Qin Cheng?"

Huang Lei has no interest in the handsome guy, but her assistant is a loyal fan of Qin Cheng. Upon hearing this, the assistant immediately asked: "What happened to Qin Shen?!"

Huang Lei feels helplessly: "Hey, you are so excited, do you like Qin Cheng so much? Since you like it, you haven't found it. Today, Qin is a bit out of the state. When I was in the drama, I almost missed the wrong line?"

The little assistant opened his eyes and said with disapproval: "Yellow sister, is it impossible? I see the state of Qin Shen is very good. The lines are very good, the emotions are also in place. I am going to play in the side." Still so handsome."

Huang Lei: "...I shouldn't ask you."

In the eyes of the younger sister, even if the male **** is sneezing, it is the most handsome sneeze in the whole world.

In the same way, in the eyes of a man, his own teenager is just a glimpse of it, that is also the best in the whole world... oh, this is not right, he will never let Rong Rong fall!

Of course, if Rong Rong can come to play against him, don't always be with Chen, it would be better.

By noon, the props group and the lighting group were all ready, and Rong Rong officially filmed the first scene after entering the "Makeup" group.

Chen Lao was lying on the bed straight away, and the yellow brocade was covered on him, hiding the old man’s body, not only a thin body, but only a face. Suddenly, this is even more breathable and will be wooden.

A dozen cameras were aimed at the studio from all directions. In this gorgeous and delicate palace, Chen Lao was lying on the dragon bed, and Rong Rong was sitting on the edge of the dragon bed. The rest of the staff were surrounded by the studio, waiting for the end of a play, and then make up the second play.

After Liu Lao and the camera team confirmed it, he waved and shouted: "!"

The next moment, Rong Rong picked up the jade bowl on the low table.

The lighting of this scene is very wonderful. In the lens, other scenes are bright, but inexplicably, there is such a trace of gloom in Rong Rong’s body. He and the dragon bed were shrouded in a shadow that was not easily found, and it seemed to be depressed.

His Royal Highness Prince is the next monarch of Daming. He is young and beautiful, and he works hard.

Since the emperor had been seriously ill by eating the medicinal herbs two years ago, the Prince began to supervise the country. Inside, he filial to the emperor, who personally served the emperor to take medicine every day, and even wiped the emperor. Outside, he has a great talent, Da Ming is well organized under his governance, the people live and work in peace, and the foreign enemies dare not invade. The ministers of the DPRK are full of praise for the Prince.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a nursery rhyme that children sang while playing on the street. There is a sentence inside -

"There are people in the east, and the people have rice. 』

This east refers to the East Palace, and Lin is referring to the Prince Zhu Mozhen. With the Prince, the people can live so well that they can have food.

So in the first half of the movie, Zhu Mozhen is simply a perfect god. He has an impeccable appearance, excellent style and surrender; he has a heart of benevolence, and everyone believes that as long as the Prince is enthroned, Da Ming will certainly have a magnificent scenery.

Today, what Rong Rong wants to play is a perfect Prince.

This scene is very simple, that is, Zhu Mozhen gave the emperor medicine, the emperor spit it out, and spit on the prince's clothes. However, the Prince did not have a trace of twilight. Instead, he respectfully gave his father a smudge of smudges. He said with pride: "The fault of the child is not aware of the discomfort of the father."

Such a son, which father does not like it?

In the monitor screen, Rong Rong’s eyes are low and his brows are slight, as if he is really blaming himself.

Many staff members saw his guilty look and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"If I am old, if I am sick, my son can take care of me like this. I will work hard and I will wake up when I dream."

"The capacity is really beautiful. He is the movie face. I just watched the monitor screen. It was so good."

"It makes sense, such a good Prince, even if it is not his own son... I am willing to let him be an emperor."

Yes, the truth about all the things in the movie "Makeup" is actually one: the civet cat is changing for the prince.

Sheng Ge’s old enemy treason is a crime to be added because he knows the secret that should not be known. The death of those Jin Yiwei is also because Shengge old secretly told the secret one of them. Since they don’t know which one they are, they all kill and kill one by one.

Kong Chao discovered that he was tired and wanted to check the truth. Then... you will die.

Let's die with Sheng Xiangjun. Only the dead can keep secrets. Only dead people can't talk.

The first scene of Rong Rong was very smooth. The original Liu Lao was still worried, and he was afraid that Rong Rong could not adapt to the rhythm of the crew.

There is no such actor in the circle, and it is beautiful when auditioning, but in a filming, it is inexplicably always ng. It may be because they are nervous as long as they are playing against others, and there is no way to play. Especially for big-production movies, those actors are more psychologically stressed and more prone to mistakes.

Throughout the day, Liu Lao is shooting the story of "Prince Tai takes care of the emperor."

It can even be said that this kind of story was taken at noon the next day, and finally it was all over. You can take another shot for another story.

On the second day of the crew, Rong Rong had his own room and no longer had to squeeze a bed with Qin.

Everyone in the crew thinks this is a matter of course. A man can't say even if he has opinions. He also wants to find Rong Rong on the "night light script", but there is a way, he and Rong Rong have few opponents at present, and there is no excuse for the game.

Therefore, Qin Cheng can only send messages to his teenager at night, but without saying a few words, Rong Yu will have to rest -

These days, the filmings are all accommodating, and everyone can rest during the day, but he has not had time to rest.

This situation has been maintained until the fifth day.

In these five days, Rong Rong filmed all the political plays of Zhu Mozhen. The prince is in the royal study room to handle the government affairs, the prince takes care of the emperor's lens, the prince's upward lens...

In all of these plays, Rong Rong is completely a godless man. Zhu Mozhen's perfect imprint is on the hearts of every staff member on the set. His every move is full of style, and his gestures are full of noble and elegant temperament.

And every actor who has worked with Rong Rong is happy to be close to him, because this boy will take the initiative to come and play against everyone, and his attitude is very good. It’s like some small fresh meat, and with a high popularity, it’s all kinds of arrogance.

The actors who play the ministers in "Makeups" are mostly old actors who have been mixed in the circle for many years but have not been mixed up. They are not very famous. When the audience sees them, they will only feel familiar, but they can't remember who they are.

An actor of this status can be said to be high or not. They have qualifications, but they don't have capital, so even some of the popular debuts who dare to deny them, don't respect them, yell at them, they just can't get angry, they can only silently swallow this gas.

Seeing Rong Rong and these actors get along well, Qin Cheng couldn't help but soften his look, thin lips and slightly hooked, and his eyes are full of pride that is difficult to hide, as if he is liked by others.

On the other side, the heroine Huang Lei also found this situation.

Huang Lei and Rong Rong almost didn't have any rivals. She didn't pay much attention to Rong Rong before. Now I saw such a scene. He looked at it more meaningfully. Finally, he recruited his assistant and said: "Go to Rong Rong. Show it."

The little assistant stayed with Huang Lei for many years and suddenly understood what she meant.

The assistant did not slammed and really only showed it. She first found the assistant of Rong Rong, and they chatted and became friends. The little assistant told Luo Wei some attention points in the crew. For example, when Rong Rong and Man No. 2 played the next day, it is best to be considerate. The Mandarin of the male No. 2 is not very good, so be prepared in advance.

Just like many movies with the theme of Jinyiwei, the biggest enemy of Jinyiwei is the East Factory and the West Factory. Normally, as long as it is a Jinyiwei film, the villain must be the Governor of the East Factory or the Governor of the West Factory, without exception.

The movie "Makeup Flower" is also on the surface. The male No. 2 is the East Factory Governor, a 50-year-old eunuch, and is the emperor's personal eunuch, named Li Gaochun. According to the normal routine of the Jinyiwei film, Li Gonggong must have been martial arts, and this "Makeup of Flowers" movie has not been exempt.

However, the *oss of this movie is not Li Gonggong, but Zhu Mozhen behind him.

This is the new meaning of "Makeup Flower" and a big reversal that Liu Lao deliberately set.

Until the end of the movie, before Kong Chao discovered the secret of makeup, he always thought that the black hand behind him was Li Gaochun, and even he killed Li Gaochun, and he really thought that things would come to an end.

Playing Li Gaochun is a returnee overseas Chinese who has a high popularity in the UK and often plays an elegant old gentleman. This actor is already 50 years old this year. Because of his growing up abroad, the Mandarin language is very bad. All Chinese filming is done with a late dubbing.

Luo Wei told Huang Lei the words of Huang Lei’s assistant. After listening to this, Rong Rong looked at Huang Lei with a slight surprise.

I saw this elegant and beautiful shadow and nodded to him with a smile, a smile, and I felt very affectionate at first glance.

Rong Rong also nodded to the other party and smiled.

Luo Wei whispered in a small voice: "Huang Lei is really a shadow, but also specifically to mention you, Xiao Yan."

Hearing words, Rong Rong smiled helplessly: "You know to chat with others, my lunch box?"

Luo Hao was scared and hurryed: "I will go and take it, I will forget it..."

"No, you should go eat first."

The low-sounding male voice rang from behind, and he turned to look at it, only to see a tall and straight man stepping forward. He was also wearing a dark-colored flying fish suit with a wide belt around his waist, but with both hands on his forehead, holding two boxes of lunch.

This is not how old it is, how to look funny, but as long as you see the cold and indifferent face, all the disharmony will disappear inexplicably.

When he saw Qin Cheng, Luo Hao couldn't help but turn into a star-eyed eye. He quickly nodded and walked away obediently.

Qin Cheng took the box lunch and gently placed it on the table in front of Rong Rong. He stepped up to the opposite side and sat down directly.

The crew had already had lunch breaks at noon, and many staff members were eating and chatting and enjoying a rare break. The staff who have a good meal are busy with their own affairs. They have to arrange the scenes, to light up, and to coordinate with the actors.

Although this time the crew mainly focused on shooting the film, but in fact, Liu Lao divided the a group and the b group. The group a is responsible for him, and he concentrates on shooting the lens of Rong Rong; while the group b is handed over to the assistant director and several deputy directors, specializing in the action scene of Qin Cheng.

This saves time and saves costs.

However, as a result, Qin Cheng and Rong Rong had fewer chances to meet each other. In addition to this kind of meal time, both of them must film.

Watching the teenager take the box lunch and open the chopsticks, Qin Cheng’s gaze gradually stopped on the long, jade-like hands, and the handsome eyebrows slowly wrinkled.

He originally thought that the two of them would film together, and naturally there will be more time to get along. Who can think that because of the lack of opponents, they are still very difficult to speak.

The deep scorpion of a man is like the sea, and it is more and more secluded.

Rong Rong opened the box lunch and was prepared to eat. The other staff members only looked at the situation on their side. At most, they said that the relationship between Rong Yu and Qin Cheng seems to be very good. There is no following. No one knows that a man is thinking now -

How to let the writers change the drama, for example... to add more to the opponents of Kong Chao and Zhu Mozhen?

The screenwriter who was eating with Liu Lao suddenly sneezed: "..."

Qin Cheng condensed the scorpion, carefully thinking about the possibility of this hypothesis. Just when he thought about whether or not Xu Jin really set about doing this, suddenly something in his eyes shook, and he immediately lifted it. When he returned to God, he saw that he had more than one meal. radish.

The original white radish was burnt by the crew of the crew, and the meat was cooked for a long time, and the dark brown gravy was infiltrated into the radish. The rich flavours of the meat rushed up the steam, and anyone who looked at it felt very delicious, both fresh and radiant.

However, the next moment, the teenager lowered his head and put a piece of radish with chopsticks and put it into the box of Qin Cheng.

Qin Cheng: "..."

Under the bright lights, the teenager in a colorful robes bowed his head and carefully looked for the radishes that were hidden in the meat and disguised as meat, and then patiently picked them out with chopsticks. The long hair slides down his face along his movements. The clear and clean eyes are all serious and solemn, as if doing a big thing.

After sandwiching a piece of radish, there is a second, third, fourth...

When Rong Rong picked out all the radishes in the radish roast meat, his amaranth had been reduced by more than half, leaving only seven or eight pieces of meat.

In this regard, Qin Cheng: "..."

After doing all this, I was relieved, raised my face and raised my lips: "Do you eat radishes?"

Looking at the boy's pure and harmless smile, the man's heart is a little soft, but on the surface is an eyebrow: "Do not eat."

Rong Rong suddenly stopped, he looked down at his lunch box, and then went to see the carrots piled up in Qin Cheng's lunch box.

"...I will clip it back."

I have never seen a teenager like this childish, Qin's indifferent look gradually softened, and seeing that Rong Rong actually picked up the chopsticks to clip the radish back, he suddenly stretched the chopsticks and blocked the movement of Rong Rong.

Rong Rong raised the head: "?"

The man whispered his lips and said softly with the low-alcoholic voice: "Your, I eat."

Suddenly a little hot on the face, for a long time, Rong Hao gently "hmm".

Under this broad public, the two can only eat face to face, chat, and can't do anything extra.

Rong Rong’s action of picking radish into Qin’s bowl was seen by many staff members. They all stunned and widened their eyes at first, and whispered in disbelief: "No, let's put the dish that I don't like to eat in Qin Cheng's lunch box? This is too bold, Qin Cheng is sure. Be angry!"

Qin Cheng’s temper is not bad, but it is definitely not good. At least for these staff members, Qin Cheng never mingle with them, and Huang Lei has not yet been friendly to them.

But what made them even more stunned was that Qin Cheng did not say anything to Rong Rong, and even took the initiative to block the movement of Rong Rong to clip these radishes back, and then silently picked up the radish and ate it.

Even if you eat it, pick a little of your ribs and put them in the bowl of Rong...

"Is this relationship a little better? I always feel that something is wrong."

"What do you know, I heard from Cui deputy a few days ago, it seems that Qin Shen and Rong Rong's elders know each other. People may have grown up from a young age, and we want to manage it."

"Oh oh oh, it turns out that it is no wonder that Qin Shen is so good for Rong Rong."

Rong Rong did not know at all that the rumor that "I grew up with Qin as a child" has spread in the crew.

After lunch today, Rong Rong was shouted by Liu Lao and carefully talked about the drama to be filmed this afternoon. By half past one in the afternoon, the crew was ready. The studio was set in a simple and simple house, and Rong Rong was replaced with a slightly simpler casual dress.

This scene was filmed by Zhu Mozhen and Kong Chao.

When Kong went to the palace to report his official duties a year ago, he did not actually see Zhu Mozhen. When he waited outside the palace for a few hours, he was sent away by Zhu Mozhen. Therefore, when it was discovered that Kong Chao had been investigating the death of Jin Yiwei, Zhu Mozhen suddenly appeared and the two finally met.

From the "black clouds", Rong Rong has not played against Qin in half a year.

In "Black Clouds", Qin presented the male No. 2, who deliberately accepted his own gas field and did not grab the limelight of other actors. It was okay when it was with Rong Rong, but when it was played with Yu Siyu and others, Qin Cheng really converges.

But in this "Makeup", Qin is the leading actor.

Yesterday evening, Rong Rong specially went to group b to watch a scene of Qin Cheng. The kind of momentum that almost suppressed the audience could not be hidden. Hunting led his opponents to enter the stage and belonged to the rhythm of Qin. Even the old man bones of the second man were brought into the play by Qin Cheng, and in the rhythm of Qin Cheng, the performance was added to the play.

Being able to become famous and gain the status of today, this man relies not only on family resources but also on his strength.

In the room, Rong Rong stood at the table of the Eight Immortals and coveted the simple cup of the table.

Unlike the audition, the cup really poured tea, and the commander of the Jinyiwei he was waiting for, this time will appear in front of him, and he really played against him.

Liu Lao sat in the corner of the room and looked up and exchanged a look with Rong Rong. The young boy gently daggers, and Liu will know what he is.

Rong Rong turned his head and looked at the direction of the gate. He knew that Qin Cheng had been waiting for a long time. Not a moment, the man will push the door and entertain him with this "first encounter", using all the strengths to interpret the scene without a hint of convergence.

Liu Lao made the final coordination. When everything was determined, he raised his hand: "!"


b city, a senior club.

Elegant and euphemistic music flows slowly in this quiet tea room. The small and exquisite artificial fountains, the clear streams flow through, accompanied by elegant classical music, make this tea room look more charming.

This club is a meeting place for the upper class. Many ladies will come here to drink tea and sometimes play a dozen mahjong. Men like gambling cards. In addition to chatting and chatting, women will play a dozen mahjong to maintain the friendship on the surface.

In this tea room, four middle-aged ladies dressed in glamorous clothes were sitting.

Seven or eight waitresses respectfully pour tea, scent, and snacks. They only need to stretch out the well-maintained hands and play mahjong slowly. Or, playing mahjong is just a scorpion, they are more concerned about chatting.

A tall and thin lady touched a Dongfeng, directly hit it out, and while playing, she smiled and said: "Speaking, last week, Wang Jiasheng gave birth to a son, and Wang Laozi gave it the name Wang Dong. ”

"Oh, that kid, I only saw it yesterday, and I am so beautiful, like the mother of his big star."

The tall and thin lady smiled and smiled: "The big star? But it is a second-rate little star, which is comparable to the tolerance of the family's wife." The three men looked at a rich lady. Looked and smiled: "My family's gimmicks, I like your family. Oh, Mrs. Rong, when did you let your family say goodbye to play, come back to inherit the family? I can't help but lick my head."

On the fat face of Mrs. Rong's wife, she flashed a sly look. She smiled and said: "Rong Yan? What is he, but an actor."

The tall and thin lady immediately shook her head: "You don't want to talk nonsense. I listened to my family and said that your family's last movie made more than 10 billion. The movie box office has more than 10 billion. How does his movie pay? Also have one hundred million?"

Mrs. Rong smiled and said: "Just him?"

Another lady sneered a sneer, yin and yang said: "The world is unpredictable. If your family has become Qin of Qin, there are so many trophies, take so many shares of China Entertainment, and so More investment projects... that's not the same."

As soon as the words fell, several ladies laughed low.

Soon, they shifted the topic. They naturally did not notice that the face of Rong Jia’s two eyes suddenly darkened, and her lips slowly turned white.

After waiting for this meaningless mahjong game, Rong Jiazhen sat in the car and whispered suspiciously: "He... became Qin Cheng? How is it possible?!" But after a while, She clenched her fingers again. "He...he wants to be Qin Cheng, what can he do?"

On the face of Rong Jia Er Yan suddenly flashed a trace of fear, she rushed to let the driver speed up home. When she arrived home, she rushed to the study room. When she just pushed the door, she said loudly: "Rong Heng, the little rabbit is a mature man. What should I do? You don't pretend that you don't know, you can't wait any longer, and you can quickly handle the remains of the father." Alright!"

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