MTL - Superstar Aspirations-Chapter 123

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Five minutes later, when Rong Rong came out of the bathroom, he saw such a scene.

In the bright and spacious room, the handsome and indifferent man frowned slightly, looking down at his mobile phone. A strong and fierce gas field with Qin Cheng's deeper thoughts, slowly spread to the outside, so that Rong looked at the eyes more than a few eyes.

... Who is this money owed?

It was rare to see Qin Cheng’s serious look. Rong Rong looked at the side for a while, then went forward and smiled and said: “Go to the bath.”

Qin Cheng: "... um."

After the man entered the bathroom, Rong Rong gently raised an eyebrow and thought for a long time, still did not get an answer.

Is there something very serious recently? So Qin Cheng’s face is so ugly?

Well, wait until he comes out and ask again.

After drying his hair, Rong Rong and Luo Zhentao sent a message for a while, confirming that he would open Weibo after taking a vacation at home this week.

As early as an hour ago, Luo Zhentao had already used Rong Wei's Weibo to help him forward the video of the "Makeup Flower" crew. Now it is the first time that Rong Rong watched this video. He opened it for a while, and his lips slightly tilted up. He sent a message to Liu Lao: [Looking at the trailer, it is very exciting, Liu Lao, I am looking forward to the release of the film. It is. 】

However, for a long time, Liu Lao replied: [Haha, are you boasting? I can see, Xiaorong, under the video of the film, many fans are boasting that you look good and perform well. 】

Yes, in just five or six seconds of appearance, Rong Rong just stood under the moon and smiled and raised a white jade wine glass. He didn't have Qin's eye-catching action scenes, and there was no sorrowful song of Huang Lei's sorrow. Only a touch of warm and peaceful smile captured the hearts of countless girls.

There are gentlemen, such as cutting and discussing, such as rubbing.

This is the evaluation of the role of netizens on Zhu Mozhen under Weibo.

From the point of view of the film, this is indeed a gentle and clean son, worthy of such praise.

Of course, Liu Lao said so, Rong Rong still has to be a little modest: [You say, I can be shy. However, Liu Lao, I only noticed today that the original "Makeup Flower" was released on my birthday? ^_^

The next moment, Liu Laoli took it for granted: [Yes, let's all the crew members celebrate the birthday together, how are you, happy? Xiaorong? Don't thank me, this is all right, haha. 】

Rong Rong: "..."

Obviously, I want to take the opportunity to make a wave of heat. Do you dare to say that it is to celebrate his birthday? !

Even if Rong Rong has two years of experience, it is helpless to treat old fritters like Liu Lao. After talking for a while, Rong Rong first watched the news, then opened Weibo and refreshed. When he refreshed to a familiar Weibo id, he suddenly paused, squinting his eyes and pulling the phone page online.

[Lianrong orange stuffing: #呈容# sweet sweet and sweet, good polysaccharide! //Love life love Rongrong: #呈容##秦呈##容栩# Made a "black cloud" fan video~ Although this movie is be, but the presentation is he~[video link]]

Look down.

[Lianrong orange stuffing: #呈容# Baby's tolerance, 啾咪=3=// I am suitable for IKEA: #呈容# HD no watermark nine photos to send! 23333 is really worthy of the presentation, I am standing for the street! [Image][Picture][Picture]......[Picture]]


Further down, a series of seven or eight microblogs, all forwarded are a variety of microblogging with #呈容#tag. Most of them are photos of Qin Cheng and Rong Rong participating in the "Black Clouds" publicity campaign. Some are stills of "Black Clouds" themselves, and some are video of the same person.

Rong Rong looked at these microblogs and watched the behavior of lotus seed orange stuffing madly forwarding. The brows of the clearing were gradually wrinkled.

Wait, if the lotus seed orange filling is really Qin Cheng, then according to the time... Just now Qin was sitting there, looking serious, as if who owed him five million expressions, actually forwarding Weibo? !

Rong Rong thought for a long time, and did not figure out why a man was doing this. He indulged for a moment, and finally logged on his trumpet, quietly gave all these microblogs a compliment, and then...

Click on the homepage of the lotus seed orange filling and send a private message.

[On how to eat an orange perfectly: Hello, I am your fan, I like you very much~ [Love]]

After sending this private letter, Rong Rong silently paid attention to several large powders that were presented as cp. Since he is a fan of lotus seed orange stuffing, how to say that he should have some common points with the other side, for example, they like to accommodate, for example, they all like "presentation."

Rong Rong has always known that he has a lot of fans and lang combinations. When he first appeared in "Deer", he and Apache and Tang Mengyu both had cp. Later, they shot "Black Clouds", and Qin Cheng had another cp.

Recently, the new cp that he fired up is Bai Rong cp and Rong Lin cp. The former is the cp composed of Bo Xiwen, the star of "The Lost City", and the latter is the cp composed of Lin Biao.

In all the cp combinations of Rong Rong, Ying Rong, Bai Rong and Rong Lin, these three cp fans are the most powerful.

Did not think too much, Rong Rong looked at the attention of the lotus seed orange stuffing. When he found out that Qin was not paying attention to himself, he gave a slight glimpse: pay attention to him, pay attention to many large powders of his own powder circle, but he did not pay attention to Qin himself?

It’s weird, what is this psychology? How is it so difficult to guess?

The bathroom door slammed open as the room was still unpredictable. Subconsciously shut the phone, Rong Rong sitting on the bed, smiling and looking up to Qin Cheng, I saw the latter wearing a simple pajamas, hair slightly wet, stepping towards himself.

"I remember that it was a plane of more than seven o'clock tomorrow morning?"

Rong Rong gently decapitated: "Well, I want to go back soon, so Xiao Xiaojie ordered seven o'clock, and ordered a seven o'clock for you. Yes, I remember Lin Biao also booked this time. Flight, we can go together at the time."

Now it is already more than 12 o'clock in the evening. More than seven o'clock, counting the time to rush to the airport and enter the security check, it will start at 6 o'clock at the latest, and the time is very tight.

The cold and elegant man licked his lips slightly, and was about to open his mouth, but suddenly heard a quick knock on the door.

"Tolerance opens the door! It is me!"

The two men stood together, and Rong Rong got up and walked straight to the door. He quickly opened the door. He didn't see the people, but he saw Lin Biao walked into the room and walked, laughing and joking. "We can't sleep." How long has it been, I have to get up at 5 or 6 o'clock, and I still sleep and sleep. I came to you to play cards. I just sent a message to Qin Cheng, and Xu Dawei can't eat it, so this time we add Qin Cheng and Xiao Zikai. Playing cards together. Oh, you have no opinion, sleep for a few hours... no..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and the words "more boring" were trapped in the mouth of Xiao Tianwang, and they never said anything.

Lin Biao’s eyes widened and looked incredulously at Qin Cheng, who was standing in the room and wearing a simple pajamas. And beside him, Xiao Zikai, who was led by him, also opened his mouth and looked at Qin Cheng.

Standing next to the door, Rong Rong: "..."

Qin Cheng, who was surrounded by two people: "..."

For a long while, Lin Biao suddenly realized: "No wonder you don't come back to me. Qin Cheng, you have come early! I said, why don't you return to my news, I am going to send the son to the room of Rong Rong, I Go upstairs and find you."

After all, Xiao Zikai is a female star. If she is photographed in a room that is half-three in the night, it will definitely send out a bad anecdote. However, assuming that Lin Biao accompanied her in, it is a good explanation. The paparazzi is mad again, and can't be said that people and Lin Biao and Xiao Zikai are three people?

Although it is estimated that there will be no paparazzi nearby, but not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid that in case, it is good to be cautious.

Lin Biao gave himself an explanation. Rong Rong took a light breath and closed the door. He smiled and said, "Well, he just came."

Qin Cheng’s coveted glanced at Lin Biao, and the latter was frozen and then “Han”.

Only Xiao Zi's gaze standing on the side was sweeping back and forth between Rong Rong and Qin Cheng for a long time. In the end, the national first love touched his hair in confusion and sat at the table with doubts. Four people started. ——

play cards.

Playing cards is a matter of talent, but it is also about luck.

Lin Biao’s skills are incurable, but he’s so lucky today, and Rong’s luck is very general tonight, but his skills are superb. When these two people happened to form a home, all the nights, only Qin Cheng and Xiao Zikai went from head to tail, and their faces were covered with white paper strips.

At four o'clock in the morning, the game was going to be scattered. Rong Rong said with a smile: "Take a photo and celebrate our victory."

Lin Biao quickly nodded and took the phone and was ready to take a photo.

Upon seeing it, Qin Cheng stepped up to the side to let him, so that the three looked at him with surprise.

"You are the "silent" crew, together in the s city to participate in the premiere, my trip is confidential."

In fact, Qin has not said a word, if he and Rong Rong three took a group photo, then in this photo, the netizens first noticed him. Moreover, when Rong Rong took a photo with him, the first thing that everyone thought of was the "Makeup of Flowers" crew, not the "Silent" crew.

In the "Makeup of Flowers", Rong Rong did play the male number three, but he played the male number one in "Silent".

The box office results of "Makeup Flowers" will not be counted on Rong Rong, but the box office of "Silent" is his performance.

Since this photo can achieve the effect of propagating the film, then the choice is better for "No Voice" and you don't need him to come out.

Lin Biao and Xiao Zikai looked at Qin Cheng with a blank look. Only when he really did not want to disclose the itinerary, he refused to take a photo. However, Rong Rong looked at the man in front of him with a soft look. For a long time, he curled up his lips and pulled Qin Cheng directly. He said, "It doesn't matter, take a picture together."

The gentle and elegant smile of the young boy is like the water of the same lake, the spring breeze smashes and sways.

The heart was suddenly touched by a touch of heart. Qin smacked his lips and stood beside him, whispering in a low voice: "Good."

Where Lin Biao managed so much, he raised the selfie stick and took a photo directly, and then he sent it to Weibo.

[Lin: Oh, oh! Tonight, I and Rong Rong became big winners. Distressed Qin Cheng and Xiao Zikai, this is the strength, hahahaha~[image]]

In one minute, this Weibo got more than 3,000 forwards and comments.

This is Lin Biao's own fan. When the fans of Qin Cheng, Rong Wei and Xiao Zikai also found this photo, they excitedly forwarded the comments. Subsequently, Qin Cheng, Rong Wei and Xiao Zikai also forwarded Lin Biao's Weibo. When Rong Yu and Qin Cheng arrived at the airport, the former had a microblog forwarding volume of 100,000, and the latter's Weibo forwarding volume was as high as two. One hundred and thirty thousand!

Today, the total number of Weibo fans is 130 million, but Qin Wei’s Weibo fans have 320 million.

Throughout the 11-year film and television career, Qin has become the most popular star in China, and is currently the top superstar of China. Rong Rong was so popular in the north and south of the country this year, but he only debuted for a year, and the gap between Qin and Cheng was not so smooth.

Sitting in the vip lounge, Lin Biao has been saying that this time after returning to the city of B, the eyebrows suggest that Rong Rong, when the Qin crazy group will gather. However, Qin Cheng calmly played the mobile phone and did not know what to do.

After talking for a while, Rong Rong and Lin Biao quietly looked at the man sitting opposite him.

What is Qin Cheng doing?

Three minutes later, when Rong Rong opened his mobile phone Weibo, he finally understood the truth.

[Lianrong orange stuffing: #呈容#Fried chicken cute tolerance ~ Cheng Tiandao, so sweet and sweet, wall crack recommended, you eat baby Amway! [Heart] [Heart] [Heart] / / Rong Rong: I am a big winner ~ [比v] / / Lin Biao: Oh, Husband ~ Tonight...

Rong Rong: "..."

Then click on this Weibo, I saw that the lotus seed orange stuffing is very patient and responsive to one by one fans.

[Lianrong orange stuffing replies to the shallow complaints: that is, the sweetness is sweet, all sugar! 】

[Lianrong orange stuffing restore wood purple: baby also feels that the appearance is the king of the road ~ the best is presented ~]

[Lianrong orange stuffing restores the little goblin rain and rain: Yes, you see how much Rong Rong and Qin Cheng stand, feel that their feelings are good, and also play cards together ~~\(≧▽≦)/~]

Rong Rong again: "..."

Ten minutes before boarding, a man has been looking at the phone indifferently and calmly typing comments. Sometimes Qin Cheng also looked up and said that he was talking, but most of the time Lin Biao was talking, so Qin Cheng basically lowered his head and did not know what to publish on the mobile phone.

He kept posting, and he kept refreshing.

But see the lotus seed orange stuffing for a while to reply "Yes, Rong Rong and Qin Cheng super match!", and then refute a Ronglin cp party "But this photo, Rong Rong and Qin Cheng stand together, Lin Biao stood Next to Xiao Zikai~".

Why is Lin Biao standing next to Xiao Zikai, separated from Rong Rong by a half arm?

It’s not because a man took the first photo and solemnly said that this photo is not good for Lin Biao’s position. He shot him fatter and scared Lin Biao to find a farther position. And took another one?

The corner of the mouth involuntarily twitched, and Rong Rong calmly sent a Weibo.

[On how to eat an orange perfectly: tip.1 heart orange? Did I admit the wrong person...]

After finishing the microblogging, Rong Rong opened a private message and found that the message he sent to the lotus seed orange stuffing had been displayed as read, but did not receive any reply. He was slightly surprised and looked up at Qin Cheng with amazement. At this moment, they were led by the flight attendant and went to the boarding gate.

As if I noticed the surprised eyes of the young man, Qin Cheng turned to look at him, coveted: What happened?

Let's think for a moment, gently shake the head: nothing.

Qin Cheng: "...?"

Where did Rong Rong know that when Qin Cheng saw this private letter, he just glanced at it casually and did not pay attention to it.

A fan confessed to him and said that he likes him very much?

Is this not taken for granted?

Although the lotus seed orange stuffing never takes a selfie, his fans have hundreds of thousands of words. There are no 20 private messages received by the unrespected people every day, and there are also 15 articles.

Is a microblog trumpet called "How to eat an orange perfectly" is important?

When you look at your eyes, you forget, you are too lazy to reply to you, it is so cold.

Of course, when Qin was turned over for an hour, and he never found a message in his private letter, the remorse in his heart was like a river, and it was endless...

At 9 am that day, the plane landed steadily at the Capital Airport. Originally, Luo Zhentao planned to go to the airport to pick up Rong and Luo, but Qin Cheng’s car was parked in the parking lot of the airport.

Luo Hao pressed his own joy and joy, and sat excitedly on the car of Qin Cheng. This is the first time she sat in the car of Qin Cheng, sitting in the back seat of the car, Luo Hao's eyes involuntarily smashed around, and his hands carefully touched the leather chair.

This is the car of Qin Shen, this is the car of Qin Shen!

"where do you live?"

The low-alcohol magnetic sound began, and Luo Yi slammed and subconsciously replied: "I live in a community."

Qin Cheng directly opened the navigation, and the intelligent ai immediately began to broadcast the walking route.

Upon seeing it, Luo Wei quickly said: "If you don't have to send me home, just put me in the subway station on Line 2. Just line 2 goes straight to my house, I just take the subway back."

Without waiting for Qin’s answer, the teenager sitting in the passenger seat smiled and turned and said: “It’s okay, Xiaojie’s sister, I will send you back first. You are a girl, now it’s the peak of work. Don't squeeze the subway."

After listening to this, Luo Hao nodded and did not object.

In the quiet carriage, Rong Rong turned his head and smiled and talked with Qin Cheng from time to time, and the man responded gently. The bright sunshine shines in from the windshield and shines on the teenager's light-colored hair, reflecting a golden color, which is quiet and gentle.

Slowly, looking at this scene, Luo Xin’s heart moved as if he had noticed something different.

She really wants to catch that feeling, but always in the fog, she can't figure out what it is.

She only thought that this picture was too beautiful, as if the time was at this moment, the teenager gently smiled and bent, and the man replied with a low-pitched voice.

Time is infinitely long at this moment, and beautiful things are always unstoppable.

Until Luo Wei took the luggage and officially got off the bus, and saw that the beautiful Bentley had turned around in front of her, and slowly drove out of the community, she suddenly woke up. Touching some hot cheeks and plopping the heart of the fluttering, Rosie couldn’t figure out how to think, how could he suddenly blush and heartbeat.

She has always liked Xiaoyan, and she has always liked Qin Shen, but she has never had such a situation before.

When I was eating at noon, when Luo Wei opened Weibo and saw the #呈容#tag, she squinted her eyes and suddenly understood -

"Good match, really good!"

When I remembered the scene I saw when I was filming "Makeup Flower", I remembered the long talk about the wine in the autumn moonlight, and I remembered the last hole in the heart of Zhu Guangyu. The unbelievable eyes, Luo Yan's blush was even worse, she immediately published a microblogging -

[茜茜大冒险: Ah, ah, I really want to make a look at "Makeup", ah! You don't understand what I'm talking about, but I really want to show it soon! 】

Half a year ago, Luo Wei sent a Weibo. At that time, she only thought that the movie was a bit weird. I hope that the movie will be released quickly and let the audience answer their doubts. But now, she doesn't need an answer at all. She already understands the answer and has become a diehard cp powder.

"Silent" was released for a week, and the seven-day box office was 1.8 billion!

This small-cost literary film, the first day of the box office is close to 200 million. By the fourth day, the word-of-mouth and publicity effects have burst out and won a terrible single-day box office of 400 million!

At present, the film's rating on the film review network has stabilized and there has not been much change.

Among the professional film critics, "Silent" has a maximum score of 9.8 points and a minimum score of 8.1 points. Among the general audience, "Silent" has a maximum score of 10 points and a minimum score of 1 point.

No movie can be liked by everyone. It is the most popular "Bartender" in Hollywood in the last century and the most popular "Beep" in this century. There are many disgusting audiences.

On average, the score for Silent is 9.1.

Countless ordinary viewers gave the film a perfect score of 10 points. When they cried in the cinema, they almost had an unstoppable mood, using their silent tears and painful mood. , played a very high score.

It is already December. In this year's Chinese film, the highest literary film is 9.2 points, and "Silent" is temporarily ranked second. No one knows if it has any more achievements, but this movie has become a classic in many fans.

During this period, Xu Dao criticized in the group of "Silent", "Well, three of you play cards and play cards. Why do you pull the boy who is Qin, so it’s not good to pull your assistants." What? Even if you play cards, why did you shoot him in the last photo? Lin Biao, the photo you took, you told me, now they "Make a flower" and we have a wave of heat, what should I do? I'm furious! 】

The third man of "Makeup Flower" is: "..."

However, Xu Dao only said verbally that he had long known that when the "Makeup of Flowers" was released, the theater line occupied by "Silent" would cut a large part and set the position for the film.

At that time, "Silent" had been released for 18 days, and the box office was weak, and "Makeup" was just released, and it was only natural to give it a position. However, Xu Dao couldn’t swallow this breath, because his bad friend Liu Lao sent him a thank-you message all day long, thanking him for adding popularity to Makeup Flower.

The two old people hurt me, I am hurting you, and I am having a good time.

With the road show of the "Silent" crew, seven days after the release, the box office of the film was not completely soft, and it got a small high tide. On the eve of the release of "Makeup Flower", "Silent" was released for 17 days, with a total box office of 3 billion, which was exactly the 3 billion results that Xu had said at the premiere ceremony.

There is also a small episode. The reporter who interviewed Liu Lao, after the premiere of "Silent", turned and published an article on the electronic app of his magazine. The title is -

"Three billion box office: Can bring the surprise of Chinese art in 2044! 》

This report has attracted the attention of countless readers and has also triggered a series of heated discussions.

In the past two years, there have been only a handful of literary films with more than three billion boxes at the box office. The most recent one is the "Disciple" by Qin Cheng and Xia Muyan last year. Qin Cheng and Xia Muyan are the famous box office medicines in the circle. These two people together, the box office must be inferior, but because of the subject matter of the "disciples", the final total box office is only 4.9 billion.

As for 2044, in addition to "Silent", the total box office of the highest-ranking literary film at the box office was only 2.7 billion. This literary film is the literary film with a score of 9.2. The film itself is well-made. It tells the story of how a mother who lost her child finds her child in the vast sea of ​​people. She finally experiences difficulties and obstacles. She finds only the bones of the child. s story.

The story is very artistic, and it is the hottest opponent of this year's award-winning, "Silent", but because of the miserable ending, even with the unanimous recommendation of the film critics, it only got 2.7 billion box office.

The premiere of "Makeup Flower" was just in front of him. On the morning of the 17th, Rong Rong received a call from Xu. The old man said that he was preparing to board a flight to the United States to participate in an event. On the plane at 0:00 on the 18th, there was no way to give birthday greetings to Rong Rong, so I would call in advance and send a blessing. but……

"Xiao Rong, at night, you can help me with my old Liu. I remember this account. I will see him next time. I must show him good-looking! I told you that I will contract you next year’s birthday. Let’s take a picture. The film is selected for your birthday release, mad at old Liu!"

Rong Rong cried and daggered again and again: "Yes."

Xu Xuan can only believe in three points, and it is impossible for him to take it seriously. When he was filming, he knew that the director liked to make a promise. He said that he would like to take a picture with Xiao Zikai. After a while, he said that he would cooperate with Lin Biao, and how many times he was praised by him, he was promised. How many promises have been made, and the nature of the elderly is not clarified.

Time passed by, and in the afternoon, Rong Han and Qin Cheng arrived at the Capital Assembly.

The top makeup artists quickly made makeup for the stars, because it was a female star, and the makeup was more complicated. When Rong Rong and Qin Cheng came to the background, Huang Lei had already sat in the seat, and the makeup artist gave her a lip line.

After the film, I saw Rong Wei and Qin Cheng, and waved at them with a smile.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Lao also appeared in the background with a smile. Probably because I knew the high pre-sales results on the premiere day, the Chinese director was very happy, always with a satisfied smile, and looked at the actors and staff in the background with kind eyes. When I trembled, I suddenly understood why Xu had such a big "hostility" to Liu Lao.

To some extent, Liu Lao is a man... too owed!

I got it cheap and sold it, and it was him.

Fortunately, Xu did not come to the scene today, otherwise he would like to see the old look of Liu Lao, I am afraid that the heart will be stuffed to the ground.

After half an hour, each actor and moderator confirmed the activity process and several points that he should pay attention to. At 8:00 pm on December 18th, the premiere ceremony of "Makeup Flower" officially began!

Liu Lao chose to broadcast the video of the premiere ceremony on the whole network. Six cameras were aimed at the stage from all angles. Everything of the premiere was filmed and presented in front of each netizen.

The live broadcast only broadcasts the contents of the premiere, and when the premiere of the movie is zero, the live broadcast will end. That's it. The live room of the premiere of "Makeup Flower" has already filled more than 10 million viewers. This number is still rising.

[For the sake of tolerance, give a mine to the earth~~~]

[Ah, ah, I want to see Qin Shen quickly, to see Qin God, to see Qin God! 】

[As a contributing party, I am dead this evening without regrets, let me see the same on the same stage! Wuli presented the top of the sky! The little deep-water torpedo is not a tribute, I wish the "Makeup of Flowers" box office is big, I hope that the presentation is getting better and better! 】

[I also came to a shallow water bomb, the best presentation ~]

Netizens are full of enthusiasm, but as time goes by, some netizens impatiently ask when the premiere ceremony begins. They are coming to the crew, not to see the reporters.

More and more passers-by netizens complained until the screen suddenly slipped over a barrage -

[Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I can! I can accommodate me! ! ! 】

Everyone looked at it with a fixed eye, but they saw that they were standing behind the curtain, revealing half of their faces.

Many passers-by netizens watched for a long time with horror, and put their eyes on the computer screen, which confirmed that this person is Rong Rong. They all expressed their feelings: [Fans are fans. Even such a small half face can be recognized, it is amazing, word capacity. 】

Waited for another ten minutes, when the number of viewers in the live broadcast reached 21 million, suddenly! The whole scene was dimmed, and all the netizens were sitting in a sitting position and waiting nervously for the appearance. I saw a dazzling light slamming into the position behind the stage. Then, after the beautiful shadow, I stepped on the stage and smiled and waved with the audience under the stage.

[Lai Lei! ! ! 】

Huang Lei’s fans quickly brushed up the barrage and excitedly expressed their excitement.

The fans of Rong Yi and Qin Cheng sighed, and some regretted to continue watching the video, while looking forward to the emergence of their own male god.

Where is the male **** of their family now?

In fact, before Huang Lei came to power, according to the process, Qin was the first to come to power. According to Liu Lao’s arrangement, Qin Cheng was the leading actor, the first to go on stage, then the old actor of Huang Lei and the male No. 2, Rong Rong... In the end, Liu Lao’s own person came to power, which was a perfect one.

But when several people stood behind the stage, Qin Cheng said calmly: "Ms. priority."

Therefore, Huang Lei first came to power.

After Huang Lei stood firm on the stage, Qin Cheng turned his head and looked at the boy next to him.

In the dark and secluded scorpion, it seems that there is a whole deep ocean. Looking at the smiling teenager, Qin’s fingers sneaked through the back of the hand, and whispered: "I am waiting for you." Then, step on the stage.

When Qin appeared on stage, the applause under the stage was obviously louder than when Huang Lei came to power. In the live room, countless barrage flashed across the screen, covering the entire picture densely, and unless it was completely shielded from the barrage, it was impossible to see a little figure on the screen.

Even if Qin Chengzheng has already stood firm on the stage, the applause from the audience still has not stopped. Many fans shouted "Qin Cheng" loudly, and the joyful expectation was passed into the ears of Rong Rong through the hoarse voice.

The handsome and beautiful teenager stood in the background and smiled at the man on the stage.

At this moment, the bright and dazzling light hit the man's body, as if at his feet reflected a very winding road, roaring applause and shouting almost opened the ceiling of the venue.

This is not the first time that Rong has stood on the same stage as Qin Cheng - before the "Black Clouds", but this is the first time he has stood on the same stage with the man after he became famous.

The gap of ten years cannot be easily erased. This man has already stood at the apex of the Chinese entertainment circle and the world entertainment circle, and he is moving to that place.

At this time, the old play bone playing the male No. 2 also came on stage. The camera suddenly focused on the old bones. By this opportunity, Qin appeared to turn around casually and look at the old actor, but his eyes were straight against the back of the room.

The thin lips slowly opened and three words were spoken.

Looking at this scene, Rong Rong suddenly slammed, and for a time he could not see what Qin was saying.

At this time, the voice of the host sounded from the sound, accompanied by the introduction of the other party, Rong Rong smiled and stepped onto the stage.

When the young and handsome young boy appeared in the light, the loud applause and shouts filled the venue, and for a long time reverberated, the barrage on the screen of the live broadcast buried the young figure again. In fact, in terms of fans and popularity, Rong Yi and Qin Cheng seem to have no big difference, but until now, he has not won a movie trophy.

Stride to Qin Cheng's side to stand still, then, the female No. 2 player also took to the stage, and finally Liu Lao.

As if the man around him is not familiar at all, under the arrangement of Liu Lao, Huang Lei stood on the right side of Qin Cheng, and Rong Rong stood on the left side of Qin. The host smiled and interacted with them. The whole premiere ceremony was laughtering and the atmosphere was very warm.

Liu Laoke is not a guide. The old man’s opening will make the audience laugh and turn forward.

The fans at the scene have been watching their own gods, and they are not willing to miss for a second. In the live room, a lot of the powdered powder also widened his eyes, excitedly watching his own cp sitting together, laughing and talking.

[Standing together is enough, standing together is enough qaq this dog food is too sweet, I eat, I eat! 】

No need to communicate, when the two people stand together, the picture is good enough to be forgotten.

When Liu Lao and the host smashed the atmosphere of the audience, the two looked at each other. The host turned around and began to talk about Rong Rong’s birthday. Many reporters quickly picked up the camera and pressed the shutter madly.

The host smiled and said: "I don't know what other actors in the crew have birthday wishes for our tolerance?"

Starting from the old play bones that played the male No. 2, the old man, in front of the people of the whole country, boasted a sigh of relief: "This child is very serious on the set, always going to the studio very early, and starting makeup very early. He often came to me for the show. In fact, in this movie, he and my opponents played the most. I know that this child is very hard and talented. I wish you a happy birthday and tolerance."

Then there was Huang Lei: "I have nothing to say, I just want to say, if I am twenty years younger... well, don't bother me."

The audience laughed.

It was Liu Lao’s turn. He thought for a while, and he said with a serious look: “Yong Yu is the most talented actor I have ever seen. I think, I hope that I will have the opportunity to cooperate with him again. Talent and diligence, these two He is a good actor, and I am honored to cooperate with him this time."

Liu Lao, who was just joking, suddenly became so serious that the crew was completely surprised. Rong Rong was also surprised to see the old man, but he saw Liu Lao smile and looked at him. He actually repeated it again seriously: "Is there a chance to cooperate in the future, Rong Rong?"

It’s just a moment of misunderstanding. Under the bright lights, little young smiles and daggers: “This is my honor.”

At this time, the host laughed and said: "I don't know what kind of blessing words Qin Yu has for us?"

The lens was once concentrated on Qin Cheng, and under the attention of thousands of viewers, I saw that Rong Rong also calmly turned his head and looked at the man.

Qin Cheng raised the scorpion very naturally and looked at the boy next to him.

This kind of action should be done, but many of the powdered powders are excited to pinch their fingers. Their excitement has not been evacuated, and the next moment, the man’s low and elegant voice slowly sounds: “Yong Yu is My favorite..." Sudden, "actor."

like the most.

These three words were carefully read from the man's mouth, and they paused intentionally or unintentionally, so that all the cp powders were suddenly stunned.

Rong Rong’s eyes were miniature, and there was a mistake in his eyes, as if he did not expect Qin Cheng to say such things.

"When he is playing against him, it is very easy. You can reach the peak at once and go straight to the show."

For good actors, the game is an extremely enjoyable experience.

"When he communicates privately with him, he is also a very gentle boy. I am eight years older than him. We have worked together on "Black Clouds." In that movie, our opponents played more, but I can see him. Growing up. He has made me feel amazing in "Black Clouds", and he made me stunned in "Makeup"."

The voice suddenly stopped, and the man's smiling eyes stared at the boy tightly, saying in a word: "In "Makeup Flower", my favorite character is Zhu Mozhen. I think, for Kong Chao, he is the most The person who admires, the person who admires the most, the person who likes the most, is also Zhu Mozhen."

Ten minutes later, the guest interaction session ended and the media reporter asked the crew.

At this time, a lot of cp powder was slowly regained. When they reacted, they saw the whole scene of the live broadcast. Many Qin powder and Rong powder were feeling.

[Although I am the pure powder of Qin Shen, I suddenly understood the feeling of cp powder. 】

[I am also a pure powder of tolerance, but I have to say that Qin Shen is so handsome and beautiful, when the two people are together, I really feel that the world is bright. 】

[Transfer cp powder. 】

[Sit and wait for the big candy of makeup flower Luo! Qin Shen said that Kong Chao’s most admired, admired and favorite person is Zhu Mozhen, which is a super invincible giant candy! Waiting for sugar, 2333333333]

An hour later, the premiere ceremony of "Makeup Flower" officially ended. Many fans who watched the live broadcast on the mobile phone in the cinema, quickly entered the cinema with the joy of expectation, waiting for the premiere of the movie.

"Excited, this is a big candy, hurry up and kill me!"

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