MTL - Superstar Aspirations-Chapter 11

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There is a relationship in China, called human relations.

Human debt is the most difficult to return. Before I lived here for three days, I felt that I owed the other party. Even if the other party said that she could pay the rent, he still refused.

The smile of the teenager smiled and surprised the man. It seemed that he did not expect it to be such an ending. Qin Cheng’s fingers tapped faster and faster on the table, but the sound gradually became lighter.

This kind of small action is in many people, and Rong Rong didn't care. He smiled and bent his voice and looked at Qin Cheng quietly. His look was soft, but his eyes were firm and determined, and there was no possibility of a sway.

For a long time, Qin Cheng calmly asked: "Looking for a good house?"

Rong Rong first said: "Well, Rogge said that he has found two good houses." Suddenly, he added: "It is Luo Zhentao of China Entertainment. I have already signed a contract with him before, so I have not signed. In your studio."

It’s just right to say this reason at this moment. Rong Rong has already agreed with Luo Zhentao. Naturally, he can't sign in the studio of Qin Cheng. The human debt is not like snowballing. It is getting bigger and bigger. It is the best choice to contain it at the beginning.

As a result, Qin Cheng snorted and did not say much.

For a long time, Rong’s private mobile phone rang in the bedroom. He gave a slight glimpse. He took a look at the mobile phone on the dining table and then smiled. "I didn't expect it to be eight o'clock, and the alarm clock rang." Then the teenager got up and went into the bedroom to turn off the alarm clock.

And he naturally did not find that at the moment he opened the phone, the picture that had not been darkened on the screen fell into the eyes of the man. In an instant, the slender and fierce phoenix screamed loudly, and Qin’s faint glimpse flashed a strange color. After waiting for him to turn away, he slammed his fingers on the table and stopped. He only hesitated for a moment and couldn’t help but sneak into the mobile phone.

This fruit mobile phone was bought by Rong Rong after getting paid for the "Deer". His personal mobile phone is still a thousand yuan machine, but once you want to use these social platforms on Weibo, you still have to use a better-performing mobile phone.

Qin Cheng quickly touched the mobile phone and did not take into account his own behavior without any lower limit. Instead, he wanted to open it again and take a look at it.

Fingerprint unlocking... Well, of course, you can't solve it. You must find a chance to get your fingerprints in the future.

Only the password can be unlocked.

Qin Cheng thought about it and entered the birthday of Rong Rong.


... very good, still not solved.

Enter the year of birth.

『2026』 could it be solved?

Next, enter this number.


Sure enough, I didn't solve it.

Can you solve the ghosts? This is your birthday!

Just enter your birth year "2017" and it is still not possible.

In the end, Qin presented a scorpion and looked at the phone with deep gaze. He can no longer go to the experiment for the last time. The fruit phone can only enter the password five times. If it is incorrect five times, it will lock the phone and it will be discovered by the other party.

The picture I just saw... is it really his Weibo homepage?

Gently sighed, before the boy was about to return, Qin presented the phone back and left the original.

Rong Rong dragged his suitcase, I don’t know when I had put on my coat and put on a cap, and I was filled with a youthful and youthful atmosphere. This kind of sunny feeling made Qin presented a slight scorpion, calmly looked up at the other side, and the fingers began to unconsciously knocked.

Rong Rong picked up the phone on the desktop and put it directly into his pocket.

This time, it was really goodbye. Rong Rong stood at the door and said: "The key is still not for you now, Mr. Qin, some of my things are still in the bedroom. I can’t take it this time. b city, I will take it, when I put the key directly on the table, can you see it?"

Qin is faint: "Don't use respect for me."


Rong Rong looked up and looked at Qin Cheng.

It has been said that among the male stars who debuted in the last two decades, Qin’s appearance is the only one that is difficult to pick. It is a kind of beautiful point to the extreme, the star is thin and thin, and all strokes are crafted by skilled craftsmen. Needless to say, he is strong enough to shock other people's gas field, the arrogance of the arrogance is comparable to the sun rising in the sun, in the same red carpet, there are few stars who can stand with him.

Under such temperament, the flaws of any five senses will be neglected.

On the appearance, he may not be as exquisite and perfect, or perhaps without the glamorous beauty of Huaxia's top shadow. But when he looks at you with his nephew, even if it is tolerant, he will not be relieved, and he will not know what it feels, but he feels... some inexplicable taste.

The low-pitched male voice rang: "Mother knows that you will respect me and you will be angry."

Rong suddenly realized: Originally because of Qin Auntie?

When he left, the teenager raised his lips and gave a bright smile. He said goodbye to Qin Cheng. This time he said "Goodbye, Qin Cheng", and then he turned and left without hesitation. And behind him, the man has been watching him enter the elevator.

The elevator door was not closed yet, and Qin Cheng suddenly strode in and let Rong Rong be surprised.

In the eyes of the teenager, the man coughed twice, and there was a hint of redness at the tip of his ear, but the face was calm and calm, and even the lips were squirming, and he said in a difficult tone: "Send you Go downstairs, so once the mother asks, I will reply."

Rong Rong: "..."

It’s because of Qin’s aunt...

Although I can't imagine how this man would report to his mother with respect and respect, but Rong Rong was still in the eyes of Qin Cheng, went to Luo Zhentao's car. When Luo Zhentao saw Qin Cheng, he almost fell off the driver's seat. After the car made the community, he quickly asked: "Small, you live with Qin?"

Rong Rong shook his head directly: "Not living together, I am here for three days, and I saw him for the first time today. My mother and his mother seem to have a good relationship, so I will temporarily take a look. When I return to the city of B I will move out of here."

Luo Zhentao nodded, and his eyes turned, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the quiet carriage, the young boy’s faint voice sounded: “I don’t want to owe him too much human feelings, not good.”

Luo Zhentao heard a glimpse of it and then whispered a "good". This only throws away all the things that he just thought, and at the same time lamented in the bottom of his heart: If he can borrow the relationship of Qin Cheng, He Yi one year Can't you get on the line?

Rong Rong did not care too much about Luo Zhentao's thoughts. He had observed the other side before, knowing that although the other party is good, he still has the bottom line. Luo Zhentao will not be reluctant to do things that the star is not willing to do. This is one of the reasons why he did not leave the former first-line star: he will not use the method of tough work.

Turning out the phone in the bag, Rong Rong is ready to look at the script. Whoever turns on the phone, I see a man’s Weibo homepage. A little bit, Rong Rong directly closed Weibo and continued to open the script and watched it.

The sun is shining, fresh and clear.

The tall and straight-looking man stalked in the community and called his agent.

When the phone was connected, I heard a noisy voice. A Sven’s male voice passed down the earpiece. The words that were spoken were yin and yang: "Young Master, Grand Master, my Master Qin Da! People are filming you here. What are you going back to? What do you say you are going back to? You know that you have taken a day off, what did I have been like by Zhao Laojiao? His old man just ran against me and said that I am not in control of you! You said, I am in charge of you? Can I manage you, my Master Qin Da!"

Qin was thin and slightly hooked, saying: "I only asked for this day off, Xia Muyan asked for seven days off."

The top agent of China Entertainment, Xu Jin’s mouth, was almost stunned: “This is your big man’s main show! You are the most important protagonist! There are more than a thousand plays in Xia Muyan, and you have three people. More than a thousand scenes, how do you compare with her? If you change her with her, change a script to make her a big girl, do you give her a play?"

Qin Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Listen to a good look, you go to discuss with Zhao Lao."

Xu Jin: "..."

Hold back, hold back, can't marry him, you can't beat him, you can't help him! ! !

I didn't care what my own agent had been so angry. Qin Xiang turned to look at the door of the community and seemed to see something from there. After a while, he said casually: "I want to do one thing."

Xu Jin’s heart suddenly burst into a bad feeling: “...what is it?”

"I plan to change my weibo every other hour to an avatar every other hour, and send a microblog every other day. Weibo wants to map, you help me take pictures, I want to take my best photo." Qin Chengdao said: "It seems to be a bit frequent. Then change one avatar a day, send a microblog in three days, copy the text, think about it, I want all my fans to see it, remember it."

Xu Jin: "..." One avatar a day, you are sick! ! !

Qin Cheng said casually: "Give it to you."

"... Are you sick?"

"Just start today, I will check the results, you will fix the photo."

Xu Jin: "#$%#%#$!!!"

"Right, have time to check Luo Zhentao."

Xu Jin, who was in the middle of the street, slammed his head and asked subconsciously: "Luo Zhentao? It seems to be the agent of the company. How do you know him? What happened?"

Qin presented a scorpion and said faintly: "I heard that he recently found two good houses, I want to buy them."

Xu Jin: "...I remember you are in the city of B, it seems that there are already two houses?"

Qin Cheng took a light eyebrow: "So?"

Xu Jin: "..." You are really sick, he should have known it!

In the evening of the same day, a group of fans waiting to be fed were brushing their phones as usual, suddenly! I saw a special reminder Weibo! Everyone was shocked to take a quick look, just a second, forwarded comments over a thousand, half an hour, broke 100,000!

[Qin Cheng: The weather is very good today. [Figure]

Avatar? Changed, this time I can see my face, handsomely messed up!

With the map? A good-looking selfie of a pheasant chicken, handsome and close!

[Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah my family Qin Shenfa self-timer! My family Qin Shen actually will take a selfie ah! Today is the end of the world, today is the sun coming out from the south, today is not Mars hit the earth! Ask Qin Shen to take a selfie again, ask for photos, ask for resources, and ask you to talk more! 】

The violence of the fans did not fall into the eyes of Qin Cheng. He held the mobile phone. In the news of millions of fans, he kept waiting for someone’s comments and forwarding. Even a praise is good. But...have not been, from day to night, there has been no...

Qin Cheng: "..."

The teenager who had just arrived at Shuoshe Airport took a deep breath and slowly spit out, slightly alleviating the fatigue of the plane. The passers-by who walked by and turned around from time to time to see this boy, his eyes were amazing, but no one could recognize him.

When Rong Rong and Luo Zhentao walked out together, while walking, Luo Zhentao said: "Now the "dressing" is released, and there are not many people who know you. After the film is officially released, you will not enjoy such leisure. Xiao Yan, cherish the present time... Oh, yes, don’t wait for the "Deer" to come out, the first thing that should come out is this "ambush."

Rong Xiao smiled and said: "Well, I hope I can have the opportunity to miss this time in the future."

Luo Zhentao laughed happily: "There must be, you must believe in yourself and believe in my vision."

As he said, Luo Zhentao suddenly saw a short-haired woman in her 30-year-old, elite white-collar appearance coming to this side. Her eyes were beaming, staring straight at Rong Rong, and occasionally glanced at Luo Zhentao next to him.

Luo Zhentao immediately understood: "You are the crew responsible for the reception..."

"Yong! You are Rong Rong? Rong Rong right? Ah, real people look better than photos!!! Ask for signature!!!"

Luo Zhentao: "..."

Rong Rong: "..."

Rong Rong never thought about it, the crew made a set of makeup photos, and he was still a lesser-minded male number four, so that fans could recognize themselves at the airport so quickly. With the first person speaking, many people who have long felt familiar are immediately recalling.

"Ah! That Wan Hao! I know, this name is very strange, he is the actor of "The Deer"!"

"Hey? "Competition"? Is that TV drama of Tang Mengxi?"

"Yeah, yeah, this real person looks so good, I have to give my daughter a signature. What little beauty and beauty she chanted all day long seems to be this one!"

When Xiao Li, the receptionist of the "ambush" crew, found Rong Rong and Luo Zhentao, they saw such a picture. The teenager gently chuckled his lips and patiently signed the name for each passerby who asked for signature. He was just a 18-star little star who was still not famous. It can be said that if there is no one's mouth, everyone will guess. Who is he?

However, when everyone has signed a signature from his hand, he can't help but feel the last sentence: "This star is really good, looks good and looks good, and has a good personality. He is called Rong Rong, I am going to give him the micro. Boga has a concern!"

The older ones are such thoughts. The younger ones are completely rubbing their hot cheeks, and they are too excited to speak. I can only keep talking with my companions: "He looks at the monkey, his voice is listening to the monkey, how is he so good! I want to turn the powder, I want to turn the powder! I want to turn the powder into a real love powder ah ah!"

Xiao Li waited for half an hour, which allowed Rong Rong to sign all the dozens of names.

The three went to the crew together. along the way, Xiao Li quietly observed the little actors resting in this back seat.

When I arrived at Xiangshan Film and Television City, I didn’t pay attention to Rong Rong and Luo Zhentao. Xiao Li specially sent a message: [Dad, this man’s second feeling is not bad, people are also very good, with his temper, it will not Was bullied by Han Yangxi? I think people are very good, you take care of it a bit, don't let the big-named bully. 】

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