MTL - Superstar Aspirations-Chapter 101

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Two weeks ago, the "Silent" crew had already released the first wave of props.

Since it is a props version of the stills, there are no characters in these nine stills, and some are just one image. For example, Lu Xiangbo played the male No. 2, and his character was a basketball poster. Use items to metaphorize people, and thus provoke the curiosity of netizens. This hand has made a lot of fun and has achieved good results.

In the last week, the "Silent" crew released some conceptual versions of the stills. This time the stills are more abstract, with only one sentence after the sentence, each sentence represents a character.

In this unique way, Xu Dao successfully attracted netizens. The netizens were very interested in this and caused a heated discussion. In the very vulgar language of the moment, it is: [very good, woman (silent), I remember you. 】

Nowadays, fifteen powders hold the excitement and excitement and come to the film of "Silent". Under the leadership of the field, they carefully entered the crew. Everyone opened their eyes, closed their mouths, and said nothing, just looking at the hard-working crew.

The scene temporarily stopped and smiled. "Now that I am filming, I hope that I will wait a while to see you."

An experienced powder head immediately said: "I know, thank you, let's distribute the supplies first."

Next, fifteen little girls, with the help of the crew, moved all the rich aids, and they handed them over to the hands of each crew.

The crew of the crew will not refuse. They all know that these little girls are here to help Rong Rong. If they refuse, the little girl may think more, thinking that they don’t like Rong Rong and don’t want to accept the fans. Food and gifts.

The fifteen girls are divided into four groups. Six people are responsible for sending things to the most ordinary staff. Four people are responsible for sending the group leader of each group. Three people are responsible for sending things to the deputy director and screenwriters. There are two other people who specialize in sending things to actors and guides.

They held a box of hot meals, plus a small bag of gifts, smiling and sending things to the hands of the staff.

The so-called "not to smile", not to mention the short mouth, the short hand. These young and beautiful little girls sighed "Thank you for taking care of Rong Rong" and gave you something, even if it was a hard-hearted staff member, they couldn’t help but smile and said: "No need, don't need it, Rong Rong is good. Children, we all like him."

After listening to this, the little girls are of course more happy, and the smile on their faces is more sincere.

Their tolerance is of course the best, the best and the best!

At the thought of this, the little girls are more motivated.

In fact, they have already brought their aid materials here, and they have already completed their work. Many fans' support is to pull things over by truck, and put them directly in a fixed position, so that each staff member can pick them up. It is impossible to deliver them to the door. But a powdery head of Rong Rong said firmly: "We must do our best to do it."

So, there is the situation today.

In the prop group, a young male staff is making a scene prop, and suddenly he hears a crisp voice ringing behind him.

The male staff slammed and looked back. I saw a young and delicate girl holding a black lacquered wooden lunch box with a bag in her hand and seriously sending things to her hands. He said sincerely: "Thank you for taking care of you, you have worked hard."

When the little girl left, the staff member came back. He quickly opened the lunch box, and after seeing the things inside, he smelled a rich dish.

Sweet and sour pork tenderloin, iron plate beef tenderloin, cola chicken wings, there are three kinds of leek! There are also four vegetarian dishes and an extra fruit box. The apples, grapes, watermelons, dragon fruit and bananas in the box are all neatly cut. At first glance, the person who cuts the fruit is sure to be ingenious.

Open the bag and look at it...

A small electric fan, a b-bar visor, a c-brand cool oil, a d-brand sunscreen spray, and a lot of small snacks, as well as a handwritten letter!

"Thank you for taking care of you. May you have a good time this summer!

Ps: In the room next to the lighting group, we put a freezer box with ice cream. Health tips, ice cream can only be eaten half an hour after a meal ^^^』

The small bag reads a word "容", the wooden lunch box is also printed with a word "容", and there is also a "容" on the small electric fan! There is only one word in a simple way, there is no redundant logo design, but it is such a simple and generous design, but it makes people feel good.

The staff looked at the little girls who were still busy in the crew and couldn’t help but sigh: "It’s so lucky that Rong Rong can have such a fan. It’s not right, it’s the strength to attract such fans. Ah." After a while, the staff suddenly amazed: "This beef is too delicious!"

This scene is staged in every corner of the crew.

The small gifts that ordinary staff get are electric fans, sun visors, wind oil and sunscreen sprays, and the group leader of each group gets extra fine gifts, and the assistant directors get more. some.

These gifts are not cheap, but for these people, it is definitely not expensive, just in the amount of money that can be received.

When a screenwriter saw a big lipstick that she liked very much, she slammed and looked at the little girl who gave her a gift, and said: "This brand?"

The little girl immediately bowed and showed a lovely smile: "I saw all the lipsticks on your Weibo photos before. I looked at it, you seem to have never painted this model lipstick. This model is very difficult to buy, but my cousin is in Paris, this is the brand of the sister, so I asked her to bring me a."

It is easy to send money, and it is easy to give gifts. The hardest part is to do it with your heart.

When Rong Rong finished the morning show and finally had time to have lunch, he just let Luo Wei go to take the lunch, and he heard Xiao Zikai suddenly sneer out and asked: "Today we don't have to eat that. Unpalatable lunch, there is a big meal to eat today! Rong Rong, have you forgotten, is today your fan to help?"

After listening to this, the young man stunned and smiled helplessly: "I still remember it in the morning, I took a morning show, but I forgot."

At this moment, a dull cough sounded from behind the two people, only to see Xu guide a serious face, first looked at Rong Rong, and then turned to look at Xiao Zikai. The old man picked up his white eyebrows and asked in a bad tone: "Is the box lunch of our crew very difficult to eat?"

Xiao Ziyan swallowed his mouth, whispered: "... In fact, it is not difficult to eat?"

Xu guide snorted and slowly smiled. He smiled: "Nonsense, it is very unpalatable. I said, the box lunch should not buy the average price of ten. Do we have that money? Not bad! Always What do you like to eat ten? Lao Wang, you said, is this decent?"

Everyone was suddenly stunned, and I saw Wang Finance silently glanced at Xu Xuan and said slowly: "There are only four box lunch packages near the film city, five, ten, twenty, and three. 10. Xu, our crew has more than 400 people."

When this sentence fell, Xu’s face changed, and then he nodded seriously: “It’s right, let’s eat it very well, hahahaha.”

Rong Rong: "..."

Xiao Zikai: "..."

Expensive for ten dollars means that you need to spend four thousand more for each meal. This is not an extra actor. If you count breakfast and dinner, I am afraid that at least 10,000 yuan a day. Ten thousand pieces are actually not much for a big drama group, but this movie takes two months, which is equal to 600,000.

Six hundred thousand, for the guidance of Tuen Mun... there are too many.

As everyone said, they went to the outside of the crew. When Rong Rong had just stepped out of the stairs, he had not seen the scene outside, and suddenly he heard a surprise shouting sounding beside his own body: "Ren... tolerance!"

Looking around, I saw a little girl touching three lunch boxes, carrying three bags, looking at herself with wide eyes.

Looking at her in a strange way, just for a moment, I understood the identity of the other party. However, before he even had time to open his mouth, he saw a sudden accumulation of tears in the eyes of the girl. The little girl’s golden bean has already turned her eyes out, but the next moment, the short-haired girl quickly raised her arm and stopped her tears.

Looking at the excitement and excitement of the little girl's face, Rong Xiao smiled and reached out and took the box and bag that the other party held. He smiled and said: "Hello, I am Rong Rong. Who are these to give? It’s a bit heavy, I will send it for you, okay?"

Next, it is a process of taking a photo signature and taking it for granted.

Every fan should have such a situation, and the star will take photos with the fan representatives and sign them. Sometimes it is only for the signatures of these fan representatives, sometimes you will sign a little more, let these fans take it back and distribute it to fans who are not able to attend the club.

Everything depends on the star's own will, and he encounters a star with a bad character. He may be amiable on the surface, but in fact he does not want to sign more at all. Even the group photo is not very happy.

However, this kind of person is a minority after all. After Rong Rong signed the name of the 15 little girls, they took a separate photo with each of them, and then everyone took a group photo. After doing all this, they sat in a room arranged by the crew and chatted for nearly an hour.

When the meeting was finally over, suddenly there was a powdery cry: "Is it still not eating?!"

This time, all the fans who were over-excited suddenly awake, and a basin of cold water poured over their heads. They just saw the male **** too excited, only to talk to and tolerate, but forgot that Rong Rong did not seem to eat at all, so they quickly let Rong Rong go to dinner.

Upon seeing it, Rong Rong said with helplessness: "In fact, it is not a big deal. In the crew, three meals are often not on time."

"What? Not on time? Tolerance, you have to take care of yourself, you must eat on time!"

"That's too hurtful, it's no wonder that you are thin!"

"Tolerance, let's go to dinner soon, it's all bad for us. We have forgotten that you didn't eat..."

Looking at the little girls who looked apologetic and cried, Rong Rong smiled softly, and after talking for a while, everyone really left. Although the girls were "caught" and let go, but when he really left, everyone was lost, because they knew that in the afternoon, they had to go to film. After this farewell, today is true. I can't see it.

However, only three minutes later, Luo Wei went into the house and smiled: "How many signature cards did you bring, I took it to Xiaoyan. Recently I was very busy with filming. Xiaoyan may not be able to sign so many names, but he I will try to sign, you will give me an address, I will send it to you in August."

The little girls looked sadly and sent all the signature cards they carried with them.

After Luo Wei left, they quickly opened the phone and reported the news to the organization -

[qaq is particularly good, especially beautiful, real people are particularly special and beautiful! A hundred times better than on TV! 】

[He has been laughing at us all the time, hey, I have valued in my life. I also touched the small hand of the tolerance, especially soft, especially warm! Don't stop me, I don't want to go, I want to stay here, I want to be with you forever! ! ! 】

[Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I just gave all the signature cards to the assistant of Rong Rong. He won’t really have to sign so many names? Originally, I brought so much just in case, I didn’t want to let the capacity sign so much. They really have a hard time filming, I heard the staff said that they shot more than four in the morning yesterday! But I got up again at 7:00 in the morning and continued to film! 】

As soon as I heard this, the fans in the group suddenly became anxious.

[I remember you brought more than 500 signature cards in the past, right? How can you give it to you? What if I am tired of him? Rong Rong also wants to film, tolerate the end of next month and next month, should go to participate in the publicity road show of "Mecret", what if he is tired? ! ! ! 】

[qaq I am going to get the signature card back! ! ! 】

It is certainly impossible to get the signature card back.

After Rong Rong quickly finished eating, he had already filmed in the studio again. Luo Wei listened to their requests and calmly waved his hand: "Nothing, Xiao Xiao has already seen these signature cards, and he said he will sign it for you."

The little girls are all: "qaq呜呜呜呜, tolerance..."

At this point, the support activities for this day are over.

Every staff member got a small gift, ate a delicious meal prepared by the fans, and took a box of Haagen-Dazs ice cream as a dessert. These gifts are prepared with great care, and as long as they are extra prepared, they are almost always good.

Even the usual serious guide saw a brand of wallet and a belt for the waist, the old man whispered a few words: "These fans are quite good."

Rong Rong sees the essence through the phenomenon. After ending the filming at night, he privately smiles and asks his assistant: "Little sister, are you connected with the fan group?"

Luo Yan's big eyes, quickly clarified for himself: "No, I am a fan of you, but I and the powder heads and moderators are only official business, never contacted them privately." ”

Luo Wei’s expression was not hesitant and hesitated, apparently telling the truth.

Rong Rong slightly frowned, thinking for a moment, still can not explain -

If it is not Luo Wei, who is it, actually understand the people in the crew so clearly, but also know that the waist of the guide is not good?

Not far away, Xiao Zikai’s assistant sneezed and then looked down at his mobile phone.

[Reporting organization, I lurked very well, hahahaha Rong Rong did not find that I was his old powdered powder~ Today I saw a more beautiful and beautiful capacity, I want to pounce on and hug it! Ah, I also want to touch the little hand of tolerance _(:3"∠)_]

The support of the powder was very meticulous and thoughtful, and the prepared meals and gifts also made the staff full of praise. When the next day, the staff saw their ten-dollar lunch, and couldn't help but recall the delicious food that they had yesterday.

"When, the fans of Rong Rong can come again, how wonderful it is..."

This kind of idea is obviously more than one person. When an assistant director eats lunch, he can't help but talk to his friends: "The fans of Rong Rong are really generous. Lao Chen, I can hear about Xiao Zikai. The gift is a set of high-end skin care products with a box of s cards, and a set of cosmetics for the t brand. My family uses the s brand every day, and the stuff is expensive."

Lao Chen laughed happily: "How can Xiao Zikai compare with others? I can see that the big bag is the one that protects the waist. It seems to be worth more than three thousand. How do you know how they know it? The guide waist is not good? This is amazing."

I have seen the support activities of fans, but I have never seen such awkward support activities.

Normal support may only be able to prepare a portion of the box lunch, part of the fruit, part of the gift, and it is impossible to send a copy to everyone in the crew. However, the powder did it, and it also sent such a sweet gift.

They are not asking for gifts, but for them. Just like the guide waist, the original powder is going to buy a waistband, but it is not the value of three thousand, but the other three or four hundred waist.

However, a certain amount of powder is worth a hundred thousand dollars! This allows the powder to have sufficient capital, only to pursue the best, not to pursue the benefits, which gave Xu guide the most suitable high-grade belt.

There are people everywhere in the crew discussing the small gifts they received yesterday, and not far from the two assistant directors, a handsome and handsome young student bowed his head and ate his box lunch without a word.

Lu Xiangbo’s assistant sat opposite him, helped him open the soup bowl, and then talked about Lu Xiangbo’s play this afternoon.

After that, the little assistant bowed his head and started playing the mobile phone, but after a while, he listened to Lu Xiangbo’s repressed voice and screamed softly: “What gift did you receive yesterday?”

The little assistant sighed and replied without much thought: "I received a set of men's toiletries in addition to fans, hats, wind oil and sunscreen spray." After all, it was only the assistant of the male No. 2, and the powder only I have prepared a set of high-end men's toiletries, no more gifts.

However, after listening to this, Lu Xiangbo laughed and asked: "What did Rong Rong’s assistant receive?"

When I opened the gift yesterday, everyone was very generous and there was no cover-up, so the gift that Luo Hao received, this little assistant naturally knows. He recalled and said: "It seems to be a set of s brand skin care products, a bunch of p-brand bracelets, and... Oh, there is a Mito phone!"

This big string says, even if you don't know how much the skin care product is worth, but it is a Mito phone, at least three thousand.

Lu Xiangbo continued to bow down to eat, did not say a word, but his assistant has been a little restless. This assistant clearly knows Lu Xiangbo's nature and knows that his artist is very tolerant, but he is grumpy and tough, and how horrible he is to start his temper.

However, Lu Xiangbo’s temper is only known to him and his agent, and he is well hidden.

After the meal, Lu Xiangbo put the chopsticks on the table and said calmly: "I am giving you a set of ordinary toiletries, to the assistants of Rong Rong, so good, so much?"

The little assistant slammed, and subconsciously wanted to say, "My set is a very high-end toiletries, but it is not cheap. And the fans of Rong Rong must give his assistant good things, but that is the assistant of Rong Rong. It’s not the assistant of others, but this is just the way to the lips. Looking at Lu Xiangbo’s trembling eyes, the little assistant closes his mouth.

Lu Xiang slammed the box of rice on the table, as if licking them, they would become a hearty dish like yesterday, and then his own fans handed the boxes to the crew and used those expensive gifts to buy people's hearts. !

This afternoon, Lu Xiangbo did not have many plays, but he ng several times.

Xu Xun glared at Lu Xiangbo, but he always smiled and promised, but it was not good. After taking more than 20 shots, Xu was irritated and said: "You are not in a good state today. You should go back to the hotel to take a break and then make up your shots later."

Lu Xiangbo stunned and then left the crew with his assistant.

Just when he left, he also ran into the female No. 2 Liu Huizhen. This woman with a higher eye than the top smiled coldly and said to her assistant yin and yang: "I see, some people are jealous. The same is a small meat, it is still the same generation, how some people Are fans worse than others?"

Lu Xiangbo clenched his fingers and stepped away from the studio.

Upon returning to the car, Lu Xiangbo suddenly slammed on the door. After a bang, his hand was suddenly a big chunk, and at the same time, there was a pit in the door.

The little assistant was shaken by this fist and murmured: "Xiang... Xiangbo?"

suddenly! Lu Xiangbo jerked his head up, his eyes were red and bleeding, and the anger and hatred of his eyes became a knife, and the little assistant was scared. Just listening to the next moment, a hoarse male voice rang in the carriage: "The dog's eyes are low, his dog's eyes are low, and his fans are low-eyed!"

The little assistant immediately understood what was going on. Seeing Lu Xiangbo's mood is not right, he quickly persuaded: "In fact, Xiang Bo, his fans send things to us, it is better." Think of the little girl who sent something to her yesterday sweet. Smile, the little assistant cheered on himself and said: "This kind of thing is nothing, my set of things is actually..."

"You and they are a group?" The voice of hatred forced out of the teeth.

Looking at Lu Xiangbo's gaze, the little assistant fell in fear and slammed into the steering wheel. Suddenly, the horn rang and broke the silence.

Listening to this voice, the hatred on Lu Xiangbo’s face slowly dissipated. He took a deep breath and said, "Let's go."

The little assistant couldn’t wait to turn and drive.

In the evening, Rong Rong took another morning to finish the trip today.

When he left the crew in the evening, almost all the staff raised his head and he smiled and said "goodbye." At first, he was a little surprised, but gradually, he smiled and said goodbye to these staff.

Luo Wei said with emotion: "This is really helpful. The staff members used to be very good to us, but today they are very good for us. Rong Rong, have you seen that there is a lot of meat in your meal? More than the meat in the rice."

Sighing softly, Rong Rong said helplessly: "In fact, they spend so much money, I feel a little more."

Luo Wei shook his head: "No, Xiao Yan, don't you know, in fact, this time your fans raised a total of 1.16 million funds, of which 700,000 were given by the lotus seed orange stuff. I confirmed them before. The bills, these powders did not swallow the money, did use the 1.16 million on the tip of the knife. And after the lotus seed orange stuffing was generous, there was also a powder of 100,000, and the fans who participated in the event had one or two thousand. People, on average, there are not many people." Wan, in addition to the 700,000 lotus seed filling, there is another 100,000 powder, in fact, there are only 360,000.

One or two thousand people participated in the activity, and on average, each person probably gave less than 40 yuan.

However, the focus of Rong Rong is not here. The clear scorpion was a little big, and asked with amazement: "Seven hundred thousand?"

Luo Wei nodded: "Yes. I heard the moderator say that it was given 500,000 first. After reading the list of gifts, I felt that it was not good enough. I added another 200,000 to let these moderators buy better things. ”

Rong Rong: "..."

After a moment, he asked: "I remember this lotus seed orange stuffing, which was the last one million?"

In fact, Rong Rong is very sure of the identity of the other party. After all, he also saw the other side's Weibo last month, but he still could not help but ask this question. After all, he never thought that there would be a fan who could spend 170,000 on himself, which is not the TV drama dvd and movie tickets bought by the other party.

Luo Hao nodded heavily and looked up at the starry sky. He sighed with deep enthusiasm: "It’s a rich and powerful man."

Rong Rong: "..."

After returning to the hotel room this evening, Rong Rong quickly finished washing. Before going to bed, he was just about to turn off the phone, and the action suddenly stopped. He opened Weibo and quietly opened a person's Weibo homepage and looked at it in bed.

[Lianrong Orange Filling: What is it?] =3=

Well, this is a daily confession.

[Lianrong orange stuffing: I haven't seen the volume for a long time, I think he thinks he thinks about him. 】

... This seems to be saying that he hasn’t posted Weibo for a while?

[Lianrong orange stuffing: Today he told me a joke, in fact, very funny, I did not laugh, he was angry. I don't want to laugh, I can't laugh, it's a bit of a joke... I don't laugh. Sad _(:3"∠)_ However, he is more lovely when he is angry, so he wants to hold the demi Mimi~~~

Rong Rong: "..." Isn't this the face?

After watching the microblog of this lotus seed orange stuffing for a while, Rong Rong put down the mobile phone helplessly.

This person really does not send photos, and never shows off. If the other party does not donate that one million, I am afraid that no one can think of it. This is a flaw. Moreover, in the other's photo album, in addition to the hard photos of his own posters, there is no life photo.

Many rich second generations like to show off their lives on the Internet. They will shoot private jets and take luxury cars. Some of them have deeper minds, and they will deliberately put their bags in the corner of the table and take a photo. The main picture of the photo is what she is eating, but at the edge of the photo, the baby's brand logo will be revealed. .

But this lotus seed orange stuffing, a 19-year-old Bai Fumei, actually nothing.

Rong Wei looked at the Weibo avatar of the lotus seed orange stuffing. This is his photo, which is a poster of "Black Clouds".

Looking at it, Rong Rong slowly hangs his throat and begins to think about who has so much money in the "Black Clouds" crew. It is only 19 years old this year, and then he can take a close look at his sleeping photos. .

The result of some thinking is: there is no such person at all!

For a long time, Rong Rong gently shook his head and turned off the light. He naturally did not know that the 19-year-old Bai Fumei, who was sitting on the plane at the moment, finally arrived in the city after more than 20 hours of travel.

On July 26th, Huaxia Entertainment will hold a charity auction party in B City. This auction invited more than half of the entertainment circles, most of them should be present, except for some who can't get away, really can't come - including Rong Rong.

When arriving at the city of B, it was noon on the 26th, and the handsome man walked away from the VIP channel of the airport. Xu Jin and assistant Kobayashi followed him and walked quickly.

While walking, Xu Jin said: "Go directly to the company makeup, change clothes, the 7 o'clock party will begin. Qin Cheng, you are the finale of the party red carpet guests, you can actually be a little late, we don't have to worry, but Considering the traffic conditions in the city of B, we are still safe."

Soon, the three took the elevator to the parking lot.

Lin assistant drove in front of the car, Xu Jin sat in the passenger seat, and turned to Qin Cheng and said: "You are with Liu Lao, Sheng Zong, Wen Wei, Lin Biao... They are sitting at a table. We have to take at least one thing, at least two million."

In addition to really wanting to be a charity, the charity party in the entertainment industry is also giving the outside world a position.

Star celebrities as public representatives, their every move will be monitored by the masses, and will also bring role models to the masses. Some stars come to this charity party. It is really just a show. It is to let people know that he also wants to be a charity. As for what he didn't take, it was because the competitor was too strong, not that he didn't want to buy it.

But for the stars of Qin Cheng and Wen Yu, they have to take charity items, and they can't be cheap. They are the representatives of the entertainment industry and must play a leading role.

Wen Yan, Qin Cheng raised his finger and pinched the acupuncture point on the nose. After a while, he whispered: "Two million is not enough."

Xu Jinyi said: "How much do you want?"

Qin Cheng raised his throat and said calmly: "More than five million."

Xu Jinyu’s eyes widened, and after a long time, he snorted: “It’s your money anyway, it doesn’t matter to me.” After a long time, he couldn’t help but ask: “When did you decide to establish yourself? The public image?"

After getting along for so many years, Xu Jin can not see the purpose of Qin’s move.

Since the first few months, Qin has been quietly shaping his good image. This kind of behavior is a normal thing for ordinary stars. Who would like it if the star image is bad? The only end is the gas.

In the past, Qin’s image was not bad, but it was not so approachable. Fans knew that their own male **** was a cold and forced male god. However, today, although Qin has not deliberately transformed himself into a gentle warm man of his neighbor's brother type, he has paid considerable attention to some charitable and public welfare issues.

For example, Qin Cheng took over a public welfare campaign last month, but now he has to spend more on charity evenings.

After listening to Xu Jin’s words, Qin Cheng took a light eyebrow and asked: “You guess.”

Xu Jin thought for a while and said: "Which do I know what medicine you sell in your gourd, love to say no."

Qin was thin and slightly hooked, but gently "oh", and said: "That would not be said."

Xu Jin: "..."

On the evening of the same day, at the charity auction party of Huaxia Entertainment, Qin Cheng directly photographed three collections. The first collection was contributed by the Chinese song singer Xiao Tian Wang Lin, a guitar, Qin presented a price of 600,000, directly photographed; the second collection is more precious, is an ink painting of Liu Lao collection, From the Song Dynasty, it was the handwriting of a well-known painter and won the competition of the audience.

In the end, Qin presented this picture with 4.62 million.

And the last collection is a bit special. That was contributed by Zheng Dao, a set of costumes for "ambush".

In the entertainment industry, such auction items are not uncommon. Frequently, the crew will auction the props and costumes. The money obtained from the auction can be used as charity, earning a reputation for the crew, and at the same time getting a wave of publicity.

This time, Qin was not photographed by himself, but gave a wink to the gentleman sitting opposite him.

Wen Hao slammed, and after a long time, suddenly received a text message from a man.

[Qin Cheng: Help me take it. 】

[Wen Wei: ...]

I didn’t understand why the other party didn’t shoot it myself. Wen’s gave three cards and took the costume at the price of 860,000. On the stage, the auctioneer smiled and said: "It seems that we have seen this TV series after Wen Ying."

Wen Yan said with a smile: "It is a very good TV series."

The answer of Wanjinyou did not make anyone suspicious, and the whole set of costumes of "ambush" was sent directly to Qin Cheng's apartment afterwards.

Gentle and moving cheongsam, a strong sense of school wear, a simple introduction to the light suits... There are also a few sets of dark military uniforms.

The dark and dark scorpion was slightly restrained, and Qin looked at these military uniforms indifferently, his fingers gently rubbing.

For a long time, he lifted his throat and looked at the panting agent: "Besides these pieces, the other is for you."

Xu Jin: "..."

The next moment, he smacked his mouth and angered: "I and Xiaolin just helped you get it from Wenxi. You are going to give it now? I want these things to do, I am not a fan of them, I have not seen it. "Buy." Don't say, you bought it for 860,000, just to give it to me. Why don't you send me the guitar of Lin Biao, I can play a bomb!"

Qin presented him with a look: "Do you still play cotton?"

Xu Jin glared at the opposite: "It is playing the guitar!"

The man faintly said, "Oh, that guitar is useful. These clothes are 260,000 more expensive than the guitar. You take it, thank you."

Xu Jin: "..." Who wants to thank you! ! !

After leaving these men's apartments with these clothes, Xu Jin racked his brains and thought about it all night. How to deal with these costumes. On the other hand, the next morning, Rong Rong just woke up from his dream and found a message on his mobile phone.

[Qin Cheng: There are two gifts to show you, when will you come back? 】

The line of sight stayed on the word "gift" for a long time, and the boy couldn't help but curl up his lips: [What gift? 】

After a few seconds, Qin Cheng responded: [You guess. 】

Rong Rong: [...If I don't guess? 】

Qin Cheng: [Let's come back and see. When are you coming back? 】

While getting up and brushing his teeth, the teenager replied: [This film will take another month or so and will not return in a short time. 】

After a second, the crisp and pleasant ringing of the phone suddenly sounded and went back in the empty bathroom. As if waiting for this sentence, just a second, Qin Cheng called.

The phone was connected to the phone, only to the end of the phone. The man’s low magnetic voice slowly sounded, in a calm and calm tone, saying, “Since you are not coming back, then...I Go to the class."

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