MTL - Supermarket Space: Traveling Through the Ages and Marrying a Rough Guy-Chapter 681 Song Can's Story【51】

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  That night, when Song Can came home, she felt strange before she entered the door. Usually there would be light shining through the cracks in the door. Even if Lu Weiguang fell asleep, she would leave a light for her, but today it was dark inside.

  She hurriedly took out the key, opened the door, went in and turned on the light, but just stood there stupidly.

  Lu Weiguang is not at home, nor is his wheelchair.

  Song Can hurried to lift the curtain, but there was no one behind the curtain.

  A feeling of uneasiness and panic welled up in his heart. Where could he go alone this late at night?

"Brother, brother..." Song Can turned around in a panic, and was stunned for a moment, only to see Xu Weiran supporting Lu Weiguang's wheelchair, and Lu Weiguang was holding a very pink and cute cake in his hand, and the candles on it were already lit and burning Then, Song Can raised her eyebrows suspiciously, "It's not your birthday today!" She raised her eyebrows at Xu Weiran who was standing behind, "Is it your birthday? But I didn't know it beforehand, and I didn't do it for you. You prepare presents."

  "Song Can, happy birthday." Xu Weiran took a few steps forward and brought the cake in Lu Weiguang's hand to Song Can.

  Song Can was still a little confused, scratched his hair, and then suddenly realized, "So today is my birthday!"

   Never celebrate birthdays, she can't even remember when her birthday is.

   "First make a wish, then blow out the candles!" Xu Weiran urged.

Although she was very disgusted with Xu Weiran, she was still a little moved by the weak but strong candlelight flickering in the night wind at this moment. She looked up at Xu Weiran, his eyes seemed not so scary anymore .

   "Thank you." Song Can smiled, clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and made a wish earnestly and devoutly.

  Her only wish is that Lu Weiguang can stand up as soon as possible, can walk normally, and then have a beautiful life.

  Xu Weiran looked at Song Can in front of her. She lowered her head, closed her eyes, and there was a quiet smile on the corner of her mouth. The flickering candlelight made her face flicker, and the tenderness in his eyes seemed to flow out.

  He also made a wish quietly in his heart.

  Every year from now on, I will personally celebrate Song Can’s birthday.

   "Thank you." After making the wish, Song Can blew out the candle, looked up at Xu Weiran, his eyes sparkled with emotion.

  Xu Weiran dipped his fingers into the cake and wiped it on the tip of Song Can's nose. Song Can was ashamed and annoyed, and raised his hand to pat him on the shoulder, "Don't make trouble, don't waste the cake."

  Song Can hurriedly pushed Lu Weiguang into the room, and cut the cake for them to eat. She hadn't eaten such a sweet cake for a long time, and she couldn't recall the mood and taste of the last time she ate the cake.

  Song Can cut three pieces and sent the rest to the security room, where the security uncles often helped her.

"Brother, don't scare me like this in the future. I didn't see you when I came back. I was really scared to death." After Xu Weiran ate the cake and left, Song Can poured a cup of hot water for Lu Weiguang, "I'm really afraid of you were taken away by them."

   "No, no one can take me away from you." Lu Weiguang touched Song Can's hair, "Our family, Ah Can, has grown up."

   There is already a boy eyeing her, so she should leave him in the future, right?

Thinking of what might happen in the future, Lu Weiguang felt very sad. He grabbed Song Can's hand and held it tightly in his palm, "Ah Can, if I meet someone I like in the future, my hobbies, career and dreams Even your own principles, don’t give up, because if you give up these, once you break up, you will have nothing and you will lose a lot.”

   "Brother..." Song Can was a little embarrassed, it was too late for everyone to dislike her condition, so how could there be a chance to hold hands and break up?

  In the past, Song Can always said, 'Brother, we will depend on each other for life' but this time she didn't say it. This subtle change made Lu Weiguang aware that her mood was also changing.

  Before Song Can started her part-time job, she negotiated a salary of 26,000 yuan a month, but on the day she received her salary, Song Can found out that the manager gave her 3,000 yuan in cash. She couldn't believe it.

   "Manager, did you miscalculate?"

   "That's right, you have worked very hard during this time, this is your reward." The manager patted her on the shoulder and encouraged, "School will start soon, come on."

"Thank you." After receiving her salary, Song Can was very happy. She wrapped the money in a tissue, then wrapped it in clothes, and put it carefully in her schoolbag. This was her hard work for a month. earned.

Song Can came out of the coffee shop and walked towards the bustling city center. Now that she has been paid, she can buy something for Lu Weiguang. She was also touched by the fact that Xu Weiran prepared a birthday cake for her to celebrate her birthday. Prepare a small gift for Xu Weiran as a token of gratitude.

  The sun was very strong, and after a while Song Can felt that her whole body was burning hot. Seeing a cold drink shop next to her, she hurried in and saw her figure reflected on the glass in front of her, and she couldn't help feeling a little lost.

  She remembered that time when she was wearing a heavy doll costume to hand out leaflets on the side of the road, but Xu Weiran threw them all over the place, and Luo Chenxi helped her pick them up one by one.

  At that time, she really hated Xu Weiran, just like Xu Weiran hated her. Unexpectedly, she also became friends before she knew it.

  Suddenly, there was a cold feeling on his face, and Song Can was startled. Seeing that the person who iced himself with a cold drink was Xu Weiran, Song Can patted him displeasedly, "Why are you here?"

   "Isn't school about to start? Come out for a stroll!" Xu Weiran handed the kumquat lemon drink to Song Can, "What about you?"

   "I... I came out to buy mock test papers." Song Can didn't pick up the drink, but went to the counter, looked at the menu, and then ordered two cold drinks, one for himself and one for Lu Weiguang.

"I also want to buy information books, but I don't know what to buy. Can you show me later?" Xu Weiran put his hands on the counter, as if he was holding her in his arms .

  He really doesn't want to let go of any chance to get close to her!

   "School hasn't started yet, I haven't seen the textbook for the second year of high school, and I don't know what materials to buy." Song Can avoided Xu Weiran's sight and moved a little to the side.

  Xu Weiran's eyes were too aggressive, which made her a little scared and didn't dare to look directly.

  His eyes are not as gentle as Luo Chenxi's. Luo Chenxi's eyes are really gentle like the spring breeze in March, refreshing.

  Xu Weiran moved closer to Song Can, "Then I'll go and have a look with you, okay?"

Song Can nodded, paid for the drink, and took Xu Weiran to a bookstore not far away. Song Can walked to the novel area and saw so many Chinese and foreign classics on the shelves, as well as works by major authors , as well as the original novels of many film and television dramas.

  She was dazzled and didn't know how to choose.