MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 768 0 times gravity

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Yan Fei's first wave of attack against the alien battleship failed, but he was not discouraged and immediately began to implement the backup plan B. Instead of sending super hydrogen bombs to explode inside the enemy, but the powerful weapon of the UAV mother ship-the gravity bomb, it is necessary to use the suddenly increased gravity to destroy the opponent.

The energy gun launched by the alien warship was completely resisted by the drone mother ship. After discovering that the energy attack alone could not break the defense of the drone mother ship, the alien warship also changed its combat plan. It first turned off the energy main gun, but immediately activated another weapon platform, launching a special force field in the direction of the UAV mother ship.

Yan Fei is preparing to launch a gravity bomb, and suddenly finds that there is an unusual feeling coming from the drone mother ship. It is the same that there is a short circuit in the UAV mother ship.

Yan Fei was taken aback. His drone carrier is not a traditional space warship or himself. He does not know the structure inside the drone carrier, nor do he know if there are any physical routes in it. But now its own drone mothership has an abnormal situation, and even a short circuit situation. This situation has never been seen before. What happened? Could it be that the opposite alien warship launched a special attack on itself? What kind of weapons can cause such an attack effect?

When Yan Fei was confused, the artificial intelligence "dream" suddenly came to the information written by Yang Qi on the Dream Island through a huge screen. There is a brief introduction about Yan Fei's current situation.

After Yanfei returned to the Oort Cloud Belt with the drone mothership, because of the fact that the distance was so far away, Yanfei had actually lost the instant communication with Neverland. However, through the quantum satellite network established by Yanfei, he can still view the situation on Fantasy Island through images, and indirectly communicate with Fantasy Island on the back through images and text.

Yang Qi has been studying quantum technology, especially after dismantling a quantum satellite, he finally mastered the key technology of quantum satellites. In the past few years, Yang Qi finally made an information receiving port on Dream Island through the equipment he designed and spent a huge price. With the consent of Yan Fei, Yang Qi can also pass through the universe on Dream Island Quantum Satellite Network to view everything. This device is so huge that Yanfei ca n’t install it on his drone mothership, so he still ca n’t communicate with Yang Qi in the rear in real time, and can only obtain Yang Qi by quantum satellite observation of Fantasy Island and send it to himself. Information.

After Yan Fei confronted the UAV mothership with the alien battleship, Yang Qi immediately collected the situation on the battlefield through quantum satellites, so as to understand the combat effectiveness of the alien battleship. Then Yang Qi discovered the mysterious attack on the drone mother ship. He was knowledgeable and naturally knew what was going on, but he was afraid that Yan Fei was not clear about the situation, so he used a large screen message to remind Yan Fei.

Yan Fei also knew that Yang Qi was paying attention to this war, so he let artificial intelligence "dream" always pay attention to the situation at the rear, and really saw Yang Qi's message to Yan Fei.

Yang Qi's message on the big screen was: "Yan Fei, your battleship has been trapped in some kind of force field of an alien battleship. As long as your battleship enters this force field, it will produce an inexplicable surface on your battleship. Power, this power can ignore the energy shield and act directly on the entire battleship. "

"In order to facilitate your understanding, you can imagine the relationship between this force field and your battleship as a generator on earth. The principle of a generator is to cut a magnetic field line with a conductor, and there will be a continuous source of electrical energy. Now your A battleship is a conductor, and the force field created by an alien battleship is a magnetic field line. As long as your battleship flies inside, it will continue to create inexplicable forces and destroy your battleship. The faster your battleship flies, this kind of The stronger the inexplicable power, the greater the damage to your battleship. "

After Yang Qi's brief and concise reminder, Yan Fei realized what his drone warship was encountering. In such a short time, his drone mother ship traversed 100,000 kilometers in the opponent's force field and at a fast speed, and a large number of inexplicable forces were created to ignore the energy shield and appear directly in the unmanned The hull of the aircraft carrier caused huge damage to the drone carrier. Although the UAV mothership is very powerful and will not be disintegrated because of these inexplicable forces, in order to resist these sudden inexplicable forces, the energy block of the UAV mothership is dropping at a very fast rate.

The memory of Yan Fei inherited from the human soul of the universe contains a lot of tactics of space wars, but because of the incomplete memories, Yan Fei did not see a civilization that used force field attacks in the memory. But this is not to say that such a force field attack does not exist, it is just that the human soul of the universe just forgot it. Now that the principle of enemy force field attack has been found, it is natural to come up with a solution. I'm afraid I don't know anything, and then I'm hit by the enemy.

Yang Qi on the earth continued to remind Yan Fei on that big screen: "This kind of force field attack is amazing, it can ignore the energy shield to attack your battleship hull. Although I ca n’t think of a way to crack the force field attack for the time being , But it can keep you from being affected by it. As long as you slow down your flight speed, you won't produce a lot of inexplicable power. This kind of force field attack will have no lethal effect on you. "

After being reminded by Yang Qi, Yanfei immediately knew the real combat method of the alien warship, that is, using force field attacks to force the opponent to reduce the speed, so that the opponent could not avoid his own energy attack, and then concentrate all the firepower to attack the opponent, once Sexually kill the opponent. If the opponent does not reduce the speed, it will be destroyed by a large number of inexplicable forces in the force field attack. So no matter whether you continue to fly at high speed or reduce the flight speed, as long as you fall into the range of the opponent's force field, it will be difficult to retreat.

Yang Qi is a simple scientist. He didn't know the art of strategy and didn't understand people's hearts, so his advice to Yan Fei would only hit the enemy. However, Yan Fei was experienced, and after being reminded by Yang Qi, he immediately understood the opponent's fighting style and made a final decision.

Under the control of Yanfei, the drone mothership reduced its flight speed and controlled the distance between itself and the alien battleship within 400,000 kilometers. Before the alien warship turned all the muzzles and had not completed the fire attack, he prepared the gravity bomb weapon one step in advance.

Each time the drone refreshes its data, it will get one million times the gravity bomb. This gravity bomb data is somewhat similar to the amount of ammunition carried by Yanfei Class 5 UAV. When the total ammunition load is determined, Yanfei can choose from a variety of ammunition types of different weights as long as they are practical. Weapons can be launched and attacked without exceeding the total ammunition load.

The same is true for the gravity bomb multiples. After each data refresh, the drone mothership can refresh 1 million times the gravity bomb. Under this premise, Yanfei can freely choose between 100-1000 times of gravity. If he chooses the lowest power of 100 times, he can launch a total of 10,000 100-fold gravity bombs; if he chooses the highest power of 1000 times, In total, he can launch 100 1000-fold gravity bombs.

The selection of gravity bombs with different powers can help Yanfei deal with different enemies. This alien warship showed extraordinary strength. In order to deal with it, Yan Fei did not hesitate to choose the most powerful 1000 times gravity bomb.

Once a gravity bomb explodes, an abnormal gravitational wave will be generated at the point of explosion. This gravitational wave will apply acceleration to nearby objects, causing the object to fall toward the center of the explosion at a very high speed. Yanfei has tested it before. A gravity bomb with a force of 1,000 times exploded, and its impact range can reach 100,000 kilometers. Some suddenly appeared a massive body as large as Jupiter nearby, but its actual volume is only the size of a ping pong ball. It will generate a huge tidal force, causing a huge tidal force to the enemy's battleship.

Yan Fei did not know whether a gravity bomb with 1,000 times the power could destroy an alien warship, but the gravity bomb is now the most powerful weapon in his hand, and he also pins his hopes on this super weapon. When ready, Yan Fei clicked to launch, and the high-powered gravity bomb was launched.

The gravity bomb showed a spherical shape, and quickly flew towards the target under the impulse of a huge missile behind. The force field of the alien battleship immediately worked, and in just an instant, the missile chip behind the gravity bomb was burned. The gravity bomb has a special structure and is fully resistant to force field attacks, so it still exists. After losing the propulsion of the missile, it can no longer reach the location of the alien warship.

Yanfei didn't even expect the gravity bomb to fly to the alien warship 400,000 kilometers away, so he didn't care about the destruction of the missile. He just launched the gravity bomb, he used quantum transmission technology to lock the gravity bomb, and then activated the quantum transmission ability, the gravity bomb was instantly transmitted to the alien warship 10,000 kilometers in front. After reaching the explosion site, the gravity bomb exploded.

The gravity bomb converts all energy into gravitational waves, so its explosion has no gorgeous light and shadow effects. After the explosion began, a gravitational black hole suddenly appeared in the center of the gravity bomb. A terrifying gravitational wave emerged from this black hole and extended out in all directions until it quickly attenuated until 100,000 kilometers away.

The alien warship is only 10,000 kilometers away from the gravitational black hole and was first attacked by gravitational waves. Under the action of gravitational waves of up to 1000 times, the alien warship was captured by a powerful gravitational wave and applied an inward acceleration to it, and it was necessary to pull the alien warship to the explosion center.

The alien battleship was taken aback and quickly mobilized the energy of the battleship, and it was necessary to leave here quickly. But its power is not a 1000-times gravitational wave opponent at all, and it still falls toward the center of the explosion at a very fast speed. In this process, the shape of the alien warship is very irregular, which makes the pulling force of its various parts different. Under the action of the gravitational gap, the energy shield on the surface of the alien warship suddenly goes out, and then its hull After being stretched quickly, even the hull began to show cracks, and a pair was about to be torn to pieces.

Seeing the change of the powerful alien warship alien, Yan Fei was shocked. He knew in his heart that this force that pulls alien warships into long bars is called tidal force. As long as the aircraft is within the limits of Roche's explosion point of gravity Satan, it will be pulled by the tidal force. If the hull is not strong enough, it will immediately be torn into pieces by tidal forces. This alien warship is still relatively powerful, and it can persist for so long in 1000 times of gravity ...

When the alien warship was attacked by Yan Fei's gravity bomb, it originally planned to break the fire-fighting attack on the UAV mothership, and the force field attack it had previously launched was also automatically shut down. Without the force field attack, Yanfei's drone mothership also recovered its ability to fly quickly. Although the gravitational wave generated by the gravity bomb explosion was increased by 1,000 times, its gravitational wave began to decrease sharply after leaving a distance of 100,000 kilometers. When it was acting on a drone mother ship 400,000 kilometers away The impact of gravitational waves on the UAV mothership is very small, so the UAV mothership is just a simple acceleration, away from the abnormal area of ​​gravitational waves.

In the process of escaping from the gravity bomb attack range, Yan Fei has been paying attention to the situation of alien warships. Although the alien warship began to deform, it did not completely collapse. It even produced the opposite force in an attempt to counter the powerful gravitational wave. However, its movements are in vain. Not only can it not escape the effect of gravitational waves, its hull continues to become thinner and longer ...

Seeing the tragic end of the alien battleship, Yan Fei's self-confidence was established at once. He had previously felt that his drone mothership was strong and able to defeat alien battleships. But before there was a head-to-head matchup, he was still a bit worried. Although UU read, Yang Qi also gave him an endorsement, thinking he would win, but he was still not confident. After all, his previous opponents were small characters on the planet, and now the strength of this alien battleship is many times stronger than the small characters on the planet.

After the actual combat, although the previous plan A failed, when Yanfei switched to plan B, a 1000-fold powerful gravity bomb exploded, and actually achieved such a huge victory, making the alien battleship on the verge of collapse, which immediately let Yan Fei realized the strength of his drone mothership. He doesn't yet know what level the strength of alien warships can rank in the universe, but at least when fighting this alien civilization, Yan Fei is confident of defeating them, and at least will not lose to the other party.

The gravity bomb is very powerful and has a wide range of influence, but its duration is very short. Ten seconds later, its 1,000 times gravitational wave is over. The alien warship about to fall to the center of the explosion stopped falling. It stood still and motionless ...

But in this short period of ten seconds, the gravity bomb caused very great damage to the alien battleship. At this time, although the alien warship has not been destroyed, it is very miserable from the outside. Not only is the energy shield of its surface disappeared, but its original rules of the ship have also undergone dramatic changes. The shape becomes a long strip. If it wasn't seen with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that this decayed alien battleship is the same as the previous alien battleship.