MTL - Super Dimensional Wizard-v6 Chapter 3261 age of deception

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   "Wonderful building, is it a part of a high-level ceremony?" Guta Lace was a little surprised: "So, Tunita's construction of the wonder of Crystal City is actually preparing for a large-scale ceremony?"

  Gleipnir glanced at Gutales, and said lightly: "Isn't it, just keep listening and you'll know."

  After speaking, Gleipnir changed the subject and began to tell the story corresponding to the third piece of the puzzle—"Resonance of the Holy Corpse Crystal".

   "The Holy Corpse Crystal, I think you have all heard of it."

   "To put it bluntly, the holy corpse crystal is the corpse of the Jingmu tribe."

  The characteristics of the Jingmu people are obvious. Their skin is like transparent glass, their flesh and blood are like colorless liquid gold, and their bones are like icicles on the frozen soil. The whole person is like an ice crystal.

  The fact is indeed the case. Normal people will experience the process of decay and return to ruins after death. The Jingmu tribe is different, after they die, they will turn into a human-shaped transparent crystal.

   And this transparent crystal is the so-called "Holy Corpse Crystal".

"At the beginning, when Tunita was building the Crystal City, it was still under normal construction at the beginning. It was based on permafrost, with unmelting ice as the wall, and incombustible frost as the embellishment... But as the construction entered the final stage , Tunita suddenly issued a new request to the Council of Elders."

  Tunita's order was very strange. When all the members of the Presbyterian Church at that time saw this order, they subconsciously rejected it.

  Because, Tunita's order is - in the future, all the crystals of the holy corpses transformed by the newly dead will be integrated into the wall and used as materials for building the Crystal City.

  The holy corpse crystal is the corpse of the Jingmu people. Although the appearance of the Jingmu tribe is far from that of humans, their attitude towards the dead was similar to that of humans at first.

  The Council of Elders agrees that this is an act of blasphemy against the deceased and absolutely cannot be tolerated. Even if it is His Excellency the Prophet who gave the order, he must resist.

  Facing the fiercely resisting elders, Tunita did not object, but in secret, he issued the same order to his fans in his own name.

  Tunita, as a family of prophets, is a god-like existence to many fans. Although Tunita's order sounds a bit outrageous, for fanatics, how dare to question the will of "God"? Besides, the order of the Prophet Tunita is—in the future, the crystal of the holy corpse transformed by the newly dead will be integrated into the crystal city—it is not necessarily that he will die, and it will not affect him in a short time, so it doesn’t hurt to support him.

  In addition, the Crystal City of Tunita is open to all tribesmen. For some low-level people, this is the grace of rebuilding. In the past, after they died, their bodies were buried randomly in the frozen wasteland, but now they are integrated into the Crystal City, which means they accompany their offspring in a disguised form. This is much better than throwing corpses in the wilderness.

  For a time, from top to bottom, there were many supporters.

   It is estimated that only the prophet Tunita has been able to do this since ancient times, allowing the upper-class nobles and the lower-level masses to reach a consensus on the same policy.

  However, the consensus of the people cannot immediately overturn the consensus of the Presbyterian Church.

  The Presbyterian Church is still unwilling to let the Holy Corpse Crystal be integrated into Crystal City.

  Tunita still did not take any action against the stubbornness of the Presbyterian Church, but just waited silently for a certain time.

   Half a month later, the time came.

  A guard of the Jingmu tribe, while on patrol, encountered a catastrophe of ice wind that was rare in a century, and was blown up by the ice wind and disappeared.

   It is said that he is missing, but in fact everyone knows that this Jingmu clan guard will undoubtedly die in the event of the ice and wind catastrophe. The corpses were estimated to have been swept to unknown wastelands hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

  The guard's family wanted to find him, even if it was a dead body.

   They kept looking for someone, begging the guards to find them. But this kind of thankless task, the guards refused without hesitation.

  At this time, they thought of the order of the Prophet Tunita.

  —Integrating the newly dead into Ice Crystal City.

   If this order is to be executed, the body of the guard must first be found.

  Using this reason, they reported layer by layer, and they were finally known to Tunita. Without any hesitation, Prophet Tunita immediately used all kinds of power to search for the guard who had suffered disaster.

   After the Ice and Wind Calamity passed, it took only a day and a half to find the guards a hundred miles away.

  The opponent, as everyone expected, has died and turned into a crystallization of human form.

  Under the sad gaze of his family, he integrated into Crystal City in the name of the Holy Corpse Crystal.

  Because of the support of public opinion, even the Presbyterian Church did not dare to have an opinion on this, and could only acquiesce.

  After this incident, the storm slowly subsided.

   In a flash, half a year has passed.

  During this period, some members of the Jingmu tribe also died, but these dead people were buried in the traditional way. Even if their family members are very supportive of the Prophet, but the support is the support, and they still have to do it in the original way after death.

  Tunita didn't say anything about it, until one day, he brought all the elders together.

  In front of all the elders, he led a wandering ignorant boy into his secret room.

   Half a day later, when the homeless boy reappeared, he was already a different person.

  Before, he was ignorant and cowardly. But now, he is not only literate, but also has his own opinions. Even if he does not reach the height of a scholar, he has already surpassed most ordinary people.

  Before, although he had some strength, he didn't have any extraordinary abilities, and his battles were chaotic; but now, he can not only manipulate the crystal shell, but also use the power of ice crystals.

  Such a huge disparity before and after shocked everyone in the Presbyterian Church.

What exactly is going on? Why is there such a big contrast?

   Facing the doubts of the Presbyterian Church, Tunita gave an incredible explanation: "The resonance of the holy corpse crystal."

According to Tunita, he obtained the blueprint of Crystal City by accident, and has incredible abilities: as long as the crystal of the holy corpse is integrated into the crystal city, once the crystal of the holy corpse resonates, it means that a person will appear in the crystal city. Those who can inherit the inheritance in the holy corpse crystal.

  To sum it up in one sentence: The holy corpse is crystallized in Crystal City, which can be turned into a medium for passing on ability and knowledge... The premise is resonance.

  And this homeless boy resonated with the guard who died in the Ice and Wind Calamity.

  So, there is the current situation.

  The wandering boy inherited the inheritance in the crystal of the holy corpse, obtained part of the other party's abilities and knowledge, and became the backbone of Crystal City from a useless person.

  Tunita’s words were like stones thrown into a dead pool of water.

  One stone stirs up waves.

  People in the Presbyterian Church do not believe in such absurd things from the bottom of their hearts, but the facts are placed in front of them, making them feel like an absurd drama in front of them.

  They began to inquire about the situation carefully, talked with the homeless boy in detail, and consulted the Prophet Tunita.

   As more information is revealed, they have to believe it.

  The homeless boy really inherited the mantle of the dead guard!

Tunita was also at this time, loudly preaching: "The construction of Crystal City is not only to eliminate discrimination and break the ranks, but more, it is for the future of the Jingmu people. Just imagine, there are people with outstanding abilities How sad it is that the ancestors of the past have passed away, but there are no successors? Wouldn’t it make those outstanding talents that shine in history disappear in the long river of time?”

   "And now, as long as the holy corpse crystal is integrated into the special building of Crystal City, there is a certain probability that it can inherit the talents of the past heroic spirits from the long river of time. How lucky is this?"

   "This is not a violation of tradition, this is an innovative future!"

   "Don't you want the Jingmu clan to get better and better? Don't you want to let the glory of our ancestors bless us as we move forward?"

  Tunita’s last questioning was suspected of being a hater and a moral kidnapper, but it has to be said that this torture went to the depths of their souls.

   If you have the opportunity to inherit the mantle of your predecessors, wouldn't it mean you have avoided a lot of detours?

  For a while, the hearts of the Presbyterians were floating.

  Tunita looked at the entangled elder, and didn't urge him, but said lightly: "If you still have doubts, you might as well try a few more times, and let time prove that what I said is definitely not false."

  Two years later, several teenagers obtained the inheritance of their predecessors in the secret room of Tunita.

  Finally, after seeing the iron-clad facts, the first defector appeared in the Presbyterian Council. He stood beside the Prophet Tunita to express his attitude.

  With the first supporter, the second, third...more people all stood up.

  Tunita looked at more and more supporters around him, and knew in his heart that the general trend had come.


  The above is the story told in "Resonance of the Holy Corpse Crystal". When Gleipnir told this passage, he was very detailed, because the first two stories are actually not secret, but just an introduction.

  And this story already involves the biggest secret of the Jingmu clan.

  After everyone listened, most of them were still in a trance. Even Gu Tales was shocked by this secret, and did not speak for a long time.

On the contrary, Luigi said to Angel very proudly: "Didn't I tell you about the speculation about the crystal of the holy corpse when I came to Crystal City? I said at the time that the group of teenagers who came out of the forbidden area suddenly grasped There must be a problem with all kinds of strange abilities. Maybe it is the ability to inherit the abilities of the ancestors through the crystallization of the holy corpse."

   "Look, I was right."

   Luigi showed off triumphantly.

   Angel also nodded, confirming that Luigi had indeed said this guess.

  At that time, Angor couldn’t believe this kind of rumor that was simply a fantasy, but now after listening to Gleipnir’s narration, he realized that what Luigi said was not wrong.

  Looking at the complacent Luigi, Gleipnir glanced at Luigi lightly: "I have only told half of the puzzle, and this story is not over yet. Do you think your guess must be right now?"

  Luigi was stunned: "Is there still a variable?"

Gleipnir sneered, but Angel spoke softly: "Up to now, the truth of Lita's crisis has not surfaced. If Lita is related to the resonance of the holy corpse crystal, he shouldn't have It’s right to be dangerous, and you should be happy about it.”

  But the situation is completely opposite now. Xiluda is missing, Fada warns, and Lita is in danger. There are obviously more tricks in it.

   Moreover, Angel was also very confused after listening to "Resonance of the Holy Corpse Crystal".

  As a wizard, he believes in a principle very much: If you get something, you must give something.

  Getting and giving, even if they are not equal, must exist.

  In "Resonance of the Holy Corpse Crystal", the homeless boy got the inheritance of the deceased, so what price did he pay?

   It is obviously impossible to ask for nothing for no reason, but get nothing in return.

   Sure enough, in the face of Angor's doubts, Gleipnir nodded lightly: "Yes, getting and giving must be mutual. Even if you can't see the price now, you will definitely pay the price in the future."

Speaking of this, Gleipnir finally entered the next puzzle story: "If "Resonance of the Corpse Crystal" is a beautiful dream, then "Elegy at the End of the Boyhood" is the reality of this dream. "

   During the hundred years since the Holy Corpse Crystal was integrated into Crystal City, countless young geniuses were born. They inherited the mantle of their predecessors, reached the current peak in a short period of time, and then relied on their own efforts to continuously break through the upper limit.

  It's only a hundred years, but it has achieved what the Jingmu people have not achieved in thousands of years.

   It is precisely because of the shining centuries of these stars that the prestige of Tunita has been pushed to an unprecedented level. He has become the greatest prophet of the Jingmu family, who has never been seen before or since.

  There were still many people in the Presbyterian Church who insisted on the tradition and were unwilling to let the deceased integrate into Crystal City.

  But seeing such a bright and dazzling era, they also defected one after another.

   With the full support of the Presbyterian Church, plus Tunita's own reputation, and the subtle promotion in the past century. Almost all the Jingmu people have accepted the new burial method.

  Let yourself, your family, and your friends become one with Crystal City after your death.

  Many members of the Jingmu tribe even felt that this way of burial made them feel more at ease, as if the family members who passed away were always by their side.

  Whether it's a change in the trend of thought, or the star-studded moment, everything is looking in the right direction.

  Just when the elders thought that this rapid promotion would last forever until the Jingmu tribe stepped into that irreplaceable height... But reality slapped them hard at this time.

  The greatest prophet, Tunita, died at the end of his life.

  In the beginning, everyone thought that Tunita's death, like many epic poems in historical stories, was grand for a while, but as time passed, those glorious pasts would gradually be forgotten.

but it is not the truth.

  Tunita's death not only turned a page in the history book, but also brought the entire history of the Jingmu clan into an unknown situation.

  The reason is that Tunita wove a big lie before his death.

   And this big lie fooled everyone in the Presbyterian Church and led them into a ditch, making it impossible to turn around.

  Because, this big lie is—the current era of shining stars.

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