MTL - Super Battleship Reborn-v3 Chapter 1008 Gate of the universe

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Before reaching the central black hole of the river system, Xiao Yu had begun his preparations. Xiao Yu fully deployed nearly one billion warships to prepare for this matter. You know, at this moment Xiao Yu has only five billion warships in his hands.

Xiao Yu carefully modified these one billion warships, adding a large number of strong gravitational modules to them. After reaching the central black hole, these one billion warships will be distributed beside the central black hole according to a certain rule, and use its own gravity to exert influence on the central black hole. At that time, under the combined influence of external stars and the central black hole, the diaphragm between this universe and another universe will briefly open a small mouth. Xiao Yu, from this small mouth, will reach another universe.

The warships scattered in this vast galaxy have begun to precisely influence hundreds of billions of stars according to Xiao Yu's plan. Xiao Yu is convinced that the four eight-level civilizations will not know their true intentions. What about eight civilizations? Even though you are stronger than me, in terms of computing technology, even a level eight civilization will not be my opponent. Xiao Yu has this confidence.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's actions are impossible to find out Xiao Yu's true intentions, apart from possessing super-computing power and certain experience. Of course, in order to prevent accidents and guard against ideas such as "I don't know exactly what you want to do, but it must give you trouble and not let you do anything," Xiao Yu is still fully prepared. Under the control of Xiao Yu, there are a large number of warships launching a daredevil-like charge against the forces of the four major eight-tier civilizations at all times. Xiao Yu is constantly sacrificing his own spacecraft at the cost of it. In exchange for the four major eight civilizations to relax their wariness.

The orbits or states of hundreds of billions of stars, even the speed of fusion, the composition of elements, and so on. Under the control of Xiao Yu, there have been slight changes. These changes are very small and not easy to detect, but the small changes of 100 billion together have become a force that cannot be ignored. And all this, under the surveillance of the entire river system by Xiao Yu, all converged in Xiao Yu's mind, and under the support of Xiao Yu's huge computing power, everything was proceeding methodically.

Xiao Yu finally came to the central black hole of the river system. Compared with the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy. The central black hole in the river system is even larger. It undoubtedly belongs to the category of super-mega black holes, and it is even a little incredible.

Attracted by the super-gravity of the central black hole, there are countless stars. Planets, star dust are orbiting wildly around it, extremely high speeds bring violent collisions, and violent collisions will release huge energy. finally. This energy burst out in the form of light. Xiao Yu observed that the radiant energy of only one central black hole occupied almost one fifth of the radiant energy of the entire river system.

This is an incredible number. This energy is so powerful that even Xiao Yu must be careful here. But Xiao Yu's mood was excited. Because the stronger this central black hole is, the more likely it is that Xiao Yu's plan will be successfully implemented.

Too late to marvel at the greatness of this giant black hole, Xiao Yu began to rush into action from the moment he arrived here. Time has passed for more than a hundred years, and the threat of death is constantly approaching itself. Xiao Yu cannot waste a little time.

Under the control of Xiao Yu, nearly one billion warships took great risks to spread out by way of super high-speed curvature. Began to occupy different key points around the central black hole. And because the activity of the central black hole is too violent and the environment is complex and changeable. The positions of these key points are not fixed, but change from time to time. This brought a certain degree of difficulty to Xiao Yu's plan.

But Xiao Yu finally overcome all these difficulties. Xiao Yu's center of gravity has all been put on this matter at this moment. The execution power equivalent to thousands of ordinary seventh-level civilizations has at this moment burst out a great power that even Xiao Yu himself cannot believe. Why has Xiao Yu poured so much attention on one thing?

everything's ready. All that can be done is done. In the river system, the influence of those stars has converged into a wave and it will take a while to reach here.

During this time, Xiao Yu started some preparations for the backup plan. Xiao Yu wrote an intelligent program imitating his own form of existence, and placed this intelligent program in another star-class battleship. If all goes well, after arriving in another universe, this intelligent program will impersonate itself and start a fierce battle with the four major eight civilizations. Of course, the final result of the war must be your own failure. But it doesn't matter. After the failure, this intelligent program will dominate the self-destruct work of the entire fleet. Xiao Yu hopes in this way to dispel the doubts of the four major and eighth civilizations and make them think they are dead, so as to eliminate the idea of ​​continuing to track themselves.

After all, there is one deadliest point of uncertainty in Xiao Yu's plan. That is, Xiao Yu did not know if the eighth civilization had the ability to track across the universe. If you have fleeed to the outer universe with great pains, and as a result, the four major eight-level civilizations have followed the outer universe effortlessly, then you have no choice but to die.

In addition, there are other uncertain points. Xiao Yu didn't know the environment of the outer universe. Although in the previous experience, Xiao Yu was fortunate to have seen some magical scenes of the outer universe, but that was just a glimpse of the glory. When it comes to the understanding of the outer universe, Xiao Yu can basically be considered a blank. Under such circumstances, the risk is undoubtedly high if you rush to a place that you are not familiar with at all.

But this is the only viable path for Xiao Yu, and it is the one with the greatest chance of survival.

"The road ahead is slim." Xiao Yu sighed lightly. Not to mention the environment in the outer universe, just to say that after arriving in the outer universe and avoiding the crisis, how to return to the current universe Xiao Yu did not know. What Xiao Yu can do is just take one step at a time.

Where he was tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of light years away, Xiao Yu's fleet suffered huge losses all the time. The powerful fighting power of the four major eight civilizations is beyond doubt. Whether it is those weird protons or neutron warships, or those neutron battle stars or black hole battle stars, or the slightly ordinary warships of space civilization and the mech of mechanical civilization, facing Xiao Yu ’s battleship At the time, they showed their incomparable strength. It was as vast a difference as a well-armed, well-trained commando and a babies to be fed.

But Xiao Yu was keenly aware of it. That is, the gap between yourself and the enemy is huge and huge, and small and small. The great thing is that he is not the enemy's opponent at all. The enemy can only destroy the power of his own by chopping vegetables and cutting vegetables. The small thing is that he is actually only a technology that is different from the enemy.

That's rule technology.

Yes, Xiao Yu is no worse than these eight civilizations in all aspects except the rule technology. Although Xiao Yu now, the performance of the battleship is not as good as the opponent, the material technology is not as good as the other, the mechanical technology is not as good as the other, the space understanding is not as good as the other ... It seems that everything is worse than the enemy. But this is just appearance. As long as the rule technology is mastered and promoted by the rule technology, Xiao Yu's technology tree will once again produce an incredible leap.

The enemy has only this strength. This also means that ... as long as you have mastered the rule of science and technology, the pros and cons of the two sides will immediately reverse.

But ... how can we master the rule technology and the true meaning of the rules? The seventh-level civilization is just the top of the universe, and the eighth-level civilization is the real peak of the universe. Although Xiao Yu has never really counted, Xiao Yu also knows that from ancient times to now, I do n’t know how many seventh-level civilizations are stuck in this step, and the existence of rules cannot be touched until the destruction of civilization.

"I don't know when I can break through this step." Xiao Yu sighed secretly.

At this moment, time has come to ~ ~ the impact of the combined action of hundreds of billions of stars has finally passed to the core of this river system at a speed beyond the speed of light. Although this power is weird and small, it is all under Xiao Yu's control. After realizing this, Xiao Yu did not hesitate at all, and immediately launched the instruments carried among the one billion warships distributed around the central black hole.

The energy rolling around from this river system is like gunpowder, and the movement of the central black hole at this moment is like Mars. Under the influence of this ignition star, the whole situation immediately changed in an incredible terror.

The relationship between the universe and the universe, or the physical action is too weird, Xiao Yu could not clearly describe the phenomenon he saw. But Xiao Yu knew that his purpose had been achieved. The period of confrontation with the Dark Star civilization and logical weapons taught Xiao Yu how to go to another universe, although Xiao Yu did not know the principle of this method.

A weird thing that seemed to be described as a portal appeared in front of Xiao Yu. Behind this door is another strange space that Xiao Yu cannot analyze or understand. There may be opportunities or crises there. Everything is unknown.

But Xiao Yu moved. Xiao Yu led the only three billion battleships in his hand into this portal, and disappeared from the universe. (To be continued ...)