MTL - Summoning the Strongest Emperor of the Heavens-Chapter 3 Blood Wolf Mountain

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"My lord, there is Blood Wolf Mountain in front." Guo Si walked in front of Liu Yan and said with his fists folded.

Liu Yan nodded, but did not speak, but was thinking about something.

It has been almost three months since they left Qinzhou. According to the normal speed, he should have arrived in the southern border, but due to the strategy of suppressing bandits, they are still in the territory of Chizhou at this time.

During this period of time, Liu Yan also became more and more aware of the corruption under the Dasheng rule, with bandits running rampant, victims everywhere, but the government did nothing, and the aristocratic family was unchecked. Fa wanted to overthrow this dynasty that had rotted to its roots.

During this period of time, Liu Yan's subordinates also gathered some people, but they were all thrown by Liu Yan to Li Jue and Guo Si. After all, these people are just ordinary people, even those who have been bandits. The above are a gang of rabble, if you don't practice well, I'm afraid it will be difficult to become a great player.

And Li Jue and Guo Si's military training is also very simple and crude, one word, two words, die training, and then go to the battlefield to fight, and those who survive are elite soldiers.

It sounds quite reasonable, but Liu Yan can also hear the cruelty in it. According to Li Jue and Guo Si, the strongest elites under Dong Zhongying's command were trained in this way, and the elite flying among the elites known as the Xiliang Iron Cavalry. Xiong Jun's selection was even more cruel, which was the root cause of Li Jue and Guo Si's ability to overthrow Lu Bu.

And Liu Yan gave up this plan after thinking it over and over again. He now has two or three kittens under his command. He really can't bear this training method. It can be practiced but still has to be controlled to a certain degree. Maybe in the future, but now Liu Yan The foundation of the open can not afford such consumption.

What Liu Yan needs now is to quickly accumulate primitive capital, so that after arriving in the southern border, there will be no bones left.

At this moment, Li Jue and more than a hundred cavalry rushed over from behind. They had just destroyed a nearby cottage and came back.

Liu Yan looked and saw that these refugees who were weak before, under the training of Li Jue, now have a little bit of fierceness. According to Li Jue and Guo Si, they are still far behind, but in Liu Yan's view they are It's a world of difference from a few months ago.

At this time, the cultivation of Li Jue and Guo Si has also made a lot of progress. They are already at the eighth level of congenital cultivation. You must know that they have only been summoned for three months, and most of them are still in To train for Liu Yan, normally it would take more than half a year for a Xiantian martial artist to break through the first-level, and he still couldn't encounter a bottleneck, but now these two are in the first-level realm every month, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Only then did Liu Yan realize that these outstanding talents who were summoned by him were not only powerful, but also terrifyingly talented. During this time, Liu Yan was also cultivating himself, and he was practising a practice that was given by the system, called "Reverse Dragon". Xuanjing.

"Reverse Dragon Mysterious Classic" is quite amazing. After Liu Yan started to cultivate, he began to repair the foundation that Liu Yan lacked. Now Liu Yan's cultivation has reached the seventh level of body refining, which is almost the same as Liu Zhong at the beginning. Liu Zhong is now Following the practice of Li Jue and Guo Si, there was also a lot of progress. At this time, the strength of the ninth level of body refinement was already achieved.

Li Jue also brought back a lot of property and money this time. At the same time, Liu Yan also felt the increase in the Qi Luck Points in his sea of ​​knowledge. According to the system, whether it was the Qi obtained by Liu Yan himself or his subordinates. The luck points will be counted on Liu Yan's head. He is very happy with Liu Yan. If he really kills them one by one, wouldn't he have to die of exhaustion?

The luck point at this time: 4936 points.

It was not far from the first call, Liu Yan set his sights on the mountain not far away, Blood Wolf Mountain!

Blood Wolf Mountain is the largest group of bandits in this area. It is said that it was established by a group of deserters. Its strength is far superior to those of the surrounding cottages. Holding a lion to fight a rabbit, it also uses all its strength. Although Liu Yan believes in Guo Si's strength, But after waiting for Li Jue's men to converge, he started.

At this time, there was also a chill on the Blood Wolf Mountain. Wang Kui, the leader of the Blood Wolf Mountain, looked at the big and small minions under his command with a gloomy expression.

During this period of time, the actions of Liu Yan and others are not low-key. As the leader of this gang, Blood Wolf Mountain naturally noticed the actions of Liu Yan and his gang, but although he noticed it, Wang Kui held his own blood wolf. The strength of the mountain is strong enough, and I wanted to observe and observe first, but I really didn't expect Liu Yan's gang to move so fast and with such high efficiency. After eliminating seven, seven, eight, eight, he went to the bottom of the mountain.

That's right, they had already seen that Liu Yan's group had arrived at the foot of Blood Wolf Mountain, but when they saw Gui, Wang Kui also saw that this was a gang of ruthless people. At this moment, Wang Kui also Some frightened.

Although their brothers are from the army, they are deserters in the end, and after so many years, they are basically no different from bandits, and the means of exterminating other cottages from Li Jue and Guo Si, although they are more like bandits than them. , but still can see the shadow of the army, and it is not a half-ass like them, but a real fierce and fierce evil spirit that belongs to the elite.

Fight? He really has no bottom.

"What are we going to do?"

With a gloomy look on his face, Wang Kui looked at Lin Siwen, the only one who had read books on the mountain beside him.

At this time, the think tank of the Blood Wolf Mountain was also a little bitter. He was a scholar who went to Beijing to take the exam. He was robbed by the mountain bandits halfway up the mountain. Later, Wang Kui took a group of brothers to seize the Blood Wolf Mountain. Lin Siwen naturally also fell into Wang Kui's hands. Fortunately, Wang Kui was not a bandit. Although he was a deserter, he was already a bandit at this time, but his murderousness was not serious.

After Wang Kui learned that Lin Siwen had read books, he was very good to Lin Siwen. After Lin Siwen helped him with some ideas, he promoted Lin Siwen to the second leader. Lin Siwen had already recognized him at that time. Moreover, there were no other relatives in the family, and Wang Kui treated him well, so he agreed.

After that, the Blood Wolf Mountain was indeed growing stronger with the help of Lin Siwen, and Wang Kui listened to Lin Siwen's advice and seldom bullied the commoners, so in the eyes of the nearby people, the reputation of the Blood Wolf Mountain was not bad.

And Lin Siwen's good days haven't passed a few years. Here comes Liu Yan and Li Jue and Guo Si, the two killer stars, making it clear that they want to destroy the Blood Wolf Mountain, UU reading www. uukanshu. com And from Lin Siwen's observation during this period of time, Liu Yan's group is definitely stronger than his own. I was thinking about negotiating before, but I didn't know that Liu Yan's actions were so fast. Now they have reached the foot of the mountain. Li Jue and Guo Si's style of going up the mountain is to kill there is no chance for negotiation at all.

So Lin Siwen is also having a headache now.

"Shall we surrender?"

Lin Siwen scratched his head, and there was no better way at this time, so he tentatively gave his suggestion.

However, Wang Kui didn't jump like Lin Siwen expected at the moment, instead, his brows were furrowed as if he was really thinking.

It was only then that Lin Siwen realized that the leader of his own family was a deserter, and they were not hard bones to put it mildly. Moreover, under the constraints of his advice over the years, the brothers on Blood Wolf Mountain did not cultivate other bandits. The same arrogant and violent character.

Really, to surrender?

Now it's Lin Siwen's turn to think. He just said that surrender was just a matter of urgency, but it's not that simple to surrender. Surrender first depends on the character and style of the person you surrender. Sex is heavy, isn't this a gift?

Just when Lin Siwen was still thinking, the scoundrel who was watching Liu Yan and the others on the mountain hurried in.

"Big boss, it's not good, they're going up the mountain!"

As soon as the voice fell, a panic filled the hall, not even Lin Siwen and Wang Kui were surprised.

Come so fast?

Finally, Wang Kui slapped his big hand on the table and shouted loudly, "Okay!"

At this moment, Wang Kui's face was still full of panic, replaced by firmness.

Apparently he has made a decision.

"We surrender."

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