MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 94|Guerrilla

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The news of the Big Bear Tribe was quickly told by Ma Xiao.

Compared with the messy news in the past, the message provided by Ma Xiao is more reliable.

Also, the people of the Big Bear tribe are really strong. At that time, they could kill the tiger jump and others directly. Why do you need to pretend to run away and come back to ambush and kill?

And the dinosaurs they rushed over...

As long as they think that they have wasted precious herbs, the dinosaurs who have worked hard to catch up have become the dishes of the people of the Big Bear Tribe, and the mood of Tiger Day is not good.

"Bring three hundred people, go with me to the Big Bear tribe!" Tiger Heaven.

"Yes!" Ma Xiaoxiao, who has been diarrhea recently, must have a problem with the stinky meat that the Big Bear tribe gave him. He has pained the chrysanthemums!

The Giant Tiger tribe is not a slave. The Guangzu people have 2,000 people, and one of them has a good fighting power.

But when Tiger Day goes to attack other tribes, it is impossible to bring all of this thousand people. He needs someone to stay and take care of the old and weak in the tribe, staring at the slaves, and some people are responsible for hunting.

In general, he will bring hundreds of elites to deal with the tribes they see.

Tiger Tian took people to move fast, and began to think about how to occupy the big bear tribe. At this time, where the pottery was burned, someone finally summed up a little experience, and thus more and more pottery was successfully fired.

Zhou Silan was very satisfied with this situation, and then he left, no matter what he burned pottery.

Every time I fired pottery, he used his mental power to help watch the fire. Now it is not necessary... Anyway, the requirements for burning the pottery are not high. From a few Baidu to more than a thousand degrees, there are ways to burn the pottery successfully. .

After Zhou Mou opened his hands, he would have time to go outside and walk around. Every day, he would get some plants back and plant them in his yard.

When he strolled, Kumano struggled to hunt the front line every day.

This is to help the tribe to save a little more winter food, but also to save yourself and Zhou Duo a little winter food, and ... after the fall, he can especially eat.

As brown bears, they are used to eating in the fall and then raising themselves.

Then, Kumano's head is as long as it is blowing.

He only had a long head and no meat. The whole bear looked particularly slender, and slowly, but began to grow meat, and it seemed to be embarrassing.... Of course, this adjective can be said to be an addiction.

In the eyes of other tribes, Kumano is very powerful and very powerful. He is now able to slap the slap of the lion or Xiong Qi.

When they went out to hunt, they encountered a few hundred pounds of horned dragons, and Kumano could slap down and knock the spine of others.

For such a change, Kumano is even a little uncomfortable... He knows why the pig war had the courage to bite the dragon's neck. If he is right on the dragon, he may want to go and see it!

The intermediate beast warrior is so strong, and I don’t know how strong the high-level beast warrior will be. It is said that there is a beastmaster...

"In the Orc continent, an intermediate beast warrior can be a patriarch of a medium-sized tribe. If a tribe has a high-level beast warrior, it can be regarded as a big tribe. Of course, above the big tribe, there are giant tribes, those tribes, Usually have the Beastmaster, or have ever been a Beastmaster." The pig war told Xiongye what was outside.

He wants to win over Kumano.

If he wants to go back, he must spend that huge river, and there are many terrible behemoths in the river. He must be able to deal with it alone.

The best thing is to find a few powerful people to go with.

There is still silence... If Zhou is willing to go with them, maybe the beast will look at the face of Zhou’s silence and let them spend the river safely?

I didn’t believe in the pig war of Zhou’s silence before, but now I have to believe it.

Zhou Mou planted barley in a place called the garden where his family was fenced. The barley was planted later than the barley in the tribe, but it grew much faster than the barley in the tribe. Not only that, but the usual silence from the outside. If you dig some things back, you can always grow!

This week, I was really taken care of by the beast god.

"The people of the hunting team, gathered!" Xiong Ye shouted, and then took dozens of people from the Big Bear tribe and came to him.

Now there are more people in the tribe, but fewer people go hunting.

No way, there are too many jobs in the tribe! The manpower has not been enough!

It’s hunting... There’s a battle between Kumano and the pig, even if there are fewer people hunting, and you don’t have to worry about catching the prey.

After a total of forty people of the Big Bear tribe's hunting team entered the forest, Kumano commanded those people to arrange various tactics to deal with the dinosaurs.

Zhou Mou told him a lot of methods of training, he is training.

Seeing that Kumano Mingming can run alone to kill the Triceratops, but it is hard to command his own men, and changed several methods to kill the Triceratops. The pig war suddenly became a little convinced to Xiong Ye.

"Xiono, how do you think of so many hunting methods?" asked the pig.

He used to think that strength is the most important thing. Those who use all kinds of tricks to catch dinosaurs are opportunistic, but now that they are not shooting, they will direct others to catch the dinosaurs. He feels his own ideas. It was subverted.

Don't say anything else... If someone uses Kumano's method to deal with him, he may have to be arrested and planted in the hands of a group of people who are not as good as him!

Although I joined the Big Bear tribe, I actually didn't dare to look down on the Big Bear tribe.

"Weekly teach." Xiong Yedao.

"Weekly is good for you." Pig warfare.

He had always felt that Zhou’s silence was a bit too cold for Kumano. He also thought that Kumano was hot. Now it seems not?

"Weekness is of course good for me." Kumano said, then suddenly became an animal, smelling in the air.

The brown bear's sense of smell is seven times that of the hound. It is very sensitive. After he became an intermediate beast warrior, he also improved a little. At this moment, he smelled the smell that made him feel wrong.

"Someone is coming, it should be a giant tiger tribe." Kumano said.

These days, they arranged people to patrol around the tribe. They waited for the giant tiger tribes to come. They were hunting, and they all went to the direction of the giant tiger tribe. Now, they found the giant tiger tribe. .

The people of the Giant Tiger tribe did not find them, but they knew that they came to the site of the Big Bear tribe.

"There are a lot of prey here..."

"The bear wilderness of the Big Bear tribe has killed the tiger, I must kill him!"

"I don't know how much food they have..."


The people of the Giant Tiger tribe did not take the people of the Big Bear tribe seriously.

As a result, just as they chatted, suddenly someone said: "I smell a strange smell..."

They have a lot of people and their tastes are very mixed, so it is not easy to distinguish the taste in the air... This person just realized that it was wrong, suddenly someone came out from the side, and then a few big nets fell towards the last few of their team. The individual goes to the cover.

"Who?" The people of the Giant Tiger tribe were surprised, and those who were covered were struggling, and some became animal-shaped.

Among them, the individual's animal shape is a huge cow, and soon broke away from the net, and also saved the people around him, but some people are small in size, so they were caught by the net.

"Hey!" someone yelled and quickly chased it up.

There are more people in the air: "What is going on?"

"what's going on?"

"what happened?"


Some people also look at the patriarch of Tiger Tian: "The patriarch..."

Tiger's face is gloomy: "This big bear tribe, the combat power is not very good, the brain is very smart!" These people, they use their intrigues!

Their team is very long. He walks in front of the team. It can be seven or eight hundred meters away from the last person. It is too late to chase.

I can only wait now, waiting for those who are going to chase back.

Tiger Day brought together the people of the Giant Tigers, but did not know that those who went after them could not return.

Those who went after the chasing saw the big bear tribe use such a conspiracy trick. The first reaction was that the big bear tribe must be weak. They still thought that the people who caught the big bear tribe must be tortured.

As a result, after chasing them for a while, they saw a giant bear about five meters tall...

This...this is even taller than their patriarch!

These people are jealous, just want to escape, they are stunned by a slap.

Read The Duke's Passion