MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 152|There is a bad person

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When I used to think that my partners were one-on-one and could not betray each other, Kumano was fearless about many things.

For example, there is no fear that someone will seduce the silence.

But now the situation is different!

Not long ago, he knew what the original partner could change.

The partner can be changed! If you keep such a lot of people in the tribe, isn’t it a trouble for yourself?

Even if he believes that he and Zhou Sil will not like these people, and do not like to let these people sway in front!

There is the beast temple...

Before Kumano, he had a bad impression on the Beast Temple. Now his impression of the Beast Temple is even worse.

The man and woman who sent this kind of thing to others... This is to destroy the feelings of other people's partners!

"I don't want to, take it back." Kumano didn't want to say it.

"Bear beast king, these people have already given it to you, it is yours." God said.

"I don't want it." Kumano said, looking at the pig battle again: "Pig war, you look at these people, don't let them in!"

"Good!" The pig warfare, he certainly can't let these people come in!

Others don't know, he still doesn't know? Although Kumano is a beastmaster, in the Big Bear tribe, the most powerful thing is still the silence. That is the real aunt.

Put these people in, Zhou is so angry... they all have to be unlucky!

God month is a little reactionless.

Every Beastmaster, the Beast Temple will find a way to win, and the one who delivers the service is one of them, and those Beastmasters will basically accept it.

Even the beastmaster king, who has become an animal in the past and graze everywhere, and the beastmaster who is not interested in the affairs of men and women, will also accept the people, at most, they will not enjoy it and transfer it to others.

As a result, now that the bear beast king does not accept it, even if it is still letting people stop these people from entering...

Shenyue Road: "Bear King, do you not like such people? What do you like?"

Kumano said: "I like Zhou Mou."

Shenyue: "..." know that you like your partner, the men in these people are chosen according to your partner's appearance! Why can't you see it?

"He only likes me, you better bring people back, or else... I will be upset." Zhou is very rare to stand up from his recliner.

When Zhou was lying there, everyone only thought that he was a very good-looking young man. Now that he stood up, they found that he was not shorter than Xiongye. The temperament of the whole body made him feel that he should be in the upper position.

The patriarch of the Big Bear tribe is really good to his partner, and he has made his partner like this!

"We are not assured of the week, I will never accept it." Xiong Ye immediately expressed his loyalty.

"You must not accept, if you dare to accept ... I will fight with you." Zhou lonely.

"Yeah, I don't accept it." Xiongye heard the words of Zhou Mou, quite happy, Zhou Mou refused to let him have a relationship with others, certainly because he cares about him!

God month is speechless. What happened to this bear beast king? He is the Beastmaster, do you need such a pet partner? His partner is also very funny, who does he think he is? I even said what to fight with the Bear King... Does he have this skill?

However, although she thought so, Shenyue had to admit that she was a bit lonely.

She was very happy that she got the lion's favorite, but compared with Kumano's silence, the lion's love for her is nothing.

Of course, it’s not just the gods. In fact, the people on the outside are very embarrassed.

Especially after seeing that God did not send people out, and after returning without success.

Only the big bear tribe and the giant pig tribe, watching these people inexplicably have a sense of superiority.

People outside, know too little!

The strength of Zhou’s silence is not weaker than Xiongye!

It is a "prisoner" like pig salt, and it is also a bit sympathetic to the beast temple.

The beast temple is doing nothing, and Kumano will never accept such a waiter... his partner is silent, but the beastmaster!

The priest of the pig salt and the giant pig tribe began to want to escape. They wanted to find the beast temple to be the master of them, and to arrest all the people of the big bear tribe... but as time passed, they already had Give up on this idea.

This Big Bear tribe originally had three Beastmasters, but now the Rhinoceros King has joined in, and there are four Beastmasters.

Although there are eight Beastmasters on the side of the Beast Temple, they must have done these four Beastmasters, but if these people fight, even if the last Beast Temple is all right, those who betray the Big Bears will certainly not have a good time. End.

Kumano Zhou is silent, these beastmasters, it is too simple to kill them!

Because of this, when the people of the Beast Temple contacted them and tried their attitude towards the Big Bear tribe and wanted to get some information about the Big Bear tribe from them, the priests of the pig salt and the giant pig tribe refused without hesitation.

Pig Salt Road: "The Big Bear Tribe is a very good tribe. I like this tribe very much. I will never betray it!"

The priest of the giant pig tribe also said: "The beast is on the top, I am an upright priest, and will never do such a thing!"

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other and quickly removed their sight.

Pig salt loves to take power, and the priests of the giant pig tribe also like rights. In those years, the two actually did not deal with it, but now they are unanimous.

The beast of the beast came over, and finally found the opportunity to contact the two people: "..."

Are these two people stupid? A good patriarch was enslaved by the people of the Big Bear tribe, and he did not want to resist!

"Pig salt, your two sons are with us." The man said again.

"There are three of my sons here! There are two daughters!" Pig Salt Road.

The brothers and sisters of the pig war, not all of them have a bad relationship with the pigs. After all, there are dozens of younger siblings in the pig war... As a coincidence, this pig war brought a few good relations with him.

Pig salt feels that if he stays, he will not die because he is the father of the pig war, but if he goes away...

The sea breeze can throw him to death.

The people of the Beast Temple: "..."

This man finally returned as he did with God.

In this case, Zhou Silence is "seeing" in the eyes with mental power.

This beast temple, really not very clean, so that Zhou can not help but a little disgusted. Fortunately, they can leave soon.

Although Zhou Liao hated the Temple of the Beast, he did not think that the people of the Beast Temple could treat him.

He has already seen that the beastmasters and the beasts of the beasts are just plain emotions, and they do not listen to the words of the beast temple. Although there are many strong men in the beast temple, the strongest ones are only high-ranking beast warriors. .

In addition to the Rhinoceros King, there are eight Beastmasters on the side of the Beast Temple. One of them should be dead, and the lion can't participate in the battle. Only six of them can be played. These six people... according to his Observing, there is only two relations with the beast temple.

Only two Beastmasters, what is he afraid of?

Zhou did not put the little movements of the beast temple on the heart, and exchanged something back, but unfortunately did not change to wheat.

On the earth, compared to barley, everyone still prefers wheat. Because only wheat flour can be used to make buns, barley can't be used as a steamed buns.

Many places grow barley, even used to feed...

But at this time, no one will make buns and bread, so wheat is probably the same as rice. Even if someone grows, no one will come out and exchange it with people. Then it is buried compared to barley, wheat. It is more difficult to grow with rice.

He will be able to go around with Kumano in the future, and then find the plants he wants to find.

Three days of the market, the blink of an eye will pass.

Soon, it was the day of the Beast God Festival.

Early in the morning, the people of the Beast Temple took the water and poured flowers. The red flames were all open, and the whole beast temple was surrounded by the middle, which looked beautiful.

Even Zhou Mou, I feel that this scenery is good - the red flowers in the middle of the house surrounded by a mud house, squatting quite emotional.

The Beasts are divided into two in the morning and in the afternoon. In the morning, the priests of the Beast Temple will sacrifice the beasts. They prepare a lot of programs such as sacrifices, songs and dances, and they will be very lively. In the afternoon, they are tribes. Carnival, there are many people who will take this opportunity to become a partner.

Zhou Lian is lacking in the interest of this beast.

In the modern elementary school, a New Year’s party is held. Those who dance and dance may be better than the priests on the beasts of the beasts. The music is better than the songs sung by the priests on the beasts of the beasts, and the dazzling lights...

Not to mention, the "performances" of the priests are still invisible to ordinary people - the ones that can be seen in front are the beastmasters, the strong men of the great tribes, or simply the priests of the beastly temple.

For this reason, Zhou Mou did not go to the Beasts.

But Kumano and others went to watch the excitement, and only the pig wars who had seen the beasts of the beasts and other people stayed and stayed with Zhou.

The entire market was empty, and the taste of the mess was much less. Zhou Sili began to eat happily.

He chose a dinosaur meat that tastes like pork, stewed soft soy beans, and boiled a little bean sprouts in the water. He planned to wait for the chili oil to cool.

Of course, the bean sprouts are not all brought to the salad, the rest can be made bigger, and then placed in the boiled fish.

In modern times, he especially liked the bean sprouts in the boiled fish.

"We are still silent, why don't you go to see the fun?" asked the pig war curiously.

"No interest." Zhou lonely.

"You are the messenger of the beast, I thought you would go see..." The pig war.

Zhou Silence: "..." There is no beast in this world!

Zhou Lian is planning to do something else to eat. The mental energy of letting go suddenly feels that someone is coming. Those people... are not good?

Read The Duke's Passion