MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 141|The Beast Temple

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The things of the last life, although it has been a long time, many details can not be remembered, but in general, the lion still remembers.

He and Kumano, those who escaped with the Big Bear Tribe, came to the orc continent after the pig war.

At that time, they wanted to take revenge, but they couldn’t beat the giant tiger tribe. After learning about the terrible mainland, they followed the pigs and came to the orc continent...

Now the pig war is coming back in advance, what about the Kumano and the Big Bear tribe?

Regardless of his heart, the lion is still very sultry, not only looks handsome, but also because of the years before the Beastmaster, the body naturally carries the power of a person.

Plus his dress... When most people are wrapped in animal skins, the lion is wearing neat clothes, shoes on his feet, a nice chain hanging around his neck, and his hair is carefully Take care of...

Such a person who is particular about it is certainly not simple.

The two men of the giant pig tribe saw the lion, and some did not dare to speak.

"You don't have to be afraid." The lion said softly: "I have heard of the pig war, just want to know something about him."

These two brothers who were injured by pigs and injured their legs, one called pig bright, one called pig light, the meaning of the two names, at this time is considered excellent.

They learned that Shi Li had heard of the pig war, looked at each other and finally asked: "What is the relationship between you and the pig?" If this person has a good relationship with the pig, then they can't say anything.

"I have nothing to do with him, I just heard about the things he was exiled." The lion said sharply.

The lion said this, the pig Liang put down his heart and said: "The pig war was exiled, but he probably pleased the demon, and he came back!"

"Is it?" asked the lion.

"It's true! He is now a demon! He imprisoned his father and drove us out of the tribe!"

"His father is a senior beast warrior? Is he so strong?" asked the lion.

"He is not strong, but someone helps him." Pig said.

"Who is this?" The lion frowned slightly. He doesn't like things out of his control, but at this point, some things are still out of his control.

It is clear that the pig war that should come back in a few years, why did you come back so early?

At this time, the pig war should not be strong, how is he revenge?

"It's a group of people, they are from the Big Bear tribe! Those people, there is a ... there is a strong!" Pig said.

When Zhou Mou and others came to the giant pig tribe, the pig war went to deal with the tribe.

He did not kill people indiscriminately, but he first drove the people who had framed him, that is, pigs, pigs, and so on.

It is precisely because of this that the two people did not understand what happened to the Giant Pig tribe. They did not know that the Big Bear Tribe actually had three Beastmasters. They only knew that the sea breeze was very strong and it was probably the Beastmaster.

But if you say this thing at this time, there is no way to convince others to deal with the pig war!

The lion heard the words "Big Bear Tribe", and his heart was a jump. When he heard that there was a strong person, he was even more unhappy: "What is the strong?" The Big Bear tribe clearly has no strong ones.

"It's a middle-aged man..." Pig Liang described the appearance of the sea breeze.

The Big Bear tribe does not have such a person, so this life pig war will return to the orc continent in advance, because there are other strong people to help?

He left the Big Bear tribe, but it still caused some changes, but the difference with the last generation is not too big...

After the lion became the Beastmaster, he received some servants. After listening to the pigs, the pigs and other people said something, he said to the servant under his opponent: "You have arranged a place for these two people."

"Yes, adults!" said the servant of the lion.

After the lion ordered it, he left, and the pig asked the servant: "Who is that adult?"

The servant looked at the pig with a disappointment and said: "That is the Lion King."

Lion Beastmaster? The pigs and pigs both took a breath of cold air, but they did not expect that they had met a beastmaster!

The Beastmaster is very friendly to them. Can they ask him to take revenge for them?

The pigs and the pigs were excited, and they were fortunate that some people were willing to take them in - they were pampered, and now they have injured their legs, they can't hunt, they can't support themselves.

When the pigs and the pigs were led by the lion's residence, the lion and the girls around him were talking.

This girl is the daughter of the high priest of the Beast Temple, called Shenyue. She is responsible for cleaning the gods of the beasts and has a high status in the beast temple.

The lion was in his last life. He did not know this person and had never seen this person, but it did not affect his approach to the moon.

After a month of contact, the relationship between Shenyue and Shi Li was close, and even the last layer of window paper between the two was not broken.

Worried about being pulled into a partner, Shi Li intends to smash the window paper after the end of the beast.

"Lion, do you know the pig fight?" asked God.

"I don't know." The lion said sharply: "But I know the Big Bears."

God month looked at the lion fiercely.

The lion said sharply: "I didn't tell you, did I come from the abandoned forest? I used to be the Big Bear tribe."

Shi Li also knows that his previous things can't be stunned, and he simply won't lie.

Anyway, everything will change... Before he died in his life, the abandoned forests were no longer used to exile sinners!

At that time, the glory of the orcs had already illuminated all the two continents.

Although Shi Li felt that he was not good at the birth of a forest, he did not feel that it needed to be concealed.

Shenyue heard the words "Abandoned Forest", and the eyes flashed in the eyes, but the lion was the Beastmaster. This kind of strength made her want to hide her dislike.

Shen Yue smiled and asked: "What does the Big Bear Tribe look like?"

"Big bear tribe? It is a very poor and poor tribe." Speaking of the big bear tribe, the lion took the dislike, and then said the situation of the big bear tribe: "In the big bear tribe, many people are not enough, everyone can only Wear animal skin..."

The lion and the **** said a lot of things about the big bear tribe, and the big bear tribe in his mouth is not very good, very poor and backward.

God month is even more disgusting.

The big bear tribe, which was abandoned by the lion, was envied by the giant pig tribe. It was learned that the people of the big bear tribe were going to participate in the beastly **** festival held by the beast temple. The giant pig tribes rushed to rush to go, even if they followed Going is to give people a hand.

In the end of the pig war, some people who performed well were selected, and then the pig salt and the sacrifices of the giant pig tribe were brought up. If they did not bring them, he was afraid that they would make waves in the tribe.

It’s okay to bring it, it’s really easy to look at these two people.

On this day, when the day was just bright, there was a team that left the giant pig tribe.

"The Beasts Festival held every year in the Beast Temple is very lively. In the first three days of the Beast God Festival, there will be a big market in front of the Beast Temple, let the tribes exchange things. On the day of the Beast God Festival, everyone will pray together under the mountain. "The pig war finally emptied, and he talked about Zhou Mou and Kumano about the sacrifice of the beast."

Zhou Silent and Kumano listened very seriously, and the sea breeze was also very interested: "Let's talk about that market."

The pig war continued to talk about the market.

It’s just that the pig war didn’t go to the Beasts every year. Even in the seven or eight years before he was exiled, the pig salt was taken with other children to take him without him, so he didn’t know much.

The sea breeze went to ask the Rhinoceros King: "I heard that you will participate in the Beast God Festival every year? Can you talk about it?"

The Rhinoceros King said: "I think the Beast God Festival is a bit boring... Every time I go to the Beast God Festival, the Beast Temple will send us some things about the Beastmaster, and then we will do something with them."

These beastmasters, in fact, are in a mutually beneficial relationship with the beast temple. The beast temple does not dare to offend them, nor will they offend the beast temple.

Generally, hello, hello, everyone.

He did not pay much attention to the market that the pigs liked. After all, what he wanted was not changed at all, and someone sent it to the door.

The sea breeze got such an answer, it was very disappointing: "Son, you are really useless!"

Rhinoceros King: "I am not your son!"

Sea Breeze: "Let's do it! I don't really want you to be such a son older than me."

Rhinoceros King: "..." He wants to fight this guy again! Unfortunately, I can’t beat it!

The last time this person changed the animal shape too fast and dazzled him, he did not even see the animal shape!

As everyone talked, while on the road, walking and walking, the sea breeze suddenly said: "I... should I hide my identity?"

"Why hide identity?" The Rhinoceros King does not understand: "You are the Beastmaster, Zhou Silent and Kumano are also Beastmasters, you should tell everyone!"

All three Beastmasters... The Rhinoceros King can already imagine the sensation that will be caused by the time.

"Tell others what benefits?" asked the sea breeze.

"You can get a large territory, you can have beautiful pottery, delicious food..." The Rhinoceros King portrays a bright future to the sea breeze.

When the sea breeze didn't finish listening, I interrupted the other party's words: "I don't need it."

He is now afraid that his identity will be known, and he will be afraid that the beast temple will come to him again.

Even if the week is very strong, you may not have to go through the beast temple...

The Rhinoceros King does not know the idea of ​​the sea breeze, some are unknown, but Zhou is very clear.

Zhou Silent said: "It’s a low-key, we have a few Beastmasters, we don’t have to preach.”

This time, he wanted to see the situation of the lion and want to change things, but if he can, he does not want to attract the attention of the beast temple.

His physical condition is not very good, can't fight, then it's a low-key.

Zhou Silu said so, Xiong Ye is about to tell this story.

Whether it is a big bear tribe or a giant pig tribe, I heard that I was disappointed.

They really want to show off, why not show off!

Although we can't show off, everyone is still moving fast toward the Temple of the Beast.

But after two days of hard work, they came to the vicinity of the Beast Temple.

Their arrival time is just right, tomorrow is the day when the market begins, and this time... everyone has already grabbed the land in the market.

"Do we have to grab a position?" Xiong Ye looked at Zhou Sil.

Zhou was sitting on a reclining chair and said: "You ask pig salt."

Kumano heard the words and immediately asked the pig salt, and then learned from the pig salt that the giant pig tribe had a fixed position.

"In this case, we will go to that fixed position." Zhou lonely.

The giant pig tribe immediately carried him to the other side. As a result, he did not take a few steps and met the people of the Beast Temple patrol.

When they saw them, the patrol people immediately asked: "Which tribe are you?"

"We are giant pig tribes." Pig warfare.

"It turned out to be a giant pig tribe..." The patrol leader took the voice and put them over, and when they left, the man said to the people around him: "Go and tell the lion beast, the giant pig tribe. People are coming."

The giant pig tribe is not a giant tribe, but it is a large tribe, and the pig salt is a high-ranking beast warrior, and has become a patriarch for many years. There are also many people who know each other.

So they just finished talking with the patrol people, someone came to find the pig salt: "How come you come so late this time... pig salt?"

The person who came to find the pig salt was running over. The first reaction after coming was to look at the person who was being carried, and then found out... This was carried, not the patriarch pig salt of the giant pig tribe. It is a young man who is completely strange to them.

How is this going? Could this young man be the favorite son of pig salt now?

The friend of the pig salt was so stunned that he couldn’t understand it. He saw the pigs rushing out of the pig salt: "The pig salt is here."

The friend of the pig salt saw this scene, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed - a high-level beast warrior in pig salt, why was it smashed?

Even if the horrible person is very tall, he is unbelievable to a senior beast warrior - does he think he is the Beastmaster? Dare to insult a senior beast warrior!

"Do you have anything?" But the pig salt is very calm, and even more humiliating things have been experienced, but what is it that can be counted?

"I just want to talk to you." Friends of Pig Salt said.

"I don't want to say anything." The pig salt no expression, turned and went back to the team.

He used to come here, he was leading the team, and he was very enthusiastic, but this time... The people of the Big Bear Tribe said that he was too old to be a good image, only allowed him to go to the end!

He is a senior beast warrior, he can only walk in the end!

But he is still good, the priests of their tribe can only go to the end and do not say, but also help to take things...

I have been experiencing painful pig salt recently, and now I have learned to use others’ pain to make myself happy...

The pig salt is so uncooperative, his friends are very helpless, and the people around him have been curiously discussing this time: "The people who led the giant pig tribe changed this way?"

"The one who led the team is the son of pig salt?"

"The pig salt is not too young, it really should be given up..."


Pig salt: "..."

Someone noticed Zhou Silence: "Who is the person who is being carried? It looks so good!"

"Is it a priest?"

"The priests of the giant pig tribe do not seem to be like this."


Many people are curious about the Big Bear tribe, and when they talk about it, the lion is also coming, standing in the distance and watching the Big Bear tribe.

Others saw the pig fight at a glance, but the lion saw the bear wilderness around the pig war.

There is no clothes on Kumano, only the animal skin, revealing the bronze skin.

His animal shape is large, but the human form is not fat, and his muscles are just right...

Before the Lions thought, Kumano might die in the attack of the Giant Tigers, or he might be seriously injured. However, Kumano does not seem to have any problems at all.

The lion was so relaxed that he quickly tightened his heart - what did he see? He actually saw that Zhou is still alive!

Zhou is even carried by people.

The attack of the giant pig tribe came very violently. Why can Zhou Mou live? He should die just like the old and weak in the tribe!

The lion was so thinking, and noticed that his younger brother was not in the ranks... his brother was alive in his life, and this was because of his help with Xiongye.

His brother died, and Zhou survived?

The expression of the lion is a bit ugly - Kumano is so lonely, so good?

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