MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 129| Arrival

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Without a life without a belt, I got a big grandson in my teens. The sea breeze was very satisfied. I gave a little bit of pickled fish soup to the boy and gave me a spoonful of rice: "Grandson, eat more."

The juvenile took a spoon and pressed it on the rice, pressed the rice into the soup and dipped in the soup, then ate it in a large spoonful of spoonfuls. The face on the face was all rice, and he used a spoon to put the rice on his face. Scrape down and continue to eat.

"The grandson, call me a few more times." Haifengdao.

"what is it call?"

"Call grandfather." Haifengdao.

"Grandfather." The boy said again.

The sea breeze gave him another piece of barbecue: "Yes, what is your name?"

"Rhinoceros." Juvenile.

The sea breeze took a thigh: "Good name!"

While picking vegetables with salt, I used my mental energy to pay attention to the sea breeze and the teenager’s weekly silence.

The giant pig tribe is some distance away from the giant rhinoceros tribe. The pig warfare does not understand the situation of the giant rhinoceros tribe, but even so, he asked the giant rhinoceros from the Qingcao tribe yesterday.

The giant rhino tribe has a beastmaster. This beastmaster is not the patriarch of the giant rhino tribe, but it is the patron saint of the giant rhinoceros. He has three children, but two of them are old and have died. The youngest son, the baby is raised, and it is easy to see no one.

This boy in front of him may be the child.

Now, the child is not talking about eating leftovers, and the sea breeze is called grandfather.

Zhou Lian felt that if the Rhinoceros King knew it, it must be very depressed.

But in this case, they can't send the child back... The child is following them, maybe it's safer.

The sea breeze will certainly protect his grandson.

Zhou Silen thought so, he heard that after becoming the Beastmaster, Xiong Ye said that he heard the sea breeze: "Weekly, in a few years, we can raise a child or raise a grandson!"

Kumano likes children very much. Although he has to be alone with Zhou, he can't have children, but he can raise other children! He doesn't mind!

Zhou Silo went straight to the side of the reclining chair: "I don't raise, I have to raise you." He didn't want to bring a child.

"Okay!" Xiong Ye did not have any opinions: "I don't know that there are not many children in the orc world. The animal can be an elephant, and another animal is a brown bear." Such children are not bad with their own birth!

"You like it." Zhou Wendao, he is enough to raise a brown bear, and others don't want to raise it, but Kumano likes it, so there is nothing to adopt a few children.

"I like it..." Kumano looked at Zhou Silence: "We are still waiting for me to wash dishes with me?"

Zhou Lian, who has been lying lazily, immediately sat up: "Yes!"

"The patriarch, are you going to wash the dishes?" When I heard Zhou’s silence and Kumano’s words, someone immediately came over: “I will help you wash!”

"No need." Kumano did not want to refuse.

But Zhou Lian took the bowl from his hand and gave it to the man: "Thank you." They went out to wash the dishes last time, the clouds disappeared, and then Kumano really washed the dishes... There was no atmosphere.

Xiong Ye looked at Zhou Silence with dissatisfaction - what does Zhou Mou mean?

Zhou Silent said: "Let's go to the bath."

Kumano stunned and suddenly realized that bathing was actually a better reason.

Zhou Lian and Xiong Ye went together. Under the pig war, some people went to the forest with the people of the Big Bear tribe.

Among the people who came from the Big Bear tribe, there were women, and those women even included Kumano’s sister Tiger Moon.

She decided to have a child with a pig, and the two are now in very good relationship. It is common to drill a forest.

Found these, the pig war is a bit depressed.

When can he find his own woman and then take his own woman to drill the woods!

There is also Zhou Lian and Xiong Ye, Zhou Mou concealed a very serious matter of Xiong Ye, the feelings of the two people are completely unaffected, even during the day show love, even in the evening, even the woods!

The pig war is like an arrow, I can't wait to go back and forth every day, but he knows that it is impossible. With his strength, he can't hurry at night. He may not walk with the big guys now.

"Baby, let's take a shower too." The sea breeze looked at the big grandson he had just recognized - others loved it so cleanly, and he felt that he had to wash it.

"Okay." Rhinoceros promised.

The pig war was shocked to see the sea breeze - the sea breeze suddenly called this giant rhinoceros baby, even if you want to take him to take a bath together, this sea breeze, is it too animal?

The juvenile of the giant rhinoceros is still young. It is a year or two older than his biggest child. He is not an adult. He feels it is necessary to stop the sea breeze, but the sea breeze is the beastmaster. He can't stop it...

The pig war is very entangled.

Seeing the pig war has been staring at myself, the sea breeze asked: "Do you want to go with us to wash?"

Pig war: Hey?

Haifengdao: "You have to go with us, then go together."

The pig war did not expect that he actually went to take a bath with two men.

Then he was depressed again.

He thought that "baby" was called by the sea breeze to lie to a child. It turned out that it was not... there are still people calling this name!

In addition... the child of this giant rhinoceros was really served from an early age. After arriving at the river, he turned into an animal shape and stood still in the river. He saw that the pig war and the sea breeze did not respond. He also turned. Too early to say: "I am fine... you can help me wash."

The pig war was originally intended to prevent the sea breeze from starting with the underage orcs, but in the end it had to give a giant rhinoceros bristles together with the sea breeze.

The animal shape of the giant rhinoceros is really annoying! The height of his own two meters is only as high as the legs of others!

It’s too tossing people to brush his hair!

The most desperate for the pigs is that he finally brushed the hair of the giant rhinoceros. The sea breeze suddenly said: "No one has given me the animal shape like this... I became an animal, you also brushed me. brush?"

Rhinoceros does not hesitate: "Okay!"

Pig war: " suddenly become an animal, what if you accidentally crushed a person?" He refused to brush a body of two thousand tons of fish!

"Also... that's still it." Haifengdao, it is nothing to crush a few people, but he is afraid of accidentally killing himself.

When the pig war and other people returned to the camp, Kumano and Zhou Mou had not returned.

The sea breeze went to sleep with his grandson. The pigs had something in their hearts, but they strolled around the tribe, and then they saw Zhou’s hug and beared back from Kumano.

Pig war: "..." These two people are like this! Really not used to it!

So I didn’t sleep with Kumano before the silence of the week, because it was not confessing at that time, it was not good to press people? !

The next day, everyone continued on their way.

They are getting closer and closer to the giant pig tribe, and Zhou Lian also learned a lot about the giant pig tribe from the pig war.

The giant pig tribe used to be the Beastmaster, but now there has been no Beastmaster for a long time, but their tribe is still a big tribe on the mainland of the orc who is not easily provoked by others.

Because the people in their tribe are very capable of being born.

The father of the pig war, there are several wives, and his wife, gave him dozens of children, pig war is only one of them.

Zhou heard the words, secretly sighed - the animal shape of the giant pig tribe, think about it, it is delicious, but unfortunately can not eat.

"I have an accident this time, related to my brothers and sisters." The pig sighed: "I don't bother to investigate this matter, but if the pigs go wrong... I must kill them."

Zhou Silent said: "Your woman and child will not have anything."

Zhou Mou said this, just to comfort the pig war, did not want to hear this in the pig war, happy to look at him: "Do you say this because of the instructions of the beast?"

Zhou Silence: Sorry, not.

When the people were only one day away from the giant pig tribe, Kumano suddenly said something about the beastly **** sacrifice: "After half a month, it is the beast **** sacrifice."

The beasts are a big day, but they are not in the tribe.

"When the beast **** sacrifices, there will be a grand ceremony on the side of the beast temple. All the beastmasters will gather there. The big tribes will also carry goods to the people near the beast temple to exchange things with people... The giant pig tribe is not far from the beast temple. When I find the pig beads, we can go together to participate in the beastly **** sacrifice." Pig war road.

"It's quite good." Zhou is so interested.

Kumano and others also had a shock. After they came to the orc continent, they had been on their way to the road. They stopped at the Qingcao tribe at first, but later they avoided the trouble, whether it was a big tribe or a small tribe. If you don't get in, you can talk to the other person who patrols and tell the patrolling people that they just borrowed it.

It’s really boring, it’s not very comfortable, but fortunately they are going to reach the giant pig tribe, and they can go to the beast temple to participate in the beast

The people were very happy and came to the spirit. As a result, they accidentally encountered a heavy rain.

The rain poured down and they were all drenched into chicken.

So many people, the sea breeze is very satisfied: "This rain is good! Rain is really comfortable!"

"Uncomfortable." Rhinoceros said.

The sea breeze looked at his grandson. Only then did he find that his cheap grandson was hit by the rain and couldn’t open his eyes. The hair on his head was still stuck in the rain, and he looked very embarrassed.

The sea breeze suddenly felt distressed: "Baby, you become an animal, you will feel better."

The rhinoceros nodded and turned into an animal shape.

After he became an animal, he really felt a lot better. When he walked, because he had many trees, he was always blocked.

The sea breeze is in front of it to help open the way: "Baby, you follow your grandfather, my grandfather will help you make a way!"

The sea breeze rushed to the road.

As a result, the rhinoceros did not leave, and actually took the leaves halfway.

Sea breeze: "..." This child is very awkward, but sometimes it is a bit stupid, people can't understand!

The sea breeze climbed onto the back of his grandson and patted his neck: "Don't eat! Follow the week!"

His voice just fell, and it fell from the sky of five meters high - the rhinoceros suddenly became a human figure, and then asked the sea breeze: "Which is Zhou Silence?"

"That's that!" The sea breeze pointed to the week.

"Oh..." The rhinoceros turned into a giant rhinoceros, and then slowly walked forward with the silence of Zhou.

Zhou Silent took these people and came to a place where there were many trees and how much wind and rain could be sheltered: "We camped early today and took a break.

The rain is too big, and this weather is not suitable for the road.

"We are not leaving? Stop here?" The pig couldn't help but ask, he could not wait to run to the giant pig tribe.

"Yes, we will stay here tonight." Zhou said: "The beast **** told me that this is a good place."

This is really a good place, he actually saw garlic here!

Zhou Lian’s life is not a person who likes to eat garlic. In this life, he has no garlic. He is not used to it.

A lot of dishes, adding some garlic can taste, garlic is really a good thing.

Now, he saw this kind of good thing.

The beast **** said, this is a good place, it is definitely a good place here... The pig war does not object, and it is packed up with everyone.

They have a lot of dinosaur skin that the rain will not pass through. When everyone cuts some wood back, they can set up a simple tent.

The first tent was for Zhou Lian and Xiong Ye.

I have collected some weeks of garlic and squeezed in with Xiong Ye.

The ground of the tent is mud, even if they choose to camp in the high place, the feet are wet, people are not used to it, and they can't even eat the barbecue.

Fortunately, people in the tribe have the habit of storing food, but they can take out the grilled meat to eat.

Although it was raining heavily, but there was meat, the people of the Big Bear tribe were very satisfied with this situation. They only had a week of silence, and felt that they could not have no fire. Finally, they took a pottery pot into their tent.

Zhou was thrown into the pottery pot and some firewood was lit, and their tents were warmed up.

When I saw it, Zhou Mou took out the rice **** that I had made, wrapped them in leaves, put them in the fire, and prepared to heat them with fire.

It has been raining before. Although he used the hide to block the rain, he also felt that it was inconvenient to eat. The rice ball that was made last night was not finished, and in addition to the rice ball, Zhou Sil was still putting a pottery steamer in the pot. Then put a pottery bowl on it and prepare to cook some hot water.

When I put some green vegetables into the water, it is a bowl of green soup, and I can even slowly eat some meat in a small fire.

When you have the barbecue, you can add some garlic, and even the garlic is roasted directly. It is also delicious.

I am getting ready to spend this evening, and Zhou Silo’s mental power suddenly perceives something – someone is coming.

This person... is a sow with two little pigs and a child.

The animal shape of the sow... Zhou suddenly realized that the sow might be a pig bead - she was very similar to the description of the pig war.

If that's the case, it's a coincidence!

Zhou Silan is thinking so, in the range that he can perceive, there is a group of people who are still chasing the sow in front.

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