MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 10. Spread

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In the Big Bear tribe, everyone is very direct. If you look good, you can live together. This lion has always known that there were several women who showed him well before he became a partner with Xiong Ye.

At that time, he and Kumano, he broke the window paper, and naturally did not agree to those women, and later... He and Kumano became partners, no one took the initiative to show him.

When Xiongye died, he raised some men and women around him, but he took the initiative to look at them. Those people would not be as bold as wolf sounds.

The lion moved with a heart and promised to come down.

He hasn’t been intimate with people for a long time, and he has recently blossomed in the spring...

Although he likes the body of a man and likes the thrill of conquest, he also wants to try the taste of a woman.

As for Kumano... Looking at the way of Kumano today, I know that he is still not dying. The lion feels that it is necessary for him to let Kumano die.

Kumano’s character is very simple. He is with other people. Xiong Ye will not be entangled. As for the future... When the tribe suffers from disaster, and his strength becomes stronger, he may even let Xiong Ye promise to be with himself. .

Wolf sounded to see the lion, very happy: "I am waiting for you in my hole tonight!"

The wolf sound has grown into adulthood. Although it is of general strength, it is also joined by the hunting team, or a woman. Therefore, there is a cave where I live alone. In the eyes of the tribe, the woman who needs to raise a child is of course more in need of accommodation. .

"Good." The lion pledged.

Wolf sounds that the lion has promised, and he is happy to leave.

She has been an adult for a year, and spring is a season for children... She plans to give birth to her first child this year.

It is quite good to let the lion be the father of his own child.

Thinking about it, Wolf Sound also went to find his own friend: "Xiono and Shi Li are not going to form a companion. I want to have a child with the lion. Would you like to go to Kumano?"

Although Wolf Music does not like Kumano because his father values ​​Kumano, he has to admit that Kumano is definitely a good child.

The friend of Wolf Sound is very surprised: "Really?"

"It must be true. Didn't Xiongye still play the lions yesterday? They all hurt the lion. Although the lion was covered with animal skins, I still saw a big hole. When hunting today, the lion is fierce. Nothing is done, it is estimated that it is because of injury." Wolf said.

"Then I will wait until I ask Kuman!" The friend of Wolf Sound immediately said.

The two just talked about it.

In the Big Bear tribe, there is no secret. Xiongye and Shi Li decided not to form a partner. Soon many people will know.

Although Zhou is still in his own cave, he can still hear the opinions of people outside.

It’s not uncommon for people in this tribe to just solve the problem of food and clothing. It’s not uncommon to change the groom or night tonight as a groom. So, for the bears and the lions, they don’t have a partner. When it matters.

This is mainly because people outside are not sure what the lion and Xiong Ye are all about.

Everyone seems to think that it is impossible for the lion to dislike Xiongye. It should be that Xiongye is abandoning the lion...

"How good is Kumano not to be a partner with the lion? He should have more powerful children."

"The lion is also very powerful. His children may also be awakened into lions."

"Why don't they be together? So the bears and white wolves will not choose us!"


Even so, there are some women who are discussing and want to go to sleep with the bear.

Zhou suddenly suddenly got a little sympathy for Kumano.

Most people in this tribe have been thinking about filling their stomachs all day, so they don't have time to think about love and love. Everyone doesn't care, but Kumano is not the same.

He thinks... Kumano should not want to be a horse to have a group of children.

This evening, the bear is estimated to be sad again, and I don’t know if I will dig.

Zhou Silan thought so, and took out a fruit to eat.

The lion suddenly changed, and he felt very strange.

The two days were still very good a few days ago. I had to eat a barbecue and let him envy him. As a result, the lion was so heart-changing...

But this is not too strange... The animal like a lion is very fancy.

When I was young, I met a scum man. It’s really nothing... Zhou Leng believes that the bear can slow down.

Kumano washed himself cleanly in the river, and caught a fish with good luck. The mood was much better. On the way back to the crowd, he also talked and laughed.

However, he still doubts the lion's business.

He and the lion have known each other for eight years. Although the confession was a matter of a few months ago, they were very good in the past one or two years. He really did not understand why the lion was suddenly becoming like this.

For several years, he can't say that he will let go.

"You see, Xiongye, the flower buds of the flames are coming out." Someone pointed to a bushy road on the side of the road.

Kuman turned his head and saw a flower tree with flames.

Sacrifice grandfather said that the flame flower is the blood of the beast god. It is said that a long time ago, human beings could not become animals. Their children had to grow up for a long time. Their bodies were still very weak, and their days were very hard. It was the taste of many carnivorous dinosaurs.

At that time, they couldn't even eat meat, they could only eat grass, eat fruit, and occasionally eat insects.

Fortunately, the beast **** appeared.

The beast **** allows them to become a variety of animals, possessing a variety of abilities, and the beast **** also kills terrible dinosaurs that are as big as mountains, so that they can be happy in this world. Living in the land.

Now, the beast gods are guarding them in the sky, and the blood left by the beast gods when they fight the dinosaurs becomes a flame flower, scattered everywhere.

The beast **** sleeps most of the year, but he wakes up once a year. When he wakes up, the flame flower will open.

Kumano likes the flame flower very much, but when he sees the flame flower, he inevitably remembers the upcoming ceremony of his partner with Shi Li.

"Xiono, do you really want to be a partner with the lion? You don't want children?" The humanity who came to take a bath with Kumano.

Kumano grabbed his hair irritably and planned to wait for him to go back. He must ask the lion.

Kumano and his party soon returned to the tribe.

"Xionye!" A woman in her twenties who had already given birth to a child suddenly stopped Kumano: "Kumano, I like you very much. Do you want to have children with me?"

"No." Kumano did not want to refuse.

That woman is not a serious matter: "Xiono, what kind of woman do you like?"

"I am going to be a partner with the lion." Xiongye said subconsciously.

"But the lion said that you are not a partner, he decided to be with the wolf tone." The woman said.

Kumano is a whole person.

Although the lion said yesterday that he didn't want to be a partner with him and wanted a child, he didn't really believe it. He didn't expect to work hard for a day. The lion even chose a wolf sound.

Kumano only felt that he had broken a hole in his heart, and that the wind passed through the hole, making his heart cool.

He was almost subconscious, and he wanted to go to the lion, and then he slammed the lion, but suddenly realized that it was unreasonable to do so.

Shi Li told him yesterday that he would regret it. Why should he go to the lion?

Kumano laughed and laughed: "I didn't expect you already know..." He couldn't say a bit.

When people around him saw Kumano like this, they suddenly realized that something was wrong.

They thought that Kumano was not willing to be with the lion... Isn't that the case?

They are puzzled, and Kumano said: "I still want to find a man to be a partner."

He is very sure that he likes men.

Since he likes men, he must be looking for a man to be a partner.

However, without the lion, who should he go to?

He doesn't want to change objects like everyone else. He wanted to have a stable home from an early age. He wants his partner to be his own.

After Kumano’s words came out, some of the scary men in the tribe were just about to move.

Women in the tribe do not look at men like them. Many of them can't find women who are willing to give them a baby. For them, Kumano is a good choice!

Someone thought so, the sound of Xionghe suddenly rang: "It’s meat!"

Everyone is running towards Xionghe. Although it is important to find someone, it is still important to eat!