MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 572 Exchange information!

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Xu Ying really cried.

She was really lonely during this time.

It's not that no one is with her, she just feels that she is not from this world, but she is forced to stay in this world. No matter how much she communicates with the people here, there will be a strong estrangement in her heart.

She brought Li Wenxi underground. Apart from her business, there was also an important reason that she was about to lose herself and needed to communicate with "acquaintances".

Even though she had just arrived at this point in time and it was only a few days ago, she still couldn't stand it anymore.

This feeling as if the whole world was rejecting her was driving people crazy.

And now, the person in front of her is the person she "familiarizes" most in this world.

So for a moment, she couldn't hold back any longer.

Xu Xin was at a loss for a moment.

He didn't know how long he hadn't hugged his sister.

My younger sister was still very cute when I was young, but since she entered junior high school and became rebellious, the relationship between the two has changed a lot, and it has been at least five or six years since she was like this.

What's more, the Xu Ying in front of him is not his younger sister logically.

This "sister" is several hundred years older than him...

However, in the end he patted Xu Ying on the back and comforted her in a low voice.

Xu Ying was just a little emotional for a while, she reacted after venting, she blushed and let go of her hand and took two steps back: "Ah, that..."

what…! What a shame!

She felt like she wanted to find a crack in the ground and get into it.

It would be fine if Xu Xin didn't find out her identity, but now she found out...

A person who is several hundred years old throws himself into the arms of a person in his twenties and cries. It is really embarrassing for his wife!

Knowing her identity, she couldn't even call out her brother at this time.

It was Xu Xin who spoke first: "Yingying, are you... teleported here?"

His address to Xu Ying has not changed.

But how old was the other party, and that was also his younger sister Xu Ying, so it was absolutely impossible for him to speak in a tone that was different from life, or even to an elder.

What's more, the girl was crying while hugging him just now.

"Ahh..." Xu Ying wiped the tears from her face, "I am... hey!"

She suddenly turned her head to look at the statue with a human face, and then looked around.

When she found that nothing had changed around her, she immediately let out a long breath of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's a good thing you haven't triggered the mechanism here..." She patted her chest, her expression relaxed, "Don't trigger this mechanism now!"

"...It seems that I was right not to trigger the mechanism." Xu Xin looked sideways at Lou Fei'er behind her.

Lou Fei'er was holding Coco and came forward.

Ke Ke jumped out of her arms with a "嘎", and ran to Xu Ying's legs, her little claws grabbed her legs.

"Little guy, it's you again!"

When Xu Ying saw Coco, she was immediately so cute, she took out a fruit jelly and handed it to Coco's mouth.

The fudge was immediately bitten by Ke Ke, then turned around and jumped on Xu Xin's body, and his small mouth began to chew.

This little guy really has a sweet tooth.

Xu Xin rubbed its head.

"Brother, this little thing you raised is really cute." Xu Ying still likes Coco's small appearance very much.

In addition, she saw that the mechanism had not been triggered, so she was not in a hurry. After she calmed down, she started chatting.

But Xu Xin didn't want to chat with her.

He has too many things to ask.

He approached Xu Ying in two steps, staring into her eyes: "How on earth did you come here? Also, is Wen Xi safe with you now?"

"You said sister-in-law, you don't have to worry about her safety, she is here with me

It's safer there than here. "

Xu Ying was a little terrified by her brother's serious eyes.

So she jumped up and sat directly on top of the four or five meter high stone statue: "As for why I came here..."

She glanced at Lou Feier, who hadn't spoken much and looked at her curiously.

"Someone I don't know." Xu Ying frowned.

Xu Xin understood what she meant.

But driving Lou Fei'er away at this time always feels a little heartless.

Fortunately, Lou Fei'er knows how to read words and expressions, knowing that Xu Xin's younger sister doesn't want her to listen to the information, so she waved her hand: "I'll go, I'll go, oops, I didn't want to disturb your brother and sister's meeting, so I'm here Awkward."

With that said, she turned her head and wanted to go out.

"Oh, wait a minute!" Xu Ying pointed to Coco in Xu Xin's arms, "You take this little guy away too."

"Huh?" Ke Ke turned her head and looked at her innocently.

"Keke still wants to take it away?" Lou Fei'er was a little surprised, and glanced at Xu Xin.

"Of course I have to take it away. Although this little thing is cute, it's also a bit too mysterious." Xu Ying looked at Ke Ke and said, "Who knows where it came from? Maybe it's a little monster raised by alien invaders Woolen cloth?"

"Hey! Hey!" Coco immediately waved his little paw in protest, "Hey!"

Xu Xin was silent for a moment, then handed the cocoa to Lou Feier: "Go back first, sorry for the inconvenience."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Lou Fei'er glanced at Xu Ying, and then asked in a low voice, "Is there really no danger?"


"Okay, then I'm leaving." Lou Feier nodded, turned and walked out.

"Huh..." Ke Ke didn't struggle this time, but poked her head out pitifully and looked at Xu Xin.

"By the way, there is another person outside, take him with you when you leave!" Xu Ying shouted to Lou Fei'er who had already reached the crevice.

"Another person?" Xu Xin was a little surprised.

"Is there someone outside?" Lou Fei'er got out of the mountain gap and took a look, "Who is there...ah! Qin Fu? Why are you here?"

Qin Fu followed...

Sure enough, Qin Fu's embarrassing voice came from outside: "You two came out before dawn, and I wanted to follow up to have a look, but you all rode wolves and ran too fast. I just arrived You came out. Is Brother Xin in there?"

"Well...he has some things to do in there, let's go back first."

"I just came here!"

"It's nonsense, let's go, Axue, and Yin Wang, didn't you two find out the **** just now?"



The footsteps gradually faded away.

Xu Ying couldn't help laughing: "That guy really knows how to pretend, he was already outside when I came, and he probably heard our conversation."

"Your senses are very keen, so why didn't you say that just now?" Xu Xin looked up at Xu Ying who was sitting on her own portrait.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it Qin Fu? That guy has always been like this, and we don't have to worry about anything." Xu Ying looked outside, shaking her legs, and kicked the forehead of the human face with her heel, " Compared to him, who was that woman just now?"

Xu Ying lowered her head and looked at Xu Xin below.

Xu Xin frowned: "Come down for me, why are you sitting so fucking?"

"Woo...Okay." Xu Ying shrank her neck slightly, slipped her body, and jumped off.

He landed lightly and stood in front of Xu Xin.

She still has some respect for her brother who has been the leader of the team for hundreds of years, especially the frowning and angry brother.

Even in the face of Xu Xin, he still panicked a little reflexively.

It's like the feeling of hearing your mother's full name suddenly.

Afterwards, she came to her senses, glared at Xu Xin and said, "No, I'm afraid what are you doing? I

You are so much older than you, you should call me sister, you should even call me... Forget it, I don't want it, let me call you brother. "

This face was so familiar, if Xu Xin used this face to call her sister or something...she would probably feel chills all over her body.

Of course, it was impossible for Xu Xin to call her sister.

"You really have this personality no matter how old you are." Xu Xin folded her arms around her chest and shook her head.

Xu Ying was dissatisfied immediately and said, "Good guy, you want to preach when you meet, right? Let me tell you, I know a lot more than you, you'd better please me, otherwise I won't tell you anything!"

Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

This feeling of familiarity and strangeness is really inexplicable.

Fortunately, this guy's personality hasn't changed much. He can't bear to face an old-fashioned Xu Ying.

"What are you laughing at! So you haven't answered my question yet, who was that woman just now?"

"Haven't you seen it?" Xu Xin asked back.

"I asked that all the time, of course I haven't seen it before." Xu Ying glanced at the gap in the mountain, "Qin Fu is indeed a member of our original team, but I don't remember that woman just now."

That's exactly how it should be.

Lou Fei'er doesn't have any special abilities, and she really shouldn't be in that team back then.

"It's one of our current companions, you can trust it now." Xu Xin didn't introduce too much, just looked at Xu Ying.

"Okay, then you can handle it yourself. you have anything to ask me?" Xu Ying was a little flustered and almost jumped on it again.

Xu Xin was also helpless.

There are so many questions I want to ask, I don't know where to start.

It feels like a mess in my head right now.

"... How long can you stay here? Why don't you go back with me first, this place is outside the Crystal City, so it's quite dangerous."

"Ah, no, I'm going back soon, there are still some things I need to deal with." Xu Ying waved her hands hastily, "This time I'm actually here to stop you from triggering this mechanism..."

"To...human base?" Xu Xin lowered his voice.

"Why..." Xu Ying looked surprised, "You guessed it! Well, since you already know this, let me explain it!"

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to grab Xu Xin's arm, and pulled him to the position closest to the stone statue. The two of them were almost leaning against the stone statue.

She nodded: "There should be no problem here. With this statue as a distraction, I won't be bugged and monitored."

Do the stone statues interfere?

Before Xu Xin could ask, she told Xu Xin about what she brought Li Wenxi down.

It was probably because seeing Xu Xin's familiar face made her feel dependent, so she told him all about the current unsatisfactory situation in the human base, as well as the various abnormalities she discovered.

"That's how things are. The situation below is actually not optimistic, but most of them are conflicts between human beings. Even if the forces over there are involved, it's just some running dogs. They should be called...human women? So, Sister-in-law is still safe down there, brother, you don’t have to worry.”

Although she was a little embarrassed when facing Xu Xin at first, but now that she is used to it, she can call her brother very naturally.

Xu Xin was surprised, and felt that some clues in his head that were originally messed up were finally colluded!

Human bases have already been discovered.

He has also seen the teleportation device Yingying mentioned.

He had also heard of the lackeys she mentioned, the keepers of order.

Most importantly, what she mentioned is the monster who discovered the underground base of human beings, but did not tell other alien invaders, but hid himself...

He seemed to... really saw it.

The monster that Shi Wanyun saw in her memory was probably the same.

"It seems that I also have news that you don't know."

"Huh? You have news that I don't know? Don't be kidding me, brother," Xu Ying was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, patted Xu Xin on the shoulder, with a hint of complacency on her face, "How could you be better than me?" You know a lot, don’t slap your face and make yourself fat.”

"The monster you mentioned should have eyes all over its body?" Xu Xin said suddenly.

"...Oh?" Xu Ying's eyes widened immediately, and she grabbed Xu Xin's arm, "Have you seen those disgusting things?!"

"I haven't seen it. No, I should have seen it. It's like this..."

Xu Xin didn't intend to hide any information.

Even without the brother-sister relationship, based on Xu Ying's identity, she is the most trustworthy person in the world.

He told everything he knew from Shi Wanyun.

And Xu Ying's expression changed again and again.

From initial surprise, to curiosity, to shock.

In the end, when she heard the monster take out a pocket watch with a **** photo of Xu Xin, her expression became extremely ugly.

"Is... the monsters of our time and space? They... came along too? I see... I see, this is the true face of 'Anthropologist, no wonder you are interested in humans...'"

Xu Ying's eyes were serious.

"So, the advantage you have established by traveling through time and space to come here may not be considered an advantage. That monster has already discovered this place." Xu Xin pointed to the stone statue with a human face.

"...Fortunately, fortunately, there was a restriction here, and it was found to be useless."

Xu Ying let out a breath, and said in a comforting tone: "If you want to trigger the mechanism here, you and I must be present and control the mechanism. Even if it finds this place, it cannot be triggered."

Is that so?

"However, if this is the case, the situation is indeed very serious." Xu Ying couldn't help biting her nails, "I thought time travel was our biggest reliance, but I didn't expect the other party to do the same, so my advantage will be greatly reduced..."

Xu Xin is also worried about this: "Now we still don't know what that monster wants to do. Whether it is the reason for building a human city there or the origin of the batches of survivors, it is still unknown."

", you just said that that woman named Shi Wanyun has the ability of memory transmission?" Xu Ying suddenly turned her head to look at Xu Xin and asked.

"Hmm. Haven't you heard of the name Shi Wanyun?"

"No, I don't know her. But I also need her ability now. I want to see the appearance of that monster so as to confirm its identity!" Xu Ying grabbed Xu Xin's arm and walked towards the mountain gap, "You and I Go to your side! We need to hurry!"

"Identity? Do the monsters look different?"

"Of course it's different, and the gap between each individual is not small. UU Reading Even us humans can basically tell the difference."

When people look at other races, they basically can't tell the difference in appearance between individuals. For example, a group of sheep and a group of cows all look similar, and even foreigners think they look similar.

If it can be distinguished, it can only show that the appearance gap between individual monsters is really huge.

"Okay, I'll take you there."


He had just promised Shi Wanyun not to leak her abilities, but after the night was over, he took another person to find her...

It's a bit embarrassing to be true...

However, Shi Wanyun did this because she felt that other people were not worthy of trust.

Xu Ying is very trustworthy, even more trustworthy than herself.

This is equivalent to a party!