MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 561 "Anthropologist"

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Li Wenxi knew that there was a battle going on on the ground, and she wanted to go back and help Xu Xin and the others.

"Go back..." Xu Ying hesitated.

"Since this place has been exposed, then we don't have to be cautious about being discovered below, right?" Li Wenxi turned the watch on her wrist.

This watch has completely lost its ability to communicate since it came off.

"Hmm... Even so, I always feel that this matter is a bit strange." Xu Ying frowned and thought.

"Strange? You mean..."

"I suspect that the human strongholds in the underground world have not been fully discovered."

"... Huh?" Li Wenxi was a little puzzled, "What do you mean? It has not been fully discovered? You mean, the other party only discovered a part of the human underground stronghold? It is unlikely, the human stronghold is not connected together. Is it? Besides, this is the center of the human base, you said, right? You have found those mutant humans here, isn’t that…”

Doesn't that mean that the underground human base has been completely explored?

"Ah, that's not what I meant by not being fully discovered." Xu Ying quickly waved her hands and said, "I mean, the fact that the underground world has a base for human survivors is not widely known among the alien invaders. Spread it, let them all know."

"...I don't understand..." Li Wenxi was a little dazed, "Why do you think so?"

"Well, it's normal that you don't understand. After all, you don't know the attitude of those alien invaders towards human beings." Thinking of this, Xu Ying sighed softly.

"Attitude? What do you mean?"

"Hmm..." Xu Ying nodded her lips with her index finger, and gave an example, "Are you afraid of cockroaches?"

"...cockroaches?" Li Wenxi blinked, "...somewhat."

"What if they crawl on you?"

"...That's scarier than mutant creatures!" Li Wenxi thought about the scene for a while, then shivered and shook her head violently.

"Those alien invaders also see us in the same way." Xu Ying spread her hands and said, "Some of them even have a fear of us, that is, they will scream loudly and call monsters when they see us."

"...Ah?" Li Wenxi's eyes widened, "Why? We are much weaker than them, and we can't hurt them."

"Can cockroaches hurt you?"

"Ah this..."

"So say it."

Xu Ying walked to the window, leaned on the window sill and looked out.

"If the whole group of the underground world knows that we have our base, they will not let hundreds of millions of people live. They have now regarded the earth as their backyard. You will let hundreds of millions of cockroaches go. Thriving in your backyard?"

"This...Of course not, I can't bear it at all, what should I do if I crawl into the house..."

"This should also be their thinking." Xu Ying turned and leaned against the window sill, "If they know that there is such a huge human base in the underground world with a population of hundreds of millions, will they let it go?"

"Then you mean, they are just... some individuals found here?" Li Wenxi understood Xu Ying's thoughts.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"That's what it means." Xu Ying nodded. "One of them discovered this place, but perhaps because they were very interested in it, they didn't report it to the higher authorities. Instead, they sent someone down to investigate."

"There is such a thing... an entomologist who likes cockroaches?" Li Wenxi half-jokingly asked.

"Don't say it, it's really possible." Xu Ying looked at her seriously and said, "Even the farce of your survivors may be caused by this 'entomologist' or 'anthropologist'." ghost."

"You mean that the collective survival activities of the survivors were also carried out by this 'entomologist' privately?" Li Wenxi asked in surprise.

"That's not enough." Xu Ying went to the bed and sat down, "It's impossible not to be discovered on the ground, but it may be a research project of it or its team, and it was carried out after persuading other monsters. plan. But because they are still disgusting to humans, the survivor plan is carried out in another hemisphere very far away from them."

"Is this all your guesswork, or do you already have evidence?" Li Wenxi asked.

"Oh, although there is no evidence, this guess is reasonable, right?" Xu Ying lay on her back on the bed and sighed, "If this is the case, maybe our situation is not so bad."

"Hey, do you think this so-called 'entomologist' can communicate with us?" Li Wenxi suddenly had a whim, "Maybe it did it because it likes humans?"

"It should be impossible to like it... But I have the idea of ​​​​communicating with the other party. Since the other party can tolerate the existence of hundreds of millions of humans, it should also be able to tolerate human communication."

As she said that, she sat up again: "So, don't think about going up now, sister-in-law, if this is the case, and you go up and let other intruders find out, it will be really cold."

"Well, okay, okay." Li Wenxi was a little disappointed.

Xu Ying raised her chin, looked out of the window and said to herself: "What should I do? Should I go over there to investigate? No... I'd better look here first, if I can find out those mutant humans who came down to investigate , might know something."

Li Wenxi thought for a while, and then asked: "Well, how many alien invaders are you talking about?"

"Number? Hmm..." Xu Ying thought for a while, "I really don't know how many alien invaders there are in this world, but at our time, the number of alien invaders resident on the earth was about... Nearly a thousand."

"Nearly a thousand? Um... How should I put it, a little less than expected?" Li Wenxi tilted her head, "Didn't you say that they regard the earth as a very important colony? Why are there... nearly a thousand? Are they huge?"

"Huge? No, no, actually, it's about the same size as humans on Earth."


Nearly a thousand individuals about the size of humans can colonize this huge planet...?

"Nearly a thousand, that's the number when the world collapsed in the end. In fact, there were only a hundred or so who invaded the earth at first."

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Xu Ying explained: "In the beginning, when they came to this planet, they just wanted to plunder resources in a short period of time. After the resources useful to them on this planet were exhausted, they left."

"So during the initial period of being captured, we were told that they, the invaders, would only stay on Earth for a maximum of ten years before leaving. So our group of prisoners was divided into three factions at that time. "

"One school of thought thinks that when they're gone, we survivors can stay and rebuild.

Another school of thought believes that they will take us away and conquer the entire universe with them.

The last school of thought thinks that when they have finished using us, they will kill us when they leave. "

"But in the end, you also know that they didn't know why, and suddenly stayed."

"My brother thinks that they want to obtain the unique blood of giant beasts on this planet to strengthen their army of interstellar predators. Their subsequent actions are indeed centered around the blood of giant beasts. But I always So simple."

With doubts in Xu Ying's eyes, she turned her head and looked out the window again: "Is the blood of giant beasts really that important in front of high-tech weapons? What about the huge changes in the earth? The volume of the earth has expanded a thousand times. Can the blood of giant beasts extracted from fossils be compared?"

"Perhaps..." Li Wenxi guessed, "The blood of giant beasts is indeed their purpose, but it is only one of them."

"Well, I think so too." Xu Ying looked up at the crystal stones all over the dome, "The energy contained in these crystal stones is extremely huge, and these things may also be one of their purposes."

She then shook her head: "Forget it, who can guess their purpose...Where did you just say? Ah, the number of this group of alien invaders."

"At that time, we were three hundred years after the disaster, and the number of alien invaders rose from less than a hundred to more than a thousand. Now it is a thousand years later..."

Li Wenxi took the words: "The number of them is likely to be more. For example, tens of thousands?"

"Well, it's very possible." Xu Ying nodded, "Tens of thousands. Tens of thousands..."

After repeating the sentence, she suddenly smiled wryly.

"That's not a lot."

"...If you saw their appearance, you wouldn't think so." Xu Ying said with a look of extreme disgust on her face, "Their appearance is too casual, put them in the Cambrian Ji, that's a monster..."

Cambrian period, an era of life on earth 500 million years ago.

Because all things are still in the early exploration period of life, unlike modern creatures that have experienced a long period of natural selection, all Cambrian creatures have very casual appearances.

Putting the Cambrian life into the present, and enlarging the individual into the size of a human, the magical appearance is all comparable to the Cthulhu monster.

Even in the Cambrian period, it would be a monster, so what would it look like...

To be honest, Li Wenxi was a little curious: "So what does it look like?"

"This... you should go and see for yourself, sister-in-law, you will come into contact with it in the future." Xu Ying said helplessly, "their individual differences are not small, and each of them looks a little different. I can't describe it even if you ask me to describe it. .”

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"Is that so." Li Wenxi became even more curious.

"Also, those alien invaders are not only very strong individually, they are almost impossible to kill, and most importantly, their means of controlling other life forms are too strong, and each individual is a continuous army. What kind of mutant creatures do not need to be killed?" I'll say it again."

"Indeed..." Li Wenxi nodded.

Xu Ying was a little annoyed: "So, the number of those monsters doesn't need to be too many at all, hundreds of them are enough to rule this planet, if there are tens of thousands, it's really... my brother really left me A mess...”

"Hmm..." Li Wenxi now feels more and more that it is really powerless to take back this planet.

"Okay, okay, you should rest quickly, I... I'll go outside and see if I can meet those lackeys again." Xu Ying stood up.

"Are you tired all day too? Don't you want to rest?"

"I'm not tired, but I'm starting to feel sleepy again. Sister-in-law, do you have any oranges? Share some with me."


After getting the oranges, Xu Ying immediately sank and disappeared into the purple-black vortex.

Li Wenxi lay on the bed, thinking about the things she had just talked with Xu Ying, and finally became tired.

"I don't know how Xu Xin and the others are doing up there..."

Thinking of this, she closed her eyes.

On the ground, Shi Wanyun had already told Xu Xin everything that happened afterwards.

After the monster left, Shi Wanyun calmed down for a few minutes in the hall, and before she could leave the hall, mature woman No. 5 came up again.

In order to prevent No. 5 from seeing her gaffe, Shi Wanyun hastily wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeve because of fear.

As a result, she directly lifted a piece of skin on her face.

Although Shi Wanyun didn't elaborate in detail, Xu Xin always felt that Shi Wanyun at that time might have lost her composure even more than when she saw the monster.

Probably screamed straight away.

No. 5 was quite familiar with this scene, so he comforted her immediately, and then took her to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she told No. 5 the request of the monster, that is, the "master".

And No. 5 not only received the news through some channels, but immediately asked her to go to her room after taking a shower.

At Xu Xin's request, Shi Wanyun showed him the situation after taking a bath by means of memory transmission.

After that it was easy.

No. 5 told Shi Wanyun that she would be transported to an underground space, where she would meet her target Xu Xin.

"After your target arrives there, it will start to recover. And your task is to complete your task before it fully recovers there. If you can't do it, stay with the target and look for another opportunity. If you can't finish it, don't come back gone."

No. 5's voice was a little cold, and then his tone softened again: "These are the original words of the master. I didn't expect you to be sent out to do missions just after you arrived. Be careful outside."

Her instruction made Shi Wanyun feel warm in her heart. UU Reading

But thinking of the monster's appearance, her face turned pale again.

"What's wrong? Are you still uncomfortable?"

"Hmm... the medicine is too strong, and I still need to recover." Shi Wanyun forced a smile.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Now, she has almost no desire to stay here.

"...Although I don't think you would do this, I still want to remind you." The voice of the mature woman No. 5 became calm, "Although the master's appearance is indeed terrifying, don't try to betray the master. You must know that survival The master's plan was facilitated by the master alone."

"What?" Shi Wanyun immediately raised her head in surprise.

"That's right, it was the master who sent us to this world, so it can also determine our life and death."

...Is that strange thing really the owner of that mysterious voice? !

No...probably not. The mysterious voice spoke very smoothly, completely different from that monster.

"The master just told me that if you choose to betray, he will not only turn you into an ugly monster, but will also kill all the fifth batch of survivors."

The mature woman looked at her: "However, you won't betray, right? There's no benefit in betraying."

"Well, of course." Shi Wanyun smiled softly, "There are humans in the city, which is my destination."

They have all been brainwashed.

That kind of terrifying monster is probably just using humans as props for experiments.

In its dense eyes, human beings are probably just livestock.

What should she do?

Read The Duke's Passion