MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 546 What a monster this girl is!

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Shi Wanyun recalled the situation at that time.

"The equipment you gave me is indeed very useful. The Cloak of the Hidden One really helped me a lot. Relying on those equipment, I came to the crown of the world tree very easily."

"... You said, that towering giant tree is also a world tree?" Xu Xin asked.

"Well, that's also a World Tree, there's no problem with that." Shi Wanyun nodded and said, "Because the first time I came into contact with the word World Tree, it was on that tree."

Is that tree also a world tree?

Xu Xin is looking forward to what their world tree will look like when it grows up.

"Then I'll continue." Shi Wanyun got up from the bed, walked to the window, and looked out the window at the world tree whose canopy had already covered a wide area.

"That giant tree is basically similar to this giant tree. The canopy is extremely lush and covers a large area. Therefore, although I am under the canopy, I am still some distance away from the trunk."

"However, at that time, I felt that something was wrong."

At that time, Shi Wanyun was in a state of high mental tension.

She always pays attention to the movements of all the advanced mutant creatures around her. Once they tend to observe her, she will immediately stop moving while wearing the cloak of the Hidden One.

However, as soon as she got under the canopy, she clearly felt that the atmosphere had changed.

In the large area under the canopy, there are still many advanced mutant creatures that are walking freely, and from the outside, the blood marks on their bodies are more conspicuous, and the pupils of their eyes are almost completely covered by blood red.

Obviously, the closer to this giant tree, the higher the strength of the mutated creatures.


For some reason, as soon as she came to this area, she felt that the mutant creatures around her didn't care whether she existed or not.

Since entering this range, she has never been noticed by those mutated creatures, and she has been unimpeded all the way.

After walking a certain distance again, she was almost sure of this conjecture, so she let go of her pace, quickened her pace, and tried it out.

The rapid progress still attracted the attention of the surrounding mutated creatures. A three-meter-high animal that looked like a small carnivorous dinosaur turned its head and looked at her.

The red eyes, the sharp and messy fangs, and the dazzling red lines on her body all made her feel tight.

Fortunately, her guess was correct.

Although the small dinosaur looked towards her and noticed her, it had no intention of attacking her.

He even slightly tilted his head towards her, opened his sharp-toothed mouth slightly, and let out a cry of doubt and welcome, then turned his head and ignored her.

This scene made Shi Wanyun break out in a cold sweat, and it also made her breathe a sigh of relief.

After continuing to test a few times and finding that the mutated creatures in this area did not pose any threat, and even expressed friendship to her, she gradually relaxed and continued walking towards the roots of the towering giant tree.

The closer to the root, the rarer the vegetation on the ground, replaced by roots hanging down from the crown of the giant tree, like a bamboo forest in this area.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

These roots hang down straight down, the thinnest one is as thick as a human's arm, and the thickest one is even as thick as a human's waist, forming a strange jungle-like landscape.

Of course, there are also some advanced mutant creatures among them.

As for the mutated creatures here, not only are they not hostile but friendly, they can even communicate easily.

Just as she was advancing, a giant wild deer with a height of at least four meters walked up to Shi Wanyun's side, lowered its huge head, and looked at her with its blood-red eyes.

Shi Wanyun's own strength is weak, so it is naturally impossible to fight against these mutated creatures who don't know how high their level is.

She didn't dare to walk away rashly, for fear that the other party would think she was impolite and attack her.

Tentatively, she reached out to stroke the huge deer head.

The down on the head of the deer is very short, and it is also covered with bright blood-colored markings.

The short fur looks hard, but it feels soft and warm to the touch.

The mutated wild deer did not refuse Shi Wanyun's touch, and even closed its eyes to enjoy it.

The corners of Shi Wanyun's mouth curled up slightly.

The mount she signed the mount contract with is a deer, so she has a sense of closeness and familiarity with the deer.

Seeing the very friendly appearance of this huge mutated wild deer, she tried to speak: "I want to go to the root of the tree house. Excuse me, is there any danger ahead?"

With the IQ of advanced mutant creatures, it should be easy to communicate, right?

The wild deer opened his eyes, turned his head slightly to look at the roots of the banyan tree, and then shook his head at her.

The pair of gorgeous antlers are shaking, making people want to touch them too.

"You mean, is there no danger?" Shi Wanyun asked softly with a slight joy in her heart.

The mutated wild deer nodded slightly, then turned to look at the root of the tree house again, then at Shi Wanyun, and then...

It crouched down in front of Shi Wanyun, its huge deer head swung backwards.

"You..." Shi Wanyun looked at the wild deer in surprise, "Are you going to take me there?"

The deer's intentions were obvious, let Shi Wanyun ride on its back.

Wild Deer nodded again.

Shi Wanyun took a light breath and made a decision: "Okay."

It couldn't be better to have such a giant deer protecting her for the last part of the way.

Moreover, she didn't dare to refuse the giant deer's kindness. The giant deer crouched down. If she still refused, who knew if it would suddenly turn its back on it?

The wild deer itself is more than four meters high, and the height of the antlers can even reach more than five meters. Even if such a huge body crouches down, the height of the body alone is close to two meters.

However, Shi Wanyun couldn't be troubled by this, she leaped lightly and landed on the back of this big wild deer.

After she sat down firmly, the wild deer also stood up slowly, and before Shi Wanyun could say anything, it started to walk towards the root of the tree house.

The speed is neither fast nor slow, but even if such a huge body walks at a speed, it is equivalent to the speed of a human trotting.

Sitting on the back of the wild deer, Shi Wanyun's sight was much higher than before, and the surrounding situation was more clearly displayed in her eyes.

A human riding on a giant deer, this kind of situation should rarely happen in this area, causing all the mutated creatures around who were not interested in her to look at her one by one.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Fortunately, neither was hostile, it should be purely out of curiosity.

During the last part of the journey, Shi Wanyun didn't say anything, and the giant deer didn't make any noise, or make any other movements. They simply walked towards the root of the tree.

Shi Wanyun's lips parted slightly, but she didn't say anything in the end.

She also didn't know why the giant deer suddenly wanted to help her, could it be because she felt comfortable touching it just now?


This giant deer knows why people like her came here, so he wants to help her complete the task?

It is better to be silent than to speak too much.

The towering giant tree was getting closer and closer, and soon, the giant deer stopped at a position less than a hundred meters away from the root of the giant tree, then stopped, and slowly crouched down again.

Shi Wanyun immediately turned over from the giant deer.

She looked at the giant tree that was very far away from her.

From a distance, the thick trunk of this giant tree is indeed upward as a whole, but when you look closer, you find something different.

This tree is not a straight big tree that grows straight up, but a meandering old tree that has experienced the baptism of time at a glance. There are various protrusions and depressions on the trunk, meandering and growing upwards.

On the ground, a part of the roots of the giant tree protruded from the soil on the ground and was exposed, and the ground on the front was also very uneven.

And near the trunk, a faint purple-black light can be seen.

But she couldn't see how the light came out, because the place where the light came out was blocked by the rugged soil and exposed root system.

But if the purple-black light...

It should be her mission goal this time.

There, it should be the entrance to the teleportation point back to her own tree house!


Shi Wanyun turned her head, wanting to thank Julu who sent her here.

As a result, when she was just observing the situation of the giant tree, the giant deer had quietly gone away.

The speed was much faster than when it came, and now when I turned around, I could barely see the back of the giant deer among the dense, dark green roots.

...was it really just trying to send her here?

Although she was a little puzzled, the current situation did not allow her to waste too much time, so she immediately turned and walked towards the tree trunk.

The range of 100 meters around the trunk is another unique spectacle.

The closer you get to the trunk, the fewer roots hang down, the more exposed roots emerge from the ground, and the more uneven the ground becomes.

When it was about 40 or 50 meters away from the trunk, the hanging roots had completely disappeared, but the roots underground were protruding out unscrupulously and exposed.

The ruggedness of the ground has reached the level that Shi Wanyun can't move forward without using her hands to climb and support.

Beyond that, there is one very noticeable change.

There are no mutant creatures in this area.

It is even said that from the position where she got off the giant deer just now, there are no living creatures that can move.

This made her feel something was wrong.

Are mutant creatures not allowed to approach this giant tree?

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Or, is there danger around here, making the mutant creatures around scared and afraid to approach?

But there is no way, she still needs to move forward.

The rough ground can always bring people a sense of crisis. She once again cheered up and focused on moving forward.

Numerous protruding and exposed thick tree roots made the ground rough, and she could only move forward with hands and feet.

Putting your hands on the exposed roots does not feel cold, but a warm touch, which even makes people feel a little comfortable.

Although the ground was rough, there was only a hundred meters away. Soon, Shi Wanyun came to the root of the tree, climbed onto the highest raised tree root, and looked down.

"this is…"

The position emitting purple-black light was not a portal as she had imagined, but a precious orb.

An orb containing purple-black energy.

"...Purple-black tree house core?"

She looked around again, except for things like this, the other positions were normal, and there was no strange light coming out again.

This orb is her mission target.

For some reason, she just felt that way.

So she slid down from the highest protruding tree root, squatted down, and reached out to pick up the orb.

Before she could observe the orb carefully, suddenly, the orb in her hand shone with purple and black light!

She instantly felt a wave of fatigue hit her, and after that, she didn't know anything.

When she woke up again, she was lying on the bed in the bedroom.

The soft bed was so comfortable that she sank into it and didn't want to get up.

Turning her head slightly, she looked around, and then...

Suddenly turned over from the bed!

"Where is...where?"

Opening her eyes, she saw the wooden ceiling. Shi Wanyun thought she had returned to her tree house, but it turned out to be a strange room!

...she hasn't finished the mission yet


She observes the room.

A simple small bedroom, with clear and familiar textures on the wooden walls and ceiling, clearly telling her that this place is in a tree house.

But not her tree house!

The door and window of the room were closed tightly, she immediately walked to the window and stretched out her hand to push it towards the window.

The window was not locked and was easily pushed open.

The scenery outside the window surprised her.

Outside the window, there is a dense, dark green canopy that is very opaque.

The moment the window was opened, some of it even poured into the window, squeezed inside the window, and even drooped to the ground.

She reached out to push back the thick leaves and branches, but to no avail. The canopy is very thick, even if one layer is removed, the canopy is still behind.

It was indeed a treehouse, but not from her own, from the survivors' treehouses.

In the tree house of the survivors, the canopy outside the window will not affect the sight of the people inside the house, and the people inside the house can directly look out through the canopy.

But obviously not here.

The outside scenery could not be seen through the window, so Shi Wanyun immediately walked to the door and stretched out her hand to open it.


The door was slowly opened.

But she didn't open it, and before her hand even touched the knob, she saw it twist.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

She immediately stepped back a few steps, and subconsciously reached for her backpack, only to find that her backpack was gone.

Even... the clothes on her body have been completely changed, it is a set of clothes that she has never seen before.

The door was pushed open, and a head poked in through the crack of the door.

It was a girl younger than her.


The girl also saw her immediately, and said in surprise, "Ah, you're already awake? How are you? Are you comfortable? This is the room I prepared for you."

"... Very comfortable, thank you. Excuse me, who are you? Where is this place?"

Seeing the friendly human beings, Shi Wanyun relaxed slightly, UU reading www.'s complexion softened, and he asked softly.

"Huh? Don't you know where this is?" The girl did not enter the room, but continued to look at her, asking in surprise, "You don't know where this is, how dare you come here?"

Shi Wanyun's eyes moved slightly.

Judging from the girl's tone, she should know many things.

"...You've been standing at the door, aren't you tired?" Shi Wanyun smiled softly, "Don't come in, I really don't know much, we can sit down and chat, can you tell me what's going on now?"

"Oh, of course! But, you don't know where this is, how did you get close to it, and you didn't get eaten by the mutated creatures outside..."

While speaking, the girl approached her.

...Only the head approached her.

The door was still only a crack open.

A very long, white neck protruded from the crack of the door, meandering, and brought her head and face to Shi Wanyun's body!


Shi Wanyun's pupils shrank suddenly, and her body froze!

Instant cardiopulmonary arrest!

She stopped breathing and almost slapped her directly!

"Ah! I'm sorry!" The girl looked back, then apologized, and then quickly put her head back outside the door.

Then, the door was pushed open, and a normal girl walked in, apologizing, "Sorry, I'm used to it."

But Shi Wanyun stared at her firmly, his eyes were full of shock and a trace of fear.

She subconsciously took a step back.

What kind of monster is this girl...? !

(end of this chapter)

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