MTL - Starting from Zero-v24 Chapter 1 Plan passed

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I left my son-in-law and received a call from my dad as soon as I changed my clothes. Sure enough, all the dragons have problems together these days. Dad is impossible to know.


"Are you running the Prophet system again?" Dad cut into the subject with a mouth.

I admitted without shyness: "Yes, we activated the Prophet system, and it was the highest level so far."

"Are there any results?"


After waiting for a long time without hearing my answer, Dad said very hard: "Well, I probably guessed the answer. So ... do you want to come and discuss with us old guys or do you solve it yourself? If you do n’t think Do n’t tell us if it ’s better to tell us. For the future of mankind, you do n’t need to care about anyone ’s thoughts. When necessary, I can use everything to protect you. Even if only the Shenlong can take off, that at least represents hope? ”

"It's not as bad as you think, but the situation is indeed not optimistic. I think it is necessary to talk to you. Is it empty now?"

After hearing what I said, my dad seemed relieved and immediately cursed: "Are you idiot? You have to be free if you don't have time for this kind of thing! You come directly to me, I'm with head number one, just to save trouble Now. "

"Wait for me a few minutes."

After I cut off the communication, I got my own equipment again. After I was neatly dressed, I applied for a single-person aircraft just off the line from the airport. Although this thing looks very simple, it is a real black technology. The technical analysis results from pilgrims and creators, although small in size, can be used by one or two people. The maximum speed can reach Mach 6, but it is more important. The result is ultra-long dead time and ultra-high flexibility. But this thing is not the creator's air combat fighter. It is a near-ground support weapon used by orbital airborne troops, equivalent to a combination of helicopters and light assault vehicles for paratroopers.

After mounting this thing like a single-handed gliding wing, I quickly appeared at the military base where my dad was, because it was flying too low when I came. As a result, the guards fired at them. Of course, he missed a single shot. Even if it is won, it will definitely not have any impact. It's just a shame.

Fortunately, someone was waiting at the entrance, but there was no misunderstanding. A few minutes later I was in a dedicated conference room below the military base. There are not many people present, but all of them are big men who can affect the direction of this country. Anyway, the identity of dad can only sit at the end of the table here, which shows how high the level is here. However, this is a military base after all, so except for the real high-level personnel, there are basically military personnel, and there is very little civil administration leadership.

As soon as I came in, I heard the Chief No. 1 asking, "I heard that you counted us a hexagram?"

My feet crooked and I almost didn't drill directly under the table. I didn't expect that at this time, the head of the No. 1 was still joking, and there was no one who would be so determined!

"We just completed an analysis and evaluation of the future and the results are not very good."

"Tell me about it. Here are all people who can sacrifice for the country, so you can say anything you think you can tell us. Although we are not like fortune tellers like you, there is one for you here It ’s the age of knowing destiny. For so many years at the helm of this country, we have also seen storms and waves, and even worse things have happened to us. Nothing is impossible.

I'm not polite at all. He said very seriously, "No, you haven't seen it this time." I directly connected the projector on that table wirelessly, and then dimmed the light in the room. A data report appeared on the wall. "This is the recent use of several military resources in Japan. The yellow ones are the amount of use, the green ones are the amount needed for the immigration plan, and the red is the difference." I said, and changed another table. "This is from the United States. Then this is from the European Union, but also from Africa, South America, Eastern Europe, Russia. Do you see what's coming?"

"They are mass-producing and hoarding arms?" A general noticed the problem at a glance.

I nodded and continued: "It has been repeatedly emphasized before. The capacity of the immigration ship is not enough, it is not enough. Even if it is 50% more capacity, we still ca n’t take everyone, so we ca n’t bring anything except necessary supplies Extra equipment. Then, since it can't be taken away. What is the purpose of producing the arms used in such a multiple force circle? "

My question made the scene dead, not everyone couldn't answer it. It can't accept this reality. The situation is actually quite obvious. Obviously, these arms could not be transported on board the immigration ship because they were not used on board. It will take at least thousands of years to reach the target planet, at which time these weapons will no longer be available. Besides, the situation of the target planet is also unknown, and the weapons on the earth may not be able to be used in the past, so the only purpose of these things is to use them on the earth.

At the moment when this immigration plan is about to begin in its entirety, the large-scale equipping of weapons on the earth, and then using them, what is the intention?

Humans are sometimes smart, but sometimes stupid to the point of being hopeless. The earth is about to end soon, and there are still people thinking about their own careful thinking. What is this? Is it dragging all humans together?

After a few minutes of quietness in the room, I continued and said, "Human beings haven't reached the mortal place, at least many people are still working for the future of human beings like us." I said and projected a lot of information, some of which were photos Some are files, and there are short videos. "Everyone has seen that, in fact, the leadership of mainstream countries in the world has not violated our original agreement. Everyone is working hard to prepare immigration plans. The reason why these countries have hoarded weapons at the same time is because these government agencies are too The result of hard work. "

"Why?" Everyone looked at me puzzled.

I said with a bitter smile: "It is because the mainstream forces are busy saving humanity, and as a result, the defense force against those who are ambitious is falling. After all, to control such a large-scale secret plan requires the government to invest a huge amount of human resources, and These all require extremely high control. Now the control of major countries is basically concentrated on these immigration projects, and supervision of international terrorism and the like is much weaker. This is the data you have seen before. The reason is, of course. There is no pure white or pure black in the world, more of them are different degrees of gray. It is inevitable that some people in the government are involved in the preparation of these armed actions, and many people have their own careful thinking. And the careful thinking of these many people eventually turned into a collective will, with appropriate incitement. The loss to the people or to humanity will be immeasurable. "

"So what's your plan? Or how do you need us to do it?" The head of the No. 1 seized the key points.

The projection screen changes again. "It may be because of the collective will of our dragons. Although I have been a human for twenty years, I still do n’t understand humans and underestimate the complexity of humans. All our actions before were too optimistic, and all our plans revolved around The best case is to act. But the facts have proved that this is not possible. We cannot take chances in the face of right and wrong. Sooner or later, speculation will be lost. This time it is related to the survival of all human beings, so we can't afford to gamble. "

"Do you mean to plan for the worst?"

"Yes. Everything starts with the worst possible possibility, and then the security scope is enlarged step by step. Once we encounter the irreparable part, we will cut out the rest from here to ensure the absolute security of the core goal."

"What is the specific operation method?" The Prime Minister asked.

I projected a circle-by-circle concentric circle structure on the rear screen, and then marked a number on each layer. "It's like this. We set the core goal, and then wrap it up. The circle 1 in the middle is the most core and lowest level goal-to preserve human civilization."

"Save human civilization?" A general asked in surprise.

"Yes." I explained seriously: "Let ’s assume that the worst is happening and humans are completely unable to survive, then we must at least take civilization away, which is to take away the history and the fire of civilization on earth. This is the core goal. The specific way to achieve this goal is to notify all countries around the world, collect the outstanding human genome, and then let us direct the generation of dragon members based on these genes. They will be directly infused into humans Knowledge and civilization. At least we can guarantee the existence of human civilization. Although human beings are basically extinct, at least human civilization can be passed on. "

Chief No. 1 nodded, "Keep talking."

I pointed to the second circle and said, "On the premise of ensuring the completion of the first core goal, the second goal is to ensure that the human race can also be preserved. Still based on the previous first step plan, the human genome extracted from each country we Not only for the purpose of generating Dragon members, but also to make many identical copies of these genetic components, one of which is carried by our dragons, and one copy of each immigration ship from all over the world. In this case, as long as Any ship can reach the target planet. We can at least re-breed human larvae through artificial breeding technology through the pre-saved genome. It is not too difficult for humans to re-prosper with the care of our dragons. But this guy is right Humans on Earth are not helping at all now. It can only be said that humans will not be extinct. So this is the second core goal. "

"It sounds very feasible. So what is the third lap?"

"The third circle is a project that has some significance for the existing human beings." I continued to explain: "The comprehensive immigration plan will wait for more than a year before it is officially launched, but we have encountered what we have encountered in the past month. Those who have witnessed it are naturally very clear. How do you think it is possible to fully implement the comprehensive resettlement plan in such a chaotic situation? "

"Does your consciousness use priorities?" Chief One guessed what I thought.

I nodded and confirmed: "Yes, we are going to start the first boarding procedure now. We ca n’t just wait for the last date to launch together. Send some people to the spacecraft first. This time period I expected is about two months. Within two months, plannedly, secretly, the first five percent of the total immigrant population was sent to the spacecraft first. Of course, the secret I am talking about is not to keep it completely secret, but to suppress the transmission of information such as news as much as possible. Ordinary people have heard some rumors at most, and there can be no more positive evidence. "

"But there will be people who find problems over time." One general asked.

"It's okay, you know, you know. As long as the government's public opinion fails to guide the problem, it will not evolve into it. In two months, it is actually too late to produce any complicated things."

"Your third lap action plan is to send some people to the spacecraft first?" Asked a minister of the civil affairs department.

I shook my head and said, "It ’s the first step to send this part of the people to the spacecraft, and to complete the boarding of 5% of people within two months, then. No matter what excuse, launch 1% of them first. Do n’t need to be in the earth circle Nearby, leave Earth's orbit first. Go to Mars and enter Mars' orbit, and then wait until the Mars revolution enters the appropriate launching position again. The preparations on Earth's side should also be completed, and the fleet can then merge and depart. "

"But will the early launch personnel not affect the outbreak of public opinion on the ground?"

"Yes, this is the key point. The circles I draw later are actually immigration steps, and they are not carried out separately, but in parallel. In fact, these latter parts can be combined as one big action. Program. Its basic concept is to ensure that some people are boarding the ship, some people are launching, and some people are waiting to board the ship. That is, the batch of uninterrupted starts to launch spacecraft in space, giving up the original one-step plan, and changing to Multi-batch launch. "

"What is the purpose of this?" A general asked.

"The purpose is threefold. First, once something irreversible happens on Earth, or some force majeure, then at least some of our migrant ships have completed immigration preparations in space. When the worst happens on earth, immigrants With a single order, the fleet can leave the Earth's orbit and enter the immigration process within two minutes, which means that we can at least confirm that we will send away a group of people. "

The general nodded. "Well. This is indeed a solution."

I continued: "Second, sending people away in batches means that the density of transfer work per unit time has decreased, so we can arrange actions more calmly. This can reduce stress and improve security for all authorities. Third, the problem that I want to avoid is that war on the earth and various acts of sabotage will no longer threaten the spacecraft that we have left the ground. Finally, there is the fourth point, that the spacecraft that takes off first can Free up the launching station. Due to technological progress, the final critical time has actually been extended, so according to the new plan, we will add a certain number of immigration ships. If we launch the completed spacecraft in advance, it means that we do not Need to prepare for the new spacecraft to build slipways and hidden bases. This will save a lot of manpower, materials and materials, and most importantly time.

of course. There are certain risks to be taken in this process. The most intuitive point is that our hidden spacecraft will become a target that can be seen directly. But I think this risk is actually very low, because the spacecraft are all in space, and the current information shows that governments and most people are still very sensible, so it is unlikely that anyone has the ability to launch a space strike. Moreover, our immigration fleet is not completely without the ability to fight back, so the safety aspect is actually much higher than on the ground.

In addition, there is another risk that comes from public opinion pressure. Because of the launch of the spacecraft, a lot of information will not be covered up, which may be the most worrying issue for everyone. But I was least worried about it. First, the boarding procedure that has been started will gradually reduce the surface population, and the lower the number of people, the better the control. This is known to everyone. Second, we can try to suppress public opinion in the early stages of the plan, such as creating contradictory information or deliberately delaying it. When we have to explain the truth of the matter, it may already be six months later. I believe that by then, the surface population will have fallen to a fairly safe state. And we can selectively send some people to board the ship first, so that we can break some private networks and personnel chains. As long as it doesn't happen, the emotions of individual people are really soothing, and even if it can't be soothing, it's not a big deal, is it? "

"Did you finish all your plans?" Chief One asked.

I nodded and said, "Yes, that's it."

Head No. 1 turned to others immediately after hearing my words, and then said, "Shenlin has told you all the plans and arrangements. I personally think it is very feasible. You can discuss it. We will vote in three minutes.

Immediately after the No. 1 Chief had spoken, everyone at the scene began to whisper, and some people frowned, but after three minutes the vote was abnormally smooth. Chief No. 1 said that after raising his hand to agree to the plan, a jungle was erected at the scene. Only three people did not raise their hands.

"Since the opinions are still relatively unified, then start to implement as soon as possible. Shenlin, go back and come up with a specific plan as soon as possible, see which departments need to cooperate with you, and send the information directly to me. I will arrange staff to assist you plan."

"The action plan has been completed." I said and took out a USB stick. "Everything is here. In addition, I have an e-mail on your personal computer. You can directly check the detailed plan of the action. I have also packaged the sub-plans of each department, and the details are in the directory."

The No. 1 head said with a smile: "Your work efficiency is really high. OK, then the departments will start to act. I will not talk about discipline, you all understand." After that, the No. 1 head took the lead and stood up. A chair rang at the scene, and everyone stood up together. After the No. 1 head left, the crowd left the meeting room in groups.

Fantastically ran over and prepared a lot of information, I did not expect to pass so easily. In fact, I still have a very detailed plan and a lot of evidence. It's just that the support of Chief Executive No. 1 and the heads of various departments for us is obviously beyond my expectations, but I can understand the reasons for this situation.

In fact, the plan used various conditions when it was produced to promote the adoption of the plan as much as possible, so this situation is actually the most normal result.

The first and most positive reason for this scheme to have such a high support rate is that it is indeed the best scheme under current conditions. Anyway, this solution is the most reliable and highly feasible. Compared with the original plan, the change is not very large, but it adds some extra parts and modifies the execution method and time sequence of some steps. From a public point of view, this scheme is impeccable.

The second point is from a personal point of view.

People think for themselves. There is a saying that "man does not die for himself", which is actually in line with the rules of biological evolution. If a creature is not considered for its own individual or small group, the evolution of this species will become extremely difficult, especially when the thinking ability of this creature is very developed ~ ~ This phenomenon It will be more obvious. Therefore, selfishness is an instinct. You cannot simply cast off this nature with morality or law. What we can do is to limit selfishness to a reasonable range, rather than completely remove this instinct. Of course making it infinitely scarier.

So, based on the selfishness of everyone, my batch migration plan has become quite tempting.

None of these people, including the No. 1 head, who were just attending the meeting, were lonely and lonely. They were all family and friends. Without prejudice to principles and issues, it is an individual's mind to seek benefits for their relatives and friends. The key point of my plan is to send some people ahead of time to board the ship and launch, and those who leave the earth first are obviously safer than those who are still on the ground. In addition, the key point of my plan is to send away some people first, rather than who to leave, so everyone can send their loved ones away first. With such convenience, who would oppose? Of course, three people did not raise their hands at the scene, but it seemed that they were very hesitant at the time, and they didn't seem to oppose it, but they chose to abstain. Therefore, this proposal can be understood as a full vote.

Anyway, the plan is now approved, and the next step is implementation. (To be continued.)

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