MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 14 Actually ran away

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If this is an authentic entrance, we find that the situation in the front is not right and we can run away before the opponent fires. After all, our reflex nerves are not comparable to humans, but the problem is that there is no place for you to run. ±, everyone should have seen the reaction speed of the elevator, wait for the elevator to close and then rise, the people standing here are estimated to have been sieved!

"Defense!" We scanned the outside as soon as the elevator door opened, and then I yelled suddenly after being surprised for a second. The two of us stood in a column instantly, and Ling pressed my shoulders from behind to help me stabilize my body in front.

I was standing in the forefront, with a huge electromagnetic barrier in front of me while my shoulders were on my back, and the two fast-firing anti-tank guns at the same time actually fired, but this time The propellant is still in the expansion phase, and the shell is still accelerating in the barrel.

Almost as soon as the barrier on our side unfolded, a huge flame suddenly burst out. A cannonball hit my protective barrier in the front and was then directly bombed, but a second burst on our barrier within a second. Fireballs, and then the machine guns behind the line of defense started to roar, as well as grenades and other things were thrown over. The flamethrower on the top started suddenly, and the two of us were completely submerged in the flame instantly.

My sight suddenly turned into an orange-red, and then the picture instantly switched from the top down to a pale blue picture, but the flame blocking effect also disappeared. After the screen was restored, a temperature alarm immediately appeared on the edge of my line of sight. At this time, the external temperature of the power armor displayed was 980 degrees Celsius. This temperature could not be carried by ordinary steel, let alone a human body. In addition, the information displayed by the power armor actually shows the notification of toxic substances, which means that the fuel being injected outside can not only generate a high temperature of 980 degrees. The product after burning itself is actually toxic gas.

Although the environment has been so bad that the average person is absolutely instantaneous, the situation on my side is far worse than imagined. My power armor has a high temperature resistance of 7200 degrees Celsius after the external armor, which means that there will be no problems with the shell when the temperature is lower than this standard. And under the first shell is a thermoelectric conversion system that can absorb the kinetic energy of the molecules. The high temperature will not only hurt my power armor and myself, but it can also provide me with energy. Of course, if the temperature exceeds 7200 degrees. It's hard to say, it will become roast pork. But at least this temperature had little effect on me at this time.

The shelling on the opposite side has stopped. I don't know if they think we must have been burned to death or some other reason, but we do not intend to let this opportunity go.

Under the synchronization effect of the spiritual network, the two of me and Ling were tacitly separated as if they were one person, then squatted, run-up, and accelerated at the same time. On the opposite side, I saw only four firemen burst out of the flame, and then almost at the same time. Rushed before the metal line of defense.

Although we rushed to the front of the line of defense, there were only a few circular shooting holes on this thing, and of course we couldn't drill through. But we have no plans to drill. After rushing to the front of the line of defense, we simultaneously extended our fists through the shooting holes.

One meter thick glass is quite thick. Therefore, our hand cannot be fully extended, but this distance is enough for us to hit the barrel inserted in the shooting hole with one punch.

Those machine guns mounted on the brackets couldn't hold our fists at all, they were directly blown away, and they knocked over the shooter behind. Of course, there is only one hole left in the firing hole without the barrel inserted in it, and we immediately pulled out our right hand and quickly pushed a silver-white metal can held in the left hand into the firing hole, and the metal can immediately rolled. He flew into the space behind the line of defense from the firing hole.

The person who was hit by the machine gun over there and turned over and saw the small silver-white cans that flew in as soon as they got up. The next second was a loud noise. We all felt that the entire channel was shaken violently through a shield more than one meter thick, and a white flame spewed out of the shooting hole above our head. It's like the nozzle of a rocket booster. The screaming sound of the rapid-spraying flame caused pain in the eardrum, and that terrible pressure caused a serious deformation of the entire passage.

To be honest, if I didn't know that the base had been completely swept by the bomb, there would not be a collapse or the like. Under normal circumstances, I would never use such a powerful bomb in such a closed environment.

The flame produced by the explosion sprayed for a full ten seconds before it started to become smaller. The glass retaining wall above was basically burnt and was about to become glass water, but I reached out and reached the bulletproof point. On the glass. A rustling sound was heard, and a large wall of glass more than one meter exploded directly.

Just now I used the molecular control ability on the glass. The molecular movement was constrained so that the temperature suddenly dropped to absolute zero. The glass that was about to be burnt suddenly fell into cold. The stress change caused by the huge temperature difference instantly burst the glass itself. So a large piece of glass burst directly.

Without the glass curtain wall, we just turned over. The situation here is more terrifying than expected. The metal ground behind the curtain wall and the weapons used by those guys have melted to varying degrees. The two anti-tank guns were burned like the bodies of humans in the kindergarten ... The steel was burned. What else can people leave? Relic?

Stepping through this unrecognizable passage, you can see a large room in front. This is the main hub below the base. All the different capable rooms are connected to the same place as the warehouse at this stage. I even saw a train here.

Yes, it is really a train, a very modern electric train. The carriages behind this train have no carriage shells, which are flat plates, which appear to belong to internal traffic lines.

We looked around and found the mess in the ground, and apparently someone evacuated here. While we were still checking this transit point, Xiaochun and Yeyue also stepped out of the other door. Obviously, the elevator they took finally passed through here, but the direction of opening the door was different. It is estimated that the structure is pure. Arrangements are made to maximize the power of defensive weapons.

There is at least a dozen entrances and exits around this room. Except for the entrance we entered, there are fifteen exits besides the entrance where they entered, including two tunnel exits reserved for trains. . So many entrances. I don't know where the Japanese Prime Minister is being held. We have to search a little bit to find the target. No wonder the son-in-law asked the Americans to support us. It turned out not to worry about our combat effectiveness, but to know that there were too many channels below and I couldn't complete the search with a few people. This kind of place can be difficult to achieve without human tactics.

Fortunately, in the spiritual network, we can see that the Americans and the Korean special forces they brought are already airborne. However, at present, only the American airborne warehouse has landed accurately, and the Koreans are unlucky. They have no airborne positions. There was only a parachute, but as soon as they jumped out, they encountered crosswinds. There is no such thing as inland in Japan. It can be said that it is relying on the sea everywhere. The wind near this place is strong. Although the parachuting skills of the Korean special forces are good, the parachute has no power after all! When they encountered the sudden strong wind, they were blown out several miles, and when they came back, it was estimated that they hadn't expected it for half an hour.

The Americans did not wait for the Koreans to come down, because the information from the son-in-law showed that we had all entered the base, and they could not wait outside without reason.

We waited in this room for less than three minutes and the Americans came down. They didn't wait for the elevator at all. Instead, use a crowbar to directly open the door of the elevator shaft, and then use the prepared pulley device to hang the elevator's steel cable directly downward. This method is faster than waiting for the elevator, especially when there are many people.

The group of Americans who came down all wore power armor like us, but they did not have external armor like ours. They wore ordinary standard power armor, which looked shorter than ours and were slimmer. of course. Weapons and protection are certainly much worse than ours.

Because some son-in-law shared information, the other party soon merged with us and began to cooperate with us to carry out the base strategy.

The number of Americans is about one hundred. It was divided into fifteen teams on average, that is, all the passages were arranged for people to explore the way, and the four of us did not follow any team, but were left here.

This place is a transit station, so we can support any team here at any time. As long as you are in trouble, you can call us for reinforcements. This will give us more advantages in combat than letting us rush into a channel to explore the road. After all, we are considered heavy units here and are best suited for attacking.

These fifteen passages are all areas that have not been explored, so the Americans are advancing very slowly. We waited at the transit station here for 20 minutes. The Americans did not encounter any enemies or even the authorities Didn't see anything. Instead, the Korean special forces who were blown away by the wind finally rushed to us with panting.

The number of South Korean troops is quite large, with more than 300 people coming in. After a brief exchange with us, it was immediately divided into fifteen teams like the Americans, and then spread out to advance in various channels.

Americans move slowly because they are exploring unknown areas, but Koreans are different. They do n’t have to worry about anything until they catch up with the Americans, so they ran fast, catching up with Americans who had already ran out for twenty minutes in less than ten minutes. At this time, the speed of advancement was significantly slower. After all, they also I dare not run to the Americans. Although American power armor is not as high as our power armor, anyway, they are also powered armor, and the Koreans only have tactical armor. This thing is actually a kind of protective clothing composed of stab-resistant clothing and bullet-proof clothing. There are certain protections on the trunk, arms and legs, which can withstand the bullets of most individual firearms, and can also cut and puncture weapons such as bayonets and daggers. Of course, this thing also has a helmet, and the helmet is more protective than the body. Higher. But this thing is just protective clothing. Without motivation, it will not be said, and the protective force is not so perfect. At least this thing can't stop heavy machine guns, and rocket launchers can't carry anything. The only good thing is that submachine guns, rifles and pistols can't be penetrated, and the others are not so good. Especially when encountering a flamethrower, this thing is not completely sealed, so if you encounter a flamethrower or a fire bomb, it will be fine in a short time, but if you can't get out of the flame after ten seconds, it will be completely finished.

Because the protection is not as good as the American power armor, the Koreans can only follow behind carefully. Fortunately, the Americans did not put them in front of the mines. Otherwise, this group of Koreans may be depressed.

Forty minutes after the Americans were able to advance in the passage, intelligence feedback finally began to come back. The first is that several teams have come to an end. It is determined that the passage they are taking is a dead end. The rooms in front have been checked. Obviously they have been abandoned by the Japanese. Now they are completely empty cities. Go very hurry.

After confirming that there are no hidden doors here, this team returned to the original road, but before they ran back to our room, we received reports from other teams, basically confirming that the passageway had reached the end. Nothing was found. The other party obviously knew that we couldn't stop us. The group of people who stayed at the elevator was used to delay our forward speed, and the rest were taking the opportunity to run. We can already confirm that there is absolutely no entrance to this base.

As the various passageways came to an end, we found a very depressing situation, that is, we actually lost people.

All 15 channels have been searched. Among them, 13 personnel channels have been searched very clearly. There are some special rooms at the end. Some are factories, some are residential areas, there are laboratories, and so on. There is no entrance.

The entrances and exits that link the two passing tracks lead to two huge underground warehouses ~ ~ one of which is a material warehouse, which is used to store the raw materials for making weapons. The other warehouse is a finished product warehouse, which is full of various weapons and ammunition. I don't know what the reason was. It really surprised me that the Japanese didn't install self-explosive devices in this weapons warehouse. But think about it and understand. This base is inside the New Tokyo. Although the underground passage has been dug for a long time, it has not yet reached the urban area. If the arsenal here is detonated, the new Tokyo city above will definitely suffer. Although the other party is our enemy, after all, they are Japanese, at least they are not crazy enough to use our own people to bury us.

Although the ammunition depot was determined not to explode, I was not happy at all, because this means that the fifteen passages are all dead ends, and the elevator shaft we enter has become the only entrance and exit, and the enemy cannot have so few Individual, so the other party must have run away. If no one is found now, it means that there must be an undiscovered underpass in the place that has been searched.

Although Americans do not have our detection capabilities, they also have a lot of messy detectors. It is supposed that they should not miss the entrance of the passage. This situation can only show that the other side has hidden the passage very well, at least in the United States. The human detector cannot be found.

"What do we do now? We can't check all the passages by ourselves?" (To be continued ...) u

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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