MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1809 : Lu Chen, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost!

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"Yes, everything is according to the meaning of the senior."

The two taboos got up and saluted, and the main body was ready to leave.

No matter in terms of seniority or morality, they are all far behind Tianyang Patriarch, and without the blessing of Tianyang Patriarch, none of them would be able to enter this place.

From this aspect, they are all disciples of each other, so it is normal to be respectful.

"Do you want to kill all the secret blood...... there can be no exceptions?"

One Taboo frowned and said that he had a good relationship with Xunguang. He knew that Xunguang's young body not only had a good relationship with Lu Chen, but also had a relationship with another secret blood warrior.

"This is a major event involving the birth and death of the heavens. Since Xunguang has returned from the future, he naturally knows the seriousness of this matter. How can he destroy the world for one person and one personal affair?"

Patriarch Tianyang said indifferently, and glanced for the light, "Do you have any opinions on the killing of Lu Chen?"

Xunguang didn't nod or shake his head, "The junior can't interfere in these matters, he can only deliver important news."

Patriarch Tianyang stared at Xunguang, and looked back after a while, as if he understood something, but his expression did not change, and continued: "That's it, Mu Sheng, you go to the outer edge of the space of heaven, and trace the world of its mission direction, eliminate the secret blood hidden dangers left in the surrounding space.”

The taboo named Mu Sheng stood up, and she looked like a woman. After saluting, she said, "I will not disgrace my life."

Afterwards, her projection disappeared, and her main body went out to the sea of ​​the world.

"Should non-ancestors also be killed?"

There are taboos frowning and thinking, "I'm afraid the seeds are all over the sky, and they are hard to destroy." "Trace back by the method of the root, it must be unstoppable by the big world, just find a line, and kill it."

Another taboo said coldly, "It's not difficult for me."

"You don't know the horror of the secret blood ancestor, as long as there is a drop of secret blood, it will be everywhere, so it must be eliminated, even if it is not to prevent its recovery, it should be cut off before it fights again. "

One of the world's second oldest taboos, named Tianhun, is so powerful that even Xunguang feels a little weaker.

"So the records on the engraved tablet are all true? It is said that the true ancestor of the secret blood will use 900 million epochs to regain consciousness, 90,000 epochs will spread the secret blood, 9,000 epochs will reunite the true spirit, and 9 epochs will reunite Gathering the body, reshaping the concept in the end, returning to the heavens.”

A short-haired taboo opened his mouth to ponder. He once saw an inscription that said so, but he didn't know if it was left by the yang and the yin.

"Oh, destroy all the secret blood, and see how he returns. No one in the world knows his real name, and the concept has long since disappeared. So what if he is transcendent?"

Taboo sneered, "I would like to take a trip to the highest world to avoid future troubles." The two taboos who were familiar with Xunguang frowned, but they also felt that the matter was serious and no personal affair could be tolerated.

Because there are many things that people can't afford to think about, Xunguang said three messages, two of which seem to be very related.

If the Herald of the Void refers to Lu Chen of this generation, then Lu Chen himself is a Mystic Blood warrior, and of course he is related to the Mystic Blood True Ancestor.

According to their understanding of the Mystic Blood lineage, if the Mystic Blood True Ancestor really wants to be revived, it is likely to be awakened in the Mystic Blood True God, so as to regain control of the body of a returnee, and then revive himself.

Then the best secret blood warrior of the present age is naturally Lu Chen.

They suspect that Lu Chen is the one who was chosen as the petri dish by the True Ancestor of Mystic Blood. It is very likely that the True Ancestor of Mystic Blood will be revived by Lu Chen. As long as Lu Chen is killed now, it will scare the world Mystic Blood True Ancestor will not return.

From this point of view, it doesn't seem to matter what the so-called "Void Herald must be killed" refers to. No matter from which point of view, killing Lu Chen first will be a safe solution.

"I will confront Earth Yin, pass on the news, continue the frontal battlefield, and set the new battlefield in the inner world."

Patriarch Tianyang said, set the direction of the matter, and he will personally stop the strongest combat power in the supreme world, and then a few taboos from their world can break into the inner world.

Diyin will agree to this kind of thing, because the inner world is also troublesome to the supreme world, and this can be regarded as the help of the supreme yang world.

After all, if taboos break into the inner world, the taboos in the inner world cannot be tolerated, and conflicts will definitely break out.

"Why don't you wait for the taboo in the inner world to kill Lu Chen? I heard that the pioneers of the void seem to want to go to the inner world in the highest world. I'm afraid they have already gone down. At that time, conflicts will naturally erupt. I want the secret blood of God."

Taboo, who has a good relationship with Xunguang, speaks. His name is Yuluo, and he is a woman.

"Just because they want to, they may not kill Lu Chen. The biggest obstacle to killing Lu Chen may not be in the highest world, but in the inner world."

You Taboo said, He will go to the other world to kill Lu Chen himself. "So, you two go together."

Patriarch Tianyang opened his mouth and pointed out the two taboos to go to the inner world, and then he turned his eyes to Xunguang, "Sit quietly in the sun world, don't move around."

"I know."

Xunguang nodded, understanding what the other party meant, it was inconvenient for him to intervene in anything now, he could only watch how the new history was going.

Patriarch Tianyang looked at Yuluo and another Taboo. These two had a good relationship with Xunguang and had a good impression of Lu Chen, so he made other arrangements, "Follow me to the frontal battlefield. If this battle is successful, The combination of yin and yang will be on the agenda.”


Yuluo and the two taboos saluted and said that they didn't have to deal with Lu Chen, which made them feel relieved, otherwise they would feel embarrassed to look at Xunguang.

In the supreme world, the surface universe.

A dark and gloomy universe, like the kingdom of the underworld, filled with lifeless energy, haunted by ghosts, and the underworld flows slowly across the universe.

The peaceful world is suddenly broken, the cosmic barrier is opened, and a huge hole appears, which is the border with other worlds, UU reading www.uukanshu. The performance of com world fusion swallowing.

It's just that this world is under the control of the master, and there has been no such scene for many years. This is not an active fusion of this world, but an accidental connection.

Intruders are coming.

The whispering sound spread into the dark universe, making the ghosts tremble, and the huge body passed through the huge void, and the army from the other world descended.

This is a site where the army from the inner world captured the surface world, led by a few powerful creatures from the ancient gods, who had enough strength in the late stage of the Realm Realm.

In terms of strength, this strength is enough to sweep the surface world. Even in the true spirit world of the core area, there will be no native creatures to be their opponents. Passing here is completely a way to occupy it.

But after entering this world, they found that this world is surprisingly large, much wider than the general surface universe, and the energy level is very high, it can almost be said to be more powerful than the real spirit world.

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