MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1787 : Conclave of Violators

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"Brother Xiao, how did you know I was coming?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised, and greeted the other party on the ground.

"What do you think, with such a big ostentation of the Void Herald, everyone will be notified as soon as they enter the world."

Tianji Martial Sage smiled and said that he was practicing well, but suddenly he heard a reminder from the origin space that the Void Herald had arrived on the battlefield.

"What else?"

It was only then that Lu Chen realized that he remembered the scene where the joker came when he first went to his home world, and the lineup was indeed full.

I didn't expect that there would be such a day for me, wherever I went, the space opened up, and I would broadcast my arrival on full frequency.

"Come in and tell me, Brother Lu wants to go to the other world, right?"

Martial Saint Tianji took Lu Chen into Tiandao Academy. Many students here greeted Lu Chen with respect, because Lu Chen was a celebrity in the Supreme World and had visited here before.

"It's a good job. This residence is better than the treatment I received in various universities."

After entering Tianji Wusheng's residence, Lu Chen teased that the training place arranged by Tiandao Academy for Tianji Wusheng is very good. It seems to be a newly built cave, which is much better than the one where Luo Hongchen and Qianxue lived.

"After all, I came here with some diplomatic authority. It is estimated that the Supreme God Land has greeted me, so Palace Master Tiandao took good care of me."

After taking his seat, Martial Sage Tianji brewed a pot of fairy tea and placed it in front of Lu Chen, "After I came to the Nine Heavens Continent, I didn't know why brother Lu just came here for a while, and it became so outrageous. They have improved a lot.”

"You've only been here for a month or two, and you've researched it thoroughly?"

Lu Chen said with a smile, he has only been in the space for three months, and it is impossible for Wusheng Tianji to stay here for a long time.

"I walked around the Jiuxiao Continent before I came to Tiandao Academy. I also met Bai Lao. I was almost detained in Xinyi Academy, and finally ran here."

Tianji Wusheng explained, "I have learned about the practice methods and system principles of many schools. I feel that this is really a paradise for explorers to learn skills. If I can get a pass this time, I want to send group members to practice here in batches in the future."

"As expected of you, what you're thinking about at this time is the team."

Lu Chen said with emotion, this is not a joke, everyone has their own personality and way of life, Tianji Wusheng obviously pays more attention to the team.

In fact, if the members of the main group of the origin adventure group can come to the highest institution of higher learning to study in batches, it will definitely be a help against the sky, and they can be promoted in batches.

"This time it's just an experiment. I used the weaver authority and brought Yuxian and the others here. Without a pass, I can only bring up to five people, but it can be regarded as a great benefit."

Tianji Martial Sage took a sip of tea, "By the way, Mengluo is now at Hehuan Academy, but he can't learn their core inheritance, and let me meet Lu

Brother, help her to ask how you cultivated back then. "

Lu Chen looked embarrassed, "If you ask me to teach someone, she probably won't be able to learn it. You can only rely on yourself. But if Brother Xiao needs it, I can pass by and give advice."

The Dharma of Hehuan Academy needs to be created by oneself in the spirit pool, and everyone's is different, so he can only give some tips.

But he was quite surprised, would someone like Meng Luo actually want to revise the traditional law? He thought that the other party came to the Supreme World, and he would definitely go to Hehuan Academy to learn a side method, that is, the art of nourishing. "Thank you, Brother Lu."

Tianji Martial Sage clasped his fists and said, "Come back to business, Brother Lu, do you want me to go to the other world to help you?"

"How did you know I was going to the other world?"

Lu Chen never said that he was going to the other world, but Wu Sheng Tianji pointed out his purpose when he first met.

"Brother Lu, as a pioneer of the void, has diplomatic authority. He came here to discuss cooperation with the Lingxu Hall and deal with matters of the highest and highest sun. Those tasks are all discussed in the highest sacred land, and I can't help you. After all, you There is Brother Chu by your side, he will give you some advice."

Tianji Martial Sage said, "After much deliberation, only the Supreme World will not contribute. The current dangerous Inner World needs

You have come to help. "

Speaking of this, Tianji Martial Sage smiled, "Generally, brother Lu doesn't need help from others, you can't say that you came to ask me for a debt, can you?"

"Brother Xiao, good advice, money is really tight recently." Lu Chen said with a smile.

Martial Saint Tianji's expression froze, and he felt that he seemed to have said the wrong thing. After observing Lu Chen's expression, he realized that Lu Chen was joking. He shook his head helplessly and smiled, "It seems that Brother Lu is not interested in going to the other world Nervous, and still in the mood to joke, you should know better than me what that is, going now is really close to death.”

"To be honest, I have accepted a special mission and need to kill a taboo. I don't have any suitable prey at the moment, so I can only go to the other world to look for it."

Lu Chen said frankly. "puff--"

Martial Sage Tianji squirted out a mouthful of tea, but luckily, he had a high level of cultivation and immediately controlled the sprayed tea, so it didn't fall on Lu Chen.

He looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "Are you crazy?"

Lu Chen's expression was calm, "I'm fine, it's just that the task is like this, I have to do it."

He doesn't want to be deducted 2 points of all attributes, which means that his lucky attribute will also be zero.

Moreover, he has been cultivating for so long in his hometown world with Erika, and it is very rare for him to improve his comprehensive attribute by two points, and his cultivation speed is also getting slower and slower.

The most important thing is that the ultimate talent is really important to him, and there is basically no retreat.

"A task assigned by the space?"

Martial Sage Tianji frowned and said, "It shouldn't be, Yuan Yuan kneels and licks you like this, making you go to death?"

He is not stupid, he feels that the origin space has extraordinary preferential treatment for Lu Chen, otherwise he would not have been asked to help Lu Chen to run errands and diplomacy to Hongmeng and the final space to store the original world of No. 81.

"This is the task I started with the Talent Awakening Book..."

Lu Chen said in embarrassment, to put it bluntly, he really asked for this matter. If he didn't use the task book, he would be able to roam around in the Supreme World casually without any difficulty.

"Haven't your third talent awakened yet?"

Martial Saint Tianji was a little puzzled and frustrated. He had fought against Lu Chen before. Could it be that the opponent only had two talents? Haven't played before?

"What I want to awaken is the fourth talent, it's a bit harder to be normal." Lu Chen explained.

"The fourth talent? Is there really such an awakening book? Why haven't I had this kind of reward before?"

Tianji Martial Saint is amazed, he knows the importance of talents, like himself, currently there are three talents with one sss+ and two ss levels, and they have already flourished in the origin space. Looking at the nine spaces, only Lu In the morning, he couldn't beat it.

"I guess the space is given to you, and you won't be able to use it." Lu Chen smiled.

Tianji Martial Saint was choked again, but after thinking about it, he would not use it if it was a mission book marked as mortal, because he could not take a large team on an adventure. Once he fell, the existing system of the Origin Adventure Group will crash.

On the contrary, he looked at Lu Chen curiously, "You don't seem like someone who would take relatives and friends on adventures."

"No way, Brother Xiao should also feel that the situation in space is also very urgent. I am afraid that we will be sent to the battlefield in a short time, right? If you don't take risks now, you will definitely die when you go to the battlefield

Lu Chen sighed, "Our seniors are so powerful,

But so far no one has come back alive. "

Martial Saint Tianji was silent. He knew the meaning of the so-called battlefield better than Lu Chen, "Okay, we will accompany you on a trip, but the remaining debts must be paid off, and I will get the Supreme Pass later."

"Then please brother Xiao."

Lu Chen solemnly said that he knew that the conditions for the opening of Tianji Wusheng were not excessive at all.

This time is different from the last time. For the strength of Tianji Martial Saint, fighting the strange ancestor is not too risky for him personally.

Going to the other world is different. It is to work with your head on your waistband and take your team on an adventure.

It can be said that Tianji Wusheng agreed so readily, which surprised Lu Chen.

"One prospers, one loses, one loses. Origin still needs you now, and the battlefield will also need you in the future. I have to help Brother Lu to settle this matter, so that the future will be better."

Martial Sage Tianji helped Lu Chen fill the tea, "Besides, we don't want to go immediately, brother Lu will wait for us to develop in Jiuxiao Continent, right?"

He is going to take the team with him, because only when the team is ready can he activate the five elements and four elephants array, otherwise he will be a piece of cake in the inner world.

After a few worlds, his strength has naturally been greatly improved, and now the basic attribute has 332 points, and the origin space has opened a lot of back doors.

But Tianji Martial Sage thought that he had been promoted very fast recently, and perhaps even surpassed Lu Chen, but when he was full of ambition, he learned that World 81 had been penetrated, and the person responsible for the penetration was Lu Chen. morning.....

His high explosive ability is still the same. If he cooperates with the team's joint attack skills, he will not be instantly killed in the face of taboos, so it is still possible to play support with Lu Chen.

"Of course, I'm not in a hurry. I still need to see what's going on in Zhiyang World."

Lu Chen nodded and said, he is impatient, but the task has no time limit, why is he in such a hurry to take risks?

"By the way, do you have any recommended schools, Brother Lu? The things in Tiandao Academy are not difficult, and I feel that I can master them soon. I am going to visit new places."

Tianji Wusheng asked for advice. "Oh? So fast?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised. The learning ability of Wusheng Tianji was comparable to that of some universities he had in those years. It's no wonder that the master of Tiandao Palace valued Wusheng Tianji so much.

He thought for a while, and recommended: "I think Muscle God's Cult is good. The methods there are very inclusive. Even if Brother Xiao doesn't have the relevant talent, you won't lose money if you learn it. But if you go there, drink well."

"Why do you have to drink so well?" Tianji Wusheng wondered. "You'll know when you go."

Lu Chen smiled mysteriously.

In the sea of ​​the world, in the place of nothingness, surrounded by bubbles, a dark temple stands there.

There are nine towering stone pillars at the top of the temple, and the top of the stone pillars is empty. At this time, there are void fluctuations, and projections appear on the top of the stone pillars. Everyone looks illusory and unreal.

At this time, among the nine divine pillars, only six pillars were occupied by people, and the other three positions were vacant.

The stone pillars are arranged in a circle, and the one who landed on the projection first, looks like a woman in the hazy mist.

She has a voluptuous figure, as if she is naked, with pitch-black vines wrapped around her body, with spikes on the vines, and those spikes exude a bewitching purple-red luster, making her whole body look like a rose with thorns.

She glanced at the stone pillars, and finally stopped at the few empty stone pillars, "Have you not returned yet?"

"Hehe, I don't think he can come back. He was killed by joker, how could he wake up?"

Another voice came from the stone pillar standing opposite the woman. There stood a huge ape with a reckless aura and a huge bone stick in his hand.

"In other words, is the void stalker still alive? It seems that the situation on the battlefield is not as severe as we speculated before.

On the stone pillar beside the ape a man speaks, and he wears

The straitjacket, wrapped with layers of thick chains, looks like a felon imprisoned.

"It cannot be concluded that after the void stalkers killed them, there should be backers in the origin space. Even if the void pioneers fell, those people would not be able to return."

The person who spoke was standing on a stone pillar, exuding a destructive aura around him. It was clearly just a projection, but it gave off a strong sense of aggression.

"Three hit one and get killed, will you play?"

The person on the stone pillar next to him spoke, he had three eyes for the first time, and the eye between his brows opened and closed, as if reincarnated forever, "I think the magician has betrayed, and he killed those two with a combined attack. Bar?

"It's not impossible. I've felt his breath in Ten Thousand The magician probably didn't fall, but if he didn't come back, he might have betrayed."

The old man carrying the sword box said, "Damn traitor, don't let the old man find him."

"How about finding him?"

The woman surrounded by thorns spoke coldly.

"Of course it is to kill him. As an old man, I have long been annoyed at the guy who plays with fate, so I should kill him."

The voice of the old Taoist with the sword box on his back was indifferent, with killing intent.

"I have also sensed his breath in a world. The magician is still alive, but I can't confirm that he has an affair with the origin space. Maybe he has a way to escape the pursuit of the void hunter."

The Thorn Woman said, "It's meaningless to say these things now, and we haven't experienced going to the Sea of ​​the World to find a magician again. Whether he has rebelled or is still on our side, it doesn't affect our next plan."

"What if the magician really betrays and wants to interfere with us?" the magic ape holding a bone stick said.

"Then, as Tongtian said, cut it off. There is no room for loss in this operation. It is the last link of Paradise."

The man trapped in the straitjacket said, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Hehe, I really want to learn his methods, the lines of fate, I seem to have seen it clearly."

The three-eyed man said lightly.

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