MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1761 : Entrance incident, the new Aquaman

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Son, when you come to school, don't be too outrageous, but it's okay to be high-profile. There are many beautiful girls in Kassel College, and they like outstanding boys. "

Before setting off, Huiliyi packed his son's luggage and gave him thousands of instructions.

She has been thinking about her son's finding a daughter-in-law because she has foreseen a future in which her son's charm will continue to decline as the secret blood of the gods is excavated.

But don't wait until the time comes when the silly boy finally gets the hang of it, but he can't find a girl who likes him.

"Mom, what are you talking about, the so-called heart without a woman, draws a sword to be a god, a son is devoted to martial arts, firstly he must be filial to his parents, and secondly he wants to penetrate the world, what's the point of looking for a partner..."

Before Lu Pingan could finish his righteous words, he was slapped on the head by Eri Yi, and he didn't dare to continue.

In fact, he doesn't hate girls anymore. After all, when he is old, there will always be times when his heart will sprout, but he also knows that he is not from this world, but just a passerby.

And he has not yet realized the seriousness of his gradual decline in charm.

Because when he was in Shilan Middle School, he completely surpassed the myth of Chu Zihang in the past. With the charm attribute of more than 100 points, he was completely a charming existence, and his female classmates screamed everywhere he went. Over time, he developed an inexplicable self-confidence, thinking that girls are very good strategies, but he doesn't know that when his charm reaches the level of his father, it will be a different scene. Coupled with childhood experiences, Lu Pingan has not only not

Feeling surrounded by female classmates is something to be proud of, but

I think it is a troublesome thing, and it also affects him to make male friends. For example, he once had a good friend when he was in junior high school, but that good friend liked a certain girl in the same class, and that girl liked him, and then gradually drifted away.

Because of this, Lu Ping'an envied his father. When his father goes out, as long as he releases his "charm" a little, no "ordinary woman" will come near him. That is the state he wants!

"Son, you'd better listen to this matter, Dad, it's not worth your learning."

Lu Chen said dumbfoundedly that he probably knew what his son was thinking, but in fact, after his true charm fell below zero, he probably would be depressed.

He was entangled in many worlds back then, and he didn't fully see it until the Charm attribute fell below minus three hundred. In the end, Lu Pingan went out, and he was not reluctant to part with his parents at all. For a boy of this age, it seemed that even Lu Pingan couldn't avoid it. He didn't like his parents' nagging, and wanted to go out and make a living by himself.

Lu Chen and E Liyi also let him go, feeling that there was nothing wrong with it, after all, he would not become the kind of father who wants to support but is not around, and the future will last forever.

He looked at his son's back and felt that if Lu Pingan hoped that Kassel College would be full of great people and that he would no longer be an outlier, he would be disappointed.

Because even after years of development at Kassel College, practicing the skills passed down by Chu Zihang, coupled with the blessing of the recovery of heaven and earth spiritual energy, it is impossible to have a strong man of Lu Ping'an's level. If I had taken a semi-invincible script back then, my son would have taken a true invincible script.

After Lu Pingan rushed out of the community, he put a series of luggage into the storage space, and took off his coat.

Swimsuit, he rushed to the beach not far from the sea view room with a brisk walk, and plunged into it.

Yep... this guy didn't buy a plane ticket, he was going to swim to the other side of the world.

He still had his passport, but it was still considered a smuggled immigration. Fortunately, Chu Zihang had greeted Kassel College in advance.

In Kassel College, there has been a frenzy, and the college forum has exploded.

Because a big news came out recently, that is, the descendant of the legendary dragon slayer is about to enroll in school!

Not only that, but there have been a lot of big news recently, each of which is enough to be on the hot list.

"Shocked, after a few years, Kassel College has re-entered the S-level freshman. It is rumored that he has a background behind him, and he is the son of the legendary dragon-slaying family!"

"What is the concept of a four-S class?

After Lu Shanyan, the sage of the secret party, Lu Lincheng, a member of the secret party, and Lu Mingfei, a member of the legendary dragon slaying team, the Lu family has another general, and the S-level freshman Lu Qiling is about to enroll! "

"The descendant of the legendary dragon slayer reappears. The descendant of the hero on Odin Square is about to enroll. Will he surpass his father?"

"The mysterious man from the great eastern country, Lu Pingan, a new S-level student, is passed on as the parent of Lu Chen, how strong will he be?" Various posts in the forum are full of "Fingal style", the descendants of the news department, Worthy of the teachings of the predecessors, and inherited the fine virtues of the predecessors.

This has not yet entered the school, and there is a lot of trouble on the forum.

But this is not to blame the students of Kassel Academy for being too careless.

Let's talk, many years have passed, there was a time when this university has begun to become a normal institution of higher learning, and it is no longer so busy

kill kill.

However, with the recovery of spiritual energy in recent years, the secret party once again increased the management of Kassel College, the number of members of the executive department increased, and the atmosphere of iron and blood returned. Those children from the dragon-slaying family also grew up listening to the stories of their ancestors Well, naturally they are newborn calves, everyone wants to slay monsters and dragons.

Facing the descendants of once legendary figures, it is natural to have more curiosity.

In the gorgeously decorated office, a middle-aged but still handsome man sat on the sofa, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and took a sip, "Milan, are you ready?"

"Principal Caesar, I have asked the current vice president of the student union to pick him up, but you also know that President Lu's family style... probably his son did not take an unusual path, and I heard that he swam here by himself. "

Milana said with a strange expression, she is now middle-aged, but the effect of dragon's blood and the revival of spiritual energy make her look younger than when Lu Chen last saw her more than ten years ago.

She is the only female minister in the history of the secret party among the ministers of the executive department.

When she received a call from Chu Zihang, she was completely stunned. She didn't expect that after many years, President Lu's family style is still... strong and unconventional.

What the hell, is your family unable to afford a plane ticket? The black card given by Elizabeth's school manager is still used casually, right? How to get your son to swim over?

What does customs say? President Lu, your son is smuggling! Even if we are asked to wipe Xiaoping's ass, we don't know where he landed! ?

Because of this matter, she is now using public power for private use. She has mobilized most of the troops in the executive department to guard the coastal areas of the United States, always pay attention to the movement of the coastline, and be ready to clear the field and cover up.


When Caesar heard Milana's words, he was also choked. Before he spent the money of the school manager and his own family, when traveling around the world, he also met Brother Lu and Brother Chu. Naturally, he also met Brother Lu's son.

In his impression, Xiaopingan, who was in junior high school at the time, was still very polite and well-behaved. At that time, he also praised Erika for teaching well.

Why are you so out of line when it's time to go to school? "I know about this, I will call the governors of those states, and the executive department will pay more attention to it."

Caesar regained his composure, but he was looking forward to what kind of turmoil Brother Lu's son would cause when he entered school.

Over the years, he naturally did not stop becoming stronger. He who finally obtained all the powers of the White King, after receiving the exercises given by Brother Chu, is now much stronger than Ned Hogg in those years.

It's just that the strength of the secret party is improving. After the recovery of the spirit energy, the dragon clan has also become very outrageous. A fourth-generation species will go to heaven, and a third-generation species is many times more terrifying than the previous Dragon King. And some animals with good qualifications have cultivated into demon bodies and received the guidance of the dragon clan, and they have made rapid progress, and some are even more powerful than the current three generations.

As for the next-generation species, there is no such thing now, because when Brother Lu cleared the world and cooperated with Xia Mi to lead the way, all the next-generation species should have been exterminated.

Fenrir, the king of the earth and the mountains, is naturally extremely powerful now, but Fenrir plays games all day long besides eating

In fact, I didn't use much work. In terms of strength, I'm not as good as Caesar, and it's not as good as those who have earned it.

The trend of heaven and earth has become the three generations of climate.

The dragon clan originally spoke by blood, but with the release of heaven and earth, it has become to speak by hard work and chance. The descendant of the king of ocean and water in the Atlantic, gathered the spirits of the four seas, and continued to break through and purify the blood. Moreover, there is no dragon king above who can restrain him. In just twenty or thirty years, he has become the overlord of one party.

Caesar once led a team to crusade, but there was no way to take down the monster on the bottom of the sea if he lost his troops, and he had to worry about the opponent's death and attack, launching a tsunami that could submerge all the continents of the earth.

So Caesar is still looking forward to the fact that Brother Lu's son's enrollment may bring some new fun to the world, and it may not necessarily solve all kinds of problems.

He knew that Brother Lu and Brother Chu were probably already unimaginably powerful, and dealing with various phenomenal problems in this world was probably a trivial matter.

But who is he, Cesar Gattuso? Since Brother Lu and Brother Chu didn't speak up, he also knew that people in this world should handle these things by themselves, and his pride would not let him ask his old brothers to clean up the earth.

And Caesar felt that his life would be more interesting if he was still a bit of an opponent.

As for nephew Ping'an, it doesn't matter. Since brother Lu asked him to go to school, then he can follow his nephew's wishes.

Although Brother Lu was outrageous back then, Caesar thought that he, as an elder, could still cover him.

Eighteen or nineteen-year-old children, no matter how outrageous they are, how can they live up to Brother Lu?

While Caesar was talking with Miranda, he suddenly heard Norma's warning.

[A huge tsunami occurred in the coastal area of ​​Boston, and elemental turbulence was detected. Judging from the aura in the database, it is suspected that the new Neptune has landed. The executive department has arranged for the residents to evacuate urgently. Principal Caesar is asked to be in place in time! 】

Karma's warning tone looped, and the lights in the room turned scarlet at the same time, enough to show how serious the incident was.

Miranda also changed color. There were members of the executive department arranged by her in Boston, and there was also an A-level elite, but she knew that this kind of incident was not something the executive members over there could handle.

The new Neptune refers to the three generations under the former king of ocean and water, who have won the fortune of heaven and earth, and now they have become incredible monsters, commanding the world, and it can be said that they can subvert the earth's climate and drown everything in just one thought. mainland. "Urgent dispatch, go through the Nibelungen!"

Caesar made a decisive decision and set off with Milan, walking through the Nibelungen of Kassel College, and arrived at the coast of Boston in almost a minute.

Seeing the huge waves as high as thousands of feet pushing towards the sea from a distance, Caesar also looked serious. He can stop a natural disaster of this level. After all, it is not a tsunami that swallows the world, and the scope only covers a few cities.

But the problem is that if the new sea king is really lurking under the sea, if he fights with him here, no matter whether he wins or loses, the entire American continent will disappear, and the sea will retreat tens of thousands of years later.

Caesar picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Junior Brother Lu, come here quickly, there is a big job to do.

This is what the old brothers of the dragon slaying team agreed to. If there is a world crisis, they will work together again. Caesar is not the young man he was back then, he is now

The new leader of the Secret Party also shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting human civilization, so he must be cautious in major matters.

"Ah? The new Aquaman has landed!? It shouldn't be......"

After receiving the call, Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, put down the spoon in his hand, untied his apron, and prepared to go to Nibelungen near the community and head to Kassel, which was the back door Fenrir left for him back then.

At this time, in front of Caesar, the huge wave had advanced five kilometers before the coast, and the city of Boston was darkened, and the sun was covered.

Caesar used his power to push down the waves, and found it surprisingly smooth, because he found that there seemed to be a force controlling the tide of the sea. Even if he didn't come, the seemingly scary waves would disappear before the shore.

When the waves receded, a bowl protruded from the sea level, as if some huge creature was about to break through the water.

"All members of the executive department retreat, emergency evacuation of the people through the Nibelungen!"

Milana gave orders, her body was wrapped in thunder, and she did not retreat together.

Caesar is ready to fight, holding one of the seven deadly sins that has been refined and transformed by the equipment department twice, and is ready to fight to the death with the new Aquaman who may land.

But the next scene stunned him and Miranda because they saw some bright red blood floating under the sea level, and a sky-blue body broke through the water. The huge body was thousands of meters long. The majesty of the lord of the world rushed to his face.

But there is a big penetrating hole in the chest of one of the strongest creatures in this post-era, where blood flows, and this new Neptune seems to have no life, the turbulent flow of elements is only because of his huge body and caused by natural properties

The gigantic beast was thrown on the shore and moved again, and people saw a small shadow coming out of it. It was a man wearing Adidas swimming trunks, his muscles were obvious and full, and his back was twisted like a ghost face. He stretched under the sun, his body trembling, and the water vapor dried up.

He walked inland, and seemed to feel that a wing of the new sea king blocked his way, and fiddled with it casually, and the huge dragon wing that covered the sky and the sun was lifted up hundreds of feet "raise your hand"

With nothing obscuring his vision, he saw the crowd waiting behind the coastline, as well as Miranda and Caesar standing at the forefront.

"Uncle Caesar? That's great. I got lost on the way to school and I'm worried about how to get to school."

Lu Pingan said happily.

Caesar looked at Lu Pingan in front of him, and the dead new Neptune, and was silent for a long time, "So you met him on the way to school?"