MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-Chapter 2 : It's so cold

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   Since then, Lu Chen has always been very calm, and various physical signs are transmitted to the screen on the other side by the instrument, so that the people in the base can feel relieved.

  Major General Anthony did not allow any metal products to enter this room, not because he was afraid of electromagnetic interference, nor was he afraid that someone would endanger Lu Chen's personal safety, but he knew the danger of this young man.

The cage designed by the masters of mechanics engineering is not perfect. Everything has two sides. The structure of the cage is extremely inward from a mechanical point of view. It moves the whole body with one action, and the distribution of force is evenly transmitted to form the perfect effect. .

   And if there is an external force, for example, a sufficiently hard object collides with certain focus points at extreme speed, the entire force transmission chain is likely to collapse instantly!

   Of course, it is extremely difficult to calculate which points can achieve this effect. Even a PhD in physics uses a computer and it takes several days to derive a few points.

   But Major Anthony, who has always been cautious, will never trust the enemy's stupidity for his safety, not to mention that he knows that, as an Eastern secret blood warrior, the opponent is a master of mechanics!

   So even if he would be evil to that distinguished person, he must prohibit all metal objects from entering that room.

   Lu Chen was very calm. He was waiting and "calculating".

   Major General Anthony has overestimated him in some respects. His mathematics has always been bad. It is impossible to deduce the best "focus" outside from a mathematical point of view.

   But Major General Anthony seriously underestimated him in some respects. He never had the concept of numbers and vectors when he played against people, only relying on a lot of practical experience and natural intuition.

  Metal products are not necessary for him, as long as it is a mass that is easy to rebound, it is fine for him, such as the tiny bead on the ground.

   Time passed slowly, and it was about 5:30 in the morning. This was the most sleepy and relaxing time for the night watchman.

   Under the shining of the cold light, Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes.

   Air is poured into the body through the nostrils. This is a very long breath. Oxygen is transformed through the lungs, the heart rate starts to rise, the blood flow rate increases, and the body temperature rises.

   At this time, Lu Chen's vital signs were rising, like a hibernating bear waking up. The process was slow and long, and there were no major changes in signs, so that the monitoring alarm was quiet.

   Until a certain critical line, Lu Chen sucked in abruptly, and the blood inside his body exploded like a volcanic eruption, setting off a monstrous tsunami, vowing to devour everything.

   The frequency of the heart rose from 50 beats per minute to 180 beats instantly!

  The power gushes out like magma, the smooth muscles hidden under the iron coffin burst out, and the back muscles tighten like steel bars on the winch of a fishing boat.

  In an instant, the iron coffin swelled up, higher than any time before, as if it was on the verge of collapse.

   The alarm sounded, and Lu Chen let out a sigh of relief, which exploded like spring thunder.

   The quiet ball on the ground jumped up under the impact. After several hits on the wall, it hit the arched iron coffin.

   is limited by its own mass, the ball carries 1N, no, even less than 1N power.

   It is like a sharp arrow that shoots toward fate, and the target is its throat!

   The sound of the impact was very small, inaudible in the sound of the alarm.

   The arched iron coffin is like the snow-covered mountain range all year round, and the last cry from the top of the mountain is ushered in. In an instant, the sky is turned upside down, and the snow is like a torrent!


   Countless titanium fragments fell apart, and the boy knelt to his feet, dancing with his long black hair that had not been trimmed for too long.

   This moment is like the birth of a suppressed demon of a thousand years, and the harsh sirens are like the ritual songs of believers.

   "Power on! Breathe!"

   The commander in the security room discovered the anomaly the moment the iron coffin was arched, but before he could give an order, Lu Chen was out of trouble in a flash.

   Inside the hut, light yellow gas poured in, making a squeaking sound. The ground had been energized due to his previous behavior, and now the platform he was on was also connected to a high-voltage current.

   However, the people here are still a step slower, and the table where the iron coffin is placed can also be energized. Lu Chen knew that the first time he got out of trouble, he flipped back and jumped and stepped on the wall behind the hut.

  Perhaps he was too confident about the mechanics engineering master. This room is not perfect enough. The walls on all sides only have poison gas inlets, and there is no high pressure.

   The power of the back jump was so great that Lu Chen stepped barefoot on the wall, his knees bent, his calf muscles bulged, and it was almost suspect that there was a beast hidden in it.


   The sound of breaking through the air and the sound of the wall being dented and cracked sounded at the same time, and Lu Chen shot out like a cannonball. The target was the round steel door.

   In midair, he pulled his right arm back, his tight muscles were like steel and iron, and his power was transmitted like a tide.


   Along with the bright red blood flying away, the round steel door flew out, embedded in the wall of the corridor, and the whole base trembled three times.

   The door is strong, but the wall is not strong enough.

   Lu Chen grabbed the upper edge of the wall with one hand, and walked out of the cabin where he had been imprisoned for two years.

   He twisted his neck and made a creak of bones. He hadn't moved for a long time, and his body was very stiff.

   The right fist was cracked and the blood was still flowing, but he didn't care at all, just like he didn't care about the soldiers who came here with an assault rifle. UU reading www.

   Outside the base, the two soldiers on guard watched General Anthony and his troops rushing into the base one after another. They were like drifting grass, blown by the storm, but did not dare to leave the guard at all, let alone follow the general's footsteps.

   The sound of firefighting accompanied by the sound of sirens, like a grand hymn, but it does not make people feel happy, but makes their legs soft.

   In less than five minutes, the sound of firefighting in the base disappeared, leaving only the harsh alarm still noisy.

   Another minute later, when the two of them were about to muster their courage and take a look at Beretta, they faintly heard the sound of footsteps, which were unique to military boots, which made them relieved.

   It must be General Anthony, walking so unhurriedly, it seems that he has been suppressed.

   It should have been this way. It would be better to kill the boy a hundred at a place where birds don’t shit.


   Curry turned around and was about to salute the people, but he froze when he reached his mouth. The person in front of him was indeed wearing military uniforms and walking in military boots, but he was not General Anthony.

   Another guard, Brian, was holding a cigarette to relieve stress, and the smoke fell when he saw this scene.

   It's over!

   This is the idea of ​​the two.

   Seeing the boy raise his hand, Curry gave up even drawing his gun. He was just inside... but a battalion died! And those people are fully armed, they only have Beretta.

   But their unintentional actions saved his life. Lu Chen didn't kill him. He just raised his hand and took the cigarette case and lighter in Brian's hand, and then walked past the two of them.

   clicked on one, took a deep breath, looked at the rising sun, the lonely falling snow, smoke spit out from his mouth accompanied by water mist, and said lightly:

   "It's so cold."