MTL - Start with Psychologist-Chapter 759

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Because Fang Ze rarely speaks to her in a solemn tone

Fang Ze: "This mission was completed successfully, I may be promoted, and come to Zhongnan."

Luo Bixin was surprised: "You were promoted so quickly, didn't you just become the captain of the provincial department?"

Fang Ze coughed lightly, and said, "I didn't expect that either, maybe I'm lucky."

Luo Bixin smiled.

She thought it was something, it turned out to be a job change.

But when she thought that the other party was going to leave Yangcheng and even Su Hai, her smile was slightly restrained, a little disappointed.

"Where is that... transferred?"

Fang Ze: "In the Ministry, he is the head of the Huaxia Criminal Police Headquarters."

Luo refill: ""

There was a long silence on the phone.

"Huaxia Criminal Police Chief!"

After half a sound, Luo Bixin made a startled sound.

At the age of less than 30 years, Ren Huaxia Criminal Police Chief is in charge of more than one million policemen in China. Really, the promotion speed is too fast! Of course Fang Ze knows Luo Bixin's surprise.

To be honest, he didn't think of it himself.

However, he is definitely qualified to do so.

Knowing people and making good use of them is the quality that every leader should possess.

On this point, Zhou Pingzhang did a good job.

Of course, it is estimated that Zhou Lao also contributed to the flames.

The right time, the right place, and the harmony between people are indispensable.

After accepting this fact, Luo Bixin said: "Then when are you going to come back?"

Fang Ze said: "Tomorrow, the work needs to be handed over. Zhongnan has given a one-month vacation, and the time is very loose."

Luo Bixin: "Okay then, I'll pick you up when the time comes, let's meet and talk."

Fang Ze: "Yes."

The next day, an internal document was sent out from the Ministry, and it quickly spread throughout China

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All police systems.

There is only one content: Fang Ze, chief criminal police chief of Suhai Provincial Department, will be promoted to chief criminal police chief of Huaxia, and promoted to a first-level police supervisor.

This is explosive news! Some people are happy, but others are naturally sad.

Because Fang Ze is too young.

Once a young man holds a high position, his means must be much more publicized than those calm old policemen, showing their sharpness.

If, in addition, this young man is too righteous and rejects the bureaucracy, I am afraid someone will be in bad luck.

This is a signal.

It seems that Zhongnan wants to clean up the police force.

Otherwise, I would never let such a young person take over

Su Hai, Yangcheng Provincial Office.

Liang Yongzhou put down the document in his hand, shook his head and smiled.

"Huaxia Criminal Police Chief"

"First Class Superintendent"

"Did this kid ride a rocket?"

He didn't feel much about Fang Ze's sudden promotion, neither happy nor sad.

Just feel a little sad.

Such a rare talent did not stay in Su Hai.

Think about it too.

Aside from Fang Ze's ability, I'm afraid the opponent's background in Zhongnan is beyond his imagination.

Otherwise, it is impossible to rise so fast.

Ability and background are indispensable.

It seems that we need to find a new candidate for the captain of the criminal police of the provincial department

Su Hai, Yangcheng Bureau.

The news has spread throughout the city.

In the hall, it was noisy.

Their former criminal police captain, in a very short period of time, sang all the way at a speed that shocked everyone's jaws, and now he has become the captain of the Huaxia Criminal Police Chief.

This is truly legendary.

"The square team is too good! This is unscientific!"

"I said earlier that the square team would definitely be transferred to Zhongnan. Look, it has come true."

"Fart! You are talking about the Zhongnan City Bureau, are you transferred to the Ministry? Are you the head of the Huaxia Criminal Police Chief? Are you the first-level police inspector?"

"Eh, there will always be some errors in this."

"Your error is too big!"

Second floor, Forensic Medicine Department.

Qin Yun stood at the door, listening to the discussion below, with a complicated expression on her face.