MTL - Start with Psychologist-Chapter 752

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And he didn't do that.

Instead, they are betting on the timing of the missile's explosion.

In the end, the result became what it is now.

"Still firing!!"

Fang Ze yelled over the radio while controlling the plane to maintain balance.

At this moment, the ten pilots came to their senses.

They are still there: Shocked by Fang Ze's narrow escape.

In all fairness, in the situation just now, they had no choice but to parachute or wait to die.

This...major general with superb piloting skills, is he from the Air Force? He really is a brave man! "Got it!"


With the sound of receiving the order, the ten J-11s no longer hesitated, and quickly entered the fighting state! Ten vs. 10 one.

This is absolute crushing in terms of numbers and strength! "Ready to launch air-to-air missiles!"


"So unscrupulous in our airspace, shoot it down!"

Fang Ze didn't care about the battle ahead.

He knows the outcome of the battle.

No matter how powerful the fighter is, it is definitely not an opponent of ten J-11s.

What he needs to consider now is how to prevent the plane from crashing! Although he escaped the missile attack just now, one side of the wing has been severely damaged.

There are even signs of entering a spiral.

Fang Ze switched on the fly-by-wire switch on the control panel again, trying to put the plane into level flight.

"Is it ejected?"

He turned to look at the screen.

None of the warning lights came on and the nav computer was working fine.

Of course, there are no warning lights on the plane to indicate wing damage.

He can only judge for himself! If he does not choose catapult jumping, then the next test will be the most severe test for his piloting skills

Chapter 620 Dangerous forced landing [1]

In the rear, the air battle continues.

Fang Ze no longer has the mind to take care of it, and he can't do it.

He knew that it was only a matter of time before the 2 fighter jets were shot down.

, what needs to be considered now is its own safety.

Under Fang Ze's control, the plane gradually stabilized.

But now there is a serious problem.

That is, the fuel index of the fuel gauge is dropping rapidly at an extremely fast speed.

This can only mean one thing: there is a problem with the mailbox.

After realizing this, Fang Ze suddenly turned his head to look at the wing under the change of expression.

The location where the wing is damaged is exactly where the large fuel tank exists.

The high-speed airflow generated by the flight is passing through the damaged area, sucking the fuel away crazily.

Fang Ze frowned tightly.

In my mind, I began to search for the fuselage structure of this 5 bomber.

Of course, there is not only one fuel tank in an aircraft.

However, the reserve tank will only activate normally if it is not damaged.

Now, can fuel supply be done "as I recall, the plane seems to be connected via a one-way valve"

"So, it shouldn't be a big problem, enough to support me to return to Huaxia."

Thinking of this, Fang Ze watched the fuel gauge closely.

The index is still falling until it is cleared.

At the moment, the plane is still flying normally.

Seeing this, Fang Ze heaved a sigh of relief.

He settled down and controlled the flight to travel rapidly.

He can't go to the country, let alone Zhongnan.

The nearest landing point should be the Dongliao ship.

It is also one of the two aircraft carriers currently in use by Huaxia.

It's just that where it is now, the aircraft carrier's itinerary is a military secret, and Fang Ze has no way of knowing it.

But with a high probability, it should be near the Eastern Sea.

We can only get close to Huaxia first.

Time passed slowly.

after an hour.

Behind him, the roar of the plane sounded.

Ten J-11 fighter jets came one after another, entrenched in a fan shape near Fang Ze, and escorted him! The radio rang.

"Major General Fang, the target has been shot down, please parachute immediately!"