MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 457 divine wall

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  No. 0 virus database, an existence that is kept secret even in cyberspace, and it is also the place where the mother city raises Gu according to legend.

And during the cyber wave period, it was the source of the "pheromone virus", and this unique "associated virus" almost destroyed the entire world of bionics. Hundreds of millions of bionics, regardless of level, no matter Identity, are deeply infected, almost equivalent to a 'gene war' on this planet.

And David Hilbert's goal is to pry open a gap in the door of the 'No. 0 virus database', and then conduct symbiosis experiments with thousands of strange viruses and AI to create an adaptive race. The digital life of the blog network.

   And this is the truth of this cyber experiment.

   Upload consciousness in cyberspace, the consciousness will be reorganized and become a kind of "cyberman".

   To be more precise, Cyberman is the most "true" self, the self without moral constraints.

  Only products of special camps such as AI and cyber hackers, and veteran drivers like Gao Gong can avoid this kind of split personality.

  The digital space is completely different. "Consciousness uploading" is just uploading, just the division and reorganization of digital signals.

  The second layer, the third layer.

  [Your consciousness has been baptized by the digital layer, intelligence +2, perception +2]

  [Your consciousness has been baptized by the digital layer, intelligence +3, perception +3]

  When the numbers flashed randomly, I glanced at the tick next to me. As expected, the girl player looked surprised.

   "Becoming a digital life will get more baptisms, and transforming from AI to a digital life has a higher success rate than ordinary people."

   Dida shook his head and firmly refused: "I don't want to."

   "Why?" Gao Gong asked curiously.

   "I can't say why, but there is a kind of inexplicable disgust," Tick considered his words, "their attitude towards digital life is very unbearable."

  “If the ethics of civilization do not take root and sprout at the birth of civilization, this is the case.”

  Gao Gong said something like a riddle man, while Di Da beside him was thoughtful.

  If the first layer of digital space is between virtual and real, then when it is transmitted to the third layer of digital space, what is displayed in front of the two is a simulated space close to reality.

  The hardware here is almost exactly the same as in reality. The exterior of the building is a super-sized 'access port', and at the other end of the port, digital signals visible to the naked eye are constantly being generated.

  Name: Life Signal Simulator

  Level: Tier 2 civilization building

  Remarks: A special civilization building is generally used in the initial stage of virtual civilization, which can transform ordinary carbon-based species into digital life, and the simulator here has obviously been improved, which seems to be for other purposes.

  The two of them stepped on the silver-white floor, and there were conversion cabins on both sides. The hatches opened from time to time, but what came out was not a human being, but a 'digital life form' with countless green numbers flashing on its body.

Simulators of this level can already achieve long-distance conversion, and these newly generated digital lives are undoubtedly elite experts dispatched from all over the world by the Earth Network Group. For this exploration, the group of super big brains It cost a lot of money.

   "These digital beings are so advanced!"

   Tick whispered in Gao Gong's ear.

  Senior Engineer scanned around and nodded. These transformed digital life forms have a minimum of 10 generations. If converted into levels, they are all above level 30.

  The camp created by scientists really has some skills.

   Have to find a way to get a vote!

After salivating around, Gao Gong withdrew his gaze and walked in front of 'David Hilbert'. Behind him, there were three rows of conversion warehouses that looked a bit special. There was no other reason. In the conversion warehouse On, he sensed the simian signal.

  Digital signals are standard configurations in digital space, while pseudosensing signals are standard configurations in cyberspace.

   "This kind of conversion warehouse can allow digital life to temporarily 'go online'?"

"Well, we spent a lot of effort to create it temporarily," David Hilbert didn't want to talk about it, but handed over a digital hard drive. For the senior engineer in the "digital life" mode, With just a light grasp, a large amount of information was poured into his brain.

   "According to the information we have received, No. 0 virus database is located under the source code layer of cyberspace. To be precise, it should not be called a virus database, but a sub-database of the mother city."

   "Oh?" This was the first time even Senior Engineer knew about this news, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "Which company is it from?"


  Gao Gong took a deep look at the other party, and now he understands a little bit why the other party let him join in so readily. His identity as a wanted criminal is a plus here.

   "The old man in the fortress is not easy to mess with, so I'm leaving now?"

  Gao Gong glanced at the ordinary conversion warehouse, digital life needs to be transformed through a special warehouse, and his temporary digital life only needs to return to the main body and directly connect to the Internet.

   "This is for you," Tu Xiaoyu handed over a 'earphone', "with this on, our people can contact you even in cyberspace."

  Gao Gong took it indifferently, and said, "Who is the person contacting me?"

  Behind the two of them, a good-looking female operator stood up, "Three generations of digital life, number 12453531313 is at your service."

  'It's her,' a look of astonishment flashed in Dida's eyes. This female operator was the three-generation digital life just born yesterday. Her origin was witnessed by her own eyes.

   "Oh, acquaintances are easy to handle."

  Gao Gong didn't take it seriously, and walked directly to a conversion warehouse, closed the door, and said, "Then, let's see you in cyberspace."

  After the two left, Tu Xiaoyu frowned and said: "Doctor, are you too relieved of them? Such an important plan, let them directly participate?"

  David shook his head without explaining, but the scene he saw in the fifth-floor digital space flashed through his mind.

   "Don't worry, he will become our own." The super brain emphasized emphatically.

   And on the outskirts of the sacred soil, a dozen seabed mechanical creatures, under the manipulation of inexplicable will, swam to the "divine wall" of the sacred soil.

  The so-called divine wall is the place where the physical body of the "temporary digital life" is stored in the sacred soil. It is a joint product of the "physical body security treaty" signed by ten super companies and the highest order of the mother city.

The content of the contract refers to the permanent protection of the physical body during the process of 'temporary transformation', whether it is 10 years, 20 years, or 30 years, it will guarantee the activity of your physical body, and its effect is similar to the three-body freezer .

This kind of 'treaty' has been implemented for more than ten years without a single mistake, because the protective measures of the 'God's Wall' were installed by the top ten super companies, and at the end, there is the final defensive measure of the mother city .

  So Shenbi is also called the Great Wall of the Sea.