MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 431 Life Control (Part 2)

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  Chapter 431 Life Control (Part 2)

   "Hey, hey, Brother Zhe, are you all right?"

   "Brother, tell me something, what should I do next?"

   "Where is the person? Is he dead?"

   On the other side of the signal, blood dripped down drop by drop, while Matsumoto Tetsu's body disappeared bit by bit.

   This feels very weird.

  Ah Q finally felt that something was wrong. However, at this point, even he had no choice but to go on with his head.

  He looked at the signal stations in the database, and it was obvious that the signal stations here were more advanced. In every 'phone booth', there was a holographic figure, and the face of the figure was still changing rapidly.

   "It is already possible to collect a large number of biological signals, but what the **** is this?"

At this time, in front of Ah Q's eyes, a middle-aged man was locked in a huge human body device, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, and countless signal connectors were plugged in and out of his body. There are about hundreds of interfaces.

   "What is this, a humanoid USB drive?"

   "But this face looks a bit eye-catching."

  Ah Q stared at this middle-aged man's face, becoming more and more familiar with it. He suddenly remembered that this was the one who presided over the induction meeting for himself when he entered the Tianping Technology Division for the first time.

   The No. 1 manager of the balance branch, their big boss!

  At this moment, the big boss was lying in the device like a corpse, receiving various biological signals.

"You came."

  A strange voice suddenly sounded.

   "Is that so?"

   "I am the top manager of the balance branch, and also the highest-level test subject. You can call me 'Charlie'."

   "Charlie, uh, let me call you the boss, how are you doing?"

   "As you can see, I am a test subject, and I am the access and output device for all biological signals in the Balance Division. All biological data experiments will be collected here and then processed."

   "So, I am also a super processor."

   "Boss, you..." Ah Q thought for a long time, but he didn't know what to say, so he cut to the point and said, "Who is responsible for your half-dead appearance?"

   "Well, if the first participant is Dr. Liang, and most of the scientists in the research department."

   "If it's the murderer behind the scenes, it's actually the headquarters."

   "Headquarters? Is that really the case?"

  Ah Q discussed with Matsumoto Zhe, and one of the guesses was that behind their troubles was the support of someone in the headquarters.

   "But don't get me wrong, it's not that a certain senior member of the headquarters wanted to deal with me, but the will of Tianping Technology controlled me and allowed Dr. Liang to succeed."

   "Enterprise will??"

  Ah Q couldn't figure it out, isn't this thing just like the spirit of enterprise, which is invisible and intangible.

   "Since you can get here, you should know that the super warrior project jointly developed by Tianping Technology and Marubeni Global."

   "To be precise, it is a super weapon controlled by biological signals."

   "In order to complete this kind of experiment, various human experiments must be carried out, because only by completely simulating the biological signals of the human body, can this level of development be completed."

   "Then, in order to obtain more data, Dr. Liang proposed some radical proposals, such as life-cutting protocols and neural system connections, which I approved."

   "Then, Dr. Liang proposed a plan that even I had to reject—he wanted to reform me."

   Sure enough, the **** decides the head.

   Ah Q thought disdainfully, but when he thought of himself, he couldn't help sighing.

   His **** isn't that stable either.

   "Dr. Liang's plan is to transform me into the 'brain beam' of all corporate employees."

   Brain bridge?

  Ah Q knows this thing, the thing located between the left brain and the right brain, it is said that it is composed of 200 million nerve fiber bundles.

   It is precisely because of it that the left and right brains can be fully integrated.

   "What the **** is the will of the enterprise? How can you even deal with it?" Ah Q wondered.

  “You can think of it as a group thinking, or a belief, or even a special action instruction.”

   "In our circle, there is a saying that the real management of a company is the existence that has mastered the will of the company."

   "So, boss, is there anything I can do?"

  The other party did not answer, and directly transmitted a message, and at the same time, a task was also triggered.

  [You trigger the mission 'The Real Beacon']

  Mission Name: The Real Beacon

   Difficulty: Level 2 - Difficult

  Mission briefing: As a worker, the difficulties of the boss are your difficulties. Now, the opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune is in front of you. As long as you do one thing well, save the boss.

  Mission Objective: Spread the news that Charlie is being controlled to the entire Tianping branch, and call on the workers from all over the world to rescue him.

  Mission rewards: mission experience +400,000, skill points*20, specialization points*15, 20 random blueprints

  Remarks: Workers, souls of workers, let’s go, Sao Nian

  Looking at the task reward, Ah Q gasped. He had never heard of this task reward, let alone seen it before.

  And the second-order mission, as far as he knows, no player should have received it yet.

  Damn it, am I such a dick.

   "Boss, I will be your dog from now on. If you say one, I definitely don't mean two!"

   "Should I call on everyone to save you?"

   "Just, how to do this?"

"It's actually very simple. I was sealed in this 'biological signal library' and couldn't move, but you are different. You can manipulate this biological signal library and connect all executives. In it, my loyal subordinates , there are still some."

  Ah Q was taken aback for a moment, "Is it that simple?"

   “If executives can’t save me, no one can.”

   "Makes sense."

  Ah Q began to operate various signal stations according to the other party's instructions, while muttering in his heart, the task of the difficult level is still the second level, and it doesn't look too difficult.

   Soon, the projections of biological signals materialized one by one, and came out as executives one by one. At first, they were a little confused, but when they saw Charlie in the human body device, their expressions became obviously excited.

   "Mr. Charlie, you are still alive!"

   "Number One, why are you here?"


There will be nothing more to do with Ah Q. When it comes to conspiracies and tricks, fighting openly and secretly, how can Ah Q, an abandoned house, compare with these people? how to kill.

  In short, three hours later, everything has been arranged, just waiting for the return of the Dragon King, no, it is Charlie return.

   "You should get out of here too."

Ah Q left in a daze. When he left, he didn't understand why this task was so easy. He subconsciously swung his hand and bumped into something hard. A drop of blood flowed down the system. Blood volume dropped by 1 point.

  What the hell! ?

   After everyone left, the light of another signal station was turned on, the biological signals converged, and an illusory figure came out.

  The iconic conical head is Dr. Liang.

   "Why bother, how many times have you repeated it? You still seem to have an unrealistic hope," Dr. Liang said with a smile, looking at the human body in the device.

  Charlie was silent.

   "Forget it, I know what you think, since you are willing to try, then go for it, this is also part of the experiment after all."

  Dr. Liang shook his head with a smile. The next moment, all the signal stations lit up.

  'Signal extraction—'

  'Memory data mark—'

  ‘Deleting memory data—’

  ‘Deletion complete. '

  The door of the elevator opened, and Ah Q came out with a dazed expression on his face. He stood there for a while before he asked, "What was I doing just now?"

   Subconsciously opened the task panel.

   "Fuck, when did I have a difficult task and haven't done it yet?"

   While he was puzzled, a young man from the scientific research department came over, frowning and looking him up and down.

   "Mechanical maintenance?"

  Any company has a chain of contempt, but in Tianping Technology, the R&D department is at the upper reaches of the chain of contempt. Ah Q glanced at the nameplate of the other party—the scientific research department, Matsumoto Tetsu.

   "Leave quickly, this is not a place for you to stay."

   "Oh, I'm leaving!"

  Ah Q slipped away quickly.

  Matsumoto Zhe looked at the back of the other party and shook his head. If he hadn't rushed to report the information to Dr. Liang, he would have to check the other party carefully.

  This is the center of the R&D department!

   And in the underground database, there was a faint sigh.

   "Don't be disappointed, I have a plan, would you like to think about it?"

  On the signal platform, a drop of blood jumped out, jumped a few times, jumped to the top, and said with a smile.

   This voice is a bit familiar.

  (end of this chapter)