MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 421 Acupuncture

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  Chapter 421 Acupuncture

  In the eyes of Gao Gong, whether it is the huge meat ball in the sky, or the Jinba that has entered the explosive state, the bioenergy of both is soaring rapidly, 100,000, 200,000, 300,000, 400,000...

  If it is a mechanical life, it needs various weapons to release its own mechanical energy.

  But carbon-based life doesn’t need it. Raging creatures can quickly form a biological force field, and the two force fields collide with each other, causing a strong wind to collide in midair. The life energy is like a erupting volcano, crazily venting its rage.

  The battle of carbon-based masters is divided into two methods. The first method is like two iron hammers hammering each other. The two sides explode for ten days and ten nights.

   The second type, spike!

  In the next moment, Jinba disappeared in place, and there was a human-shaped hollow in the place where she was just now.

  ‘What kind of force technique is this? '

  Gao Gong's thought flashed, and the next moment, there was a huge explosion in the air. When he looked up, a big hole had been pierced through the core of the meat-packed water elf.

   With this big hole as the core, countless cracks appeared around it, and then, the entire water elf withered quickly, turning into fly ash visible to the naked eye.

  The damage she dealt with the explosion just now was 30,000, right? This is higher than ordinary energy weapons.

   Tsk tsk, monster!

   While being called a monster, Kimba was also amazed as she was suspended in mid-air.


   So cool!

An unprecedented sense of comfort spread from her fists to her whole body. In the past, the biological prosthetic body seemed to be blown away by an engine. As cute as a group of bunnies.

  Efficiency expanded to 120%.

  As top corporate fighters, their biological prosthetic bodies are all the most advanced. However, the more advanced they are, the more difficult it is to customize.

  Only top-level prosthetic doctors can do this, and they can't be mechanical majors, they have to be biological.

  Can mechanical life work?


  Can the prosthetic doctor do it?


   This is what Kimba really thinks.

   "The strange signal has triggered the convergence of biological signals, and the source of this strange signal is you."

   Kaibao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

  Gao Gong took a deep look at the other party, and said: "As a mechanical mastermind, your perception of signals is a bit too keen."

   Kaibao wanted to say something, but the next moment, the expressions of the two changed at the same time, and they raised their heads.

  I saw the sky above the 104 biological area suddenly darkened, and the pedestrians on the street also noticed this, all kinds of panic, and some even lost their eyes and passed out.

And Jinba's expression was even more dignified. Within her field of vision, one after another 'water elves' began to take shape. The concentration of biological signals was so high that it even caused the void to generate electricity. A large number of biological currents appeared in mid-air, and the current triggered The water molecules in the air gathered, and within a few breaths, billowing dark clouds gathered, and the sky darkened all of a sudden.

  Water elves belong to B-level, no matter how strong they are, they will not be too strong. However, it is too exaggerated to suddenly appear hundreds of B-level radiation beasts out of thin air.

  The beast tide back then couldn't reach this level either.

At this time, Jinba's skin had completely turned blood red, and her biological energy had successfully exceeded a million. Every time her figure appeared in a place, there was a huge explosion sound at that place, and the flesh-packed water elf at that place Was instantly killed on the spot.

   And her fighting style is also very interesting, Gao Gong can clearly feel that it is a strong compression and release of air, compressing the air hundreds of times, and then bursting out, causing a strong tearing effect.

   This fighting method is similar to mechanical art, but it is obviously a higher level, because when the opponent makes a shot, there is a **** light visible to the naked eye above the fist.

   This method of harnessing bioenergy is obviously a second-order method.

  However, after Jinba blasted more than 30 flesh-packed water elves in a row, she also began to pant violently, and the blood color began to fade from the surface of her skin.

  At the same time, the bioelectricity in the air also began to show its power, either turning into a power grid or turning into a vortex.

  As a 'Radiation Ecological Beast', what he is best at is actually controlling the power of the environment.

   In Gao Gong's eyes, cracks began to appear on the opponent's hands, feet, abdominal muscles, and thighs, where the bioprosthetic body was implanted.

   This is typical biological rejection.

   "According to the information I got, other corporate fighters still have 3 minutes to arrive at the scene, won't you make a move?" Kaibao asked curiously.

   "What about you, where is your mechanical army?" Gao Gong asked back.

   Kai Bao shook his head with a grin.

   "As a regulator, don't interfere where you shouldn't. In this regard, my colleagues have learned enough lessons."

  Gao Gong always felt that the other party meant something.

   "This woman is a bit responsible."

   After another minute, Gao Gong couldn't help praising him when he saw the smoldering and blood-stained figure.

  As a level 53 enterprise fighter, he may not be able to fight against these hundreds of B-level radiation beasts, but it is still very easy to escape.

   But obviously, the other party didn't have such an idea at all.

   This kind of stubbornness, Gao Gong has only seen in his rich wives. Although the other party's wealth cannot be a rich wife, Gao Gong still has a good impression of him.

   "Call her down for me."

  As Gao Gong said, his fingers began to deform, and the five mechanical fingers began to elongate and become sharper. Just like the villain in Terminator 3, he, who has memory metal, can also deform at will.

  Three seconds later, with a loud noise, Jinba fell to the ground with a bang, dripping blood all over her body, and the cracks in the biological prosthesis were as clear as the muscle lines.

  Gao Gong didn't say anything, the pointer pierced the opponent's body fiercely.

   Kimba's eyes widened sharply, looking at him in disbelief.

  Gao Gong did not explain, and stabbed the other party's body with more than a dozen coin-sized holes in a row.

   And Kimba also gradually felt that a familiar yet unfamiliar force surged up.

  Professional Skill [Radiation Massage]: Massage, the ultimate secret of being a technician, becomes a way to stimulate the potential of living organisms with the assistance of your professional skills. After all, radiation itself is mutation.

  Gao Gong fully released the opponent's biological potential in a few dozen actions, and with the blessing of the specialty of 'inhuman surgical transformation', the opponent even temporarily obtained a talent.

  The faint blood color filled the gaps of the biological prosthesis along the cracks, and went a step further, accelerating the fusion of the prosthesis with itself.

  Non-human surgical transformation (professional expertise), species adaptability +10%, transformation success rate +15%, abnormal transformation success rate +30%, your transformation will increase the abnormal functions of the human body

  Gao Gong whispered a few words to the other party.

  Jimba nodded, put his hands on the ground, and jumped into the air. This time, the thick blood flowed out from the joints.

  The next moment, she broke through the barriers of the water elves, and this Vajra Barbie appeared in the sky, grabbing out the dark clouds in the sky with both hands, and blood spilled from her fingers.

  The cloud layer is very heavy. The mass of a cloud is at least tens of tons, and if it is a cumulonimbus cloud, it can soar to hundreds of tons.


   At this time, with King Kong Barbie's crazy roar, the huge cloud formed by bioelectricity was torn out a huge gap, and the next moment, the sky dawned!

   Radiation eco-beasts are best at controlling the 'beast tide'.

  The most simple and direct way to completely eliminate them is to destroy this radiation environment.

   Then, under Gao Gong's needle injection, Kimba opened up!

  All the water elves, with the tearing of the dark cloud, all collapsed visible to the naked eye.

   "This kind of disappearance again?" Gao Gong said to himself, those people who disappeared before disappeared just like this.

   At this time, all the soldiers of the enterprise also rushed over, watching this scene dumbfounded.

  Jimba tore the clouds with bare hands, and she tore apart the dark clouds that were dozens of miles away.

  When did Jin Hanhan become such a monster! ?

   Seeing other people rushing over, Jin Ba just extended a thumbs up, grinned, and fell down, only to be scooped up by Han Tong who rushed over.

  Han Tong looked at the opponent's hands and feet in surprise, and saw that all the parts where the prosthetic body was implanted seemed to have melted.

   How did the biological prosthesis be used to such an extent?

  Han Tong lowered his head, staring seriously at Gao Gong who was looking up, Gao Gong was stunned for a moment, and a harmless smile appeared on the mechanical facial features.

  (end of this chapter)