MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 401 Skull and Bones Examination

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   Outside the Eye of the Ocean, half-blood knights appeared one after another, riding cloud-winged beasts in various poses and with different poses, madly attacking pure blood.

   One-on-one, half-blood knights can't beat pure-blood knights. After all, mixed-blood knights are around level 16, while pure-blood knights are generally at level 25 or even higher.

  However, with the Cloud Winged Beast added, it's another story.

  These cloud-winged beasts are either huge in size or heavily clawed, and the lowest is B-level.

   This is the top mount that only the top sea knights can subdue. On the battlefield, almost every half-blood knight has one.

  The combination of the two, the explosive power is by no means as simple as 11.

   And the reason why there are so many B-level radiation beasts to help, it is naturally thanks to a certain brain in a vat.


  At this time, the battle outside the Eye of the Ocean turned into pictures, which appeared in front of the senior engineer and the little woman.

  Gao Gong pressed the head of the 'little woman' with one hand, and on the palm, the 'inhuman surgical transformation' was covering all the mixed blood with the power of the brain in the vat.

   Including the Radiant Beast they sat down on.

  Non-human surgical transformation (professional expertise), species adaptability 10%, transformation success rate 15%, abnormal transformation success rate 30%, your transformation will increase the abnormal functions of the human body

  The holy trees shine brightly!

  Under the light of the holy tree, no matter what type of radiation beasts they are fighting, their chins grow gills, their hands and feet start to grow pussies, and at the same time, the transformation rate of the 'respiratory system' begins to increase.

Generally speaking, if the transformation rate of this system exceeds 10%, a breathing mode will be added. For example, terrestrial species will increase the ability to breathe underwater, while marine species will grow an extra lung and then gain shore breathing. Ability.

   Now, under the power of the holy tree, under the power of the brain in the vat, and during Gao Gong's operation, they have begun to evolve.

   On the other side, the biological machine left by the Knights also started to operate automatically.

  Because the sea people's rebellion came too fast and too fiercely, the Meat Knights had no time to destroy these biological machines.

  At this time, some of these biological machines are thousands of 'biolithography machines', carved on the body of 'Kermos'. They are shaped like birds, and the speed of the bird's beak is so fast that it is difficult to see with the naked eye.

  They are modifying the protein molecules of 'Kermos' in order to carve out large biochips.

  Most of the biological machines are in the body of ‘Kermos’, modifying its nervous system, digestive system, and circulatory system.

  In order to manufacture computer hardware such as biological components and neural CPUs.

  In fact, the biggest difficulty in the technology of 'biological computer', especially the 'biological computer' is to create biological systems.

   In this regard, the level of the Knights is not very good.

  However, this is what Gao Gong and Brain in a Vat are good at.

  At this time, a large number of "life codes" were entered into it, and the senior engineer was responsible for deciphering the "life codes", turning them into codes, and stuffing them into the system.

  The battle between 'pure blood' and 'hybrid blood' is essentially for system testing.

   I don't know how long it took, there were several "ding dong" sounds in a row, and the small icon on the task panel lit up.

  [The first ring of the mission, 'Evolution of Ocean Organs' is completed, experience is 400,000, five random blueprints, mechanical system is incomplete*1, ancient gene*1]

  [Professional transfer task 'Large-scale Biological Experiment' completed, experience 100,000, 'Senior Biologist' transferred successfully]

  [You have obtained advanced knowledge [biological code]]

  [Professional transfer task 'Large Radiation Species Massage' completed, experience 120,000, 'Radiation Massager' job transfer successful]

  [You get advanced knowledge [Variation Genome Cloud]]

   At the periphery of the Eye of the Ocean, when the last pure blood knight died at the hands of the trilobite, a pure white light suddenly rose from the core of the radiation area.

   "This familiar breath is a holy tree!"

  The trilobite stared at the white light frantically. In the white light, there seemed to be a huge **** watching him gently.

  A white light first lit up from his body.

   Immediately after, Pandora, Charkin Sea King Beast, white lights lit up on the half-blood knight.

  These mixed-race marine people were bathed in the 'holy light', each one seemed to be baptized, with pious expressions, as if they had entered heaven.

   "The system is running normally?" Gao Gong asked, crossing his arms.

   "Everything is normal," "Little Women" gave an affirmative answer.

   "I feel great now! It seems that the path of evolution is right under my feet!"

   Following a slightly unfamiliar word, a white light flashed, and a strange 'female ocean person' came out.

  If the face value of the "water monkey scientist" is 1, then the face value of the "female marine person" in front of him is 100.

  Like dark blue amber, with crystal clear eyes and light blue skin that seems to cover the entire ocean, there are various mysterious and sacred religious symbols on the skin, which are actually biological codes.

   And her hair is between the nerve bundles and normal hair, braided into delicate braids, reaching waist length.

  Appearance is the last option for the evolution of a species, and it is optional.

  But according to Gao Gong’s many years of experience, this seems to be an optional option, but it is actually just a disguise of a mandatory option.

   Otherwise, Mr. G's book would not sell so well.

   This is the newly released 'Kermos', or in other words, the large biological computer version of 'Kermos'.

   A probing skill was thrown over.

  Name: King of Deep Sea Leeches Kermos (Large Biocomputer)

  Radiation level: S

   Race: Large Symbiont

  Bioenergy: 41169000

   Biological attributes: ?

Skill:? ?

   Leader template: ? ? ?

  Good guy, you have more than 40 million biological energy, which is at least twice as much as the average S-rank.

   And there are so many question marks, that is to say, this person has probably broken through the upper limit of the second level, reaching level 60 or above.

Kermos glanced at the two calmly. When it looked at the 'little woman', the 'little woman' disappeared and was replaced by endless radiation beasts, including land, sea, sky, and even the world on this planet. All human beings are 'absorbed' by it.

  The surface of the machine cracked star was finally covered with a thick layer of brain flower.

   This is the future of the 'brain in a vat', if she can evolve smoothly.

   And when he looked at Gao Gong, Gao Gong also disappeared.

  Among the boundless white light, Orochi Gao Gong flashed away first.

  Then there are three forms of high-tech workers: 'fibrous bundle life', 'blue blood man', and 'carbon-based fluid'.

   Then, a super mechanical body rose from the ground.

  It is the "Pacific Rim" version of a mechanical engineer, with a super body size of over a thousand meters, and there are probably hundreds of thousands of mechanical parts on its body.

   Then, "Super Senior Engineer" suddenly turned his head to look at her, and boundless flesh and blood spewed out from his body surface. Kermos closed his eyes subconsciously, and his face turned pale.

   Gao Gong's eyes flashed, and said: "Even if it is a biological computer, there is an upper limit to its computing power. Don't 'calculate' everything you see. This is not a good habit."

  Take the fusion route, the higher the level, the more weird and changeable it will be.

   As a 'large biological computer', it can simulate and calculate the morphological changes of a normal species when it reaches level 60 or even level 90.

  But for someone who takes the integration route, the difficulty of simulation may skyrocket.

  Because even Gao Gong himself does not know what kind of metamorphosis he will become in the future.

   After a long while, Kermos opened his eyes again and said in surprise:

   "I have seen too many surprises in you."

   "There was no accident, how could there be an affair," Gao Gong said calmly.

  'Little Women' interjected, "I need your help."

  Kermos nodded, "No problem, I will assist you in completing the transformation of the remaining Radiant Beasts into ocean forms."

   "After all, you will be my best helper on the road of evolution."

  The two looked at each other, like a **** looking at a mung bean, seeing each other right.

  A large-scale biological computer, a brain in a vat, a hardware genius, and a software monster, all of which are biological systems, the two are simply a natural pair.

  This is also the reason why "little women" are willing to make a move, even vigorously, when Gao Gong says a word.

  At the same time, the "Heaven-Level" serial mission "Rise of Radiation Species" also spawned the second ring.

  【Task: Paleontological Requiem Ceremony】

   Difficulty: Level 2 - Difficult

Mission briefing: The installation of the 'Large Biological Computer' is for the next step of the 'Knight Order', the preparatory preparation for 'Paleontological Recovery'. In the Pan-Asian Sea, the Knights have collected a certain number of 'Paleontology Remains', Please let these 'ancient creature ghosts' rest in peace.

  Mission Objective: To bury the ‘Paleontological Remains’

  Task time: two months

  Mission reward: 500,000 experience, 10,000 sea reputation, ancient gene*2, a random second-order blueprint


  Senior Engineer searched the memory of the 'Black Banner Officer', and found this plan, but the specific content of the plan is not very clear.

   I only know that this plan is being promoted by the three flag officers, air, fire, and darkness.

   In other words, if you want to destroy the whole plan, you will most likely have to fight three flag officers.

  ‘The three flag officers are qualified to mobilize the ‘Mechanical Giant Kun’, right? '

  The last time they fought against each other, the giant mechanical kun was still in the experimental stage. This time, this large mechanical body comparable to the A-level radiation beast should have reached the mass production stage.

   This is where the faction is unreasonable. No matter how strong your personal force is, if they don't fight you one-on-one, you will be a bunch of 'large second-tier weapons' at your fingertips.

   I don’t know when my own ‘continental plate impactor’ will be mass-produced, and how far my cheap sister has deduced the large-scale drawings.

   But after taking a look at 'Little Women' and 'Kermos', Gao Gong was relieved again.

   Against the Knights, these two will definitely make a move.

  With the abilities of these two, it is not a problem to find the 'remains of ancient organisms'.

   At this time, the two women, or the advanced female species, finally ended their communication. 'Kermos' turned his head, glanced at Gao Gong, and suddenly said:

   "Do you want to visit the ruins of Blue Water Technology? You should be very interested in them."

   "Of course." Senior Engineer shrugged.


   While Gao Gong was working, an unexpected visitor appeared on Fuqing Island.

   It's an android toy.

  As soon as the toy hit the ground, it automatically activated the island's defense force. The next moment, the laser swept across and the toy was torn apart.

The armed robot on patrol found the wreckage of the toy, was stunned for a moment, picked up his head and took a look, and after confirming that there was nothing special, he called in a sanitation cleaning machine to recover the wreckage, and the armed robot itself, naturally Back on patrol route.

  However, he didn't notice that during his patrol, a strange grimace suddenly appeared on that expressionless face, and his tongue almost touched his nose.

   It's a pity that I didn't come across it after all.

  The toy sighed, and started the usual 'judgment work'.

  ‘This is Fairy Tale Toy Paradise, Bandai. '

  ‘What I will do next will be the evaluation work of ‘Du Technology’. '

  ‘Well, here I go. '

  In the mother city, in the colony, on the other side of freedom, and in outer space, holographic projections lit up one by one.

   One by one, the 'corporate monsters' are online.

  They have a completely different aura from the 'entrepreneurs', more crazy, more stubborn, and more confident. Compared with the well-dressed cloud nobles, they have at least three taboo transformations and more transformation failures.

  These people are the members of the Skull and Bones that basically wiped out the super enterprise that broke the machine in the cyber wave.

  Of course, they are not so powerful yet, but they have shown their strengths in various fields.

  Even some super companies are very interested in them, however, none of them can break into the "Skull and Bones".

   "Then, I will start the assessment."

   "First, the lowest-level armed robot."

  Accompanied by the toy's words, the next moment, various parameters of the 'armed robot' were displayed on the holographic screen.



   “The Embedded Power Engine of a Last Era.”

   "Dog leg knife, steel claw, what is this, little bastard?"

  Toy looked calm, and had already expected the poisonous tongue of his companions.

   "Next, let's test the second item."

  The toy looked up, and above the sky, a mechanical claw man with a flight module installed happened to fly by.

  The face of the mechanical claw man also made a grimace.

  The next moment, the parameters of the mechanical clawman appear in the holographic projection.

"so so."

   "It's okay."

   "Street fighting weapons are not very practical."

   "Country flow remodeled style."

   "It's okay, I'll order a batch later." A 'software icon' lit up, and the first one expressed praise.

   The toy nodded, no nonsense, just disappeared suddenly when the "mechanical claw man" moved to the top of the biology laboratory.

  The next moment, an experimenter made a grimace subconsciously.

  The direction of his research is a bit interesting.

   "Low-end biochip."

   "Fragmented alien blood."

   "The investment project of the cloud nobles? If yes, I will vote against it."

   "It doesn't seem to be," a "corporate monster" with an octopus head made a judgment in the communication section.

   "It seems to be doing research on advanced organisms."




   A cold answer.

   Waiting for the experimenters to go to other areas, suddenly, a huge monster attracted their ideas.

   "Haha, Mas, they're pushing back your 'continental plate impactor'!"

   "Has your sharp military technology finally leaked?"

   "@马斯锋曾, hahaha, come and see, this is your family's technology!"

  Finally, after seeing the giant mechanical stick that was disassembled for research, finally, this group of corporate monsters showed perverted smiles.

   And the object of their ridicule is a dark head.