MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 395 tree of wisdom

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  Chapter 395 The Tree of Wisdom

  The trilobite squatted down, holding the snacks it carried with it in its mouth, such as dried sweet potatoes, fudge, etc. They were all alien products, and they were sold more expensive than weapons.

  Beside him, a bunch of blue-skinned imps surrounded him, drooling and staring at the snacks.

  Trilobite stuffed the last dried sweet potato into his mouth arrogantly, and then spread his hands, with an expression of what you can do to me.

   The little blue-skinned goblins grinned one by one, wishing they could eat the trilobites clean.

  However, the tribal warriors have been staring at them for a long time, driving these young sea people away one by one with special spears.

  Although this strange person is an outsider, no matter what, he is also a savior who protects the princess.

  It was far away, but the quarrel in the tent could still be clearly heard.

   Attack the pure-blood faction and oppose attacking the pure-blood faction.

  Respecting the king, no, respecting the gods and assisting the Yi faction, they are still radicals who kill even the gods.

  In short, the senior officials of these branch sea people tribes quarreled.

  By the way, Pandora, the half-blood girl, is actually the "Her Royal Highness" of the ocean people, and the daughter of a well-known half-blood elder. It's no wonder that she can enter and leave the temple at will and participate in the ocean festival.

   Trilobite stood up bored, the crystal clear sea water was only up to his ankles, and he didn't expect that there was such a wonderful world under the sea.

All kinds of fluorescent ferns, huge transparent flowers as big as the canopy of trees, and psychic crystal jellyfish, as well as the blue light that seems to be carved in the space, according to those ocean people, this is the "God" Light'.

The center of the light of God is a super-big tree of wisdom. Its roots are connected to various radiating plants on the seabed, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles. There is a faint water film, and it is precisely because of its existence that this seabed space exists.

  The tree of wisdom, also known as the holy tree, is a special plant transplanted from the 'temple'. Every branch tribe has such a holy tree.

  However, after so many years, the only holy tree that can survive is the one in front of me, and it is also the oldest one.

At the roots of the huge tree, tree tumors the size of basketballs grew out one after another. Many female marine people just swam there to collect gum and fruit. These tree tumors are not disgusting at all, but have the feeling of a blue watermelon. .

  The sap in it is also delicious, a bit like sea salt-flavored milk tea.

  According to the understanding of the trilobites, in fact, the pure-blooded marine people and the mixed-blooded marine people are two completely different species.

  Pure-blooded marine people live in high-concentration radiation areas, and their bodies are distorted, becoming tall and strong.

  The mixed-race marine people have smooth skin, a little shorter than humans, and fish scales on some joints.

  It is said that the ancestors of the mixed-race ocean people were slaves exiled from the "Eye of the Ocean" to plant trees.

"Oh, thanks."

   After receiving the milk tea from a female seaman, the trilobite took it, inserted a wooden straw into the 'Coconut Treasure', and drank while thinking.

In his opinion, the battle between the pure-blooded elders and the mixed-blood ocean people is inevitable. Leaving aside the grievances in the history of the two, it is said that the tribal guards are arresting people everywhere, and most of them are young ocean people. must fight.

   It's just that the trilobites are pessimistic about the battle situation.

The reason is very simple, pure blood is naturally stronger than mixed blood ocean people, most of them are above level 20, and can drive level 25 tribal guards, more importantly, according to Pandora, they are the loyal servants of 'Kermos' , able to control divine power.

   This kind of divine power should be a large AOE, the kind of indiscriminate sweep, the effect is similar to a large energy weapon.

   Your side is Xiaomi + rifle, and the strategic level weapon has already been selected on the other side, how can you fight like this.

  Trilobite shook his head and gave up thinking. Anyway, he had finished the task of 'rescuing the ocean people' and successfully sent the girl back to the 'Water Tree'. He was free to go or stay.

  He glanced at the 'Tree of Wisdom' for the last time, wondering if it was an illusion, this super big tree gave him a very friendly feeling.

  Trilobites were wandering around, and the mixed-race executives still hadn't finished arguing. However, it didn't take long before a piece of bad news came.

  The mixed-race high-level negotiating team was intercepted by the eye of the ocean. Chalkin, the tribal hero in the eyes of the mixed-race ocean people, was seriously injured. Thousands of elite ocean people were beheaded to death.

  When the trilobite rushed to the entrance, the surrounding Haiyang people were already crying, and many relatives even jumped on it directly.

   "Brother, where is my brother?"

   "My son, Kars, you agreed to bring my son back!"

   "My sister, where is she?!"


  This is the bad thing about this game, it's always extra real where it shouldn't be.

  Looking at the tearful faces, Trilobite shook his head and left voluntarily.

  I am old and can't see these tragedies.


The deep sea at night is not completely dark. In this underwater world, there will always be some shiny radiant fish swimming outside the water film. It looks like an oversized gathering of fireflies, the size of a fist, the size of a basketball, or even House-sized fireflies.

  These house-sized 'Super Fireflies' also have a title called Cloud Winged Beast, and their level is around level 28.

  Trilobite sat on a thick-waisted branch, and Pandora sat down on the empty seat beside him.

   "The elders have made up their minds, we are leaving this sea."

   “Smart decision.”

   If you can't beat it, you have to fight hard. This is generally something that players will do. The only way to grow is to grow.

  Pandora glanced around in a daze, then suddenly sobbed a few times, and gently rested her head on the trilobite's shoulder.

   "But where can we go?"

  This question, trilobites can not answer.

  Feeling the softness on his shoulders, Trilobite opened the system panel several times, but the taskbar was empty.

  Trilobite heaved a long sigh, forget it, just lose money if you lose money.

   "Let me accompany you during the migration process."


  In the huge deep sea, the sound of torpedo explosions was connected together. Although the water film has a strong defense force, it is also crumbling in the face of this explosion. The water film in some areas has been washed away, and a large amount of seawater has begun to seep in.

   At this time, a large number of spherical robots appeared in the underwater world, and began to attack and hunt frantically.

  All the adult sea people rushed up, and the two sides fought and fought in the dark sea.

  Conscientiously speaking, the mixed-race marines are not weak, generally level 17 or 8, which is a level that players can only reach after going through several transformations.

   However, their opponents are stronger.

  Tribal guards at level 25, pure-blood marine warriors at level 28, and more...the reformers of the knight order.

  Damn it, Trilobite finally understands what those weird 'surveillance equipment' are for.

  Emotionally hunts the mixed-race ocean people, you are the accomplices, right?

The trilobites gritted their teeth, their hands were completely deformed, their fingers turned into sharp shark teeth, their feet flicked, and their figure swayed deftly in the water. Transforming human legs, the two passed by each other.

  The next moment, the metal skull exploded on the spot.

  Trilobite's intermediate mechanical technique directly strengthens the 'Rainy Night Killing Method'.

  During the period when Gao Gong left, under the influence of countless excellent hunters, this 'technology' handed down by the leader has been updated for many generations, and different genres have been developed.

  For example, this one is the diving murder flow. Under the dexterous manipulation of the trilobite, the sea water not only did not become a hindrance, but became a driving force for strengthening.

   Before he had time to look at the increased experience on the system panel, the trilobite dived and appeared next to a young seaman, grabbed him and threw him away.

   "Idiots, didn't I tell you, don't go up and hit hard after the health bar exceeds two-thirds!"

Sure enough, the next moment, the 'Metal Soldier' ​​who was hit hard before exploded, countless fleshy thorns burst out from the body surface, the speed was no less than a bullet, and the trilobite only protected the vitals, and felt that the blood volume suddenly dropped by half .

  Different from the "meat weapon integration" of high-level combatants, the "meat weapon explosion" of low-level cannon fodder is more of a death technique. After it is used up, the skull dies on the spot.

  Dead and disgusting people, this is the most disgusting part of this monster.

   "Damn, lost state!"

  Barely dodging the claws of a tribal guard, Trilobite was surrounded by three skulls again.

  Barely entangled a skull with a monomolecular rope, exchanged another one with a quarter of the blood volume, and the remaining two rushed over with special underwater weapons.

  ‘If I die, will sister Pandora make me sad? '

   Just as such a strange idea popped up in the trilobite's mind, a loud laugh sounded.

  A gigantic beast rushed towards the face, biting off one skull in one bite, and the strong blue-skinned man on top of the giant beast, holding a thigh-thick spear, blasted the other with one spear.

  ‘What the hell, he deserves to be a level 30 monster. He received such a serious injury before. This guy is 100% carbon-based fusion! '

  The one in front of me is the superhero of the half-breed marine people——Chalkin.

  Chalkin grabbed the trilobite, carried him to the back of the giant beast, and rode the giant beast across the battlefield. Even a 25th-level tribe guard only needed a few spears.

   Unless seven or eight pure-blooded fighters joined forces, they could barely stop him. After Chalkin led a wave of half-blooded elites to counterattack, finally, the enemy like a tide faded away.

  The remaining mixed-blood elites looked at each other, not only did they not express joy, but the atmosphere was so solemn that it seemed to be frozen.

   As soon as the trilobite landed, it was caught by several mixed-race girls. They treated the trilobite very carefully.

   "Don't, don't, I have red medicine, go help others, I don't need it."

  It's a pity that no one cares about him.

  Trilobite rolled his eyes angrily, allowing the other party to 'tie up' him.

  (end of this chapter)