MTL - Spoiled-Chapter 93

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For the fact that he has no fans at all, and the only one who waits for his fans downstairs is Fu Yuan, Han Yun has some sadness. Not to mention he heard Zheng Zhiwen's fans talk about him, saying that he was pitiful.

Once he was on the show, he didn't say it publicly. Second, his fan support group was not very formal and lacked management, which made him look so miserable.

However, seeing Fu Yuan, who played a fan for him as a fan, Han Yun felt warm. In the eyes of others, after seeing the only fan waiting for himself, Han Yun gave him the jade on his waist because he was too touched, and said, "Thank you for waiting for me here."

Then, if no one spoke beside them, they left.

His generosity stunned everyone.

A fan who just came out of the studio took a sigh of relief: "That was identified by the experts just now, the priceless treasure goat fat white jade?"

"Oh my God! Is he giving away like that?"

"Why inexplicably sweet ..." and jealous.

At this time, everyone thought invariably-how good it would be if fans standing there holding a lantern and other Korean games.

Zheng Zhiwen's expression also changed slightly. Of course, he knew that this was impossible, and no matter how generous he was, even a philanthropist would not be able to do so. And he thinks that the Han Yun is intentional and deliberately shows it to himself.

One fan said sanely, "Fake it! That male fan should be someone he knows?"

Whether true or false, everyone's mood is quite complicated.

Zheng Zhiwen quickly signed a few names and said goodbye to the fans.

That night, one of Zheng Zhiwen's big fans couldn't help but posted a late-night Weibo: [A scene seen under the TV station building, after an artist recorded the show, there was only one male fan waiting for him. An artist walked over and said, "Thank you for waiting for me here," and then gave him his jade. Do n’t hit me ... I feel so sweet, kind of like sending a token of love [laughing and crying] It ’s so happy to have this kind of love bean [gif 动 图]]

The big fan posted ten Weibo posts a day, and all ten were related to Zheng Zhiwen. Because he would edit videos, he would also do posters, sand sculptures, and he had a thousand fans. And Zheng Zhiwen also has a hobby, that is, those fans who pay attention to their trumpet, brush every day, seeing the full screen is their own, of course, it is a very happy thing.

When he was about to go to bed, he posted this Weibo.

As soon as Zheng Zhiwen's face turned black, he clicked in to black out the fan.

This fan never expected that Aidou would open a trumpet to pay attention to herself, and her behavior even offended Aidou invisibly.

At that time, she was holding a mobile phone while taking photos of her own love, so it was logical to record the scene where Han Yun went to a male fan.

When I watched it afterwards, I saw the interaction between Han Yun and "fans". It was really sweet, so I cut out a gif and added a word to it.

There were many cats late at night, and someone immediately replied, "Who is this? Isn't it smelling ????"

The moving picture is not clear enough, the face of the person in the picture cannot be seen clearly, but the lamp is only faintly illuminated.

"Han Yun? Isn't that model ..."

The blogger replied: "Yes, it's a model. I didn't know him before. I only heard about the name. I saw a real person today. The real person is super handsome. He has no dead corner legs and has long legs. Especially high ha ha ha, bursting his face! The key is that he pets the powder, you must not think how valuable he gives the fans! Jealousy makes me look beyond recognition! "

"The male fan is also in good shape, that is, wearing a hat and mask, can't see his face ..."

Because this blogger has a small number of fans, and CCTV building will expel reporters, no reporters took pictures, this matter should have been left alone.

However, Han Yun liked the piece of jade in particular, but since he gave it to Fu Yuan, there was absolutely no reason to take it back, so he pulled it in the storeroom and found a piece with a similar shape, which is also a dragon and phoenix pattern, but slightly The difference is the jade.

He wore this piece of jade and went to the second recording site of "National Treasures".

The recording of "National Treasure Words" is very tight, and the second issue was recorded the next day.

Due to the large amount of "qin" recorded in the first period, the clip will be divided into two periods and played on TV, and the second recording theme is "chess".

The host talked bluntly: "Everyone says that life is like chess, without any regrets. Is there any connection between being a man and playing chess? Welcome to today's" National Treasure Words-Chess. "

"Chess" contains far fewer categories than "Qin", and there are many stories about "Chess", but there are very few cultural relics handed down, which led to the content of this period, mostly in the history of science popularization.

Yesterday, Zhao Lu sent him a message. Han Yun's recording today is more stateful than last time. He has become more serious.

So to this day's recording, everyone found that Han Yun was very cultural. It was just a chapter and words. No matter what questions were related to chess, he could not answer, and said a bunch of classics to make you faint. .

Zhao Lu was quite satisfied with his performance, and the director also stunned: "This is only one day's work. How can he improve so much?"

Because of his outstanding performance, some people noticed that the last jade pendant was still hanging on his waist. The eyes of experts always glanced at his waist, for fear that his jade pendant was not entangled enough and fell and broke.

Zheng Zhiwen also noticed this jade pendant, and he sneered: "The show the night before was really a show! How could anyone be so stupid as to give this priceless treasure to an outsider? Most of them knew it, and gave it to him beforehand. Come back soon, huh, huh. "

After recording two episodes and editing three episodes in succession, the program team gave guests and experts a short vacation, and scheduled the next recording after the first episode of the show.

CCTV's variety shows have always been very popular. In addition, this is not an ordinary variety show. It is a cultural show, and the ratings are even lower. At the beginning, the program group did not hold much hope.

But maybe because of fresh meat joining and buying marketing, the ratings are much higher than expected, and their first program has two breaking points. First, Zheng Zhiwen took out the ancestral pipa to identify and then performed live. The skill of playing the pipa; the second is the jade pendant of Han Yun.

Their program group is not the same as a few years ago. First of all, before the broadcast began, they cut more than ten seconds of the opening film, put it on the prime time of major TV stations, and also edited the breaking point when it premiered that night. I sent Weibo separately and bought marketing.

I was fired for two days. On the third day of the show ’s premiere, “National Treasure Words” was successfully sent to HotSearch because of its conscience. A sailor did n’t buy it. All netizens spontaneously said: “After watching the show, I am particularly touched. How fortunate we are one of the few in the world who has a history of brilliant civilization for thousands of years! "

"Fortunately, our ancestors not only left vast historical data for future generations, but also left so many valuable cultural relics!"

"The show has a level of conscience, and the stage design is amazing. The host, guests, and experts are all very talkative, and the title has a feeling of going back to the prosperous dynasty a thousand years ago."

Because word of mouth is so good, people who don't like to watch any cultural relics show up.

"Did you see the end? Han Yun shot Yu Pei on the table, the expert's face is green! So rich!"

"This happened just after Zheng Zhiwen finished playing the pipa, and his face must be swollen uncomfortably hahaha!"

"We are working very hard [heart] is the best male model in the country, and everyone pays more attention."

I do n’t know where a group of sailors came and brushed Han Yun ’s presence everywhere. A keen person can naturally smell an unusual conspiracy. It would be stupid to know that if the sailors bought the artist himself.

Although this stupid artist is not without it, it will happen if you buy less water and buy less money.

Another more reliable guess is black powder. I want to destroy him before he is out of fire. I have to say that this method is clever and useful, and how many new stars have fallen like this.

In the eyes of passers-by, this model can't help but be quick. Zheng Zhiwen's fan was furious first: "Isn't this Han Yun just a vase ??? Nothing will jump around everywhere! Learn to respect people first!"

Han Yun doesn't like to surf the Internet now, so he knows nothing about it. Of course, he didn't buy the water army. How could he buy the water army even if the internet was broken.

The first dial-up army disseminated his information everywhere and brushed the sense of presence. The second dial-up army spontaneously reposted the video that Han Yun sent to the male fan after the recording on the day of the Han Yun. number.

Soon, Han Yun was really hot. He didn't buy hot search, and he went up without spending a penny.

[Sweet to death! He loves his fans so much. I want to be his fan! !! 】

[I announced that I want to abandon my love beans, from now on you are the only fan of the Korean Games! 】

His name hung high in the top three of Hot Search, and hung for a full ten hours. After sucking a wave of fanaticism, the unexpected reversal came!

[Sister of entertainment circle: Netizens exposed that the delivery of male powder in Japan and South Korea is worthy of the event. The model is a hype! Figure 1 is recorded on July 10th, the first phase of the program, and Figure 2 was taken by netizens. The third phase of the program was recorded, that is, July 12th. From the comparison of the two pictures, it can be seen that after Han Yun gave away the jade on the 10th, he wore it again on the 12th! It turned out to be deliberate hype! Deceive netizens! [Image] [image]】

The reversal came too fast. No one knew it was all premeditated. Most of the netizens were blind. Fans who had just entered the Korean game and were not yet reliable. When they saw this Weibo, they took off. "What ???? He lied to him? This is too disgusting! Get off the barrier, disgusting!"

The keyboard man blasted him a lot, and all curses came.

"Consumer fans! [Point wax]"

"I knew it was fake. I said you're stupid. Can such an expensive thing be given away casually? Thanks to you, you can also powder him, and hurry up!"

It can be said that he is the fastest star ever to become famous overnight, and he became the first star of the whole network overnight.

Some even took photos of him, and the words of abusiveness rose like never before. In the eyes of these people, the evil of Han Yun's deception was magnified infinitely, which is why he basically did not surf the Internet.

In the Internet era, people are too angry. No matter what he does, there are always scolds. Han Yun has always been used to holding people. Also cursed so badly. He doesn't like those who don't like him, but he often sees them on the Internet, so he has to disconnect the network and don't know what to do.

After the internet was disconnected, the days were really free, quiet and quiet, without any thoughts.

The matter was fermented too quickly, and Zhao Luhuo hurriedly contacted him: "Have a statement to clarify! Can't let it develop!"

"Ah ... what?"

"You don't know anything ?!"

Han Yun learned the context and was at a loss: "I didn't buy marketing, who bought it for me?"

Zhao Lu couldn't think of it for a while, and there was a suspicion in his heart. He pressed and said, "Now it's not the time to think about this. Please clarify first. Do you have a PR?"

Han Yun said yes, he paused, but in fact he didn't want to care about it. If he wanted to scold, scold it, regardless of his affairs.

Zhao Lu said, "If you don't care, the other party will continue to hack you, you will be hacked!"

Unexpectedly, before it became red, it became black across the Internet.

Han Yun's heart didn't fluctuate very much, but after seeing those abuses, his heart still trembled, and his eyes became red instantly. What he hadn't done, why did he attract so many people to attack him?

Han Yun took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. In the final analysis, he is only eighteen or nine years old. A child of this age always cares about the opinions of others. If he lives like Fu Yuan for a long time, he may have lost this kind of anger and sorrow. Serious matters are also unpredictable.

He asked Fu Yuan to bring Yupei, put two extremely similar jadepees together, and took a picture.

[Kun Yun: This jade pendant was originally a pair. Two jade pieces were taken from the same sheep fat jade material. I gave it to the left. I later wore the right one. One thing I want to clarify is, That male fan, he is indeed my fan, yes, I did not lie to anyone. He was in the audience when I was on the catwalk, and he was watching me from the stage when I recorded the show, let alone a piece of jade, I am willing to give him anything, because that is the person I love. 】

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