MTL - Spoiled-Chapter 79

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Han Yun meant to run away from him in order to avoid him.

Fu Yuan kissed Han Yun's lips over and over again. He was still teaching him how to pronounce it, and he was teaching, and it changed his taste.

Han Yun was pressed by Fu Yuan on this brand-new office chair with a slight leather smell. He kissed him for more than ten minutes, and the time was not short, but Fu Yuan seemed to be too close to him. The more he kissed him, the more he felt like him. The smell on Han Yun's body seemed to be addictive, which made him feel as if he was so happy.

He kissed from Han Yun ’s lips to his ears and neck, and slowly cut off his clothes. He kissed him gently and meticulously throughout his body, calling his **** in his mouth, and kissing him from head to toe.

Han Yun felt hypoxia for a while, he was lying on this leather chair, one arm grabbed the armrest of the chair, and the other arm climbed around Fu Yuan's neck. He felt his body slump into a rush of spring water, rippling endlessly. When feeling a little bad, Han Yun suddenly woke up and stunned him with a red face: "... Don't be here."

Fu Yuan looked up and asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Han Yun saw that his clothes, pants, belts ... socks and shoes were all scattered on the ground, and then he was a little embarrassed when comparing Fu Yuan's beautiful clothes.

I don't know if it is because Fu Yuan is not human, that smell is particularly large, and the residual time is particularly long. It wasn't bad, but he thought that there might be a cleaner coming in to clean up later, and what to do when he smelled the taste, how embarrassing-the first day in office, working in the office, the next day had to spread throughout the company.

So Han Yun quickly got up, pulled him away, and bent over to pick up his pants.

Fu Yuan shook his head and said nothing. He stood up, dressed Han Yun, and said in his mouth, "Your Majesty, don't run around alone, tell the minister where to go." He shook Han Yun's feet and gave him The socks were put on, and he looked up, "Did you know?"

Han Yun said aloud and said unhappy: "But I'm so big, don't keep thinking about me." He must have his own idea.

Fu Yuan heard that the action of putting on his shoes also stopped.

Han Yun shook his feet dumbly: "Why don't you wear it for me!"

"Xiaojiu has grown up." It means that when he grows up, no one needs to wear shoes for him.

Han Yun: "..."

He stretched his feet willfully, reached in front of Fu Yuan, and raised his head, "I don't care, you put on me anyway, otherwise I won't leave."

"Then you listen?" Fu Yuan stood up.

"Do not listen or listen." Han Yun looked like you can do it.

Fu Yuan is also a little helpless, but Han Yunzhen has this character and can't resist it for another person. Fu Yuan stared at him for a few seconds, compromised, and bent over to give him shoes, but at this time Han Yun took his feet back and stepped on the chair: "Don't wear them, I will stay Don't go back here! "

"Master Fu, let's go alone!" Han Yun not only likes to lift his nose on his face, but also looks at his face. He knows that since Fu Yuan can compromise for the first time, he will naturally compromise for the second time, just to say something nice. Come and coax him.

He likes to listen to beautiful words, and most people say he doesn't like to listen, and thinks that it is false flattery. He likes to listen to what Fu Yuan said.

Fu Yuan became more helpless and turned around.

Han Yun thought he was about to leave, panicked, grabbed his wrist without thinking, and raised his eyebrows fiercely: "No!"

"Since Your Majesty doesn't want to wear shoes ..." Fu Yuan bowed slightly, revealing his wide back. "Come up, and go home with your Majesty on your back."

It didn't mean that he was leaving ... Han Yun was relieved, and his lips were also raised. At the same time, he put Fu Yuan's shoulders on the chair and stepped on his back.

Han Yun's one-meter-eight-fourth person must not be able to carry his back. Even if he carried his back, it would never be easy to walk around.

But Fu Yuan could, he easily carried Han Yun back, his arms were bent on his calf, and he put his shoes in his hands.

"Go home?"

"If you go back this way, you will be watching," Han Yun wrapped his arms around his neck, leaned his head against his shoulders, and smiled against his ears. A few laps, until I am satisfied. "

Han Yun still remembers that he was often sick when he was a child, he was used to raising children, and could not walk. He had to guard himself when traveling in the palace. The emperor has so many sons-in-law, only he has this treatment.

But so long, no one has carried him.

Speaking of which, although he was favored since he was a child, only Fu Yuan reached this point with him. Although the queen is very good to him, the queen also has other sons, such as the prince who wants to inherit Datong; as for the father queen, there are more sons and daughters under Huan ...

Only Fu Yuan only hurt him.

Thinking of this, he was so happy in his heart that he couldn't help his side, kissed his cheek, and said softly, "Master Fu, how nice you are."

Fu Yuan laughed, rubbed his hips with his palms, and whispered, "Your Majesty wants it."

Han Yun's heart was gone, and he couldn't say a word, and finally snorted.

Fu Yuan freed up a hand and patted his back gently: "Just talking and laughing."

Although the reason is not clear, Han Yun can vaguely feel that Fu Yuan is becoming more and more human. In the past, Fu Yuan was in his heart, and he always had a taste of inhumanity. Han Yun couldn't see his thoughts. Fu Yuan seemed to have no desire ... It's no wonder, after all, that Han Yun knows, Fu Yuan No heart.

If a person has no heart, he cannot live. Although Han Yun did not understand how Fu Yuan lived, he knew that Fu Yuan would be tortured for this reason, so he would often reach out and explore his heartbeat. Of course, he could never detect anything.

However, becoming emotional and warm is a good thing.

When the two returned home, they could not help but have several rounds of battles.

Although there are no grades for this dual practice method, it is also a good thing. At least, it will not be too tired to finish after a few times, and basically it will not hurt.

Except for the first few times, Fu Yuan was particularly fond of letting him sit down slowly, saying that he wanted to remember this feeling all his life.

After tossing at home for a few days like this, Han Yun had nothing to want to play chess, but he didn't find his favorite set of chess equipment, and then he remembered that he borrowed the chess equipment early in the year because he hadn't returned to China. Chang Chang, director of the Cultural Relics Bureau, never asked.

He just wanted to go out and breathe, so he called and asked.

Director Chang did not expect that he would return to China so soon. He also knew that the things belonged to someone else, not his own. He had to go back, so he made an appointment: "It just happened that the" National Treasure Words "program group is also at the museum. This program seems to invite you to participate, right? "

Han Yun thought about it: "It seems like this ..."

This time, he said a word to Fu Yuan before leaving, so as not to get angry.

The large-scale cultural expedition exploration program "National Treasures of the Nation", as early as April, the program team sent an invitation letter to Han Yun, inviting him to join.

Because of the nature of the show, the show team cooperated with the National Museum. All the stars invited were heavyweights, and many archaeological experts joined.

In the current production of the festival, the pre-Wei chess equipment loaned by Han Yun to the Cultural Relics Bureau was favored by the program team: "This flawless chess equipment must have a very beautiful story behind it."

The staff of the National Museum told the program team: "But this set of chess equipment is not our museum's collection. His owner just lent us the chess equipment for research."

"The owner of the chess equipment is currently abroad and has never returned, so this set of chess equipment has been collected by our national Expo. As soon as he returns, the chess equipment must be returned to him."

Soon, the show crew knew the owner of the chess equipment, which turned out to be Han Yun. Immediately, the program team contacted him, hoping that he would join the show, in fact, he wanted him to agree to use this set of chess equipment to do the show.

When Han Yun went out, one was to retrieve the chess equipment, and the other was to sign the contract, because the program group invited him, but it was only an verbal agreement. It ’s not clear what Han Yunlian ’s program actually did. He had to Figure it out first, and then talk about the contract.

After arriving at the museum, Han Yun was invited to a tea room where several people were sitting. A man wearing a baseball cap saw him and immediately stood up and shook hands with him very familiarly: "Mr. Han! It's better to meet him for a long time .Hello, I'm Zhao Lu, the producer of "National Treasures."

Zhao Lu looks thirty years old. Actually, he has been forty years old. He has been planning cultural programs for CCTV. Until now, he has planned more than ten cultural programs. He has also made two national treasure documentaries. This is half an expert.

When he saw Han Yun, he was attracted by the ring-shaped jade pendant with a dragon carved on his waist. He has been doing national treasures for so many years, and he has a certain eyesight. When he saw it, he knew that the jade was Good jade, and it's not ordinary good jade. Ordinary rich people cannot have such things.

Han Yun also laughed: "Hello, hello."

After sitting down, Director Chang pushed the assembled chess set with the carved chess box outside, and pushed it to Han Yun: "Open it and see if you have a few chess pieces. Your chess piece is expensive and you sell one less I ca n’t afford it anymore, ”he said.“ We protect you particularly well, and the experts love it so much. ”

Han Yun did not open: "No need to count, trouble."

This openness is even more eye-catching. After all, it is not a few yuan. If you have one less, you do n’t know how much it is.

Zhao Lu treats him differently. He thought he was a profligate child who was extravagant. Now, when he looks at it, he finds that the other party is very well-cultivated, and his temperament is warm and rude, but he is also proud.

"Mr. Han, Director Chang said that you don't have much time. Are you going to go abroad to go to Gao Dingxiu in two days? Then let's make a long story short, this is the plan of the program group, I will show it to you."

Zhao Lu put t in the room and explained it while broadcasting: "This program was produced one year before and after, and gradually took shape. The program is produced in twelve episodes, broadcast once a week, and a series every two weeks, of which ' "Qin, chess, books, and paintings" are all a large category of cultural relics, as well as antique vase porcelain, ancient furniture, and another category. "

"We are doing this in the first season at present. The program group will post information on the Internet in advance and invite people to participate. If there are antique calligraphy, guqin at home, you can sign up, that is, Jianbao. Are the real treasures hidden in the folks? There are few, so experts from the National Museum help us to control this. If we can find one or two genuine products, or understand the history passed down by one or two, it is also very good. "

"Of course, you are the guest we invited. Together with other guests, you must also participate in the Jianbao link. In addition to Jianbao, there is also a link to restore the national treasure experience. For example, your set of treasures, we can go back to thousands of years ago. History……"

Both inside and outside the words mean to appreciate this chess set.

He introduced a bunch eloquently, and Director Chang said in a timely manner: "Well, Mr. Han, can you just lend them the show set? The show set, they plan to do" chess ", this is yours Chess, you are also a guest. When introducing the national treasure, the host will directly tell the audience that the owner of the chess equipment is you. What a great thing! "

Han Yun has never been exposed to any TV program, and I found it interesting when I heard it: "But I still don't want to introduce the owner of the chess equipment. It's too popular, what if I am caught by someone who cares?"

Zhao Lu's eyes brightened, and he looked at Director Chang, and then turned to ask Han Yun: "Mr. Han, do you agree?"

"Agree," Han Yun said generously. "The chess equipment can be lent to you at that time, but I will have a spring / summer fashion week this year in addition to Gao Dingxiu. If there is a conflict in time, I must first stabilize my work. . "

Zhao Lu nodded immediately: "No problem, it all depends on your schedule."

Han Yun said, "Is there anything else? I'll leave if I'm fine?"

"This," Zhao Lu found the contract from the black briefcase. "Look at this, you can take it back and sign it, or you can sign it to me now."

Han Yun glanced a few times and quickly signed the contract. He returned the contract to Zhao Lu, who was about to get up while holding the chess set. Zhao Lu quickly said: "This set of chess set ..."

"Oh, I'll get it back first," Han Yun said, "I want to play chess today, I can't find this set of chess pieces, I like this set the most, although other things can be done ... hey, I'll take it first Go back and talk about a few rounds. When your show is about to start recording, I'll get it for you. "

After Han Yun left, Zhao Luban couldn't return to God, and said bluntly, "He ... really played such a valuable thing? Such a good thing!" He regretted the pain in his face, "How can he ruin this baby!"

Director Chang stunned: "Most of his family still has a lot of good things. People don't look at this point."

Han Yun went home holding the chess set and immediately played a few games with Fu Yuan.

The most interesting thing about playing chess with Fu Yuan is that he will not keep himself or crush himself. In front of him, even if he regrets chess, Fu Yuan will not say anything.

Han Yunben likes to surf the Internet very much, because there are a lot of new things that attract him, but since he was attacked by the keyboard man for no reason, he has become less like the Internet. At this time, he found that these are still tired of old The things that attracted him more.

He lives in the mountains and plays chess, plays the piano, or writes poems when he has nothing to do.

Fu Yuan's accomplishments in these are very high. He seems very talented in this area. Every time he reads the words written by him and listens to his fiddle, he will feel dwarfed. Fu Yuan comforted him: "Jiu Jiu's age is still less than my fraction. Xiao Jiu's life to my age must be stronger than me."

Han Yun asked him, "How old are you?"

Fu Yuan thought for a while and said, "Small than the world."

Soon after he broke ground, he was born.

"So old ..." Han Yun couldn't imagine how old Fu Yuan was, or for so many years, he didn't even have white hair. It is no wonder that he is always elusive and looks desperate. Anyone who has lived for so many years will not be able to survive. When the days are long, everything will be tired. So, except to sleep, you can only give yourself constantly. Find a new hobby.

Fu Yuan heard that and pinched his chin and said, "Your Majesty's Suspects Are Old?"

"Yeah, you are too old." What Han Yun didn't say was that he wasn't afraid of Fu Yuan being old, because Fu Yuan couldn't see how old he was, but he was different. He was actually very afraid, very afraid. After a few decades, when he became an old man in Hefa, Fu Yuan was still so young and old.

Although he is only in his twenties now, but time has passed so fast, who can tell clearly?

After decades, can't he seem to be his grandpa?

Fu Yuan lowered his head and shaved the bridge of his nose: "Although he is old, his physical strength is still good. Xiaojiu wants to try?"

Han Yun also bowed his head, shook his head, and nodded again, wondering what he was thinking.

Fu Yuan stared at him: "Our Xiao Jiu is really grown up and has some troubles."

"Yeah ..." Han Yun found that as soon as a person grows up, his troubles will increase. His previous trouble was to find the object. Now that the object is found, the trouble is more. One is that the object is too hungry. The other is him. The subject is so old but still so young, it always makes him think of bad development.

Fu Yuan stretched his arms around his waist: "What is Xiao Jiu worrying about? Tell me?"

"... Mysterious," Han Yun looked up. "Is it good to have a relationship with me?"

In the pre-Wei period, there was no law for men to marry, but at that time, the male style prevailed, and noble officials loved the male pet. Already.

However, there are certain differences between this and marriage. The reason why Han Yun did not expect to get married is because he knows that marriage is not allowed by law, so it doesn't matter, and the same is true.

"Okay," Fu Yuan smiled, and stared at him with deep eyes. "Will your Majesty want to become a brother with his ministers, or his father and son?"

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