MTL - Spoiled-Chapter 49

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Han Yun didn't realize what was wrong with what he said. This female star is in line with his aesthetics. She says she likes herself in her mouth, but her eyes look towards Fu Yuan. Han Yun feels that she is not happy because of this.

Fu Yuan was too foul and handsome.

Han Yun didn't even ask Fu Yuan's wishes, and in the wrong look of the female star, he bid farewell to Teacher Yin, and dragged Fu Yuan away.

He beckoned a taxi, and when he got in, he found a smile on the corner of Fu Yuan's mouth.

"What are you laughing about? Very happy?"

Fu Yuan looked at him: "Well, very happy."

Does Han Yunxin say that other people like you, is he so happy, and the smile on his mouth is so obvious!

He stopped talking, took out his mobile phone and started to check who the female star was.

Soon, he searched her name from the keyword of New York Fashion Week. The female star is You Cancan, a popular traffic flower, recognized as an acting type.

Han Yun didn't pay much attention to the entertainment circle. As a result, he opened Youcancan's Weibo and found that she was doing public welfare, acting well, and looking good. Everyday life seemed to be very interesting. Zero scandal, the number of fans was exaggerated Scary.

He turned it over for a long time and saw a still from a court drama she had performed some time ago.

Han Yun stared at it for a few seconds, and couldn't help paying attention.

Fu Yuan looked around, without stopping, but calmly said, "Your Majesty thinks she is pretty?"

Han Yun turned his head: "Don't you think she looks good?" Just now her face was going to smile, not to see what people look good about.

Fu Yuan shook his head, leaned slightly sideways, and circled Han Yun between the back seat and a small gap in the door, and the heat blew on his face when he said, "Xiao Jiu looks good."

Every time I heard him call himself like this, Han Yun always had a strange feeling. This title was only called by his mother-in-law and father-in-law, which is a very intimate and private title. As soon as Fu Yuan's voice passed, his heart trembled slightly.

He rubbed his arms and pushed Fu Yuan away: "My goosebumps are going to get up to do something so close, hum, praise me for being good ..."

After working for several days, the National Day Golden Week came to an end when Han Yun returned home.

Toton's street shooting website posted a series of street photos of New York Fashion Week. The photos included men and women, and they cleverly captured the most exciting content. His website is very famous all over the world. Many fashion bloggers and dress bloggers are always watching the dynamics of his website.

As soon as ton's website was updated, many bloggers started downloading images and moving them to their blogs.

On the street of Han Yun, taking pictures is very conspicuous. You can see it on the page of Ton's website.

This is a full-body photo of a couple on the street. In the background is the blurred White Metropolitan Theater. In the distance, there are some unrecognizable ghosts.

One of the biggest differences between street photography and formal blockbusters is that they are casual. There are no taboos in street photography, and the photos do not even need to be refined and tinted to show the most original and true colors.

This photo can also be seen that the picture has not been revised much. The deep side of Han Yun's face with oriental classical temperament is the center of the photo. His amber eyes look at the camera, but not like Looking at the camera. He is tall and straight, with wide shoulders and narrow hips, and a v-neck long trench coat with a belt perfectly outlines his long legs and bee waist.

Another taller man with long hair in the photo, wearing sunglasses, can't see his face clearly, but the oppressive breath on his body is transmitted across the screen, which makes people breathless.

Ton found it when he was fixing the photo. Standing behind, although wearing sunglasses, he was even more eye-catching, but he always had an impassable temperament. As soon as he saw him behind, he would involuntarily move away, and his eyes were turned on the man in front.

Ton slightly blurred the figure of the man behind him.

Vaguer than before, but still sees his handsome face clearly. If you are not a professional model, you can rarely get such a figure when shooting on the street.

Some domestic fashion bloggers are familiar with Han Yun, and some recognize him, and immediately transfer the photos to their private website, Weibo, or blog ...

Many fashion bloggers have millions of fans. Many of them have signed the same company. One person tweets and ten peers forward.

Many people do n’t even know Han Yun ’s name, they remember his face first.

"Seckilled, is this the prince, my mother asked me why the screen was wet ..."

"Licking! So handsome! This is a street shot or a blockbuster? Ask this handsome guy for information, is he Chinese?"

Someone replied: "This is a street photo taken from Ton's street photo site. Where can I find information ..."

"I seem to know this model, I don't know if it's one, it's like [picture]."

"It's him! The player who retired from" T Typhoon "."

"Good citizen, Xiao Han?"

"Let's find out how sweet Yunbao is!"

"Powdered powder, pay attention now!"

"Isn't that handsome guy behind noticed, a little fuzzy, but the outline is so beautiful, ohh, a black suit looks like a black super special policeman ..."

"Find an original picture, I want to use it as a screen saver."

Teacher Yin first forwarded: "Are you handsome? 】

Han Yun is very modest: [The clothes designed by the teacher are good-looking. 】

Some people found that the man behind Han Yun had long hair, and strangely thought of the selfie taken by Han Yun during his time in New York.

Some fans put together two pictures and started to compare their hair.

All black hair, straight hair, long hair, and smooth black, like silk.

"Bao, do you still like blue kids?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Yunbao just paid attention to You Cancan, how could it be gay!"

"You Cancan also returned our Yunbao."

"Ten male models and nine gays, that's true!"

Han Yun looked at these remarks and wanted to clarify that he was actually the only straight man among the ten male models, but somehow he was still guilty. In the end, he did nothing and left it to others.

Ton's street photo fired on a small scale, and the fire went out of the circle, but many people don't know who this model is, just looking at people to look handsome and save the picture.

If you are curious, you will search a lot, and finally you will find some resumes from the Korean Games.

It is a male model that is excellent in any way, but outstandingly low-key. For example, in the case of donating cultural relics to the National Museum, he did not disclose his name. If it was not for the paparazzi who photographed him, everyone would not know that Han Yun ’s family is so rich that he is no longer an ordinary rich man.

After the incident, Han Yun did not admit it publicly, and some people asked him not to reply.

Shows its low profile.

As soon as the popularity increased, fans swelled, and many fans came to personally write to him: "Where is your company's address, Yunbao, my mother sends you snacks!"

"Yunbao, I gave you 999 thousand paper cranes and 999 little stars. I want to send you ~"

Don't leave unsolicited messages.

Han Yun enjoys this feeling of being liked by fans. So many fans rarely swear at him. After all, the model circle is not as good as the entertainment circle, and the means of pouring dirty water in the entertainment circle is a set of. The model circle method is more practical and hesitant, such as Luo Yusen's method of inserting needles into the grass last time.

This time, it was Stamm who contacted the Korean Games.

He sent a message to Han Yundao: "On December 15th, there is a large car show in Beijing to recruit car models. Can you go?"

Their "T Typhoon Cloud" game was recorded at the end of last month, but it is still playing on TV now, but the ratings and Internet broadcast volume sang cool after the Korean Games left. Can't be saved.

"You send it to me, what auto show?"

After stuttering, he forwarded a website to him, and Han Yun asked him again, "How is your game, how many places did you get?"

After he retired, he never paid attention to the game again. The director group seemed to contact his agent later, but Chi Dong claimed that Han Yun had terminated the contract with the company and asked the director group to go to him.

When Han Yun heard that he wanted to return to the resurrection match, he was unwilling. Even if the directors promised to revive him, he went straight to the top six, and finally won his championship. He also bluntly refused.

Stammered back to him: "I took the second, but I only knew when your company signed me. You cancelled the contract, why did you cancel the contract?"

Han Yun said: "It's okay, oss is very good, but I don't like the feeling of being bound by a contract."

He clicked on the website sent by the stutter and looked at it, it was indeed a car model. This is a biennial large-scale auto show. There are cars of any level. Two hundred regular models are required. However, only ten male models are required.

Stammer: "You know, male models have always been just the embellishment of auto shows. Some brands sometimes look for male models for their" roughly positioned "models, but male models have never been the mainstream of auto shows, and it is impossible to become popular at auto shows. Therefore, the auto show has gradually become a paradise for female models. Like the luxury car models you drive, you generally don't recruit models, and people's brands have their own models. "

Han Yun took a rough look. As a biennial industry feast, about one thousand new cars were unveiled at this large-scale auto show. Among them are the world's first cars, concept cars, new energy vehicles, traditional energy vehicles ... all available.

Whether you are a veteran car enthusiast, a car buyer who just needs it, or a crowd of people who eat melon, they all like to watch the car show. By then, there will definitely be a lot of people.

Some cars require a car model, some brand owners ask for it themselves, and this site is a car show organizer recruiting car models.

The reward was fair, and he couldn't always stay at home and do nothing, so he agreed.

The stammer asked him to send his resume to himself, and to help him vote in the mailbox on the website. After getting a reply, he went to the interview at the end of the month.

However, Han Yun did not expect that he would meet Luo Yusen at the interview venue that day.

Luo Yusen didn't seem to expect to see Han Yun either, Yin Yin stared at him for a long while, and turned to the stamm talking to Han Yun.

On the interview process sheet, there are printed brands and models that can be interviewed by male models. Only two of them are sports cars. The exclusive domestic brand of Lotus is on the scene. The remaining models are very rough, basically large SUV off-road vehicles. .

There aren't many male models coming for interviews, and they are counted by the naked eye, at most dozens.

Han Yun got the number plate, and heardly heard someone talking about himself. He raised his ears and listened, "Why is he here? Isn't our company sending a model here? He has terminated the contract with the company ..."

"Yeah, they are not from our company anymore, they are still stealing our jobs!"

"How did he get shortlisted? Didn't our information be sent to the organizer in a unified way?"

The auto model of this auto show, the organizer signed a treaty with oss model agency and some other model companies. There are some models at the auto show. The car company brand is demanding and requires personal interviews, so this interview event.

Therefore, the models on the scene are all regular models of their agency, and most of them are oss models.

A free model without a brokerage company cannot reasonably come over to participate, and it is not surprising that others are.

After hearing it, Han Yun couldn't figure out what was going on: "Somehow, you are only allowed to participate, and I am not allowed to come for an interview?"

He noticed that Luo Yusen came out of the interview room and walked to the several male models in front of Han Yun, whispering something. Han Yun has some vague impressions of these models, knowing that they are all from the previous company.

All of them looked back at him, then turned around, as if conspiring about something.

Luo Yusen finished talking to these male models, and when he passed by Han Yun, he showed a vicious provocative look.

Han Yun frowned slightly, he realized that there was something wrong, and his stammer realized, and swallowed the saliva: "He, they won't ... do something, right?"

"What can I do?"

"Just, that's ..." He murmured without explaining for a long time. After listening to his stumbling words, Han Yun stared at his eyes and said, "You mean, the auto show signed a contract with your company, and you privately sent my resume in the company model?"

"... Ah, yes, hundreds of models ... I thought, I thought they wouldn't find it." Stabbed and scratched his head, a little annoyed, "They, they won't, expose you? Probably, it's okay. ? "

Han Yun knew that he wanted to introduce himself to work, and at this time he didn't know what to say: "You are kind, I know, even if you expose me in person without guilt, it's just a car model."

The previous male models who had talked to Luo Yusen also looked at Han Yun when they came out, and the other party whistled gloatingly.

The interviews followed one another, and it was his turn soon.

Han Yun went in. There were more than a dozen people in formal clothes, including men and women. Their clothes indicated that they were not the same car company.

The main task of the car model is to display the vehicle. There are several cars parked on the scene, including sports cars and suvs. Han Yun stood on the booth with a professional smile on his face.

A middle-aged man suspected of the organizer suddenly asked, "Are you not the model arranged by the model company?"


"Then how did your data get mixed in? We don't recruit models!"

"But he is better than the previous ones. He matches more with the car ..." A lady helped him to speak. Han Yun looked at her professional clothing with a car company's logo, which seemed to be the leader of Mercedes-Benz.

The middle-aged man who is suspected of the organizer ’s staff: "Zhu Zhu, we have signed contracts with model companies for many years at the auto show. It stands to reason that apart from the car models brought by the brand itself, other models should be recruited from model companies and free models Is ineligible. "

"And according to the treaty, if our host recruits the model privately, it is a violation of the contract."

"Then don't you, we Mercedes-Benz signed a contract with this model, does not violate the treaty?"

"That's what he said, but he's such an irregular wild model, who is responsible for the accident ..." Besides, who knows how his data was mixed in. If it wasn't for a previous interviewing model who told them, they are still confused. In the drum. Of course this model can't be asked.

Just then, a door on the other side suddenly opened and an employee trot in front of the middle-aged person and said something.

"Mr. Cheng, which Mr. Cheng?"

"The Koenigsegg ..."

"Big or small?"

"It's President Xiao Cheng. He should pick a car model ..."

"Don't you ask him before and he won't come, why are you here now? Didn't Koenigsegg ask for models from abroad?"

As soon as the person came in, Han Yun found that he seemed to know the other person, but he didn't remember what his name was.

This is the last one I met at the Super Running Club. The other party is the only son of the exclusive agent of Koenigsegg and the founder of the AA Super Running Club. He also pulled himself into their club. At the beginning of the month, he was unable to participate because the others were not in the country.

After adding WeChat friends, Han Yun did not change the notes to others, he did not speak into the group, so he still does not know what the name is.

As soon as Xiao Cheng came in, he didn't know him and communicated with each other, he knew who he was, and said hello.

Han Yun was left aside.

The middle-aged man said, "Mr. Cheng, did you pick the car model?"

"No, I'll just follow the road and look at the models. I'll listen to you before you come in. What's the noise ..."

"Ah, it's an unruly wild model. We can't ask for it. I don't know how his resume is mixed in. I made a mistake when screening ..."

"Oh, it's a male model," said Xiao Cheng, turning his head, feeling that the other party was familiar. He looked intently, and suddenly his eyes brightened. He smiled: "Well, it's Han Shao! Why are you here! Last time I contacted you for club activities, weren't you abroad?"

The amount of information in this statement is a little bit large) No one expected that this model actually knew the super sports car brand, the president of Koenigsegg! And it looks familiar?

Is it a member of the aa super running club?

What car model is he interviewing? Is this interesting!

With a long leg, Han Yun stepped down from the booth: "I came here for an interview and I didn't expect it to be unsuccessful."

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