MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 93 Turmoil (on)

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As usual, the werewolves arrived early. But because Noah's Ark was closed this time, the werewolves had to rush to come before the 15th of the month.

Shi Feixia was supposed to meet the werewolf. But I did not expect that the werewolf had not arrived yet, but the dwarven army had arrived ahead of schedule.

It seems that Layton said that the dwarves had declared war on the Titans, and this time it was indeed a large-scale operation. The mighty 100,000 soldiers neatly wore armor as shiny as a mirror, and lifted a variety of weapons from box to box.

Shi Feixia didn't dare to move nervously, and said to Jin Dao, "What if Rayton is also an undercover member of the Ninth Society?"

Jin Yilian said easily: "Impossible. In the Nine Realms, the dwarves and elves get the most benefits. So they are the most active supporters of the Nine Realms, especially the Dwarf King."

Shi Feixia looked through the glass window to the lobby. Layton was wearing a big red jacket, happily standing on the temporarily elevated platform, holding a horn as a temporary commander.

"The dwarven king is down," King reminded quietly in his ear.

Shi Feixia immediately turned his head and smiled.

The dwarf king slowly walked down from the chariot.

Although Shi Feixia had seen his images at the Nine Worlds Conference, there were too many eye-catching images at that time, and he saw them roughly. Therefore, the true appearance of this dwarven king is still relatively new. At least the bright beauty mole on the forehead of the dwarf king, he absolutely did not notice.

"Gold. It's been a long time." The dwarven king strode over to them, and the beautiful mole was on his forehead, as if the pearl fell in the cow dung.

But Jin was obviously accustomed to it. He naturally bent down and hugged him gently. "I am very honored to entertain you again."

The dwarf king laughed, turned to look at Shi Feixia, his smile converged immediately, "Oh. Is this a smart human in Rayton's mouth?"

Shi Feixia said modestly: "Rayton has won the prize."

"Well. I think so too." The Dwarf King gave him a sideways glance, took his hands, and walked away.

Leaving Shi Feixia messy in the cold wind alone.


"You know the Dwarven King?"

King shrugged. "He pretended to be familiar with everyone."

Shi Feixia pursed his lips. "So, may I ask, when did I offend him?" Or was he excluded from the ‘all’ list of the Dwarven King?

"Well, this goes back a long time."

"Am I born?"


"Is that angry?"

"It's anger." Jin Dao, "Do you know why human time is different from other realms?"

"Isn't it a space crack or something ... strange reason?"

"No. It was intentional by God."

Shi Feixia frowned. "Because human life is too short, so there is a jet lag, balance it?"

King looked at him unexpectedly.

"Really?" Shi Feixia was also a little surprised.

Jin Xuxu said, "I'm thinking ... your imagination is really rich. You can also figure out such awkward reasons."

"Imaginative richness can be classified as smart."

"The problem with humans is that they are too clever. Although human power is the weakest in all circles, wisdom is the most powerful. Especially creativity, even the dwarves who have always been famous for inventions can hardly look back. Therefore, in order to balance the nine realms, In the development of God, God adjusted the time of the human realm slower than other realms. "Jin Jian Shi Feixia faintly revealed his pride and immediately added a sentence," But the recognition that human beings are smarter than other realms has to be recognized by God . At least, we blood and dwarf people absolutely disagree. "

"This is jealous."

King skimmed his lips. "I heard that you are the front desk manager. Don't you go in and divide the room?"

"It doesn't seem right to stand here at this time."


The two looked at the busy red in the lobby and said in unison: "Rayton did a good job."

Since Layton was there, Shi Feixia and Jin continued to chat at the front desk while waiting for someone.

In the meantime, Jin raised Isfer and Heaven several times in a very technical and subtle way, but they were all dumbfounded by Shi Feixia's pretense of deafness.

The two talked in horror until the evening, and Jin Cai felt that something was wrong.

Antonio rushed out from the inside, holding a shovel in his hand, "Are they still here?"

Shi Feixia looked at his watch. "It's five o'clock. Will the werewolves just rain tonight without the moon. So they won't come?"

Kim stroked his chin. "I never thought of this."

Antonio said: "Impossible. This morning, they said they were coming. But now they have lost contact."

Hearing the words "lost contact", Shi Feixia's heart twitched and his face turned pale.

But obviously nobody cares about his face.

How the werewolf race is now similar to the Yuanshu world.

Antonio grew more worried, "I'll go back and see."

Jin grabbed him and said, "You are crazy. After a while, when the magnetic fields of all circles collide, you go now, and it is no different from sending death."

Antonio said: "As long as I'm fast enough, I can catch up!"

"Even if you catch up? Don't forget that you also have moon epilepsy. You go now, it is equivalent to sending a desperate killer!" Jin rushed out.

Antonio's face suddenly faded.

Shi Feixia eased the Shinto: "The word sadness is too serious?"

Kim glanced at him angrily, "Since you know I'm saying nothing, don't focus on it again?"

Shi Feixia saw An Antonio's hand holding the shovel slightly trembling, knowing that he must be anxious and anger to the extreme at this moment, could not help but said: "No news is the best news. Maybe things are not as serious as you think. There are still many werewolves Normal people. They must have other ways to control moon epilepsy. "

Antonio twisted his face painfully. "Blame me! It's me, it's me ..." He turned abruptly, and hurriedly ran inside.

"Is he all right?" Shi Feixia looked at his back worriedly.

Jindao: "It doesn't matter. Drink plenty of water during dinner."

"... What do you mean?"

Shi Feixia soon knew what he meant.

Not only did he know, all the dwarves also knew.

Fish is salty, vegetables are salty, and even rice is salty.

That night, water was consumed quickly.

That night, every room was remembering the sound of flushing the toilet one after another.

The dwarven king and his army spent only one night on Noah's Ark and set off for the Titans.

Rayton wanted to go together, but was persuaded by the dwarven king.

His original words were as follows: "It is enough for you to lose your clothes in Noah's Ark. Don't throw them on the battlefield."

So Layton stayed in tears.

As the representative of Noah's Ark, Shi Feixia expressed deep condolences to him.

His original words were as follows: "In fact, you are very red, really. At least better than wearing white. Because I prefer red peppers to white radish."

Soon after the dwarven king left, the werewolves finally got news.

It turned out that those werewolves were attacked by the Ninth Society before they set off. All sick werewolves were delayed until the onset of moon epilepsy, and Sinjiu would take the opportunity to use them to cause melee wars.

The fighting continued overnight.

Early the next morning, the werewolf tribe found the sacred thing of the werewolf tribe, the Moon Prism.

Shi Feixia frowned: "Why does Moon Prism sound as familiar as Moon Hare?"

"This is the holy thing left by the original Hero Moon Hare, which is very important for us werewolves!" Antonio froze, "I'm going to get it back anyway!"

Shi Feixia said, "Would I like to go with you?" He has been to Yuanshu Realm and Elven Realm, but he has not been to the werewolf race. A rare visit to Noah's Ark, I really want to go everywhere. In this way, even if you leave later, it will be a little less regrettable.

Jin Dao: "Don't go anymore. The werewolf race is very messy now, and you are not like before, you have enough protection ... Oh!"

Hughes poked him around.

With a stiff face, Shi Feixia smiled and scratched his head: "Yes. I heard that the trade fairs from all walks of life are about to begin. Noah's Ark should be very busy. I should stay and help."

Hughes smiled. "I can hide, it's easier to find things. Let me go with Antonio."

Kim followed immediately: "I'll go too."

"You stay to deal with the fair." Hughes winked at him and looked at Shi Feixia again.

King was very depressed.

Antonio was also unambiguous. "Okay. Let's go immediately."

Jin pouted, "Can you stay for another hour?"

Antonio said: "Why?"

King held Hughes and let go. "I can't bear it."



An hour was cut into ten minutes.

Hughes, in the slimy sight of gold, finally left Noah's Ark with Antonio and rushed to the werewolf race.

Layton looked at the empty black sky and sighed, "All are gone."

Jin Aiqi nodded.

Shi Feixia said: "Aren't there three of us?"

He didn't say it was okay, he said ‘three’, and felt more desolate in line with the surrounding environment.

Jin Tao: "Well. Actually, we should recruit more people."

"Ah, right." Rayton jumped up suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feixia and Jin were also nervous by him.

Layton solemnly said, "Antonio is gone. Who is cooking?"

Jin and Shi Feixia looked at each other, then kept looking at Layton.

Rayton: "..."

The dwarves and the Titans are in full swing and must not be engaged. The battle report is flying, and it is continuously transmitted to all walks of life.

Whenever this time, Layton would be very proud to hold a newspaper, read aloud on the table, how many tall men the dwarves captured with advanced weapons, and how many kilometers the Titans retreated. As for the loss of the dwarves, he was directly crossed out with a black pen.

Shi Feixia and Jin saw that he went to the kitchen every day and had a hard fight with all kinds of food. They could only endure the noise without complaint. There is only one wish in their hearts-the trade fair will begin soon. A few more people. It's better to have a kitchen, after all, every day try the unprecedented taste ... not so enjoyable.

Read The Duke's Passion