MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 84 Coffin (below)

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Mani was sitting on a chair. The heavy defense of the black armor warrior seemed to be a city wall, wrapping him in the center, so that the uneasiness he had gathered together disappeared.

His eyes went from Antonio, Loctini ... all the way through, and finally fell on Lanka, "I've given it back, can you let Hughes show up? Show all your hole cards, Let my lovely guests see clearly, who is the right one to choose. "

He didn't look at the guests, but all the guests felt the reflection shining on the black armored lances coldly stabbed at their faces, clearing the abacus in their hearts.

Lanka stepped forward to the crystal coffin. "Father, what is the password?"

Mani said, "Are you asking this sentence, or Hughes?"

Lanka: "Hughes is not here."

"Isn't it?" Mani rubbed his chin lightly with his fingers. "So, why do I feel chills on my back, as if someone is spying on me?"

As soon as his voice fell, the mages suddenly sang loudly.

Lights came from their palms.

The transparent people present suddenly felt numb all over, and their skin glowed with white glitter.

Ranka resisted the discomfort on his body, looked at the same painful Mani, and yelled, "Father! You let them use the curse!"

Mani's face is distorted, but his joy can be seen from the corners of his raised lips. "Forbidden curses ... Heh, the reason my brother stipulates that they are forbidden curses is because they can let us know nothing ... , I need its nothingness. "

A few transparent people, who had just been injured by Isfel, were already extremely weak, and then suffered from this strong light, and their skin quickly became aging.

Lanka angered: "Father, they are all transparent people! They are our people."

"Let Hughes come out!" Mani patted the arm of the chair, his body becoming transparent with excitement.

The mage takes back the spell.

Mani hurriedly said, "Hughes hasn't appeared yet! You go on."

One of the wizards calmly said, "He should be away."

"Where will he go then?" Mani's eyes rolled round, and then stared at Langa tightly. "Where on earth did you hide him?"

Lanka said: "Father. Why do you have to target Hughes? I had to send him to Noah's Ark because I found you hostile to Hughes. Now he has nothing special with Yuanshu ... Feelings, can't you let him go? "

Mani's eyes flickered, "It's not that I haven't let him go, but because he's the son of a sinner."

Lanka said in surprise: "How can you say uncle like this?"

Mani waved his hand: "You won't understand many things. It's as if you don't understand that everything I do today is right, for the future of Yuan Shujie, all for Yuan Shujie to become A truly powerful existence in the Nine Realms! "

Shi Feixia finally couldn't help but, "The powerful Yuanshu world master, since you are so powerful, you should not mind telling us the password of the crystal coffin, right?"

Mani looked at him and lifted his lips with a smile: "You are so funny. If I were willing to tell you the password, why did I bother to put him in?"

Shi Feixia said: "Maybe you just want to try this and use it well? Oh, most people can't help trying it when they buy new things."

"Okay, let me tell you. The password is 123456789. Would you like to try it?" Mani looked at him mockingly.

Shi Feixia asked Rayton, "How many times can I enter the password incorrectly?"

"countless times."

"Really?" Shi Feixia's eyes brightened.

"Well," Rayton said, "the password can be entered countless times. But if you enter the wrong thing once, it will disappear."

"..." Shi Feixia looked at him blankly and said, "Do you want me to praise you for being funny?"

"I just want to say that although I make a failed product, it can be recycled."

Shi Feixia turned to Mani and said, "Would you like to fool me with a realistic password?"

Mani said: "121212121."

Shi Feixia nodded to Layton: "Very good, at least we now know that the password is nine digits."

Mani no longer ignored him and said to Lanka: "My dear son, this is my last chance for you. Would you like to come to my side?"

Lanka closed his eyes slowly. When he was young, his father was kind and gentle, as if it were a distant background in the painting, but today, the front of the painting is Mani's ambitious face.

"Lanka." Mani added weight.

Lanka opened his eyes and cleared his eyes, "Father, let's go!"

The black armored warrior held up his spear and charged.

The mage was covered behind them, and countless bright **** of light crossed the black **** like a meteor, slipping in the direction of Shi Feixia and others.

Isfel propped up the enchantment and wrapped Shi Feixia in the center. The light fell on the enchantment, like millions of finely divided rice grains, spreading out.

Antonio, Layton, Lanka and the guards who had previously leaned on them met the Black Armor.

Loctini stood behind them and attacked with fireballs.

Kim and the crystal coffin kicked left and right together in the battle, gradually separated from the battlefield, and slid in front of Hollier and Asha.

Hollier looked at Kim's face. "It looks pretty good. It seems Cain was quite picky when he chose his offspring."

Asa looked at the two black wings behind him with a little disgust in her eyes.

"What do you think?" Hollier turned back suddenly.

Asa set her eyes aside.

"That thing is ours!" Shi Feixia beckoned to Hollier in the enchantment. "Can you send it back?"

Hollier laughed suddenly, "You little thing is so funny. Do you think that I, as the master's helper, will help you?"

Shi Feixia nodded and said: "Yes."

"Oh? Why?" Hollier waited for his answer.

"Because it's useless, it's better to be a good friend. Maybe, when you are cut to death, we can help you make up for it." Shi Feixia said seriously.

Isfer suddenly said, "Kim is also good in the coffin."

Shi Feixia stunned, "Why?"

"At least it cannot be used as a hostage."

"Who said no?" Hollier slowly crouched down next to the crystal coffin, and said to the password keyer, "Maybe, should I try my luck?"

Shi Feixia turned pale and stared at Isfeel resentfully, "Why do you remind him?"

Isfael said indifferently: "It looks like there is not much loss."

"Really?" Hollier's finger slowly approached the password input device.

Isfael's phantom suddenly disappeared in situ, unexpectedly behind Hollier.

Hollier turned around subconsciously and split a green telegram!

Electricity passed from Isfell's body and landed on the wall, leaving a deep mark!

Isfel sucked up the crystal coffin with one hand and floated back to Shi Feixia gently.

Hollier looked at the deep marks on the wall, and then at Shi Feixia, who was struggling to compare his thumb, and thoughtfully smiled, "It seems that I am wrong about the target of the attack."

Isfel turned horribly, with a stern warning in his eyes.

At this moment, something is changing in the field!

One of the black armour fighters who was deadlocked with Antonio and others suddenly turned around and rushed towards Mani.

Mani stunned slightly, and the spear of the black armored warrior had been brought before him.

The silver light as thin as a cicada wing once again lit on Mani, like Yingying Qiushui, blocking the sharp spear tip from the light.

Mani calmed down from his initial terror, raised his hand, thoughtfully touched the inverse cross that appeared on his forehead, and then returned to Shinto: "Hughes?"

Although the helmet of the black armor is thick, the hole in front of the eyes is very small. But he could clearly feel an angry pair of eyes staring at him.

"You finally appeared." Mani slowly stood up.

The dark armored warrior and spear retreated in his movements.

"Give me the password!" Hughes's voice murmured from the black armor.

Mani carelessly touched his fingers, "When did you get involved in my Black Armor Regiment?" When he saw Hughes didn't answer, he continued to himself, "Let me guess. It's mixed in **** Among the group of people recommended by West? In fact, after he had witchcrafted against Lanka, I should have guessed that your disappearance is too bizarre. It is as if someone has leaked my plan through a wind letter and told you to hide. It was just that Lanca was aware of my plan at the beginning, but I didn't expect it to be the **** of Jesse! "At first, the calmness became intense anger after he noticed Jesse's outright deception.

"Jesse never thought you were doing the right thing." Hughes poured fuel on the fire.

"It's all a group of guys with little insight!" Mani suppressed the anger. "So, did you hide Antonio and Loctini? No wonder they disappeared after I sent you out."

Hughes said, "I just let them hide in the wizarding group of Jesse."

"Good job." Mani looked down at the spear and gently shook his head. "It's a pity. Regardless of the beginning, you are destined to lose."

Asa suddenly asked, "Do you need me?"

Hughes held his spear tightly.

Hollier was standing behind Asha, smiling hard. Mani had been attacked for so long before he thought about asking if he should shoot. It's really a good time. It's better to wait for someone to die next time, or ask a doctor to see it better.

"Not yet." Mani slowly took another step forward, then watched with satisfaction Hughes reluctantly retreated. "I am happy with the status quo."

"But I am quite dissatisfied with this situation!"

With the cold laughter, a blood-red light shot from the wall behind Mani, sucking Mani with a chair on the wall.

Mani only felt a tightness in his abdomen and his chest was almost out of breath.

The laughter paused and turned into a sneer, "The elves who can't help themselves!"

With his voice, the inverse cross on Mani's forehead gradually faded, and the silver light on his body gradually disappeared ...

"Don't!" Mani shouted instinctively.

Read The Duke's Passion